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July 22, 1933 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1933-07-22

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Post's Present Position Shown I S . A alT-h I Wateh This.

Luetroir rGOUp
AXts to Recall
GoV. ComStoek
DETROIT, July 21. - ( ) - The
movement of the recall of Gov. Com-
stock, spread to Detroit today when
the Michigan Civic League, charging
the Governor with "breaking faith
with the citizenry," took steps to
form a Citizens Recall Council.
The council, officials of the league
said, would be formed to co-ordi-
nate the efforts of all other organi-
zations and individuals favoring re-
The league, following an executive
session at its headquarters at 10643
Canfield avenue east, Thursday
night, at which a resolution calling
for the Governor's recall was passed,
extended an invitation to all civic
and political organizations to send
representatives to a meeting at the
Savarine Hotel, 13115 Jefferson ave-
nue, next Wednesday evening, when
the recall council will be formed.
Th1eresolution, signed by Charles
A. Voss. president; Walter A. Trost,
chairman of the executive board,
Qeorge P. Schudlich, secretary; Jo-,
seph Burnish, trustee, and Alfred De-
Witt, second vice-president, stated
that "thousands of members and
other citizens have repeatedly de-
manded that the league lead a move-
ment to recall Gov. Comstock."
The resolution states that "the
governor admittedly has broken faith
with the citizenry of the' State in
failing to stand by most of his cam-
paign'promises and platform, as well
as the State Democratic platform,
particularly in his stand on the small
loans bill, the chain store tax bills,
banking bills, the State police, the
sales tax, and many other matters."
It charges that the governor "has
slown lamentable lack of leadership
and desire to expedite urgently need-
ed. legislation, such as the banking
bills during the so-called bank holi-
day" and asserts that the league
deems. it questionable whether he
had the authority to declare a bank
:holiday at the time he did.
Governor Comstock, the resolution
continues, "insists upon placing im-
portant state matters in the hand
of a person commonly known to be
associated with notorious racketeers
and criminals, Isaiah Leebove."
The resolution concludes with the
charge that "the Governor has on a
number of occasions strongly inti-
mated that he does not care if he
finishes his term of office and there-
fore cannot really function to the best
interests of the people of this Com-
monwealth," and that "there are
grave rumors emanating each day
since he took office of graft, corrup-
tion and discord in many State de-
partments, which the Governor seem-
ingly has no desire to correct and
which is having a tendency to break
dowr'. confidence in the entire State
The league authorized an initial
appropriation of $25 for printing and
other expenditures incidental to the
recall movement.
The league, which claims a mem-
bership of 6,5Q0, including a number
of business me'n and representatives
Qf Jbusiness and improvement asso-
ciations, indorsed some of the Gov-
ernor's campaign declarations.
Governor Comstock, informed of
the new recall development over the
telephone at Traverse City, said he
never had heard of any of the offi-
cers of the league.
"They have the right of free-born
American citizens to tell all the lies
they want," he said. "I'm too busy to
pay any attention to all this tommy-

Russia Won't Admit
Connelly To Country
NEW YORK, July 21-(UP)-Marc
Connelly, the playwright, has been
prohibited by Soviet officials from
visiting Russia, says a cablegram
received here from Ralph Pulitzer,
former publisher, who is a mem-
ber of a party of Amerians cruis-
ing in nQrthern waters . on the
Swedish - American liner Kungs-
No reason was given for the
Soviet action.
Connelly, author of "The Green
Pastures," a Pulitzer prize winner,
is touring with his famous wife,
Edna Ferber, no'eiist, and other
The Kungsholm, which sailed
June 30, is to return, Aug. 10. The
liner is due at Leningrad Satur-
Kenneth Leads
ALiquid Life
Of Abstinence
SAN FRANCISCO, July 21.-()-
Kenneth, the kelp fish, for nine
months had been hanging aross a
strand of seaweed in a tank at the
Steinhart aquarium here.
There is only one piece of sea-
weed in the tank and because Ken-
neth looks like a piece of kelp he
imagines he is hiding from enemies.
Kenneth is a flat, green fish with
a sad eye and. a shrinking disposi-
tion. He drapes himself across a
piece of kelp exactly as a laundered
sock doubles itself over a clothes-
line. Biologists say Kenneth and his
sister Katie, in the next tank, are the
only two specimens of kelp fish
to be . found in an aquarium any-
where in the world. They were taken
on the coast of California.
Katie, because there is no sea-
weed in her talk, swims around as
fish are supposed to do.
Kenneth, however, moons upon
his seaweed for week after week.
Like a tired reveler he hangs double,
mouth touching tail, swaying gently
in the current.
He has no eyes for Minnie the
moonfish, who swims in circles about
him, or for the cod who nose at him,
because he relies on his resemblance
to a piece of seaweed for protection
against bigger fish.
Kenneth has not been entirely idle,
however, during his nine months
loaf. He gathers and eats small cru-
staceans that swim over the kelp.
But even then attendants at the
aquarium fear they cannot keep
Kenneth with them indefinitely.
Even in the best of aquariums there
are certain food elements lacking.
Some day Kenneth will be found
draped across his seaweed, dead from
Eight Women Initiated
In Education Sorority
Eight women were initiated into Pi
Lambda Theta, honorary education
sorority, Wednesday in services in
University Elementary School library.
A banquet followed the initiation.
Dr. Margaret Bell, director of wom-
en's physical education, gave the
main address. The toastmistress was
Miss Henrietta Howser.
Those initiated were; Florence Eby,
Detroit, Mary Gape, Cheyenne, Wyo.,
Charlotte Jenks, Tallahasse, Fla.,
Mildred Jensen, Brant, Geraldine
Larkin, Toledo, O., Ethel Wooden,
Pontiac, Ruby Striclland, Fort
Branch, Ind., and Eloise Voorheis,
Toledo, 0.

. .
-Associated Press Photo
The above map shows the location of Wiley Post when last
sighted on his solo flight around the world. Dotted line indicates the
distance covered up to that point, and black line the proposed route
for the remainder of the trip. A similar map appearing on this page
every day until the flight is completed will Present to The Daily's
readers an accurate picture of Post's progress.

'Da Preem' Goes Prima Don a


-Associated Press Photo
There were plenty of "0 Sole Mios" among Primo Carnera's
camp followers after the Vast Venetian had won the world's heavy-
weight championship by knocking out Mack Sharkey, but the-Ambling
Alp managed to hold his own vocally. Here he is shown grappling
with a heavyweight accordion.


Electrochef Electric Cooking
C LEAN AND COOL , . lere are two reasons
why Electrochef electric cooking is popular
with women. CLEAN because the range is finished
entirely in snow-white porcelain and sparkling
chromeplate. CLEAN because electric heat is clean
as sunlight, without smoke or soot to darken kitchen
walls and curtains. COOL because of focused heat
and double air-space oven insulation.,


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