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July 22, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-22

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SThe Weather -
Partly cloudy Saturday and - AF
Sunday, not much change in Budge
temperature. Opens
Official Publication Of The Summer Session

law In The University's
t; A New Art Exchange


Post On Way
To Edmonton
10 Hrs. Ahead
Globe-Circler Expects To
Reach Canadian City In
Nine Hours Flying

Italian Air Armada Over New York Skyscrapers


Bring Repair Parts
To Alaskan Village
Winnie Mae Running Well
As Easiest Part Of Trip
Loosus Ahead
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, July 21.
--(M)--Wiley Post, Oklahoma
pilot, hopped off from Fairbanks
at 5:45 p. m. (10:45 p. m. East-
ern Standard Time) for Edmon-
ton, Alberta, Canada, in contin-
uation of a solo flight around
the world. He was ten hours
ahead of the Post-Gatty time at
this point.
Post was on the ground here
seven hours and three minutes,
after arriving from Flat, Alaska,
where his plane was damaged
yesterday in landing in a cross-
Post said he expected to be in
Edmonton in about nine hours.
The schedule would place him-
in Edmonton at 7:45 a. m. East-
ern Standard Time. He had in-
tended o take off for the Cana-
dian city at 4 o'clock, but de-
layed until the sun broke
through the clouds.
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, July 21.-
()-Wiley Post, Oklahoma flier, land-
ed in Fairbanks.at 3:42 p.m., Eastern
Standard Time, today and expressed
confidence that he would set a new
globe-girdling record despite his un-
expected delay at Flat, Alaska, yes-
Guided to Fairbanks by Joe Cros-
son, pioneer Alaskan pilot, Post came
to this city after a flight of three
hours and 14 minutes from Flat.
He. expected to hop off shortly for
Edmonton, Alberta.
Refreshed by six hours' sleep last
night while mechanics repaired his
damaged landing gear, Post seemed
to be fit when he brought the Winnie
Mae to a perfect landing.
An hour after he came down, he
had attended to details of servicing
the plane with gasoline and oil, and
ate a substantial meal.
He said he expected to reach Ed-
monton, 1,450 miles away, at 6 a. m.,
Eastern Standard Time, tomorrow,
pause there half an hour and speed
on toward New York, a distance of
2,200 miles.
He,lost about 20 hours of his lead
over the old record, set by himself
and Harld Gatty in 1931, when he
became lost over the interior of Alas-
ka yesterday and then nosed his
plane over in the emergency landing
at Flat.
He still was 11 hours, .7 minutes to
the good over the Post-Gatty sched-
ule when he landed here.
NOME, Alaska, July 21-WI)-Jim-
mie Mattern, luckless round - the-
world flier, planned today to remain
here with his Russian rescuers for a
short time, then go to 'Fairbanks,
Alaska, to determine whether he
shall complete his flight.
Mattern arrived here yesterday
from Anadyr, Siberia, in a big Soviet
seaplane operated by five Russians.
Vienna Housing
Plan Diseussed
y Onderdonk
Never before have so many dwell-
ings been constructed on a civic plan
as in Vienna during the past decade,
according to Dr. F. S. Onderdonk's
lecture yesterday on the Socialist
Club series.
Dr. Onderdonk described the mis-
ery brought about in pre-War days

by the housing famine. "In a tabula-
tion made in 1917," he said, "it was
found that 73 per cent of all Viennese
dwellings were of the 'small" variety
-which meant one or at most two
rooms. I recall instances where people
searched for rooms for two or three
weeks and then committed suicide."
"The old living quarters were not
jerry-built like American tenements,
but were just tumble-down shacks of
one or two stories with none of the
conveniences necessary to health and

-Associated Press Photo

* * *

NEW YORK, July 21.-(P)-To'
the cheers of an enthusiastic throng,
New York City today gave its official'
reception to Gen. Italo Balbo and
his 96 Italian fliers.
The reception began shortly after
noon with a parade up Lower Broad-
way from Battery Park and was cli-
maxed at City Hall with an address
by Mayor John P. O'Brien.
Police.estimated that at least 60,-
000 jammed the famous street and
City Hall Park crying "Viva Balbo!"
and "Viva Italia!",
d Ticker tape, confetti and torn
leaves from telephone books fell like
rain as workers in the tall buildings
along the route rushed to windows
and at times it seemed that the vi-
sion of the drivers of the dozens
of automobiles in which the fliers
rode mightbe impeded.
The procession was led by an- es-
cort of honor, headed by Col. Joseph
A. Marmon. Gen. Balbo's automo-
bile was next and behind him con-
veyances in which rode the others
in his party.
Gen. Balbo greeted the cheers of
the thousands with a broad smile
and a quick salute and appeared to
be thoroughly enjoying the ovation.
By the Associated Press

Elliott Roosevelt Will
Be Remarried Today
BURLINGTON, Ia., July 21.-
(P)-In the vine-covered secluded
home of an uncle, pretty twenty-
three-year-old Miss Ruth Googins,
of Fort Worth, Tex., tomorrow will
become the bride of Elliott Roose-
velt, second son of the President.
Although Miss Googins and her
mother refused to discuss the wed-
ding, relatives declared that young
Roosevelt- would arrive tonight
and that the wedding would take
place at midday or shortly ther-
N lew Exhibit T
BeHeld At Art
Excha-e Hre
Courses in several art fields, in-
cluding screen painting, block print-
ing, design, and clay modeling, are
to be presented at the League in con-
nection with the Student Art Ex-
change, which will open a new ex-
hibit tomorrow.
Dorothe White will be in charge of
the first three, while the clay mod-
eling will be under the direction of
Harry Reed, whose classes will meet
Wednesdays from 2 to 5 p. m. and on
Saturdays from 9 a.'im. to 12 noon.
The exhibit opening tomorrow will
feature work in ceramics, pencil ren-
dering, water colors, and batiks. The
products of John Alexander Mar-
shall, including "Zig Zag Bar,"
"Paris," and "The Old Mill," have
been considered particuldrly note-
Others showing work are Kathrine
McGregor, Kenneth Hildreth, Alexis
Lapteff, Helen Maynard, Edith Hig-
bie, Stanley Zuck, Jbnathan Taylor
Mason Whitney, and others.
A young man giving the name of
Howard Parker was picked up by'
Henry Marenger, 1000 Catherine St.,,
last night when Marenger noticed
that he was acting in a peculiar
manner. After he was taken to St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital, Parker
l ;sed into a state of unconscious-
The victim, who gave his age at
eighteen years, reported'that he had
no home and was on his way to-see
an aunt, Ann Gordon of Madison,

Washington.............. 55
New York ................ 55
Philadelphia. ..........45
Chicago.................. 43
Cleveland. ...........43
Boston................. 37
St. Louis. ......... .. 35
Friday's Results



Washington 7, Detroit 1.
New York 10, Cleveland 2.
Boston 12,_ Chicago 2.
St. Louis 6, Philadelphia 3 (12 innings).
Saturday's Games
Detroit at Washington.
Cleveland at New York.
St. Louis at Philadelphia.
Chicago at Boston.
W L Pct.
New York ...............51 35 .593
Chicago ...... .. 50 40 .556
Pittsburgh ...... .........48 40, .545
St. Louis .................. 45 43 .511
Boston. ...............45 44 .506
Cincinnati......... ..... 39 51 .433
Philadelphia............. 37 49 .430
Brooklyn ........... ...36 49 .424
Friday's Results
New York 6, Pittsburgh 5.
Cincinnati.2, Brooklyn 1.
Boston 7,' St. -Louis 0.
Only games scheduled.
Saturday's Games
New York at Pittsburgh (2).
Brooklyn at Cincinnati.
Philadelphia at Chicago.
Boston at St. Louis.

Final Showing
Of Play To Be
The final performance of "The
Servant of Two Masters," the Eigh-
teenth Century farce from the Ital-
ian of Carlo Goldoni, will be given
by the Repertory Players tonight at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The his-
torical drama has drawn large crowds
to the theatre this week, according
to Carl G. Brandt, business man-
One of the unusual aspects of the
Ann Arbor production of "The Serv-
ant of Two Masters" is the special
prologue written for the play by
Thomas Wood Stevens, director. The
figure of Goldoni himself, and those
of a group of his contemporaries,
come out before the curtain and ar-
gue about the piece that is to be pre-
The leading lady walks out, and
the financial patron of the theatre
withdraws his support, but in the up-
to-the-minute readiness of commedia
dell' arte players the curtain rises,
regardless of the harassing informa-
tion that the actors will read what
the last act is about during the in-
"The Servant of Two Masters" was
one of Goldoni's earliest comedies,
and is written in the artificial spirit
of his day. Goldoni wrote well over
300 plays and musical comedies dur-
ing his lifetime.
0. J. Campbell
Will Study At
Famous Library
Prof. O. J. Campbell of the Eng-
lish department will be on sabbatical
leave of absence the second semester
next year to serve as a research fel-
low in the Henry E. Huntington Li-
brary in San Marino, Calif., accord-
ing to an announcement issued by
the Board of Regents recently.
Professor Campbell will spend the
semester and the entire summer ex-
ploiting the works of the library,
which he says is probably the most
complete of its kind in the world,
making a study of the English and
Italian drama.
Each year the officials of the Hunt-
ington Library invite several promi-
nent English professors from Amer-
ican universities to study in San Ma-
rino. Should 'any of these men do
any writing there, the library has the
first opportunity of printing it.
Davis Cup Hopes Blasted
As Vines, Allison Loe
AUTEUIL, France, July 21.-MP-
England's Davis Cup team, which the
Americans had considered less of a
menace than Australia, startled the
tennis world today by overwhelming
the twin hopes of the United States,
Ellsworth Vines and Wilmer Allison,
in the first two singles matches of the
inter-zone 'finals.
Dapper, twenty-six-year-old Henry
Wilfred (Bunny) Austin, a juvenile
figure in shorts, trounced the great
Vines, American champion, with ma-
chine-like ease, 6-1, 6-1, 6-4, and

Enrollment Of
Summer Tops
District Of Columbia And
Forty-Two States Are
Represented At Session
Students Come From
25 Foreign Nations
Ohio Has Biggest Out-State
Representation; China'
Contributes 35
Total enrollment in the Summer
Session is now 3,003, according to
figures made public last night by Ed-
ward H. Kraus, dean. This number
includes the various University
camps, the physical symposium and
the short education session.
Not counting the physics sympo-
sium and the education series, 42
states and the District of Columbia
are listed as the homes of students.
A total of 1470 came from Michigan,
Ohio has a representation of 229,
New York, 174, Pennsylvania, 128,
and Indiana,..84.
Students have enrolled fron; 25
foreign countries, China having 35,
Canada, 16, India, 7, Hawaii, 7, and
the Philippine Islands, 6.
During the past year, 1310 were in
the field of education, 978 were en-
rolled in the University of Michigan,
and 122 were atteiiding other insti-
tutions. Of these institutions, 26 are
state universities, 33 are other uni-
versities, and 42 are colleges.
A total of 238 are members of fac-
ulties of colleges and universities, 44
are city or county superintendents,
six are high school principals, 643
are high school teachers, 76 are grade
school teachers, 28 are librarians, and
48 are nurses.
One thousand fifteen students pos-
sess 2,207 degrees; of these indivi-
duals 1,390 have one degree; 385 have
two degrees; 37 have three degrees;
two have four degrees, and one has
five degrees.
One thousand fifty-seven possess
the Bachelor of Arts degree, 407,
Bachelor of Science; 145, Master of
Arts; 117, Master of Science; 35, De-
gree of Registered Nurse; 34, Bach-
elor of Science in Education; 30,
Bachelor of Music.
Twenty-five, Bachelor of Arts in
Education; 19, Bachelor of Philos-
ophy; 15, Doctor of Philosophy; 15,
Bachelor of Science in Engineering;
18, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical
Engineering; 12, Master of Science in
Engineering; 11, Bachelor of Science
in Civil Engineering; 12, Bachelor,of
Science in Electrical Engineering.
Eleven, Bachelor of Arts in Library
Science, 10, Doctor of Medicine;
eight, Pharmaceutical Chemistry;
eight, Bachelor of Laws; eight, Bach-
elor of Science in Chemical Engi-
neering; seven, Bachelor of Science
in Chemistry.
The distribution of the 2,207 de-
grees according to schools and col-
leges is as follows: Graduate school,
1,724; Medical School, 175; Law
School, 136; College of Literature,
Science and the Arts, 40; School of
Music, 47; School of Education, 41;
School 'of "Business Administration,
21; College of Engineering, 14; Col-
lege of Pharmacy, six; School of For-
estry and Conservation, two; College
of Architecture, one.
LONDON, July 21.-(P)-Queen
Mary caused a pronounced feminine

flutter in London society by appear-
ing at the garden party at Bucking-
ham Palace yesterday in a-dress that
stopped short of the ground by per-j
haps seven inches.







PORTLAND, Ore., July 21-()
-Repeal of the Eighteenth
Amendment was leading nearly
two to one in the first complete
returns tonight on Oregon's elec-
tion. Fourteen precincts out of
1,787 gave for repeal 1,400l
against 820.
PORTLAND, Ore., July 21.-Qp_-
Two precincts out of thirty-two ini
Columbia county, the first of the
State's 1,787 precincts to report, gave
for . .peal of the 18th Amendmentt
77; against 41. The count was in-
complete. .
(By The Associated Press)
With three southern states defi-t
nitely chalked up on the side of thet
repealist, the voting on a constitu-
tional amendment that would ejectf
prohibition from the basic law of the
nation shifted yesterday to the Paci-
fic coast state of Oregon.
At the same time, in the nation'sI
capital Governor Johnson of Colora-
do gave assurance that 36 states--i
the number necessary to ratify a
constitutional amendment - would.
vote this year. With 35 already hav-
ing made definite arrangements to1
vote, Johnson said he would call at
special session of his state legislature
and ask it to fix September 5 as a
date for balloting.l
The 19 states that so far have
voted have approved repeal, the nar-
rowest margin being that in Tennes-
see on Thursday. With a few score
missing precincts, the repeal major-
ity there was a little under 10,000.
This, Postmaster General Farleyf
s.id was "close but it's O. K." He
reiterated his prediction that every;
state passing on the question would
-go for repeal.9
F. Scott McBride, superintendent
of the Anti-Saloon. League, said,
however, that without political pres-
sure the state would have remained
dry. He predicted repeal would be
given a setback in 23 of the states
yet to vote.
In Nashville John F. Baggett,
Chairman of the Prohibition cam-
paign, charged the "grossest possible
fraud" hadbeen practiced in Mem-
phis and Nashville and said the vote
was being studied carefully with a
view to contesting the election.
In Oregon, where last Noveiber
the electorate by a heavy majority
repealed the state prohibition en-
forcing act, wets were predicting a
two-to-one victory. Prohibitionists
said, however, they still had a fight-
ing chance.
HALIFAX, N. S., July 21.-()-
Slightly more than two hours after
taking off from Cartwright, Labrador,
for Julianehaab, Greenland, Col. and
Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh landed
their plane at Hopedale, about 150
miles from Cartwright. A wireless
from Belle Isle to the Marine De-
partment here said that they had
turned back because of fog.

Is More Concerned About
Increasing Purchasing
Power Of Workers
Slight Rally After
Downward Plunge
Market Experiences Worst
Period Since Crash In
Fall Of 1929
WASHINGTON, July 21.-().--
President Roosevelt contemplates no
action regarding the Stock Exchange,
where prices have dropped consider-
ably in the last few days.
It was made clear that the Admin-
istration is focusing its full attention
on the recovery drive and in official
quarters the opinion was expressed
that if speculators and investors are
'silly enough to bid up stocks far
above their value they are very apt
to lose their money.
In official quarters the view also
was expressed that many people at-
tach undue importance to fluctua-
tions in stock prices.
President Roosevelt was said to be
concerned more in improving the
general purchasing power of the
workers and he is not concerned
over stock market gyrations affecting
his campaign.
The President expressed this view
in a press conference at the conclu-
sion of today's regular Cabinet meet-
This Cabinet session was attended
by the President, who has recovered
completely from the slight cold he
contracted several days ago.
Informed by his interviewers that
he was in ill health, the tanned Pres-
ident smiled and said:
"Look at me."
NEW YORK, July 21.-(P)-Stocks
reeled downward today in the weak-
est, wildest market since 1929, but
finally bumped into a rally that sub-
stantially reduced extreme losses of
$3 to $17 for hundreds of leading
Turnover mounted to 9,592,570
shares, largest since Oct. 30, 1929,
when 10,727,300 shares changed
hands on the New York Stock Ex-
change. The ticker printed the last
transaction at 3:43 p. m., a new late
record for the high-speed machine.
For more than an hour this after-
noon trading was demoralized. Heavy
offerings from erstwhile bull pools-
strong groups of professional traders
who had helped build the long spring
upturn-from weakened margin ac-
counts and from frightened owners of
stocks fell on a virtually bidless mar-
ket. Support seemed entirely lacking
and a very nervous Wall Street won-
dered when the bottom 'would be
About 2:30 o'clock, with the tape
running half an hour late, the mar-
ket found relief and staggered up-
ward. United States Steel Common,
which had collapsed to $49, off $8.50,
snapped back to $52.50, still a net loss
of $5. American Telephone, pum-
meled down to $114, where it was
$9.75 lower, rallied to a final quota-
-ion of $120, off $3.75; General Mo-
tors rose from $22.50 to $24.62, or
$4.37 net lower. Corresponding re-
coveries helped other leaders.
The Associated Press-Standard Sta-
tictics average showed a smaller net
loss than on Thursday.

W on't

League Puts The Indian Sign
On All Blushing Wallflowers

Twenty-Two To Leave For Tour
Of Cranbrook Foundation Today

"Bashful men and women students,
or those with a small number of
acquaintances in Ann Arbor, need
mourn their fate no longer," said an
official of the League Summer Ses-
sion dances yesterday.
Every Friday and Saturday night
during the session dances at the
League provide all students with a
place to mix with others and "meet
that good-looking girl or that hand-
some man that was walking down the
street or in one of the University
buildings yesterday."
Of course one' may feel a bit re-
ticent about just walking up to a

just what the dance officials hope
for. "We have made all the plans
for these dances on the assumption
that students will come whether
they have escorts or not," Miss Ethel
McCormick, social director of women,
said yesterday, "and the turn-out has
been very heartening." She explained
that many students feel queer about
coming to dances alone, but that they
should forget such thoughts, for the
League's dances are for just that pur-
Several patrons have remarked that
if the hosts and hostesses keep func-
tioning as efficiently for another week
or so as they have there will be no
more need for them-for everyone

Several places were still unreserved
last night on the special bus which
will take a Summer Session Excur-
sion party to the Schools of the
Cranbrook Foundation in Bloomfield
Hills today. According to Prof. Wes-
ley H. Maurer, director, a total of
22 reservations had been made last
The tour will begin at 7:45 a. m.
today when the group leaves from
Angell Hall. The schools will be in-
spected under the direction of C. J.
Keppel, assistant headmaster of
Mr. and Mrs. George G. Booth, of

Next Saturday's trip, to Put-In-
Bay Island in Lake Erie, is consid-
ered second in importance and in-
terest only to the Niagara Falls ex-
cursion last week. Both the Falls
trip and the one to Put-In-Bay are
under the personal direction of Prof.
Laurence M. Gould of the geology
The tenth tour will leave here at
7:30 a. m. Saturday when the party
boards buses to Detroit, from which
point a lake steamer will sail at 9:30
a. m., to return at 10:15 p. In. The

WASHINGTON, July 21.-'P)-A
network of volunteer civic organiza-
tions began forming today under the
Industrial Recovery Administration
to stretch across the Country next
month with a mass movement to
raise all wages and re-employ mil-
Stepping in stride behind the
President's approval of the under-
taking, upon which now is staked
the outcome of the whole campaign
for lifting purchasing power quick-
ly to catch up with higher prices,
telegrams and instructions began to
reach out to every corner of the
WASHINGTON, July 21.-)-
Briefly stated, here is the essential

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