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June 28, 1933 - Image 2

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vial Publication of the Summer Session

tions which accompanied that gift in his will.
While leaving the distribution of the $100,000



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Published every morning except Monday 'during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
*Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
puiblished herein. Alldrights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
'Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Chicago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
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Phone: 4925
ASiSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
Ofiice Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214
Su6mmer Session
Enrollments .
T IS INTERESTING to note that,
- I. while enrollment has decreased in
the Education and Graduate Schools of the Sum-
Iner Session, it has increased in the Law, Medical,
and Pharmacy Schools.
This should be very significant to those who
wish to evaluate the benefits of summer terms
of universities and to know how the sunmer ses-
sion at Michigan is being received by prospective
candidates for admission..
The Education and Graduate Schools have al-
ways drawn a large part of their enrollment from
the teaching profession. This class has been hit
harder by the depression than almost any other.
In practicaly every city, the pay of teachers has
been greatly reduced. In many cities teachers
have been paid fully or in part in scrip, which
for the most part is redeemable only for taxes.
In a few cities teachers have received no pay

fund to the discretion of the Regents of the Uni-S
versity, Mr. Rackham nevertheless explains very
elaborately his own thoughts upon the subject. I1
"I recommend," his will reads, "that private in-r
quiry and close observation, rather than compe-
titive examinations, be used as the basis of selec-
"I wish to assist young people whose records in
classes and examinations are reasonably high and
whose characters, personalities, ambitions and
tendencies give promise that they are the most
likely to be prepared by university training to suc-
cssfully take positions of trust and responsibility
in a minimum time after graduation.
1 "It is not my desire that any portion of this
fund should be used by, or be made available
to, anyone seeking a post-graduate degree, other
than an initial professional degree after having
obtained a collegiate degre."
"While I would encourage the making of loans
on a legal obligation basis," he says several para-
graphs later, "I do not wish the legal obligation
to repay to weigh so heavily as to handicap them
in their future progress. I wish that such loans
should be made on the basis of character and
prospects of success in life, and the obligation to
repay mainly to rest on the appreciation of a
successful person of good character for the help
received and the realization that, when repaid,
the money thus returned to the Fund can be
used many times in succession to likewise help
other worthy men and women.
"I particularly charge the Regents to endeavor
to avoid undue publicity concerning the existence
of this fund and its availability to selected stu-
dents. The arangements made by the Regents
to meet the expenses of any students shall be con-
sidered confidential. I do not wish any selected
student to be regarded as the beneficiary of
"charity," for that would be incorrect. It is rather
a recognition of merit and affording a fair
opportunity to worthy young persons.
"I hope that so far as possible the fact of
an outright gift or loan, and the terms thereof,
shall remain unknown, except to the Regents,
their duly authorized representatives, the bene-
ficiary concerned, and, if necessary, his or her
parents or guardian."
No other words could better explain the true
nature of such an unselfish giver than the fore-
going excerpts from the philanthropist's own will.
Students of the University, as well as people from
the entire state of Michigan, will feel grateful
for years to come to the man who gave so freely,
generously and thoughtfully.

ment and absorbingly interesting human experi-
ences, they meet celebrities; get to know life, and
spend all their working hours in the sky.
Motion pictures often have been derided in the
past because of their technical faults. That is,
aviators have found fault with the way certain -
flying incidents have been pictured, doctors have
said that operations were performed incorrectly, 4
lawyers have complained that the correct court- p
room procedure was not followed.
Al Rogell is one director who doesn't believe in A
letting these fault finders discover anything t]
wrong in his films. He has a system which pre-s
vents this very thing-personal research.
Weeks before he began production of the film,
Rogell spent several days at~the United Airport in.
Hollywood, the largest in the West, interviewing
executives, fliers and air hostesses themselves, so
that various situations they planned for their
story would not be askew. C
Evalyn Knapp, James Murray and Thelma
Todd have principal roles in the production f
adapted for the screen by Keene Thomas and f
Milton Raison.
Genevieve Tobin, in "Hollywood Speaks," will c
be the added full-length feature attraction which r
will run with "Air Hostess" at the Whitney. t
(Playing Wednesday through Friday)
Russian stoves that smoke, hotels that boast
but a single bathroom, imposing vistas of Moscow
and the dungeons of the Russian secret police, '
French plumbing and intricacies of the Ballet
Russe figured in the research which went into the
filming of "Clear The Wires," talkie version of
the Broadway comedy hit, which features Lee
Tracy, Benita Hume, Una Merkel and James
The play depicts the trials and tribulations of
a fast-talking newspaper correspondent who
steals a chorus girl from his boss, plots a shoot-
ing in order to make newspaper headlines, falls
into the hands of the Russian secret police and
otherwise keeps excitement going at a high pitch.
Benita Mume, the English stage and screen
star, makes her American debut in this picture.
Una Merkel plays the chorus girl; James Gleason
plays the comic secretary..The film was directed
by George Hill, famous for "The Big House" and
"Hell Divers."
In "Ex-Lady," Bette Davis enacts the part of a
modern girl, frank and sincere, who wants her
romance unfettered by the conventions of mar-
riage. The part of her sweetheart is played by
Gene Raymond. In this picture the manners and
morals of New York's artistic set are depicted in
all the modernity of today's and tomorrow's ideas,
rather than borrowing on the material of yester-
The struggle between today's and yesterday's
ideas and codes, and their conflicts with the ca-
reers of the young people provide some unusual
mixups and a spicy plot that provides intriguing
material for the vivacious person of Miss Davis.
What the Anti-Saloon League needs is a few
stiff drinks of well-seasoned buttermilk to put pep
into it.
-The Detroit Free Press.



The Theatre

t is only natural then, that fewer members
this underpaid profesion can afford to attend
nmer sessions than in other years. But that
y would have attended had they been able
finance their education cannot be doubted
me examines the many requests for informa-
n regarding the Summer Session here that are
file in University offices.
'he increased enrollment in the Law, Medical,
i Pharmacy Schools proves that the Univer-
r of Michigan Summer Session is keeping up
steady growth and development. The decreased
-ollment in the Graduate and Education
iools demonstrates a fact that, is already
own, that the teaching class has been hard
by the depression,
-orace H. Rackham-
ichigan's Greatest
hiianthropist .
F OUR YEARS AGO, Senator James
Couzens established a record for
lanthropy in the state of Michigan and en-
ved it with $10,000,000. Last week Senator
izen's admirable record was broken when the
1 of Horace H. Rackham was shown to have
en an estate amounting to almost twice as
ch to. charitable purposes and institutions,'
Michigan and elsewhere.
'eculiarly enough, both of these men acquired
greater portion of their wealth through as-
Lations with Henry Ford, in the days when
posedly brilliant bankers and financiers were
ghing in the inventor's face. Senator Couzens
ested $2,500 originally in the Ford Motor Com-
iy and eventually sold his stock for $29,309,-
Mr. Rackham originally put $5,000 into the
cern and, in addition to $4,000,000 in divi-
.ds, received $12,500,000 from the sale of his
ck. Both men made the original investments
inst the best advice of their bankers and
Vhen Mr. Rackham died two weeks ago, news-
ers throughout the country paid tribute to his
erous spirit, for his public gifts during his,
time were usually accompanied with an ad-
nition of secrecy, so modest and free from
licity was this man who had emerged from
position of a struggling young lawyer to that
imulti-millionaire philanthropist.
uring his lifetime, Mr. Rackham gave the City
Detroit the $450,000 Rackham Golf Course
; name was used against his will), helped out
iunicipal zoo, gave at least $15,000 yearly to
Community Fund. At his death, he left mil-
s which will benefit the citizens of Detroit.
o the University of Michigan, though he was
a graduate of the institution, he gave over
a million dollars, the greater portion of
ch went to finance the University's expeditions

Martinez-Sierra's "The Romantic Young Lady"
Though comedy has been described as the "key-
note" of the Michigan Repertory Players' sched-
ule of plays for this summer, it cannot be said
that the comedies 'un to one particular type or
another. The directors have selected their season
of comedies very carefully, and have attained a
delightfully varied bill. The broad burlesque of
"Hay Fever" contrasts admirably to the sophisti-
cated humor of "The Play's The Thing" in the
two shows of the opening week. Coming to the
third week play, "The Romantic Young Lady,'
still another genre presents itself-the modern
Spanish comedy of charm.
This play of Sierra's is a rather lightly satirical
comment on the romantic minded, and has a
quaint atmosphere of feeling and language that
transcends any plot interest. This characteristic
of Sierra's is found in a considerable number of
modern Spanish plays. Old Spanish plays devoted
themselves entirely to plot, and indeed they were
so complicated-most of the plots- that they fur-
nished action for all the different nationalities
of playwrights in Europe. The modern Spanish
playwright uses no plot at all-or at least hardly
any. He writes a play of character, character em-
brossed with a lovely romantic quality. The best
representatives of the modern school are Bene-
vente Sierra, and the Quinteros Brothers. The
rest of the world has accepted the newer Spanish
styles with enthusiasm. In England and America
the plays have had the further advantage of
being translated by Granville Barker, who has
perhaps the most sensitive touch in dialogue of
all the recent English dramatists.
According to the modern formula, Sierra's "The
Romantic Young Lady" comes with a most pleas-
ing selection of comic characters. The plot hinges
around a miserable straw hat which indiscreetly
blows into a young lady's apartment. The owner
of the hat, a novelist on his way to supper with a
dancer, follows it. The whole story is as casual as
the breeze that blew off the hat. Among the char-
acters are a grandmother who dreams about her
three dead husbands, a nurse who grumbles
about the three dead husbands, a romantic young
lady, a cynical writer of popular novels, a tem-
peramental dancer and others. Their lines of
character are drawn rather impressionistically.
In the course of the short play they tell yoJ
all their ideas about life, love, and eternity. Foi
sheer entertainment it is one of the most de-
lightful of modern comedies, and has had a war-
ranted success wherever produced. It is an im-
portant type of modern comedy, and is well in-
cluded in a summer season which aims at a wide
variety of plays.





Editorial Comment
Wonderings have been rife recently concerning
the precise nature and purpose of this "Camp
Tera" of which one hears so much. Movie news-
reels never fail these days to include a few shots
of Mrs. Roosevelt surrounded by a nondescript
group of "girls" in everything from shorts to pet-
ticoats, evidently having the time of their lives.
But that is as far as it goes.
The only information so far available about the
camp is that it is an experiment carried on at
federal expense under the personal supervision of
Mrs. Roosevelt. Thursday it was explained what
it is not :
"-many women eroneously believed the camp
was a part of the federal reforestation program
and they would be required to engage in refores-
tation work similar to that of the Civilian Con-
servation Corps.
"Others had the mistaken idea they would be
forced to wear uniforms. The camp is not a work
camp. At present life at the camp is recreational,
but in the near future a vocational program,
which will include instruction in sewing, etc., will
be inaugurated."
That's fine, of course. And now that everyone
is agreed that it is not a work camp and the
women will not have to wear overalls, will some-
one explain just what the camp is?
-The Daily Iowan.
Doubtless the "view with alarm-ers" who are so
certain that our universities are hot-beds of rad-
icalism, would be much in favor of action taken
recently by a certain group in South America. Rio
de Janeiro university students havve organized an
anti-communist militia, the chief object of which'
is to combat radicalism among students.
We realize that the Latin temperament, the
Southern climate and the reputation the Central
and South Americas have for over-throwing gov-
ernment with flourish and explosions are not
conducive to a calm feeling among the conserva-
tive groups there regarding radicals.
But this is the United States, and despite all
assertions to the contrary, we have remained quite
stable in view of the terrific strain to which
our stability has been put. However, our country
is overrun with alarmists who are unable to see
where radicalism here could be attended by any
different results than in the southern climes of
this hemisphere.
Fortunately our nation has not yet come to
the place where its students need to organize
an anti-communist militia. While the student
population is not afraid to express opinions on
subjects which often shock the more staid and






Screen Reflections
(Playing Wednesday and Thursday)
The romance behind commercial aviation is
brought to the screen for the first time in the
film, "Air Hostess," which opens today at the
War aviation has been florified in a series of
splendid productions, notably "Wings," "Hell's


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