.TL I M I. ,_z. r
First Summer
Session Tour
Is Tomorrow
Trip Around Campus Is
Planned Espeeially For
New Students
(Continued from Page 1)
Dr. Randolph G. Adams, curator.
Following this there will be a tour
of the Union, which will complete
the trip at about 4:45 p. m.
The itinerary of the tour of Ann
Arbor follows:
Starting on N. University Ave. in
front of Hill Auditorium-east to
E. University Ave.; south on E. Uni-
versity to S. University; west on S.
University to State St.; south on
State past Ferry Field to Granger
Ave.; east on Granger to Ferdon
Road. North on Ferdon to Norway
road; Norway to Fair Oaks to Wash-
Northwest on Washtenaw to Hill
St., east on Hill to Oswego Ave.;
north on Oswego to Geddes-to Glen
Drive, Nichols Arboretum.
Glen Drive to new bridge over
M. C. R. R. Across the bridge to
Broadway Ave., east on Broadway,
to top of hill, then to the right to
Cedar Bend Drive. Pause at look-
out point for view across valley to.
campus skyline and downtown Ann
Arbor. Down to Wall St., west to
Broadway, and back via new bridge
and Detroit St. to Main St.
Out South Main St. to Stadium.
Five minutees or so at Stadium to
allow rstudents to look at the bowl.
Back to N. University Ave. Sug-
gested route: east on "Stadium"
highway past the University Golf
Course across new bridge to Packard7
St., northwest on Packard to E. Uni-4
versity and north to N. University,
turning in between the Natural
Science and Chemistry buildings.
Backers Still
lope astern
Can Be Found
CHICAGO, June 27.-()-Spon-
sors of the round-the-world flightl
which Jimmie Mattern attempted an-
nounced today they planned to ap-
peal to Frank Hawks, noted speed
flyer, to search for Mattern in the
Attorney S. J. Sackett, one of the
backers, said he was confident Mat-
George Lott Defeats Parker In Tennis Match
-Associated Press Photo
George Lott (left) was forced to play at the peak of his game to
defeat Frankie Parker (right) on Milwaukee in the finals of the west'
ern singles tennis championship matches in Chicago.
Nazi Christans
Sound Call For
Reborn Church
BERLIN, June 27.--OP)-A call by
Nazi German Christians for a "re-
born" church was sounded today in
opposition to the protestant reichs-
bishop's pastoral letter urging a firm
stand against "persecution and po-
litical pressure."
The Nazis, who challenge the ap-
pointment of Dr. Friedrich von
Bodelschwingh a month ago as
bishop of German Protesant church
groups, have urged a large atten-
dance at 19 demonstrations tonight
when plans will be made for the re-
birth of the church.
Their appeal declared:
"The Prussian government has
taken hold with a strong hand to
set aside a church regime which is
possessed neither of the confidence
of churchgoers nor the government."'
Decisive Move
This action came as a decisive
move during a time when a series of
developments further agitated the
The Prussian minister of educa-
Flight Commander
Plan All-City
Tennis Math
HereJuly 7th
Ann Arbor Residents And
Students May Compete
In Annual Tourney
Ann Arbor's annual All-City tennis
tournament will start Friday, July 7,
according to an announcement made
yesterday by George J. Moe, who is
in charge of the event.
Held each year for more than a
decade, the annual tournament is
open to all Ann Arbor residents, sum-
mer school students and townspeople
alike. Entries are to be made at
either of the Moe Sport Shops, in
person or by telephone.
Competition will be held in men's
singles and doubles, women's singles,
mixed. doubles, .junior singles, and
possibly younger boys' singles, Mr.
Moe. stated. The entry list will be
closed July 5 and no charge is to be
made, in keeping with the .custom
which was established by the tour-
naments of the past.
Final events will be held on Sat-
urday, July 22, and those unable to
play at that time will automatically
forfeit their rights. In the past the
tournament has spread over a period
of a month, but this will not be true
with the current playoff, Mr. Moe in-
A definite time limit is set for each
round and play may be made on
any of the courts in Ann Arbor in
the earlier competition. The final
events are held at Palmer Field.
Prizes will be offered in each event,
for winners and for runners-up. In
the men's event, the winner of two
out of three sets will be considered
the candidate for the next round,
except in the semi-finals and finals,
where five sets must be played. In
the women's events, three sets will
constitute an elimination throughout
the tournament.
State Industries Showing
Employment Increases
LANSING, June 27.-('P)-Michi-
gan industries showed a slight em-
ployment gain in May with automo-
biles and furniture well in front of
the field, according to a report by
the state department 'of labor and
A 7.7 per cent increase in the
number of employees over April was
reported by 393 firms, the number
having increased from 161,228 to
173,579. May employment, however,
represented a reduction of 20.2 per
cent below the same month of 1932.
The aggregate weekly pay roll of
all industries increased 23.6 per cent
for May, or from $3,253,465 to $4,-
023,234. The amount was a reduc-
tion of 27.4 per cent under the same
period last year. Average weekly
earnings increased 14.9 per cent over
April but declined 8.9 per cent under
May a year ago.
Seventy-three automobile firms re-
ported a gain of 7.8 per cent in em-
ployment during May, with 126,642
employees listed compared with 117,-
499 for April. The number compared
with 169,839 for May, 1932.
The automobile industry showed a
much larger gain in the size of its
weekly pay roll. The percentage in-
crease was 6.8 per cent, or from $2,-
475,602 to $3,148,071. The average
weekly wage increase was 18.1 per
The furniture industry proved an
exception to report a 1.7 per cent in-
crease in employment over a year
.E . ....,,...+
Shampoo and
Fingerwave ....... 50c
$5 Shelton Croquignole,
Permanent . . . $3.50
We carry a complete line of
Contoure Cosmetics.
PHONE 2-2757
208 Michigan Theatre Bldg.
-Associated Press Photo
Miss Murilla Oldham of Charle--
voix, -Mich., was named as queen of
the ;national cherry festival to be!
held, in mid-July at Traverse City,,
ISTANBUL, June 27.-(P)-,For the
firsti time in Turkey a woman has
been appointed judge of a criminal
court. She is Moizzez Hanim, for-
merly judge in the Istanbul court of
New Cherry Queen
Taxing Is Largely
Choosing The Less.
Of A Couple Evils
NEW YORK, June 27.-(AP)-
Taxes, said to be as sure as death,
are also almost as unpopular, so
when Congress bitterly argues about
income and sales taxes it- is partly a
matter of choosing the leesser of two
When taxes were first assessed in
bygone years, the guiding principle
was getting the money without much
regard to the ability of the taxed to
pay it. Very often those who could
least afford to pay were the most
heavily taxed.
As governments needed more
funds, however, they .found it neces-
sary to seek them on a broader base.
Thus resulted - the modern income
tax and the more modern variations
of the sales tax. .
The fundamental theory of the in-
come tax is that those who earn the
most money should pay the most
tax; not only because -of the appar-
ent justice of this idea, but also be-
cause it is considered desirable to
preserve the purchasing power of
the lowest income receivers. -
The sales - tax, as now considered
and used, follows this latter thesis
to a considerable extent. A tax on
obvious luxuries apparently would
affect those best able to pay the tax,
while a tax on food would also hit
the very. poorestclasses. ,
'Father' Iden, Head Of
Upper Room, Near Death
Dr. Thomas M. Iden, respectfully
known to hundreds -of Michirgan
students and graduates as "Father"
Iden, is critically ill at his home at.
1018 East University Ave. For the
past two weeks "Father" Iden has
fought death, and, according to his
closer associates, only his extremely
staunch constitution and faith have
kept him alive.
As head of the "Upper Room"
Bible class in Lane Hall, "Father"
Iden has had innumerable contacts
with men students of the University,
often corresponding with many of
them even after their graduation.
His class formerly met each Sat-
urday evening during the scholastic
year in a purpose to establish relig-
ious interest in the young men who
gathered about him. As a result of
his work in this connection, "Father"
Iden was sent on a world tour in
1924, in order that he might visit
many of his former students, who
were scattered all over the globe.
The Fifth Avenue
Cosmetic Shop
(Pormerly in the Arcade)
now located at
300 South State Street
-Associated Press Photo
Gen. Aldo Pellegrini is one of the
two commanders of the fleet of
Italian planes which planned to fly
from Italy to Chicago. -
Great Britain Defeats
United States In Golf
The Season's I'M"portant Event!
Contini ng Two Days Only
of Over 200 Smart
tern still lived, probably stranded tion and culture, Bernard Rust, de-
in the Arctic and struggling to reach nied that the government planned a
some means of communication. state church and said the right of
Sackett said that he, Harry Jam-- self-rule of the church would not be
leson, Hayden Mills, and Jack Clark, interfered with.
all of Chicago, probably would join Dr. Von Bodelschwingh's letter re-
in the appeal to Hawks. He sum- futed earlier reports that he had re-
moned the others into conference signed and asserted he would "not
and planned to communicate with withdraw from the spiritual obliga-
Hawks immediately. tions which the foregoing weeks"
"I believe Hawks is well equip- placed upon him.
ped for such an undertaking," Sack- The chief of Chancellor Hitler's
ett said. "He probably could fly from Nazi foreign department, Alfred Ros-
the United States to Nome, Alaska, enberg, in a newspaper article at-
thence northwestward over the route tacked speakers at a Catholic action
Mattern intended flying from Rus- meeting Sunday "for dragging poli-
sia to America. tics into a religious discussion."
We are confident Mattern has not The Prussian church commis-
perished. He was capable and had a sioner, August Jaeger, indefinitely
good plane. Most important of all, suspended Supt. Gen. Otto Dizelius,
he was )ot foolhardy. There might noted Lutheran theologian, and or-
have been a mishap, but we all be- dered sub-commissioners to reorgan-
lieve Jimmie would have been able ize church bodies with a view to
to make a landing under any con- creating a national German Evan-
ditions." gelical church.
Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen
NEW YORK, June 27.--()-The left for Rome, a move which aroused
Texas company, for which Frank speculation as to his mission, for it
Hawks is technical adviser, declined followed the arrest of Bavarian
to say today whether it would ap- Catholic leaders.
prove a flight by Hawks to search Denounces Leadership
for Jimmie Mattern pending receipt Rosenberg, the first Nazi leader to
of a direct appeal from Mattern's denounce the Catholic leadership,
backers. The backers announced in declared that "it is necessary to show
Chicago that. they were going to the Nazi movement and entire Ger-
nake such an appeal. many how the leaders of the Catho-
Hawks was in his office here when lic action and the centrist clergy
news of the appeal was received. He think even today."
nade no statement. Dr. von Bodelschwingh's letter,
passed along by couriers, paralleled
GIVE BLOOD, GET FOOD? that of the church general superin-j
ADELAIDE, Australia, June 27.- tendents, who urged nationwide at-
P)-That food should be offered for tendance at repentant prayer serv-
>lood-there is nothing of less value ices July 2.
amongst the blacks than the latter The bishop's message urged that
-passes the comprehension of the spiritual things be kept free from
boriginals of central Australia, who politics and characterized the pres-
re flocking to a depot at which ent situation as "a fight for the soul
'rof. H. W. Davies and a university and future of our people."
party are making scientific blood "Our hopes are not in men but in
. SOUTHPORT, England, June 2'7.
-PW)-Great Britain regained pos-
session of the Ryder cup, emblem
of Anglo-American professional golf
rivalry today, defeating the United
States 611 points to 5%, in two' days'
Syd Easterbrook, British pro,
scored the deciding victory by de-
feating Densmore Shute, 1 up, 36
holes, as the climax of one of the
most exciting international golf bat-
tles ever waged, with the outcome
in doubt until the last hole of the
final match was completed.
The British divided the eight sin-
gles matches played today but won
the foursomes Monday, 2/2 to 1'/2.
Craig Wood, American, defeated
W. H. Davies, Briton, 4 and 3. t
Arthur Havers, Britain, defeated
Leo Diegel, 4 and 3.
Walter Hagen, 'American, defeat-
ed . Charles Lacey, 2 and 1.
Gene Sarazen, American, defeat-
ed Alfred Padgham, 6 and 4.
Abe Mitchell, Britain, defeated
Olin Dutra, 9 and 8.
Horton Smith, American defeated
Charles Whitcombe, 2 and 1.
Percy Alliss, Britain, defeated Paul
Runyan, 2 and 1.
a living God, and the basis of our
church remains unshaken," it said.
"What is human error and human
fault we recommend to God's
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Th e blacks are also grateful for
old shirts, but the trousers the party
took with them as presents are use-
less. The tribesmen won't even put
them one.
The University of Michigan Sum-
mer Session has attracted 23Catho-
lic nuns and 7 priests for summer
classes, it was learned from Univer-
sity administrators, yesterday. The
majority of both groups are residing
in private homes in the city.
All taken from our Regular $5.95
Fashion Annex Collections
Summer School
All Remaining -fur Trimmed Spring Coats
$19.75 VALUES
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