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June 28, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-06-28

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The Weather
Fair to partly cloudy, pos-
sibly local thunderstorms; Not
much change in temperature.



Official Publication Of The Summer Session

VOL. XIV No. 3



Labor Groupst
Are Opposed
o New lan
Voice Objections To The
Proposed Wage Setting
And Maximum Hours
Federation Head Is
Leader In Objection

Windt Is Gratified By Campus
Reaction To Repertory Group

"The enthusiastic support that the
Michigan Repertory Players have re-
ceived in the first four days of per-
formance this season is very gratify-
ing to the organization," said Valen-
tine B. Windt, director of the Play-
ers in an interview yesterday. "The
sale of season subscriptions is the
largest in the history of the group,
and sales will continue throughout
the week for the season tickets."
"The Players were a new idea in
local dramatics when they presented
themselves for the first time five
years ago, Windt said. "When Prof.
Chester M. Wallace, of the Carnegie
Institute of Technology, and myself
opened the first summer season, the
thought of producing a new play
each week during the summer with a
student cast seemed tremendous, and
many of our friends urged us not to
attempt it. But by the kind help of

Dean Kraus and the students of the
1929 Summer Session we were able to
put the first season across. Since
then, each season has been increas-
ingly easier and more worthwhile ar-
"The greatest repertory theatres of
ehe world, the Moscow Art Theatre,
and the Abbey Theatre Players, have
played and studied together season
after season. This fact has given
them a fine-knit qualityhin their
work which makes the play the im-
portant thing and which keeps the
actor in his proper contributory
"So the response given by the cam-
pus and town in the purchase of
subscriptions means a great deal to
us, for it shows that our work is ap-
proved, and that we will have the
financial support to push our ideals
even further," he concluded.

Proposal Originally Was
Made By Cotton Textile
Workers Of Nation
WASHINGTON, June 27. -W) -
From labor and minority groups
sudden opposition sprung today as
the nation's textile operators form-
ally placed before the national re-
covery administration their proposal
to stabilize industry by establishing
minimum wages and maximum
working hours.
Hardly had the broad outline of
their agreement been sketched when
William Green, president of the
American Federation of Labor, ob-
jected to the aid and labor provi-
sions of the code and Federal manu-
facturers came forward with requests
that their plans be exempted.,
Presented by more than two-thirds
of the domestic spindle and loom
operators, the proposed code of fair,
competition must be approved by the
Roosevelt administration before it
takes the effect of law binding min-
orities to abide by it.
Hugh S. Johnson, administrator of
the recovery legislation, presided over
the hearing at the start, telling the,
thousand or more persons crowded,
into the Commerce Department Au-
ditorium that, "you are about to be3
witnesses of what may prove one of
the most momentous meetings of
this kind that has ever been held
"We have presented here from a
great industry, with practical unan-
timitI"fe saiT "a 'uggestion of a
method whereby management in
that industry, and labor in that in-1
dustry, have joined hands in co-op-i
erating to pull this country out of'
the difficulties in which we have been
for the last three years."
But representatives of the mills-
George A. Sloan, president of the;
cotton textile institute, Robert Amory
of Boston, speaking for the northern
plants, and William D. Anderson of
Macon, Ga., spokesman for the south
--had not concluded their statement,
before opposition was voiced.
Appearing unexpectedly with a re-
quest that he be heard, Senator
James F. Byrnes, South Carolina,
made an appeal for curbing the
stretch-out systeem of increasing the
machine load of employees.
A few minutes later, Green told
newspaper men he was opposed to
the prime provisions of the code-
the wages and maximum hours pro-
vided in it. The code proposed a 40-
hour week generally for the indus-
tries, with an $11 a week minimum
scale in the north for unskilled inside
workers and $10 in the south.
Consider Ways
to Handle New
Mill Tax Slash


(By The Associated Press)
Advocates of repeal on opposite
sides of the continen took com-
manding leads last night in Cali-
fornia and West Virginia.
Early returns trickled in from the
Golden Bear state giving anti-pro-
hibitionists an almost three-to-one
advantage. Tellers in West Virginia
had counted up a vote of 123,098 for
repeal and 70,130 against with about
half of the state reported.
In West Virginia, listed as dry for
two decades, those favoring the rati-
fication of the Twenty-First Amend-
ment at first enjoyed a better than
two-to-one lead, but later returns
from the rural districts tended to
cut down this percentage.
The first returns from California
came principally from the Los An-
geles district and when totaled with
scattered votes from other sections
gave 122,464 for repeal and 43,731
for retention of, the prohibition
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.,
:Improves After Illness
NEW YORK, June 27. -({A) --
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., spent a com-
fortable night and seemed somewhat
improved this morning, it was said
at the home of his mother, Mrs.
Jack Whiting.
Fairbanks is ill of lobar pneumo-
nia at Doctors Hospital.
His temperature rose early last
night, but broke later anld he slept
until 9 a. in., today, it was said.
Pacific Swallows Island
Close To Coast Of Japan
TOKIO, June 27. -(P) - Ganges
Island, shown on maps of the Pa-
cific at 30.57 degrees north latitude,
154.10 degrees east longitude, has
disappeared, according to Japanese
They reported that a thorough
survey was made by the Megalhaes
Archipelago without a trace of the
island being found.
Ganges Island is located near the
steamship route from Yokohama to
Honolulu, about a quarter of the dist-
ance from the Japanese port.
Thermometer Reaches
96.9 Degrees Tuesday
Continued hot weather through-
out the nation yesterday drove the
thermometer to a maximum of
96.9 degrees in Ann Arbor, caus-
ing a general exodus of students
and townspeople to nearby lakes
for relief. The minimum tem-
perature registered was 72.1 de-
grees at 10 p. m., it having dropped
to this level after 7 p. m. when 91
degrees was registered.

Members Of
League Board
Are Appointed
Executive Group To Hold
First Meeting On July 3
To Make Plans
Members of the executive board of
the League were announced yester-
day by Sally Place, Summer Session
president. Jean Seeley will have the
position of social chairman, Wilma
Clizbe will have charge of the danc-
ing classes, Billie Griffiths will be
chairman of sports, and Margaret
Hiscock will supervise the teas that
the League is planning.
Decorations will be tended to by
Katherine McGregor, Eleanor Dem-
aree will have charge of the adver-
tising posters for the summer's ac-
tivities, and Ann Mitchell was named
to arrange the bridge lessons and
tournaments that have been sched-
uled. Monday, July 3, the new exec-
utive board will meet with represen-
tatives -of ~the "varibus league houses
and dormitories to make further
plans for activities.
It Is hoped, Miss Place said that
a new plan which includes the
board's sponsoring of weekly swims
for students will prove popular this
summer. Sunday night suppers on
the League lawn for both men and
women students are also being ar-
A style show sponsored by the
dressmaking exchange of the League
will be held the afternoon of July 5.
At this time women's apparel for
summer wear that has been made by
the shop will be shown by models, as
well as other articles of clothing for
which orders will be taken. July 7
the executive board will assist Mrs.
Barbara Bartlett at a tea for regis-
tered nurses in the nursing school
and for the faculty of the school.
Veteran Administration
Reviews 300,000 Cases
WASHINGTON, June 27.-(/P)-As
a stride toward easing economy
law cuts into benefits to former sol-
diers, the veteran administration to-
day' announced it was reviewing up-
ward of 300,000 individual cases
under revised rating schedules.
The administration made its plan
known in a six-page bulletin
crammed with information on al-
tered compensation, pensions and
other payments to ex-service men
under the compromise law enacted
by Congress in the closing minutes
of the special session.
Officials estimated $96,000,000 had
been cut off economy law savings by
the combined effect of President
Roosevelt's regulations issued June
6, and the compromise law, crediting
the former with $50,000,000.1

On Past Year's
Political Trend
Work Done By Lame Duck
And Special Sessions
Will Be Discussed
Is Noted Authority
On Current Events
Will Explain Method Used
By Roosevelt In Getting
Bills Through Houses
A comprehensive survey of the po-
litical moves of the present year and
their meaning will be given by Prof.
Everett S. Brown of the political sci-
ence department in his talk on "The
Political Parade of 1933" at 5 p. in.
today in Natural Science Auditorium.
The talk will be the third of the
Summer Session special lecture
Professor Brown will discuss the
closing work of the last Lame Duck
session under the Hoover administra-
tion, and the important bills of the
special session called by President
Roosevelt. He will take up the meth-
ods used by the President to secure
the passage of so much legislation
and the significance and probable ef-
fect of the work done.
Professor Brown has been in close
touch with national news and politics
for a number of years, having worked
on Herbert Hoover's staff in the
American relief and food administra-
tion work from 1917 to 1920, and
having represented the University for
five years in judging the New York
Times current events contest.
Prof. Laurence M. Gould will speak
on "The Geology of Niagara Falls
and Vicinity" in the Thursday lec-
First Summer
Session Tor
Is Tomorrow
Trip Around Campus Is
Planned Especially For
New Students
Initiating the summer season of
educational excursions conducted by
the University, a tour of Ann Arbor
and the campus planned especially
for newcomers to the University will
begin at 2:30 p. m. tomorrow, Prof.
Wesley H. Maurer of the journalism
department, director of the excur-
sions, said yesterday. About 90 stu-
dents are expected to attend.
A group of more than 25 faculty
members have offered the use of
their cars for the afternoon and will
act as hosts to the new students.
Among those who have offered their
services are Professors Roy W. Cow-
den, Clifford C. Glover, Lowell J.
Carr, Howard S. Ellis, George E.
Myers, James B. Edmonson, Cleo
Murtland, Wray H. Congdon, and
George E. Carrothers.
Reservations for the first out-
of-town trip on the Summer Ses-
sion Excursions program, a tour
of Detroit scheduled to begin at
8 a. m. Saturday, must be made
before 5 p. m. Friday at Room 9,
University Hall, Professor Maurer

said yesterday. The Detroit tour
will take in all points of major
interest in that city and will last
until about 5:30 p. m., he an-
According to Professor Maurer, an
attempt has been made to secure the
services for the afternoon of faculty
men from a variety of departments
and divisions of the University, in
order to permit new students to
make as many different contacts as
The actual motor tour of the city,
which will be accompanied by a
police escort, will be completed by
3:30 p. m., Professor Maurer be-
lieves. Following, there will be a
tour of the General Library con-
ducted by Samuel W. McAlli;ter,
associate librarian, which will take
approximately one-half hour.
At about 4 p. m. the group will
proceed to the William L. Clements
Library of American History, where
the sturents will h the uest of

With the million dollar Univer-
sity budget cut now almost a cer-
tainty, lacking only the signature
of the Governor, University officials
have turned to the task of depart-
mental reorganizations on the new
Three million, two hundred thous-
and dollars have been appropriated
for the operation of the University
during the academic year 1933-34,
this figure being $550,000 under the
figure submitted by President Alex,
ander G. Ruthven as the lowest on
which all departments could continue
operation. Accordingly, meetings
within the various departments for
the purpose of mapping out cur-
tailed budgets have been held and
are continually being scheduled at
Under the direction of Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus, the recently named
executive committee of the literary
college began holding these meet-
ings Monday. It was said that be-
tween $100,000 and $200,000 must be
saved in this college of the University

Season Opens F
Geographers A
Work at the Summer Session geol-
ogy-geography field camp at Mill
Springs, Ky., is well under way with
two members of the geology depart-
ment faculty and one member of the
geography department in charge, it
was learned here yesterday.
Students at the camp taking field
work in geology are working under
Prof. George M. Ehlers, director of
the Geological and Geographical
Vial Stn+inn wmina Pnf sTr.vin

or Geologists,
t Summer Camp
field course in geology met on the
same day at the station headquarters
at Mill Springs.
Intensive work at the station will
begin the summer's program, accord-
ing to an announcement, after which
various field parties will make a trip
eastward across the Cumberland
Plateau, the Great Valley of Eastern
Tennessee, the Great Smoky Moun-
tains, the Piedmont Plateau, and the
Atlantic Coastal Plain.
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