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August 06, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-06

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Bk igrnt


Extension Courses And Z
New Codes; Scientific Featsa


Official Publication Of The Summer Session


State Boasts

Many Firms
Under NRA
Nearly 300,000 Workers
Affected By Signing Of
More Than 25,000
Employers Line Up
Detroit's Interest Centered
On Code For Automobile
DETROIT, Aug. 5-President Roos-
evelt's pay - raising, work - slashing
blanket NRA agreement has been
signed by 26,233 Michigan employers,
with nearly 275,000 gainful workers,
a ten-fold increase during the week,
it was announced Saturday by Man-I
ager A. J. Barnaud, of the Detroit
office of the United States Depart-
ment of Commerce.
More than half of all signatories
are Detroit firms, indicating that
more than two-thirds of the known
18,000 employers have extended their
co-operation to the President.
Code negotiations which are pend-
ing are expected to bring 200,000 or
more Detroit workers under Nira's
"blue eagle" during the week.
Detroit's interest was centered on
the code of the automobile industry,
with its thirty-five-hour maximum
week, and 40-to-43 cents-an-hour
minimum wage. Fixing of the hear-
ing date was awaited, with the ex-
pectation it would be about the mid-
dle of the week.
President Alvan Macauley, of
Packard, and all directors of the
National Automobile Chamber of
Commerce are expected to participate
in the hearing before Col. Robert W.
Lea. Although labor is expected to
object to the "open shop" provision
in the code, Gen. Johnson has mdi-
cateed provisionally that this is not
in conflict with the spirit of the.
Recovery Act. Ly
G e.; Abher E La.ed's Recovery
Army made ready for flag-raising
ceremonies at the Detroit City Hall,
stressing Detroit activities. The first
of these will be the raising of a blue
flag by Larned, denoting the City's
acceptance of the patriotic challenge.
By the Associated Press
W L Pct.
Washington............... 64 35 .646
New York ................. 60 39 .606
Philadelphia .......... 50. 49 .505
Cleveland .................52 54 .491
Detroit ...................49 54 476
Chicago................... 47 54 .465
Boston ....................44 54 .449
St. Louis..................40 67 .374
Saturday's Results
Cleveland 15-1, Detroit 6-7 (1st game 13
Philadelphia 8, New York 3.
Washington 3, Boston 2.
St. Louis 10, Chicago 9 (12 innings).
Today's Games
Cleveland at Detroit (2).
Chicago. at St. Louis (2).
Philadelphia at Washington.
Boston at New York.
W L Pct.
New York ................. 60 40 .600
Pittsburgh................59 45 .567
Chicago...................56 47 .544
St. Louis .................. 55 48 .534
Boston. ...............54 50 .519
Philadelphia........... 43 57 .430
Brooklyn..................40 59 .404
Cincinnati ................ 42 63 .4001
Saturday's Results
New York 11-3, Philadelphia 3-7.
Boston 2, Brooklyn 1.
Cincinnati 6-1, St. Louis 3-2.
Pittsburgh 6, Chicago 2ms
Today's Games
Philadelphia at Boston (2).
New York at Brooklyn (2).
St. Louis at Cincinnati (2).
Pittsburgh at Chicago.

National Leaders
Continue Work As
Mine Strike Ends
Johnson Swings To Job Of Bringing All
Industries Under Wage, Hour Codes
After Pennsylvania MiningVictory

BROWNSVILLE, Pa., Aug. 5.-()
--Quietly happy over the declarationI
of a truce in the violent, bituminous1
coal strike, 150 western Pennsylvaniat
mining communities prepared to-I
night for the resumption of work.
Union leaders and business peoplei
were especially jubilant as planst
went forward for reopening of the
mines Monday.
A back-to-the-mines movement of
50,000 to 60,000 workers, on strike
for almost a fortnight in a battle for
operator recognition of the United
Mine Workers of America, will mean
the resumption of a $750,000 weekly
payroll, vital purchasing power in thej
soft coal region.
The return to the pits awaits only
formal ratification of the truce 'by
local unions, and district chieftainsj
were bringing to bear all the pres-1
sure of their office to assure accept-
ance of the armistice called by Pres-
ident Roosevelt.
There were no formal demonstra-
tions or parades to celebrate theE
signing of the agreement, although
sporadic cheers burst forth as news-
paper extras announced develop-E
ments towards settlement of the
Peaceful picketing on a greatly re-I
stricted scale continued at most of#
the Fayette County mines, center of
the strike violence and scene of the
fatal shooting of one striker and theI
wounding of more than a score of
French Fliers t
-Start n Tr
To 'Nowhere'
BROOKLYN, N. Y., Aug. 5.-(P)-
A trans-Atlantic flight "to nowhere"
began today when Lieut. Maurice1
Rossi and Paul Codos, French avia-
tors, took off from Floyd Bennett
Field at 4:41 a. in., in an attempt to
set a distance record.
They planned to cross the ocean
by way of Cape Sable, N. S.,, and the
great circle route and then "just
keep on going." Persia, Africa or
Russia may be their landing place,
they indicated, but they would prefer
to land in Karachi, India. Their di-
rection after reaching the Scilly
islands, off the English coast, will be
determined by weather.
The record they seek to smash is
5,340 miles, set last February by
Squadron Leader Oswald R. Gayford
and Flight Lieutenant Gilbert E.
Nicholetts of the British Royal Air
Force, who flew from Crandwell,
England, to Walfish bay, southwest
The monoplane of Rossi and Codos
is called the "Joseph Le Brix" in
honor of the famous French flyer
who was killed in 1931, and it carried
1,770 gallons of gasoline. This tre-
mendous load led observers to fear a
crash on the takeoff, and as a re-
sult city and United States navy fire
apparatus was assigned to the field,
along with police emergency squads.

WASHINGTON, Aug. 5.-()-His
program for national recovery bul-
warked by an appeal from spokesmen
of capital and labor for industrial
peace, Hugh S. Johnson today
swung back to the job of bringing all
industries under wage and hour reg-
The hard-working! administrator
returned tired and worn from the
summer White House in New York
where he received President Roose-
velt's approval of the immediate plan
for settling the Pennsylvania coal
strike and the long range proposition
of. preventing labor troubles through
friendly co-operation of capital and
In another direct effort to remove
obstacles from the path of employers
wishing to sign President Hoover's
blanket agreement to increase pur-
chasing power, Johnson issued a for-
mal statement challenging interpre-
tation which. he said had been heard
over the country that the chief ex-
ecutive might exercise his power to
cancel or modify any order or ap-
proval and thereby change the terms
of the agreement.
Taking precedent, however, from
all other developments was the ap-
peal to spokesmen of business and
their employees not to precipitate
strikes during the economic emer-
gency. Described by Johnson as "the
most significant thing that has hap-
pened yet in this movement" the
joint statement, in the words of
President Roosevelt, "proposed the
creation of a distinguished tribunal
to pass' promptly on. any case of
hardship or dispute that may arise
from interpretation or application of
the President's re-employment agree-
"The advantages of this recom-
mendation are plain and I accept it
and hereby appoint the men it pro-
posed whose names will carry their
own commendation.to the country,"
the President said.
At the head of this tribunal was
placed Senator Wagner, the New
York Democrat who has made a long
study of industrial affairs.
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Aug. 5.-()-
President Roosevelt today approved a
joint declaration for industrial peace
proposed to him by leads of indus-
try and labor in an unprecedented
effort to end disputes.
The President promptly appointed
a board of seven headed by Senator
Robert F. Wagner, New York Dem-
ocrat, a labor authority, to adminis-
ter the National peace effort.

Other members of the board are:
William Green, president of the
American Federation of Labor; Dr.
Leo Wolman, John L. Lewis, presi-
dent of the United Mine Workers;
Walter C. Teagle, president of the
Standard Oil of New Jersey; Gerald
Swope, president of the General Elec-
tric Co.; and Louis E. Kirstein, Bos-
ton merchant.
Proposal Sent to President
The proposal was sent to the sum-
mer White House by the advisory.
board of the Industrial Recovery Ad-
ministration which includes the
spokesmen of industry and labor. Mr.
Roosevelt issued the following state-
"Of importance to ne rory

Many Students Go To Prison;
Escape Without Much Trouble

Michigan State Prison at Jackson,
scene of the final summer excursion
yesterday, easily proved to be the
most popular of the summer's sched-
uled of tours with more than 135
taking the trip. In fact some mem-
bers of the large party became so
interested in certain features of the
institution that prison officials were
at - wits' end to ascertain whether
the entire Michigan party had suc-
ceeded in escaping the forbidding
Many of the students were im-
pressed with the very modern cell
blocks which are included in the
prison plant. Many cells were occu-

quartet and entertainers to present
a program. Chaplain Ewert hasten-
ed to explain to the party that the<
chapel has been entirely built at the+
expense of the prisoners employed
in the shops and at no expense to the
taxpayers. The prison talent was1
well received by the visitors who de-
manded several encores.
Chaplain E w e r t, an ordained.
clergyman of the Protestant Episco-
pal church, in his remarks to the
party declared that the church lacks,
facilities to adequately combat the
crime wave, and placed the respon-
sibility for developing more dynamic
social concepts with educational sys-
tems. He said that 19 of 34 prisoners

"of importance to the recovery
program is the appeal to manage-
ment of labor for industrial peace,
which has just been sent to me for
approval. With compelling logic, it
calls upon every individual in both
groups to avoid strikes, lockouts or
any aggressive action during the re-
covery program.
"It is' a document on a par with
Samuel Gompers' memorable war-
time demand to preserve status quo
in labor disputes-and in addition to
the signature of the president of the
American Federation of Labor it car-
(Continued on Page 3)
Train Strikes Car Near
Here, Killing Two Girls
Two girls were killed shortly after
noon Saturday when the automobile
-,r -11- ~ i 'p n nlrouite from

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