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August 06, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-08-06

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i of the Summer Session


. compositions by Bach and will include Coral Pre-
lude "In dir ist Freude;" Toccata, Adigioand
-Fugue in C; Air in D; Fantasia inG minor;
Sonatina from the Cantata, "God's Time is Best;"
and Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor.
Mr. Bogart will present the following program:
Lazzari-Sonata, Op. 24; Bach-Sonata in E ma-
jor; Tschaikowsky-Concerto Op. 35; Scott-Kreis-
in E flat major; Schumann-Vogel als Prophet;
Vovacek-Perpetual Motion.
The general public with the exception of small
children is invited.



iablished every morning except Monday during the
tersity year and Summer Session by the Board in
trol of Student Publications.
[ember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
a and the Big Ten News Service.
he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
lshed herein. All rights of republication of special
patches are reserved.
ntered at the Past Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
and class matter. Special rate of postage ' granted by
rd Assistant Postmaster-General.
hubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
lI, $4.50.
ifices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
a Arbor, Michigan. Phone 2-1214.
epresentatives: College Publications Representatives,
,40 East Thirty-Fourth 5"reet, New York City; '80
i a$ton Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
cago. National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42nd
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Phone: 4925
SOCIAT EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
nd E. Jerome Pettit.
PORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thonas H. Kleene, Bruce
danley, Diana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
Office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: 2-1214

ension Courses.
I The New Codes . .

A NNOUNCEMENTS by the Graduate'
School that that unit of the Uni-
rsity will offer Extension courses in the future
rry with them not only relief to those who will
>fit from the availability of such educational
asures but also extreme gratification to those
ponsible for the Extension Division work of the
iversity in the past.
The increase in the number of courses offered
this manner, the inclusion of courses which
iy be taken by correspondence, and the spread-
g of this work into centers where it has not
en available in the past have all pointed to the
ecess of the courses .as a whole. And now, with
e offering of courses by the Graduate .School, to
pplement those presented by undergraduate de-
rtments, the entire field of extension work may
said to have taken a great forward step.
Students in actual residence at the University
ye had little opportunity to see just what has
en accomplished by this institution when it is
way from home." The recent expansion apd
larging enrollment in these courses however
int -to the unqualified success of the venture
that there can be little doubt in the minds
those responsible for such work that they are
ing a wonderful thing.
All of this brings to mind the statements re-
itly made locally by prominent educators to the
ect that the new working codes and increased
.ciency of machinery will make for more leisure
ie for the average citizen. In which case it will
up to the educational institutions of the coun-
to fill in those spare moments with some-
ng worthwhile. Extension courses seem to us
be an important step in this direction.

Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.
It's the old story of the girl who has to choose
between royalty and rags-with a new angle. A
more-or-less trite plot is put over with a bang
due to remarkable acting on the part of an A-1
cast. Everyone from Carole Lombard in the lead
down to the lowliest minor character acts like
he were born to his role and the result is
highly convincing entertainment.
The cast in the story is that although Carole
wants to follow the dictum of her heart and marry
the poor but talented Lyle Talbot, she is forced
into an alliance with Prince Carlos (Jameson
Thomas) by her unkind but rich grandfather (C.
Aubrey Smith).
The plot goes like this: Lovely, wealthy Anne'
Holt, in love with poor, handsome Tony Gage, is
being maneuvered into a distasteful marriage with
royalty. Both Anne's father and grandmother are
against the Prince, but her wealthy grandfather
Cedric is adamant and it looks like there is noth-
ing left for Anie to do but agree when her father
finds himself entirely dependent upon old Cedric
for financial aid when his bank is threatened with
failure. Sadly, but thinking of her father's happi-
ness before hers, Anne tells Tony she cannot
marry him, but refuses to give a reason.
Bill and Gran,. as Anne affectionately calls her
dad and grandmother, can no more understand
her change of heart than can Tony. They don't
b'elieve Anne. So, unknown to both Anne and
Tony, Bill and Gran contrive to have them meet
out of town, with, a minister handy to marry
them. Bill knows this gesture of independence
will kill his chances of ever getting any financial
help from Cedric. He sends Cedric a wire, in-
forms him that his Prince can take a walk. Then
Bill hops in his private plane, kisses Anne good-
bye and crashes into a hillside. His insurance will
cover the bank's losses, and at least he has left
Anne free from the Prince and married to the
man she loves.
Louise Closser Hale, playing the part of Gran,
practically stole the show with her inimitable
comedy. In the role of the dignified-appearing
dowager, who goes in for everything from drink-
fng parties to dancing the rhumba, she rolls them
in the aisles. Although seventy, she acts seventeen,
and is the life of the party.
This Lyle Talbot, playing the part of Tony
Gage, certainly has what it takes. We're telling
those unlucky young ladies who haven't seen him
that he has everything Clark Gable has, with-
out the handicap of big ears. We admire him for
the strength of character he showed in spurn-
ing the beautiful Carole on the boat coming from
Europe because he.thought her spoiled and entire-
ly too wealthy. He's a better man than we are.
Walter Connolly as the sacrificing father proved
likable and convincing. He upheld the claim of
being one of the finest character players on the
American stage by playing a role which could
easily have been over-sentimental with just the
right finesse.
We haven't forgotten Carole. We couldn't. But
we don't feel up to the task of doing her beauty
and acting the justice it deserves. Suffice it to
say that Carole is just Carole. That, despite a
remarkable supporting cast, she held her own in
the lead with plenty to spare.
The rest of the cast includes Allen Vincent, a
juvenile who is going places, Ruthelma Stevens
(we want to see more of her), C. Aubrey Smith,
Arthur Ifouseman, William Mong, Charles Hills
Mails, and Jameson Thomas.
Special shorts are above the average. "In the
Good Old Wintertime" cools you off just to look
at it. It includes everything from shots at our
own Brighton ski jump, to pictures of bob-sled-
ding fire-fighters in Germany. Put on your fur
coat. A Gus Edwards Melody Movie, a Travelogue
(too many puns), and a Graham MacNamee
Newsreel, round out the program.

A Washington
WASHINGTON-President Roosevelt's action in
deferring the effective date of a majority of the
transfers and consolidations of government bu-
reaus he had previously decreed removed one
important reason for his return to Washington
in mid-August.
Had the original order stood, the 61 days of
grace would have expired August 10. On that
date, presumably, it would have been necessary for
the President to sign re-appointments wholesale
to keep the work of the abolished bureaus going,,
since separation from the service is automatic
where a bureau or other unit is abolished.
That ax has hung over the heads of everybody
connected with the internal revenue bureau, for
example, since the original executive order was
signed June 10. Both this bureau and that in
control of industrial alcohol are to be merged into
a new division of internal revenue in the treasury.
Under the modification made by the President
just before he left for the first half of his vaca-
tion at Hyde Park the secretary of the treasury
is authorized to set up the new division at any
time after August 1 and prior to December 31 he
deems expedient.
Job Hunters Disappointed
The modification gave internal revenue bureau
employes, particularly those appointed during the
Hoover administration, a new lease on official
It was a new cloud of gloom, however, for a
host of Democratic job hunters and their congres-
sional backers who had been counting on that
August date as a deadline, expecting to be taken
care of when the turn-over took place.
Several high ranking officials of the revenue
bureau are Hoover appointees.
May Indicate Repeal Beliefs
It appears more than probable that one of the
reasons prompting the deferred reorganization of
the government tax collecting office was the an-
ticipation by administration leaders of early re-
peal ratification.
With prohibition enforcement activities trans-
ferred to the justice departinent-a matter not
affected by the modification of the original ef-
fective date - and with the industrial alcohol
group losing its independent status, the new divi-
sion of internal revenue will be re-cast when it is
set up to deal with alcohol and alcoholic bev-
erages on the old pre-prohibition basis as purely
special revenue producers.
In that connection, President Roosevelt's selec-
tion of December 31 next as the deadline for com-
pleting the reorganization may be significant. For
one thing, it means that the job will be an ac-
complished fact when Congress reconvenes in Jan-
It may also represent the judgment of the Pres-
ident and his advisers that the Prohibition
amendment will have been repealed by that time.
Editorial Comment
IN A $3,300,000,000 PURSE.
Evidence that the projected public works pro-
gram will not become a free for all pork barrel
scheme is seen in the consideration given every
item of expenditure.
Estimates on proposed building programs have
been submitted to a special cabinet board and Sec-
retary Ickes, administrator of the newly created
After their preliminary considerations had been
made, the list of suggested expenditures was sent
to President Roosevelt. The presndent then re-
turned the list to his board again, in order that
they might trim off any remaining items showing
the "pork" characteristics.
It is planned to spend $3,300,000,000 in the
most gigantic scheme of public construction in
the history of the United States. This will include
federal buildings, river and harbor improvements,
and floor control works.

The first group of planned constructions will
cost about $65,000,000. The list includes items
ranging from $50 for chicken coops to make
studies in the department of agriculture, to $38,-
000,000 for Boulder Dam.
There is something of assurance to the public
in Secretary Ickes' statement that each of .these
items, no, matter how small or how large will
receive careful consideration from the board on
three bases: social necessity, the speed with which
the construction could be started, and the danger
of bringing recurring expenses to the taxpayer.
He assured the nation that the money will be
wisely spent-that this is "not a grab bag."
This work is typical of the present administra-
tion. The hit or miss policy of political favoritism
is no longer a governmental byword.
Just as Presndent Roosevelt took the patronage
bull by the horns last week, in recommending that
all postmasters be put on a civil service basis, so
the public works board, backed by the President,
is doing away with much of this other type of
There is little doubt as to the public reaction.
A policy such as this is the very thing most ur--
gently needed to restore public faith in the fed-
eral government. -The Daily Iowan.
Labor Secretary Frances Perkins, Senator Hat-
tie Caraway, Representatives Florence Kahn,
Mary Norton and Virginia Jenckes failed to state
their ages in the information prepared for the
Congressional directory. This proves that no mat-
ter how eminent they are logically, they are, at
heart, just little women, after all.
The National Woman's Party is calling its mem-
bers to Washington for "the largest. demonstra-
tion it has staged since the passage of the suffrage

Radio Program: You are invited to
come to Room 4032 Angell Hall Tues-
day, 8 p. m., August 8 to hear a se-I
lected radio program, broadcast by!
members of Prof. Densmore's Public
Speaking Class 131s as demonstra-
tion of their work in radio .techni-
que. A most entertaining radio hour
is promised.
Kenneth Hance, Chairman
Members of the Faculty of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: An important special meeting
of the faculty will be held at 4:00
p. m., Wednesday, August 9, 1933, in
Room 1025, Angell Hall. President
A. G. Ruthven will be present and
preside. The-executive Committee of
the College will present its report.
It is highly desirable that there be
a large attendance.
M. Gomberg, J. R. Hayden, L. C.
Karpinski, D. H. Parker, and
E. H. Kraus, Chairman
Lecture: International Law Lec-
ture: Professor Jesse S. Reeves pro-
fessor of Political Science, will give
an illustrated lecture on "The Chaco
and Leticia Disputes" in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium Monday, August 7,
at 8 p. m. The public is invited.
Organ Recital: Guy Filkins, Or-
ganist, will give the following grad-
uation recital, Monday afternoon, at
4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium to
which the general public with the
exception of small children is in-
Compositions by Johann Sebastian
Bach: Choral Prelude "In dir ist
Freude"; Toccata, Adagio and Fugue,
in C; Air in D; Fantasia in G minor;
Sonatina from the Cantata, "God's
Time is best"; Passacaglia and Fugue
in C minor. Charles A. Sink
The Women's Education Club will
meet on Monday evening at 7:15 p.
nm. 'in the Alumnae Room at the
League. Dean James B. Edmonson,
of the School of Education, will speak
on "Professional Problems of the
Teachers." All women on the Cam-
pus are welcome.
The Summer Session Play Reading
Group of faculty women will have its
last meeting Tuesday at 2:15 in the
Alumnae Room of the Michigan
League Building. Mrs. Louis Keeler
will be in charge of the play. Wives
of non-resident faculty members of
the Summer Session are cordially in-
vited. V
"The Physical Education Program
and the Needs of the Individual," will
be the title of the need address on
the series of afternoon conferences
in education. Professor Jackson R..
Sherman of the Physical Education

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 a. m. Saturday.

department will talk on this topic in
Room 1022, University High school,
on Tuesday, August 8, at 4:10 p. in.
Summer Session Orchestra: Mem-
bers of the orchestra are asked to
report on the steps in front of the
library on Sunday evening, August 6,
at 'ix forty-five.
Summer Session Chorus. Mem-
bers of the orchestra are asked to re-
port on the steps in front of the
library on Sunday evening, August'
6, at six forty-five.
Signed, D. Mattern
Student's Recital: The following'
program of Chamber music present-
ed by the Chamber music class un-
der the direction of Professor Hanns
Pick of the School of Music, will be
given Tuesday, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill
Auditorium to which the general
public with the exception of small
children is invited: Dohnanyi: Alle-
gro (first movement) from the Quin-
tet in C Minor for Piano and Strings;
Hugo Wolf: Italian Serenade for two
Violins, Viola and Violoncello; Ravel:
Introduction and Allegro for Harp,
Flute, Clarinet and StringQuartet;
Brahms: Andante (second move-
ment) from the Quintet in F minor
for Piano, Two Violins Viola and
Cello; Saint-Saens: The Carnival of
Animals Suite for two Pianos, Flute,
Clarinet, Strings and Percussion (Re-
edited and partly re-orchestrated by
H. Pick) 1. Introduction and Royal
March of the Lion; 2. Cocks and
Hens; 3. The Elephant; 4. Kanga-
r o o s; 5. Aquarium; 6. Creatures
with Long Ears; 7. Aviary; 8. Fos-
sils; 9. The Swan; 10. Finale. The
members of the Chamber Music Class
participating in this program are:
Walter Bloch, Lynn Bogart, Floyd'
Burt, Grace Cushman, Wilfred Ed-
monds, Elsa Eppstein, Frederick Er-
nst, Albert Fillmore, Mary Fishburne,.
Clinton Ford, Alice Higl3ee, Charles
Law, Luther Leavengood, Margaret
Martindale, N a t h a n Rosenbluth,
Clyde Severance, Laura Shields, Earl
Slocum, Lynn Thayer. Assisted by:
Nicholas Falcone, Ruth Pfohl, and
James Pfohl. Charles A. Sink
First Methodist Church: Dr. F. B.
Fisher will preach at 10:45 a. m. on
"Tasting Deeply of Life." This is
the fifth topic in the series "Success-
ful Living."
Wesley Hall: Student Guild at 6<
p. m. Professor Heber Curtis, of the
Astronomy Department, will speak
on "Modern Science and Our Ideas of
God." Class for students at 9:30
a. in.
The last meeting of the Men's Edu-
cation Club for the summer will be
in the form of a picnic at Pleasant;

Cissel Family
Keeps UpHigh
Golfig Record
Ann Arbor has her share of
mother-daughter golf combinations,
not least important of which is the
one composed of Mrs. James H. Cis-
sell and Jane. The two are the out-
standing pair in Women's District
competition, both having several
championships to their credit.
Jane, a senior in the University
next fall, has been playing the game
six years as compared to her mother's
twelve. But she has managed to do
well in this comparatively short time.
She won the girls' junior champion-
ship of the Detroit district in 1930,
and she paired with her mother in
1930 to win the District mother and
daughter title.
In 1931 and 1932, Jane won the
co-ed championship of the U. of M.
over the University course. She qual-
ified in the District championship in
1931 and in the state championship
this year.
Mrs. Cissel has met her daughter
twice in the semi-finals of the Ann
Arbor City championship, and both
times she emerged the winner. She
also defeated her daughter in the
Barton Hills championship on one
The Ann Arbor city title has been
Mrs. Cissel's particular favorite. She
has won it in four of the six years
that it has been held. Miss Jean
Kyer won it the other two years, but
Mrs. Cissell was not an entry either
time. The two will have it out today
when they meet in the 1933 city fi-
nals. Jane was eliminated in the
But the Cissels: aren't the only
mother-and-daughter combinations
in the Detroit district. Betty Con-
nor, a sophomore at the University
next year, has also atone well on the
links. Betty's mother, Mrs. R. M.
Connor was a pioneer in Michigan
golfing circles and is still a low
handicap player. in the District. Bet-
ty and Jane Cissel were scheduled
to rheet in the co-ed finals last spring
but the match never came off.
Perhaps the newest combination
is the Mrs. D. B. Seeley and daugh-
ter Jean. They come from a golfing
family, Dana being one of the out-
standing men players in this section.
He holds the Barton Hills record
of 66.
Lake Monday afternoon. All men
interested in education are invited
to attend. Cars will leave the Union
between four and five in the after-
noon. For those Who drive, the route
is five miles on the Saline Road to
the overhead flashlight, and eight
miles to the right.




sationa1ism .


I T IS PLEASING to note the
amount of publicity which has
given the current flight into the strato-
e by Lieut.-Commander Settle.
the past, such front-page headlines have
reserved for those who attempt the sensa-
, regardless of the scientific worth of their
ctive ventures. In this instance we have the
of a man who is risking his life in the name
ence and doing it in such a fashion that the
apers of the nation are forced to take no-
vspapers do not under-rate the brave at-
s of those men who, in the name of science,
bir lives in some way or other so that the
edge of the world might be added to. It
y that in the majority of cases the work of
dividual is too colorless, too plain, to war-
the attention which is given less valuable
ore sensational accomplishments.
bunately however, we have here the case of
i who, in the name of science, is doing some-
very worthwhile in a manner that warrants
interest. And it is interesting to follow the
ion accorded the naval officer by radio-
casters and newspapermen throughout the
y. For once science has come into its own
dering on the unusual-a man risks his life
empting to get farther away from the earthz
any other person-and the newspapers are
to acknowledge this as a feat out of the.
ry. .
Musical Events
seniors in the School of Music will present



-C. B.

(Showing Sunday through Wednesday)
Lionel tarrymore and Miriam Hopkins are co-
starred in the Phil Strong novel of rural life,
"The Stranger's Return," which opens at the
Michigan theatre today for a four-day showing.
As the 85-year-old patriarch of a farm founded
and pioneered by his family, Lionel Barrymore is
said to have one of the most interesting char-
acterizations of his film career. Miss Hopkins has
the 'role of the city girl who goes to her grand-
father's farm and finds there the peace and con-
tentment she couldn't get in the city.
King Vidor, prominent director, was in charge
of the production, most of which was filmed on
a location representing the Iowan countryside. An
entire farm was reproduced for an appropriate
setting for the dramatic action. Vidor, who di-
rected "Big Parade" in the silent days, has such
talking pictures as "The Champ," "Street Scene,"
"Bird of Paradise," and "Cynara" to his credit.
Franchot Tone heads the supporting cast in
the role of the college-bred farmer with whom
the city girl falls in love. The fact that he al-
ieady has a devoted wife and baby son serves to
dramatize a hopeless romantic situation that turns
into a small-town scandal. Tone, a comparative
newcomer to the screen, appeared in "Gabriel
Over the White House," "Today We Live," and



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