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July 28, 1933 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-28

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Summer Home
Of Roosevelts
Is Beauty Spot
'Kriim Elbow' Overlooks
The Hudson In Typic4l
American Setting
HYDE PARK, . Y., July 27.-UP)
--Few, if any, of the "summer White
Houses" of the Presidents have had
a more beautiful or a more typical
American setting than Krum Elbow,
the Hudson river estate of President
Roosevelt, where he is spending part
of this summer.
The Roosevelt home, which is the
property of the President's widowed
mother, Mrs. James Roosevelt, over-
looks the broad Hudson river from
a bend in which it gets its name. A
series of hills drop easily from te
velvety lawn of the estate to the
river level tracks of the New York
Central. Beyond the emerald hills
on the% west shore are the irregular
peaks of the Catskill mountains.
Hidden in Foliage
The Roosevelt house sets well back
from' the tree-arched Albany Post
road. In summer foliage hides the
house ,from the highway. An unpre-
tentious gateway, creaking a low
stone fence, opens the way into the
When Mr. Roosevelt is at home
a small marker is set up. His mother
hit upon that idea to convey to the
countryside that her son was at
home to his many friends of the
neighborhood. There is little formal
lidscaping on the place.
The house is Colonial, with a
ground planslike a Roman numeral
one. The -center portion is of stucco,
and the wings, which were added by
the Presidents father,ware of stone.
1'any Kinds of Trees
Reforestation and tree culture,
which has been given a part in na-
tional ireconstruction, has been prac-
ticed for 15 years by Mr. Roosevelt.
Virtually every variety of tree that
thrives in New York is grown but
the President specializes in timber
that finds a ready Market. 'Cord-
wood, pilings and cross ties come out
of his groves.
There are 1,250 acres in the Roose-
velt farhi. The ValKill furniture
factory, begun by Mrs. Roosevelt to
absorb surplus labor of the commun-
ity,g is in one corner of atheestate. A
cottage adjoining the factory, was
designedsby the President and built
under his direction.
Three Rooms For Working
In front of the cottage is a swim-
ming pool. Trees shade the lawn at
one end of the pool. There in sun-
mer the Roosevelts and their guests
gather for tea. Often the whole
party is in bathing suits and the tea
follows a swim and a polo game. Mr.
Roosevelt usually is a player.
There are three work rooms in the
old mansion. - Before he arises Mr.
Roosevelt reads mail, dictates letters
and talks with callers 'whose prob-
lems are urgent. At either end of
the house, in the stone wings, Mr.
Roosevelt has work desks. One is in
a tiny office and the other in the
large library.
A long hallway stretches across the
front of the house at the entrance.
The dining room and a music room
open off the hall. Living quarters
are on the second floor.
Mr. Roosevelt rides horseback over
his estate but more often inspects
it from an automobile, which he
drives. This year a new machine, gift
of a manufacturer, replaces the
somewhat dilapidated motor that
served him for the past few yeais.

These Men Are Guiding The Drive Against The Depression

Hit Legis4ature
For Neglecting
Education Duty
(Continued from. Pag;e 1)
commend the President's efforts toh
eliminate child labor in industry,
Crime and delinquency among the:
thousands of children who will be de-
prived of the care and training of
the school by the shut-down of hun-
dreds of Michigan schools for from
three to six months will be materially
increased, ccordig to the report.
"Citizens should seriously cons Aer
the tremendous cost and danger to
the State resulting from a criminal
class and should co-operate in efforts
to prevent any increase in crime and
delinquency among juveniles," it says.
Public Opinion Juggled
Skillful and secret manipulation of
public opinion by minority interests
frequently interferes with the natural
development of a favorable attitude
toward schools, it is said in the find-
"The quality, scope, and support of
education in any community bears 'a
direct relation to the degree of en-
lightenment of public opinion. It is
therefore the civic duty of school
boards, teachers, and. public welfare
organizations to serve children by in-
forming the public of the work of
schools, the true facts of school costs,
and the effects of proposed changes,"
the committee states.
"Individuals hoping to advance
selfish and political ambitions
through misrepresentation of the Mo-
tives of professional organizations,
committed to a program of advanc-
ing the welfare of children, should
be combatted by teachers? giving in-
creased support to these organiza-
tions," the writers say.
Questions Campaign Sources
"The source of funds for cam-
paigns against public education and
the real motives behind these cam-
paigns should be a part of common
knowledge just as much as certain
individuals should be allowed to sys-
tematically attack public school ex-
penditures, activities, and objectives,
and any individual or any organiza-
tion undoubtedly has the right to
advocate changes in public expendi-
tures and policies, it is stated in the
"The friends of public education,
should demand full exposure of the
motives underlying these attacks,"
the report says in conclusio'n.

Marriage Of Instructor
In Medicine Made Known
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Horter, of Havana, Cuba, to Dr. Cy
rus Warren Strickler, Jr., instructor
in internal meticine in the me ical
school. became known last night. The
ceremony was performed Saturdy
Linville, N. C. The couple are spen-
ing this week at flinville and Ash
ville and will return to Ann Ar'
about Aug. 1.
Dr. and Mrs. Strickler became ac-
quainted at Linville four years a.
Dr. Strickler, whose home is in A-
lanta, Ga., came here as an interne
in 1931 after having taken his modv
cal degree at the Emory Universe
Medical School in Atlanta. His pro
motion to the rank of instructor w.!
announced last week.

-Associated Press Photo
An executive council to co-ordinate the drive against the depression has been created by President Roosevelt. The group, composed
of the chiefs of various extraordinary agencies set up to cope with the depression, and members of the cabinet, will meet each week supplant-
ing the regular cabinet meetings. Some of the members of the group are Henry Morgenthau, Jr., governor of the farm credit administration;
Hugh $. Johnson, administrator of the national recovery act; Jesse H. Jones, chairman of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Arthdr
E. Morgan, chairman of the board of the Tennessee valley authority; Lewis W. Douglas, director of the budget; Joseph B. Eastman, federal
railroad co-ordinator, and George Peek, administrator of agriculture adjustment.

25 Yers Ago T
a S.atQoJ Was J
Thpse who knew the University
Biological Station at Douglas Lake
in its early days will be interested
to note the development of the phys-
ical plant from a single old log build-
ing with one room and a half dozen
tents" to a' village of 130 'buildings,
of which }l are used for laboratories
and 92 for living quarters.
The remainder include the admin-
istration building containing offices,
stockroom, store, and photographic
rooms on one floor and the dining
room and kitchen on the other; club-
house, aquarium, garages; and har-
b or 1auildin. 'The station has water
and sanitary systems, and gets its
electricity for light and power from
the power line crossing the tract.
Visitors can still be shown the old
log laboratory where all classes met
and all research was conducted in
Are Entered B
Pleas of not guilty on each of four
charges involving statutory com-
plaints were entered in Circuit Court
this afternoon for John Harriman,
Ypsilanti grade school principal, who
has been in the county jail for sev-
eral weeks. The pleas were entered
by John P. Kirk, attorney for Har-
riman. ,
Circuit Judge George W. Sample
left the bon at $1,000 in one case,
but reduced three others, two to $2,-
000 and one to $1,000. The band in
each of these had been set at $5,000
in Justice Court.,
farriman furnished 'bail on the
more serious charge after being ar-
raigned in Ypsilanti, but when ofi-
cers learned that parents of the chil-
dren against whom he is said to have
committed offenses -werethreaten-
ing violence, they re-arrested him
and brought him to jail here.
English Town Celebrates
Centenary Of Famed Son
HULL, England, July 27.-)-
Hull is recalling her famous son,
William Wilberforce, on the centen-
ary of his death, which occurred in
London July 29, 1833.
Wilberforce, philanthropist, states-
man and orator, gained lasting fame
as a foe of slavery. By his eloquence,
courage and tenacity he is credited
with having done more than any
other individual to bring about the
abolition, of- slavery throughout the
British empire.
Entering parliament from Hull in
1780, he labored through long years.
The emancipation bill was passed
a month after his death.
Xf .you write, we have it.
Correspondence Stationey,
r'onta4a ens, , etc.
p tars el mes.
0. D. ( R0 R Ne b
.34-S..State St., Aan Artb,

Le Bioloical'
[ust A Log House
1909-the first year of the station.
Gone, however, are the old tents
with their flapping. flies; gone the
beds made on strawticks on the tent
floor; gone is the old tent laboratory
and the old mess tent where stu-
dents and faculty alike fought mos-
quitoes and blackflies with one hand
while they plied fork or spoon with
tIe other. Gone is the old kitchen
with holes in the walls for light and
In their places are comrortable,
well-lightedlaboratories, good cabins
with good beds, screened doors and
windows; a modern kitchen with
hotel ranges, electric refrigerators,
electric dish washer, food mixer, elec-
tric peeler, and other improvements.
No change, however, has been of
greater importance than that in
transportation. In the early days of
the station, walking and rowing were
the only means of getting out to
places where field work was to be
done. Now the station owns three
trucks, two launches, and a dozen
row boats. Where formerly students
did all their work within a radius of
five miles of the station, this radius
is now about 30 miles, while one class
each summer makes a trip to Sleep-
ing Bear Dune, 130 miles away. Old
observers state that one thing, wholly
intangible, remains the same. That
is the fine spirit which pervades the
The station welcomes the oppor-
tunity to acquaint its friends with
its nature and functions at the An-
nual Visitors Day, Aug. 6. There will
be many exhibits, all of which are
free. There will be plenty of park-
ing space, help in parking, and free
guide service to all places of inter-
est. The station will be open from
2 to 5 p. m.
Swimming Party To Be
Given At Portage Lake
A combined swimming party and
steam roast will -be held today 4t
Portage Lake by members of the
Wesley Foundation Student Group,
officials announced.
Persons interested in attending will
meet at 5:30 p.m. at Wesley Hall and
proceedfrom there in a group. Offi-
cials said that any Methodist stu-
delnts or others interested are invit-
ed to attend.

Foreign Police Amazed
At American Gangdom
CHICAGO, July 27.-AP)-Amaze-
ment at the bravado, gunplay and
kidnaping activities of American
gangsters was expressed by European
police chiefs today. Their concensus
was that "such things couldn't hap-
pen across the waters."
Police officials from 14 foreign
lands and 22 American cities con-
ferred for the announced purpose of
promoting international police good-
Japanese Wair
Leader Passes
At Age Of 63
TOKIO, July 27.-()-Field Mar-
shall Nobuyoshi Muto, Japapese su-
preme representative in Manchuria,
died in Changchun,. Manchuria, to-
day following a sudden attack of
jaundice. He was 63 years old.
Immediately the army moved swift-
ly to name a successor to forestall
the possibility of trouble during an
interregnum in the 'Japanese-spon-
sored Manchukuo government in
Manchuria, and named Gen. Takashi
Hishikari, a member of the supreme
war council, as his successor.
The Mikado's new proconsul in the
continental protectorate has been an
officer in the Japanese army for 40
years and is experienced in overseas
campaigns. At one time he headed
the garrison at Formosa.
Marshal Muto, who never was ro-
bust, returned to Changchun July 22
after becoming tired of supervising
maneuvers at Port Arthur and Muk-
den. He succumbed to jaundice and
complications 24 hours after the
seriousness of the illness was realized.
Gen. Hishikari will proceed to
Changchun as soon' as possible to
assume the duties of chief preceptor
to Manchuria's nominal ruler, Henry
Gen. Muto was posthumously cre-
ated a baron.
WASHINGTON, July 27 -(P)-As
a result of what it terms monopoly
practices and high tariffs 'the Uni-
ted States department of agriculture
estimates that 150,000,000 pounds of
American tobacco were displaced by
the product of other countries in

Labor Speaker
Says Capital
Fears Mooney
"Tom Mooney is in jail because the
capitalistic class fears his power as
a labor leader," said Arthur Bishop,
member of the Proletarian Party,
who, in a meeting of radical and
liberal organizations held last night
in Natural Science Auditorium,
stressed the need for a militant work-
ing class attack on the whole capital-
ist system.
Tom Mooney was not a revolution-
ist in the strict sense of the word,
said Mr. Bishop, but earned the hat-
red of the owning classes as a result
of his efforts to organize workers in
California, who were receiving $2.50
for 10 hours labor.
The owning classes in California,
through their control of the courts
and public opinion, had little diffi-
culty in placing the guilt of bombing
a Preparedness Day parade on Tom
Mooney, said Mr. Bishop, who de-
clared that the Mooney trial was "the
most dispicable frame-up ever pulled
off in the history of American juris-
By a dictaphone placed in the
prosecuting attorney's office, and by
the confession of perjury on the part
of the witnesses, and by the proof
that the explosion was caused by a
German spy, the innocence of Tom
Mooney has been established beyond
any reasonable doubt, the speaker
The ideals held out to the people
by the capitalistic class range from
intense patriotism to that of obtain-
ing personal wealth, he declared. The
small opportunity for a working man
to obtain wealth was pointed out by
Mr. Bishop, and also the great risks
of losing the wealth once it has been
Mr. Bishop expressed doubt that
the capitalist class would ever free
Tom Mooney or would do much to
improve the working class.
Iowa farmers operated 74,780
trucks on the state's highways in
n -
tpeca s
fried fillet of sole 12c
tartar sauce
deep sea scallops 15c
figaro sauce
fried liver and bacon
at dinner
grilled small sirloin
steak - butter gravy

Feni Agaiin In
Center Of War,
Stage In (lina
(By The Associated Press)
Militarist politics of China have
restored to the limel'ght general
Feng Yu-Hsiang, erstwhile "Chr:
tian general."
Inactive since 1930, when he w
beaten by Chiang Kai-Shek, genr7
alissimo of the Nanking nationa = o
regime, he has reappointed on Llu'
stage in the self-assumed role o'
savior of his country from the arn!!
tions of Japan and the latter's .-
ter state of Manchukuo.
Feng rallied an army .in Chahar.
northwest of Peiping, a\id saidl
was going to regain Jehol, recentl
annexed by dint of Japaneseto
to Manchuk~uo." He moved up to To :
lunnoerh, near the eastern border
of Chahar.
The response was a notice to Na-
king by the Japanese that une>
she Chinese nationalist governme:I
drove Feng out of this advanced po-
;ition, the Japanese themselves woul
ito so. Cbnsequently Nanking liar
started a punitive expedition ains
:eng, declaring him a rebel.
Chiang Kai-Shek, Feng's foi me
zonqueror, gave. up a cammign
igainst communiist armies to tk.
charge of the new drive.
The Nanking view is that Fens
action may give the Japanese an
excuse to penetrate Inner Mongolia.
perhaps to take Kalgan or even o
'beyond that terminal of car.:v%-
routesleading to soviet territory.
The nationalists recall the fra
ty expressed -hopes of Japanese corn-:
inanders that such a campaign m
be undertaken as a sequel to
'onquest of Jehol. Since then no-
ern China from Peiping to the Gre
Wall has been demilitarized und
terms of a truce between Tokyo ad
When one gets sick while riding a
train, a seaship, and airship, or evn
in a swing, that is what the scie
ikes. to call "motion sickness." I
lue mainly to a change in o
sense of equilibrium.
Tennis Racquet Rest'ringi,
"Prices that can't be beat" ;

Men, Women Will Hold
Phys. Ed. Sports Party
A sport party for men and women;
majoring in physical education will
be held at 8 p. m. today at the Wo-
men's Athletic Building, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Miss Marie
Hartwig, a member of the committee
making the arrangements and of the
staff of the department of physical.
education for women.
Both graduates and under-gradu-
ates are invited to attend, she said.
''en events have been planned and
each student wishing to compete will.
be asked to take part in seven of
them. 'At the conclusion the man
and woman having 'the best total
score will each be awarded a prize.
Later in the evening there will be
dancing and refreshments, Miss
Hartwig said. Guests for the eve-
ping will be the faculties of the men's
and women's physical education de-
The committee miaking the lar-
rangements consists of Dr. Margaret
Bell, head of the women's physical
education department, Miss Jean
Hall, Miss Hartwig, and Mr. Jack-
son Sharman.

Guaranteed Work
Prompt Service


1109 While St.

Grand Rapids Officials
Answer Ouster Charges
GRANDRAPIDS, July. 27.-(,')-
Four City Commissioners, orderedto
show cause why they should riot be
cited for contempt of court for sus-
pending City Manager Ernest T. Con-
lon, filed an answer in Superior
Court Thursday.
LONDON, July 27.-)-Dentine-
the soft material in a tooth-has
been found to be chemically similar
to the enamel around it. X-ray stud-
les carried on by the national phys-
ical laboratory have established that
the difference is one of structure
and not of chemical composition.
Thieves Wednesday morning took
$3 in cash and some cuff links and
other small articles of jewelry from
the Sigma xPhi Fraternity house on
North Ingalls Street, residents there
The articles and money were taken
some time between 8 a. m. and noon,
according to those victimized.
Furniture, rugs, and crockery
showed the poorest selling record in
department stores in 1932, says a re-
port from the University of Michi-




Friday and Saturday



;. ,
:;: : .
J >
;: :
r "

and Up
Black Satins one of the
s artest fall items in
r iv c e f1 l brims and
clever draped beret ef-
fects also black velvets
and felts--

Shop Early For These
Outsanding Bargains



Men's Fine Broadcloth Shirts .... .... $1.00
*Women's 69c Allen-A Hose........ 2 pair $1.00
Men's Cooper Hose .. . ... 5 pr $1.00
* Gossard Hook.-Around Girdles ............ $1.00
Women's Linen Sport Handkerchiefs. .8 for $1.00
*-Nainsook Philippine Gowns . ....... $1.00
36 x 36 Linen Lunch Sets ....... 2 for $1.00
Picturesque Porch Pillows . 6 for $1:00
White Shoes, Broken Sizes; Downstairs . ... $1.00

: ,
fir. .
a " 't.
Y. '''
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11 zt . R'adioaOrdwestra

Smart visor effects' in the
new fall materials includ-

3 }

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