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July 28, 1933 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-28

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of the Summer Session


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Published every morning except Monday during the
tziversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications..
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
'The Asoated Press is eXciusively entitled to the use
for reapubliation of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
pu eshed herein. All rights of republication of special
jispftches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
seclnd -class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
lubscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
'$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, lvichigan. Phone 2-1214
Representatives: College Publications. Representatives,
fc., 40 'East Thirty-Fourth street, New York City; 80
*!ystun "street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Vhicago National Advertising Service, Inc., 11 West 42d
St., New York, N. Y.
Phone: 4925
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: John C. Healey, Powers Moulton
and E. Jerome Pettit.
REPORTERS: Edgar H. Eckert, Thomas I. Kleene, Bruce
M1anley, Dana Powers Moulton, Sally Place.
office Hours; 9-12, 1-5
Phone: &2-214
FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1933
Teachers And
educators at their annual summer
banquet Wednesday evening, Professor James K.
Polpock urged teachers to participate actively in
political matters if they hope to protect their in-
The political scientist pointed out that, in view
of their numbers and general intelligence, teach-
ers have never had the political influence which
is their right. Citing figures to show that other
groups have received greater legislative support
than the educators, regardless of the justification
of such action, he explained the necessity of tak-
lng an active part in governmental activities.
Professor Pollock is right. Not only in the State
of Michigan but also throughout the nation at
large many groups which have formed strong rep-
resentation politically have received the support of
legislative bodies. The educators have not received
the support which is their due despite the fact
that they are actually entitled to greater consid-
eration than the realtors, contractors, and others
who have wielded political influence.
So long as the affairs of the state and the
nation are controlled as they are by minorities
organized to seek power, the educators cannot ex-
pect to receive consideration without first put-
ting forth the proper political efforts. Attempting
to leep apart from political machinery, educators
in the past have stood firm against any sort of
organization which might be political in nature.
Preferring to remain "decent," educational leaders
have repeatedly maintained that the schools had
ti6hing to do with politics ad that teachers must
necessarily keep their hands clean by steering
clear of anything which might be termed political
in nature.
As Professor Pollock pointed out, the teachers
are now paying for this aloofness of the past.
Nitters have been "slipped over" on them by bet-
tr organized groups so often that now the edu-
cators are virtually .being forced to take a hand.
Public funds which might have been and should
ave been directed into( educastional channels
have gone elsewhere. Less deserving groups with
pdlitical power have received more than their just
due and yet the teachers sit by and let such a
condition continue to exist without raising a voice
in the direction where it would be best heard and
sound "to best advantage. Idle talk in futile con-
"erences are of no avail. Weak pleas begging for
support are useless. The time has long since ar-
±lved for the teachers to do more than beg. They
ahotUd organize in such a manner that their
stiength would do the most good and then-

Civil Service
And Gravy,..
0 NE HUNDRED and four years ago,
Andrew Jackson shoved his muddy
feet over the presidential desk and with this ges-
ture inaugurated what was then a new deal in
American politics, "To -the Victors .Belong the
Jackson the democrat, Jackson the rugged in-,
dividualist, unknowingly perhaps, by this policy,
gave' our government a curse that it has never
been able to eradicate. Today this well-worn
phrase is a vital part of our system of politics.
Is it undemocratic? Is it dishonest? Of course it
is! And yet the American people accept it with-
out a grumble. Secretly, they are even a little
proud of this system that gives everyone a hand in
running the country.
The fact that very few people are capable of
managing the affairs of state does not seem to-
enter the heads of the public. The old truism
that says that Americans publicize everything and

element of our population, the ones that in reality
should be governing, do not choose to enter the
But still, people of the United States do noth-
ing to change the situation that is costing them
efficiency in management, foreign prestige, and
actual money.
The point that we are attempting to make
can be well demonstrated by the recent proclama-
tion of President Roosevelt, that steps should be
taken to place certain classes of postmasters under
civil service jurisdiction.
Immediately, from the ranks of the politicians
cane a cry that echoed from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, from the Gulf of Mexico to Lake Mich-
igan. They were not going to let the President take
this valuable political gravy away from them
without a battle.
The fact raised very little comment in the na-
tion's press. Newspaper editors know that their
public is not interested in little things like civil
service or minor details of government. Just as
long as their representatives vote for beer and a
new post office in the home town, they are satis-
And just as long as the American people take
this attitude they can expect what they are get-
ting at the present time. Inefficiency under the
policy of "To The Victors Belong the Spoils."
Screen1 Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
no stars keep away from it.



Miriam Hopkins herself is the main redeeming
feature of "The Story of Temple Drake." The tale
itself is nothing new nor is it .presented in un-
usual fashion. It has the sordidness of "The
Goose Woman," the cheapness of "Hold Your
Man," and the pathos of a chain gang picture,
without the redeeming qualities of any of them.
Miss Hopkins is really quite good. Her charac-
terization in the title role is to be commended,
especially since it is an out-of-the-ordinary part
and the vehicle otherwise is so poor. As the young
heiress of wealth and social position who has a
family name to uphold but who possesses an inner
quality which is the antithesis of that pride, Miss
Hopkins gives us a fine portrayal. It is a shame
that she isn't given something else in this instance
aside from the single characterization. No back-
ground, no outstanding support, no great story is
here for her to work with.



As in the other feature at the Michigan, the
leading character in "Laughter in Hell" is the out-
standing quality which keeps it from being juste
another picture. Pat O'Brien, whose acting has
been praised many times in this column, is the
star of this chain gang picture and he rescues
the poor plot from the depths by his excellent
reserve, dramatic ability, and-just by being him-
The story needs little explanation. It concernsj
the man who, finding his wife unfaithful, kills
her and the man he finds with her. Only in this
instance the man is an enemy from childhood
who has a brother on the chain gang where thej
hero is finally sent to serve a life sentence at
hard labor.
It is to be easily imagined that the outstanding
ing characteristics of such a story are its absolute
brutality, its horror, and its unbelievable inhu-
manity. This of course, makes it merely another
picturization of the southern chain gangs, . al-
though Pat O'Brien does his best as usual.
Campus Opinion
4 A
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of
The Daily. Anonymous communications will be dis-
regarded. The names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential upon request. Contribu-
tors are asked to send in only typewritten or legible
articles, using one side of the paper only. Contribu-
tors must be as brief as possible, confining themselves
to not more than 400 words. --The Editors.
To The Editor:
I wish to call your attention to a mistake made
in a recent issue of the Daily. On page three, col-
umn four of Sunday's issue was an article entitled
"Purdue Professor Lectures to Thug; Thug Goes
to Jail." This was an Associated Press report from
Bloomington, Indiana. Purdue is at West Lafay-
ette, Indiana. It should have been "Indiana Pro-
fessor, etc."
To people up here this probably was never no-
ticed but to those of us who knew, we feel that
this was quite an error.
Very truly yours,
John F. Bullard,
Assistant Professor
Veterinary Science,
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Ind.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily admits
the error; apologizes to Professor Bullard
and all others from Purdue University.
To The Editor:
I would like to call public attention to the ac-
tivities of the B. and G. in connection with the
recent regulation concerning bicycles on the cam-
pus. Since the regulation was recently put into
effect, the janitors and B. and G. employees on
the campus have made several seizures of bicycles'
which seem to be rather high-handed. Rather
than take the name of the offender, or some such
action which would not be such a great incon-
venience to all concerned, they have adopted a
policy of holding the bicycle until the owner goes
to see E. C. Pardon head of the B. and G. in the
out-of-the-way Storehouse, and procures a note

one or two riders are thoughtless enough to en-
danger those walking on the sidewalks, a regula-
tion must be made to prohibit those who are more
careful from using the only mode of transporta-
tion left to the student. If this is a sensible course
of action, municipalities should prohibit the use
of automobiles in any city block which houses a
bank, because the lawless element, comprising
one-tenth of one per cent of the human race,
might use automobiles to make a get-away after
a robbery.
This business of penalizing all because of the
actions of a few is a procedure which should be
scrupulously avoided by all authorities. In this
case such action is also inconvenient in that if
one rides down to the campus on a bicycle, there
is no place to leave it if one may not take it
onto the campus. Terminals of all driveways lead-
ing into the campus are crowded with cars; there
is no parking lot for bicycles. A bicycle left on the
streets surrounding the campus certainly is not
absolutely sure to be there when the owner re-
turns; not, at least, if typewriters and clocks dis-
appear regularly from locked rooms in locked
buildings patrolled by night-watchmen. Where, oh
where are the bicycle stands which the Daily in a
previous issue prophesied for the entire campus?
At first I thought that I should lie back and
await my turn to gloat when some irate law stu-
dent should take Mr. Pardon to task for "un-
reasonable seizure," or some other of the high-
sounding phrases in our constitutions and sta-
tutes; that one about depriving a person of his
property without due process of law should do.
But one look at Mr. Pardon told me that I should
have to wait until Baer or Art Shires, or a com-
bination of the two, enrolled in law school. So I
guess The Daily is a last resort. Won't you please
go out and take pictures of janitors taking away
little boys' bicycles, and get locked up, as you
did last summer with police campaigns, and in
that way make the diagonal safe for the tan-
dem? It's not just a legal case; it has now becom
a cycle-ogical question.
-C. B. Conger, '37
About BDoks
"MONSOON," by Wilfrid David; (Har-
per & Brothers, New York).
NEW YORK-In 1907 a baby was born in
Bombay, and subsequently the baby grew up to
be Wilfrid David. At present he is 26 years old,
this Wilfrid David, and his first novel has just
been published in this country.
"Monsoon" is its name, and not inappropriately.
Mr. David writes like a monsoon, for one thing,
gustily and in a whirl of passion and words.
Sometimes angry words, and sometimes angry
passion; one reasons for the anger is the course
of the Englishman with the Indian. That is what
his novel is about.
But not immediately. Before he gets down to
India he takes the reader through a course of
dissipation in Paris and London, the purpose of
which is to demonstrate that after all western
civilization is terrible.
His Paris is the Paris of dismay, as someone
called it-the futile Paris that always is just a
jump, or a drink, ahead of boredom. Obviously,
not the real Paris.
So with Berlin. Mr. David puts his young man
Dorian (the name may have been chosen out of
Oscar Wilde, but the analogy is weak) through
the funny business of the West End with a firm-
ness and dispatch that drop his reader's jaw at the
turn of more than one page.
Dorian goes the pace in various ways. Then
an actress friend, whose roots evidently went back
into another and more sane Berlin, puts him on
the boat for India.
It is a relief to get Dorian out of a territory
that Mr. David knows only cursorily into India,
which he knows well. There are fewer French and
German phrases, for one thing, and the Indian
phrases that replace them are not quite so
The whole tragedy of England in India is got
through dramatically and without too much sym-
bolism. Mr. David makes a rather good case for
India, even though he does it largely by making
the English appear ridiculous.

Editorial Comment
On Aug. 1 a Federal tax of 4.2 cents a pound
will be placed on the processing of cotton. Its pur-
pose will be to raise a fund, estimated at $120,-
000,000, which the Government can use for boun-
ties to Southern planters who will plow under or
otherwise effectively destroy.part of the crop now
growing. The Department of Agriculture reports
that enough farmers are willing to participate in
this project to contribute the destruction of acre-
age capable of producing 3,500,000 bales. This
would be more than one-fourth of the cotton now
in the ground. Since the tax imposed on process-
ing will necessarily be passed along to the con-
;umer, the basic principle of the plan calls upon
urban communities to compensate rural producers
for deliberately destroying part of a surplus crop
in order to enhance the value of the remainder.
Until the final figures are in, it will be difficult
to estimate how large a reduction will actually be
effected in this year's harvest. For there is noth-
ing in the plan to prevent any farmer from seek-
ing to cultivate 'more intensively that part of his
crop which is not plowed under. The uncertainty
of acreage reduction as a guarantee of smaller
crops was pointed out recently by the Interna-
tional Commission of Agriculture when it sug-
gested: "It is to be feared that agriculturists
would attain, by more intensive cultivation of a
restricted area, a volume of production equal to
that formerly yielded by a larger area." To this
must be added the risk that destruction of cotton
in the United States will encourage the produc-
tion of it elsewhere, thereby increasing competi-
tion for American producers in foreign markets.
This was the experience of the British Govern-.

Excursion No. 6, General Motors
Proving Ground, Milford, Wednes-
day afternoon, August 2. This ex-
cursion was originally scheduled for
July 15, but was postponed !for the
Niagara Falls excursion. Members
in the party will have opportunity
to see automobiles of the General
Motors Company put through 165
severe tests at the 1,268-acre labora-
tory. The party leaves from in front
of Angell Hall at 1:00 p. m. and will
return to Ann Arbor about 5:30 p. m.
Reservations must be made by 5:00
p. m., August 1, in Room 9, Uni-
versity Hall. Bus fare, the only ex-
pense on the trip, is $1.00.
Observatory Nights: The Univer-
sity Observatory will be open to stu-
dents of the Summer Session Mon-
day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, July
31, August 1, and 2, at 8:15 p. m.
Admission will be by ticket. Tickets
may be obtained in the office of the
Summer Session upon the presenta-
tion of the treasurer's receipt.
German Reading Examination for
Ph.D. Candidates: The examination
for the required reading knowledge
in German for all candidates except
those in the Natural Science and
Mathematics will take place Wednes-
day, August 2, at 2:00 p. in., in Room
203 University Hall. Only those who
have left their names at the depart-
mental office can be examined. This
will be the only examination given
during the Summer Session,. The
next examination will be at the end
of October. Walter A. Reichart
School of Education: All students
completing requirements for gradua-
tion at the end of the present Sum-
mer Session should pay diploma and
Teacher's Certificate fees before the
end of the Session. Blanks for this
purpose may be secured at the office
of the Recorder of the School of Edu-
cation, 1437 University Elementary
C.0©. Davis, Secretary
Internatioal Law Lecture: Charles
Cheney Hyde, Hamilton Fish Profes-
sor of International Law, Columbia
University, will lecture on "The
Technique of Diplomacy" tonight at
8 p. m. in 1025 A.l. The public is
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who.
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading -knowledge of French during
the present Summer Session are in-
formed that examinations will be
given on Saturday, August 5, from 9
to 12 a. m. in Room 108, Romance
Language Building. It will be neces-
sary to register at least one week in

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30;
11:30 'a. fn. Saturd ay.

advance at the office of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages, be-
tween the hours of 11 and 12 a. m.
and 2 and 4:30 p. in., or 9 and 12:30
on Saturday morning.
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the departments of An-
cient and Modern Languages and
Literatures, Philosophy, History, Po-
litical Science, Economics. Business
Administration, Sociology, and Edu-
Candidates for Teachers' Certifi-
cates: All students who expect to be
recommended for a Teacher's Certi-.
ficate at the end of the present Sum-
mer Session should pay their fees be-
fore the end of the Session. Blanks
for this purpose may be secured at
the office of the Recorder of the
School of Education, 1437 Univer-
sity Elementary School.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
M. A. Degree Candidates in His-
tory: The reading examination in
French, German, and Spanish will
be given today at 3 o'clock in Room
1009 A.H. A. S. Aiton
Notice: Health Service Eye Exam-
inations: Students wishing their
eyes tested for glasses at the Health
Service should receive their appoint-
ments by calling the office before
August first. Warren E. Forsythe
What Has Roosevelt Accomplished?
will be the topic of a talk by Neil
Staebler, to be given at 5 p.. m. to-
day in National Science Aud. for the
Socialist Club's Public Lecture Series.
Chinese Student Club: A picnic
will be held at Island Park Satur-
day afternoon. Members desiring to.
attend should assemble in front of
Lane Hall at 1:00 p. m. Food expen-
ses will be shared.
The Lutheran Student Club invites
all'Lutheran students of the Summer
Session to a social gathering at the
Boch home on Jackson Avenue, to
be held this evening. All who
are planning to go are asked to meet
at the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall
at 7:00. The hall is located on the
corner of East Washington and'South
Fifth Avenue. Transportation will be
provided from this point to the Boch
home. Married students are asked
to bring 'their wives or husbands.'
University High School Demonstra-
tion Assembly: The fourth demon-
stration assembly of the University
High School Summer Session will be
held this morning at ten o'clock in
the high school auditorium. The pro-
grain will be presented by pupils
in French, social studies, and type-
writing departments, the first part

being a short play entitled "La Faim
Est un Grand Inventeur," given by
members of the advanced French
class. The second half of the pro-
gram will be given by the social
studies and typewriting departments
in collaboration and will be a sketch
of the development of writing and
writing materials, beginning with the
most primitive type and carrying
through to the modern typewriter.
All Summer Session students who
are interested are welcome to at-
tend the assembly.
Michigan Repertory Players: "The
Circle," W. Somerset Maugham's
modern comedy, will be presented to-
night in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. The final performance will
be given on Saturday night. Seats
are now on sale for every perfor-
mance. The box-office is open from
9:30 a. m. to 12, and from 1:15 to
9 p. m. The telephone number is
Public Health Nurses: There will
be a picnic supper at the Fireplace
tonight from 5:00 to 7:00 p. m.
A fee of 25 cents is being col-
lected. Meet at the north door of the
Michigan League, not later than 4:45
p. m.
Says Michigan
Is Haven For
Escaped Tlhugs
DETROIT, July 27-M--)-Michigan
was envisioned today as a haven of
refuge for Georgia's escaped con-
victs by Guy W. Jensen, assistant
Wayne-County prosecutor who
handles extradition matters.
He was basing his prediction on
the refusal of Georgia prison offi-
cials to send for James H. Cook, fugi-
tive from a chain gang, and upon a
conversation Assistant Prosecutor
George M. Stutz told of having a few
weeks ago with Gov. Eugene Tal-
madge of Georgia.
Stutz said Gov. Talmadge told him
that "hereafter Georgia's policy re-
garding escaped prisoners will be to
leave them there and make Michigan
a paradise for fugitives'from Georgia
Michigan, New Jersey and one or
two other states refused to send chain
gang fugitives back to Georgia some
time ago after sentiment had been
aroused by a film purporting to re-
Pict penal 'methods there. Stutz
quoted the Georgia governor as say-
ing no escaped prisoners would be
returned from those states.
Jensensaid he would continue to
offer Georgia an opportunity ,to -re-
cover any escaped convicts and that
if the prisoners are not claimed and
there'are no charges against them
here, they will be released.
A charge of felonious assault is
pendinag against Cook.




Keeping ahead
of the second hand

To keep telephone service in step with the
swift pace of American life, Bell System men
tackle many an absorbing problem, find many
an ingenious solution:
For instance, they decided that pre-
cious seconds could be saved by a change in
long-established operating routine. The
operator used to repeat the number called
by the subscriber - now she indicates that

she understands by saying, "Thank you."
To appreciate the importance of the
second thus saved, just multiply it by the
40,000,000 conversations handled by oper -
ators on the average day.
In the telephone business, major improve-
ments that save the subscriber's time and
give him better service often result from just
such apparently minor changes.

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