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July 28, 1933 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1933-07-28

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'The Weather 46Wa
Partly cloudy Friday and 73Tea
Saturday; rather warm. Servi
Official Publication Of The Summer Session



Thousands Of
Employers In
Recovery Administration's
Blue Eagled Banner Is
Recruiting Many
Bundles Of Pledges
Sent To President

Chief Executives Of States In California For Parley


Johnson In Detroit
Assist In Formation
Automobile Codes

WASHINGTON, July 27.-()-In
swelling ranks, employers by the
thousand were falling into line to-
night beneath the blue eagle baner
of the national recovery adminis-
tration, pledged to raise pay and
shorten working hours.
Messages that came in bundles
from postmasters over the land re-
lated to the administration tonight
the story of willingness to co-oper-
ate with President Roosevelt that
employers had written at the bot-
tom of contracts.
They told of a hurry to sign and
to return their agreements in order
that names might quickly be placed
on the roll of honor that will go up
in postoffices; of lines of business
men waiting impatiently at post of-
fice windows to sign; of other em-
ployers typewriting the agreements
from published texts because their
copies had not arrived.
DETROIT, July 27.-MP)-The au-
tomobile industry's code of fair com-
petition, as yet unreported to the re-
covery administration, presumably
brought General Hugh S. Johnson,
recovery administrator, here tonight
in a speedy unannounced airplane
flight from Washington.
He denied that any special signifi-
cance might be attached to his visit
beyond the desire of the administra-
tion to be helpful and co-operate
"The code of the automobile in-
dustry has not' yet been formally'
submitted," he said. "I have no
knowledge of what it contains. I do
know that automobile leaders have
been in Detroit most of the week
considering its details. It has been
the policy of the administration to
help in these situations, although
the conference will have no element
of finality. That is all there is to
any visit," he said.
Gen. Johnson said he expected to
confer with automobile chieftains,
but would not identify them.
"They are all here, aren't they?"
he parried.
Hauptmann Is
Seen As Typical
German Genius
"Gerhart Hauptmann represents
what 'we have always admired and
loved -the-spiritual German," said
Prof. Fred B. Wahr in his talk yes-
terday afternoon on the Summer
Session special lecture series. "4Tol-
erant of all men and all ideas - seek-
ing to find out what this life may
mean - that is Hauptmann - that
is Germany."
"What can this man feel in the
mad emotional selfishness of nation-
alism that is now sweeping his coun-
try?" Professor Wahr asked, point-
ing out that the author has always
been a bitter opponent of the Hoh-
enzollerns and militarism. Haupt-
mann, he stated, has repeatedly told
the Germans that their greatest
weakness was their inability to unite,
saying "beware of your own sword,
for you need fear the sword of no
In Hauptmann, Professor Wahr
sees a dual character, a writer who
continually struggles betweentreality
and fairy land, both a creature of
civilization and a creature of his
own dream world, who likewise ob-
serves that all humanity is making
that same struggle.
"Hauptmann believes that out of
suffering we build a dream world,
'and in that dream world lies our
only salvation," Professor Wahr said.
"He holds that we live in two worlds,
and that all men pursue under the

Hyde To Talk
Of Diplomaey
Columbia Professor Will
Address Law Teachers
At Meeting Tonight
To Discuss Settling
Boundary Disputes
Lecturer Has Been Close
To Operations Of The
State Department.
Charles Cheney Hyde, Hamilton
Fish professor of international law
at Columbia University, will deliver
the third lecture on the Interna-
tional Law Conference series at 8
P. mn. today in Room 1025, Angell
Hall. His subject will be "The Tech-
nique of Diplomacy."
Professor Hyde will discuss the ar-
bitration of boundary disputes, pra-
ticularly in regard to the United
States. He is an authority on this
subject and is teaching courses in
this general field at the conference
this summer.
Besides being actively engaged in
professional law, Professor Hyde has
been closely associated with the de-
partment of state since his appoint-
ment as solicitor of that organization
in 1923 by President Warren G.
He has been the Hamilton Fish
professor at Columbia since 1925
and has also been practising law in!
New York City. He is the author
of several books, among them the
"Biography of Charles Evans Hughes
as Secretary of State."
24 Named In

"Neglect Of Duty'

50 Hiuvh School
Seniors To Get
Scholarships Enter Third
Year As Recipients For
Fall Are Named

Comnittee Of Educators
Hits Solons For Failing
In Child Education
Cite Lack Of Funds
In Report Of Group

State Legislature



-Associated Press Photo
This group of state executives is shown just after they crossed the California state line to attend
the annual governors' conference in San Francisco. Left to right: Governors Cross, Connecticut; .Mc-
Nutt, Indiana; Ross, Idaho; Park, Missouri; Hardee, former governor of Florida; Rolph, California;
Green, Rhode Island; Blackwood, South Carolina, and Balizar, Nevada.

Criticized For

Kidnaper Given
Death Sentence
In Kansas City
Missouri Gang Leader Is
Doomed To Hang; Seen
As People's Will
(By The Associated Press)
A death sentence and determined
action by state and federal govern-]
ments developed Thursday as deter-
rents to kidnapers. A Kansas City
jury decided that Walter McGee, a
former convict, should die for the
leadership he confessed in the kid-
naping of Mary McElroy for $30,000
Attorney General Cummings at
Washington said the sentence show-
ed "how the people feel about the
Federal authorities were making
plans for a "super police force" re-
quested by President Roosevelt to
combat the crime.
smash at the kidnaping racket-the
first death verdict-was delivered
here today by a Missouri jury which
convicted Walter McGee, confessed
leader of the $30,000 ransom kid-
naping of Miss Mary McElroy.
The 25-year-old victim, daughter
of City Manager H. F. McElroy, her
father, Attorney General Homer S.
Cummings in Washington, and other
officials engaged in the nationwide
crusade to stamp out kidnaping and
racketeering, hailed the verdict as
one that would put a check on ab-
The decree provides for death by
"I hope this will help to prevent
future kidnapings," said Miss Mc-
Elroy, who had identified McGee
from the witness stand.
"This is the first verdict in the
United States of death in a kidnap-
ing case," County Prosecutor T. A. J.
Mastin commented. "It will be #,a
wonderful benefit not only to Jack-
son County, but to every State in the
Union that is made a prey of kid-
Socialists Plan Talk On
What Roosevelt Has Done
"What Has Roosevelt Accomp-
lished?" will be the subject of a dis-
cussion by Neil Staebler, local social-
ist leader, at a meeting at 5 p. m.
today in Natural Science Auditorium.

More Than 80 Go On
Tenth Summer Tour
"Larry" Gould, second in com-
mand on the 1928 Byrd Expedi-
tion to the South Pole and pro-
fessor of geology here this sum-
mer, conducted the tenth Uni-
versity excursion to Put-In-Bay
Island yesterday.
More than 80 persons took part
in the, trip. In addition to the
members of the classes in geology
who' went on the trip as part of
their field work, there were many
persons interested in the historical
significance of the island, on
which is located the monument
dedicated to the memory of Ad-
miral Perry who met and defeated
the British in the nearby waters
in the War of 1812. The island was
first settled by the Spanish, who
have left many remnants of their
occupation. Several buildings still
standing were built by Spaniards
in the Sixteenth Century.
Sen. Couzens
Returns From
London Parley
NEW YORK. July 27.-(G)-Sen-
ator James Couzens returned from
London today and said the World
Economic Conference was "obviously
an experiment and only the future
will be able to determine what if any
of the work will be of world benefit."
"When, I left," said the only Re-
publican ,member of the American
delegation, "I made the statement
that if nothing came out of the con-
ference I would return a rabid isola-
"While I am disappointed at theI
outcome, I am not willing to admitt
that the conference was a total fail-
ure, and that therefore I am willing
to contribute my efforts to better in-
terinational co-operation."
The Michigan multi-millionaire
said his visit to London might well be
described as the education of James
"I learned," he said, "about inter-
national relations from them."
No decision was made, the senator
said, as to when the conference would
reconvene, if it does.
The action of the plenary session
today, Senator Couzens said, "indi-
cates that it will be left to what the
League of Nations calls a bureau, and
what we generally call in this coun-
try a steering committee."

Fourth Faculty
Concert To Be
Tuesday Night
Sink Announces Program
For Another Of Weekly
The fourth faculty concert on the
summer series has been planned for
8:15 p. m. Tuesday, Aug. 1, in Hill
Auditorium, according to Dr. Charles
A. Sink, president of the School of
Among the faculty members who
are to participate in this concert are
Professors Arthur Hackett, tenor;
Wassily Besekirsky, violinist; Hanns
Pick, violoncellist; and Joseph Brink-
man, pianist. They will be assisted
by Lynn Bogart and Romine Hamil-
ton, students of Professor Besekir-
The trio for violin, violoncello and
piano, Professors Besekirsky, Pick,
and Brinkman, will open the pro-
gram. Professor Brinkman will pre-
sent a group of piano solos of works
by Schumann, Liszt, Chopin and
Brahms. Professor Hackett will sing
the song cycle On Wenlock Edge by
R. Vaughn Williams, which has an
accompaniment of piano and string
quartet, to be performed by Profes-
sor Brinkman, Besekirsky, and Pick,
and Mr. Bogart and Mr. Hamilton.
The program in full is as follows:
Trio for violin, violoncello, and
piano, Pizzetti: Mosso e arioso-Viv-
ace, Largo, Rapsodia di Settembre,
Besekirsky, Brinkman and Pick.
Abegg Variations, Op. 1, Schu-
mann; Sonnetto, E major, Op. 104,
Liszt; Prelude, C sharp minor,
Chopin;, Prelude, B flat minor,
Chopin; Intermezzo, A m a j o r,
Brahms; Rhapsodie, E fiat, Brahms;
On Wenlock Edge, R. Vaughn Wil-
liams, a cycle of songs for tenor
voice with accompaniment of piano
and string quartet:
I. From Far, From Eve and
II. Is My Team Ploughing?
III. Oh, When I Was in Love With
IV. Bredon Hill,
V. Clun.
Wheat Advance
Leads Orderly
Day In Market
NEW YORK, July 27.-(P)-Soar-
ing grains and a, continuation of
highly optimistic railway earnings
reports cheered financial markets to
further advances today in quiet and
orderly trading.
Wheat at Chicago finished up as
much as 8 cents a bushel, the limit
permitted in the restricted trading in
that center. Corn, rye, oats and bar-
ley were up around 3 to 6 cents a
bushel and Winnipeg wheat was
around 4 cents a bushel higher. Cot-
ton rallied $1.30 to $1.50 a bale, bar
silver firmed and other commodities
generally were steady.
Sntoks .ld byvreivnated stel

Chicago's War'
On Gangsters'
NEW YORK, July 27.-(AP)-Aaron
Sapiro was taken to Police Head-T
quarters late today, charged with1
being a fugitive from Chicago, where
he was indicted on a charge of rack-
eteering conspiracy.
CHICAGO, July 27.-(W)-Reput-
able attorneys and industrial arbiters,
labor union bosses, plain hoodlumsl
and Al Capone himself were named
alike in a blanket indictment today,
charging 24 men with bombing, acid-
throwing and restraint of legitimate
trade through terrorism.A
Eminent among the defendants
were: .
AARON SAPIRO, New York attor-
ney, who once sued Henry Ford for
$1,000,000. He is a pioneer organizer
of the co-operative marketing move-
ment in the United States, named be-
cause he was counsel for nearly a
year of the Chicago Laundry Owners
Association. He quit June 2.
University of Chicago lecturer on
economics, Federal labor mediator..
who was appointed head of the Mas-
ter Cleaners and Dyers Institute of
Chicago for the announced purpose
of eradicating the gangsters.
publican leader of the City.Council,
attorney for the Dye House Drivers
AL CAPONE, who might still be
the czar of Chicago's outlaw labor
rackets, ruling by the gun, had the
Government not put him in prison
for 11 years on an income tax eva-
sion conviction.
sor to Capone as Public Enemy No.
1, business boss of the syndicate, a
fugitive now from Federal indict-
ments charging that he dodged his
income tax bill.

Exemption from tuition fees for
50 outstanding students of the high
schools of the State marks the third
year of the existence of the Michigan
Alumni Undergraduate Scholarships,
annually distributed through alumni
clubs in 22 cities of Michigan.-
Recipients will enter the University
in September and if they continue;
their present high scholastic average
during their University career the;
grants will be renewed each year for
the entire four years in school here.3
Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice-pres-
ident in charge of educational in-
vestigations, announced the winners
and at the same time said that-re-1
newals have been granted to 21 jun-
iors, who entered the University in
the fall of 1931, and to 26 soph-
omores, who came in in 1932.
The names of those who have re-
ceived freshman awards for the aca-
demic year 1933-34 and their home
cities, are as follows:t
Adrian club, Dorothy A. Finkell:
Ann Arbor club, Catherine Ferguson,
Henry B. Gillespie, Alfred E. Graf,
Elsie A. Pierce; Battle Creek club,
John Blumenstock, Roger Laurenson,I
William H. McCarthy; Bay Cityclub,
Elizabeth Rae, Delmer Rogers; Ben-I
ton Harbor club, Ruth Baumeister;t
Birmingham club, Mary ' Lambie;t
Donald Parry; Dearborn club; Frank
Aldrich, Elliott Ketchum; Detroit
club, Phyllis Blaumen, Robert H. Ed-i
monds, Jean Farquhar-Smith, Louiset
Juckett, Charles ICovaleski, Jeanes
McLean, Jim Moore, Paul Nims, BenI
Percherer, Marshall Shulman; Grant1
Wellington, Ben Zion Rubin; Flint
club, Lee Stebbins.
Grand Rapids club, Ethel Miller,
Maud Stratton; Kalamazoo club,
Kenneth Kilgore, Lyle Loukes; Lan-
sing club, Donald Anderson, John A.-
Doelle; Manistique club, Leon Wil-
loughby, Jack A. McIntosh; Meno-
minee club, Robert Mead; Midland
club, Josephine Cavanaugh; Monroe
club, Marguerite Knab, William Wil-
son; McClemens Club, July Evans,
Hans Daniel; Owosso club, Bernice
Carmichael; Pontiac club, Walter
Countryman, Kathryn Ransom; Sag-
inaw club, Evelyn Butler, Johnthan
Rice; Sault Ste. Marie club, Claire
Gaston; Ypsilanti club, Albert Baylis,
Lee Feldkamp, George Staebler
(Donald Stadler-alternate).
Michigan Cities Urged
To Ask U.S. Funds Now
GRAND RAPIDS, July 27.-A)-
Michigan municipalities needing pub-
lic improvements should take ad-
vantage of the National Recovery
Act for Federal aid at once, Col. E.
D. Rich, State sanitary engineer, told
city officials of western Michigan in
session here.
"Conditions and prices are more
favorable now than they probably
will be for another 20 years," Col.
Rich said. "If conditions continue
to improve, the government may de-
clare the emergency over and put
an end to Federal aid."
The meeting was called by the
Michigan Municipal League for a
discussion of the Federal public
works problem. Michigan is eligible
to receive more than $32,000,000 for
sewerage and waterworks construc-
tion projects under the Recovery Act.

Children Of Poor Will Be
Seriously Handicapped,
It Is Claimed
Severely censuring the Legislature
of the State of Michigan for neglect-
ing its duties to the people of the
State as outlined by the Constitution
in regard to providing educational
opportunities for children, a report
prepared' by a committee of the
School of Edtucalior summairizin
facts of the three-day conference on
readjustments in education, was re-
leased yesterday.
Members of the 1933 Legislature
failed to provide necessary funds for
keeping the schools open, even in the
face of the known facts that the Con-
stitution places upon legislators the
responsibility for the education of
Michigan's children and that avail-
able revenues for the continuance of
public schools in Michigan have de-
creased more than 45 per cent during
the past year, it states.
Minimum Schooling Impossible
"Children enrolled in 90 per cent
of the schools of .the State are de-
prived of the minimum amount of
schooling required by our State laws
by the neglect of the 1933 Legisla-
ture to take such necessary action for
the coming school year," the report
Children of poorer families will be
most seriously affected by the cur-
tailment of educational opportunities
and this will tend to increase the
handicap placed on these children,
the committee reports.
From the probable effect of the
curtailment in facilities on the train-
ing' of children whose parents are
not sufficiently prosperous to supple-
ment by private instruction the work
of the schools iss the manner in which
the retrenchments should be viewed,
membersnof the reporting group
Curtailments Harm Thousands
Thousands of children in Mich-
igan have already been seriously in-
jured by unwise curtailment of edu-
cation and many schools are now
being threatened with financial star-
vation, it is explained.
School authorities owe a duty to
the State of Michigan to enter a sol-
emn protest against unwise or de-
structive retrenchment in education,
it is stated in the report.
Education is the right of childhood
-it is the best insurance of national
integrity and safety and the best pre-
ventative of social disintegration, the
committee says.
More Schools Needed Now
Acceptance of the new industrial
codes set forth by President Roose-
velt will create an immediate need
for more schools and more teachers
to take care of the thousands of boys
and girls released from forced em-
ployment, the report states. "We
(Continued on Page 3)
By the Associated Press

Tuition Only Slightly Changed;
Payment Will BeBy Semester

It's Mint Julep Time At League
As Southern Dance Is Planned

W L Py
Washington.............. 60 33 .
New York........ .....58 35 .
Philadelphia............. 47 47 .9
Cleveland...... ..47 50 .
Detroit............... .. 46 47
Chicago ................. 43 51 -
Boston ................... 42 51
St. Louis........... .. 36 63 "
Thursday's Results
St. Louis 10, Detroit 9 (12 innings).
Boston 6, Philadelphia 2.
Washington 3, New York 2 (10 inning
Cleveland 9, Chicago 1.
Friday's Games

Students enrolling in the Univer-
sity this, fall Will be charged approxi-
mately the same tuition that they
were charged last year but will pay1
in semester installments instead ofI
by the year, according to the new1
ruling passed last week by the Boar'd1
of Regents.
For the first time, women students
will not pay any more than men,
according to the ruling. The general
policy that has been followed in com-,

residents will be charged $10, out-of-
state' students, $25.
In the literary college, the educa-
tion school, the business administra-
tion school, the forestry school, and
the graduate school, tuition fees on
the semester basis are $50 for Michi-
gan residents and $62 for out-of-
state students.
In the engineering college, the
architectural school, and the phar-
macy school the fees are $57 for resi-

If you-all want to be in style at1
the League's Saturday night dance
this week-end you'll have to polish
up your best "South-of-the-Mason-f
Dixon-line-drawl," for it's going to be
a southern style dance in honor of1
those who have come to the Univer-
Iitu Summer Session from the south-4

allowed in the ballroom at any time,
but there is a catch, and a promising
note for those who want to bring
partners-the first number the orch-
estra plays in every group of three,
making up a "dance," will not be a
tag dance. So, if you do bring a
partner, you're assured of a third of
every dance with her.


Detroit at Cleveland.
New York.at Washington.
Only games scheduled.
New York ..... .......56


L F~

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