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July 22, 1932 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-22

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One Killed, Many Hurt in Labor Riot at Illinois Damr

lt "LJill

Aiis in Bureau
of Appointments
Dpertinent Attempts to
Furnish Information to
All Stdents, He ~Says
Puts Many in Jobs
Problems of Adjustment
Are Also Investigated;
School Studies Are Aid
Guidance, p e r s o n n e 1 research,
placeient of teachers, placement of
poeple in the business world, and per-
sonnel study of alumni are the five
functions of the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and occupational Informa-
tion, declared Dr. T. L-uther Purdom,
director, before the 4 o'clock educa-
tion conference yesterday.-
"Tle Bureau," he asserted, "de-
sires to furnish to any and all stu-
dents information concerning the
various occupations, dealing with the
opportunities in money, in promo-
tion, and in which to render service.
Aid Outside Students
"We also wish to assist those who
come to the office on problems of per-
sonal adjustment, not only students
on campus, but those who come to
us with their problems from any
school system. A good number of
individuals are brought to the office
every month by some school prin-
cipal or people in the state who have
heard of the services we are trying
t, render.'
In order that the University,
through this bureau, may continue
t render service of the most funda-
mental importance, the bureau has
been working in two or three high
schools each year, studying what are
the dilerences between the success-
ful and unsuccessful people, and to
what extent corrections can be made
in order that a transfer can be made
from an unsuccessful to a successful
student. This 'is being done, Dr. Pur-
dmin pointed out, free of charge, in
oder to keep in contact with the
actual school problems and be better
a xleto deal withi students coming
to the bureau.
Many Bring Problgms
"It is probgbly due to this type of
Work," he sard, "that so many people
a'e brought to us concerning prob-
lens of personal adjustment."''
In speaking of placement of peo->
01e, Dr. Purdom said that somewhat
thie same procedure was followed in
connection with the placing of peo-
people in the business world as with
regard to teachers. The Bureau at-
tempts to establish contacts with as
iany of the largecorporations in
i~e United States as possible, both
by letter and by personal calls. Al-
ough the number of people placed
uis, year was less than could be de-
desired, Dr. Purdom found that the
usiness world is rather pleased with
e fact that it can find well-trained
eople to fit into their scheme, and
Lat it is not necessary for them to
nterview hundreds when they can
pet what they want by interviewing
tfhree or four.
Oblieges Consulted
Withinthe past two -months, the
bureau has written to nearly 1,500
co leges calling their attention to the
service the University renders other
institutions and also calling atten-
tion to some of its candidates who
are well prepared and available. Per-
sonal notes have also been written
to nearly 1,500 private schools.
' By this means, the Bureau at-
teBpts to establish as many contacts
as possible and, of course, to help
the individuals get placed at the
sme time, as well as building up
relations that will be of value to the
Bureau in the future.

As early as 1800 there were 22
miles of canal in operation in South

| e

(Associated Press Photos)
In a gun and fist battle between union and non-union laborers, one man was killed and more than
wounded near 4lme government dam (above) under construction at Marseilles, Ill. Steve Sutton, shown
right with his wife and step-daughter, was killed, and Cecil Hopton (left) was one of many injured.

Bishop Opens
Health Session
Dr. Raphael Will is-u ss
Mental Hygiene; Ben-
ning to Act as Chairina
Dr. Eugene Bishop, commissioner
of public health of Tennessee, will
open the fourth Public Health in-
stitute at 9 o'clock today with an
address on "Rural Health Depart-
ment Practice." All lectures of to-
day's and tomorrow's session will be
held in the west amphitheatre of the
West Medical building.
At 10 o'clock Miss Edna Hamilton,
director of nurses of the Children's
fund of Michigan, will talk on "The
Use of Local Committees in Rural
Tursing Problems," and Dr. William
Peter, director of the Health Service
Cleanliness institute of New York,
will speak at 11 o'clock on "Adven-
tures in Health Education."
Dr. Theophile Raphael, professor
of clinical psychiatry in the Univer-
sity, will speak at 2 o'clock on "Men-
tal Hygiene and Its Public Health
Relation."nA paper on "Some Re-
cent Developments in the Field of
Nutrition," by Howard B. Lewis, pro-
fessor of $hysiological chemistry, at
3 o'clock will conclude today's meet-
Dr. Charles H. Benning, of the
Royal Oak District Health Depart-
ment, will act as chairman today,
and Dr. Jacob Brook, Kent county
health officer, will lead tomorrow's
Dr. Bishop will speak at 9 o'clock
tomorrow, Miss Grace Ross, of the
Detroit Health department at 10
o'clock, Dr. Peter at 11 o'clock, Miss
Mabel Rugen, of the physical educa-
tion department, at 2 o'clock, and
Miss Marion Howell, of Western Re-
serve university, at 3 o'clock.
All session are open to students
who present their treasurer's receipts
for Summer School.
Crossingless Highway
Big Project in Italy
FLORENCE, Italy, July 21.-(AP)
-One of the most important public
works projects in northern Italy, a
50-mlie highway connecting Flor-
ence with the Mediterranean coast,
will be opened to traffic in October.
Twenty-five o fits 32.5 feet of
width are reserved for motor traffic
and it is crossed at no place by either
roads or railways. Its connectiois
with the network of ordinary raods
are made only at stafions in the prin-
cipal towns.
Among the chief features of the
highway are 30 bridges, 130 under-
passes, three large viaducts and a
tunnel 1,128 feet in length.

Stllden ts Will See
Ed Pcational lats
Ou Tour Saturday
Students interested in educational
plants and facilities available in the
finest preparatory schools today will
have the opportunity to visit the
Cranbook Foundation schools at
Bloomfield Hills tomorrow morning.
SThe schools, the gift of Mr. and
Mrs. George. G. Booth of Detroit,
are considered the finest in this sec-
tion of tlie country. Dr. C. J. Kep-
pel, assistant head master, will per-
sonally direct the University party
during its sojourn at the schools.
The group consists of the Cran-
brook School for Boys, the Kings-
wood School for Girls, and the Brook-
side School for boys and girls up to
the eleventh grade.
Reservations for the trip must be
made before 5 o'clock 'today in the
office of the Summer Session. Bus
tickets are priced at $1.
Mrs. Caraway Starts
Campaign Over hadio
HOT SPRINGS, Ark., July 21.-
(AP)-Senator Hattie W. Caraway
opened her campaign for re-election
to the office to which she succeeded
her husband, Senator -Thaddeus W.'
Caraway, at his death, in a radio
speech here claiming "fitness" for
the work.
She cited her record in the senate,
declared for cash payment of the
soldiers' bonus and for all legisla-
tion "in the interests of the common
The state of Georgia is operating
under a constitution adopted in 1877.

TYPEWRITERS, all makes, bought,
sold, rented, exchanged, repaired.
O. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State.
GRAPHING prqmptly and neatly
done. O. D. I(ORRILL, 314 So.
State St. -c
FOUND--Pair of grey, shell-rimmed
glasses on campus Thursday after-
noon. Owner may claim same by
calling at The Daily office and pay-
ing for this ad. --2
LOST-Not if your furs -are stored
here. Our policy protects your furs
completely 12 months. Zwerdling's
Fur Shop. Complete fur service
since 1904.
ED-Will call for and deliver.
Soft -water used; washing .done
separate. Phone 2-3478. :.--c
WANTED-Laundry. S o f t water.
21044. Towels 'free, socks darned.
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Call
M, V. Hartsuff, 9087. -0
FOR RENT-Nineteen room house
for Fraternity, Club or rooming
use; Ample dining facilities. Other
houses furnished or unfurnished.
Charles E. Gallop Co. --1
FOR RENT-Now or September 1st,
furnished or unfurnished or will
share desirable 6 room steam
heated house. Garage. Phone 5035.




Arizona Man
Held in Illinois
7 Other Non-Union Work-
ers Naned Accessories
In Dam Riot Case
OTTAWA, Ill., July 21.-(AP)-
Selected from among 128 prisoners,
James Collins, of Mesa, Ariz., was
blamed today by a coroner's jury for
tfie shotgun' killing that marked a
labor riot at the Marseilles govern-
ment dam.
Collins, a non-union worker on the
Illinois waterway project, was or-
dered held to the LaSalle county
grand jury on a charge of slaying
Steve Sutton unemployed union
steel worker from Joliet who with
300 others picketed the dam Tues-
day until gunfire drove them off.
Seven other out-of-state non-
union workers were held without bail
in the county jail as accessories to
the slaying after the jury's midnight
report. They were Ralph Taylor of
North Carolina, Lemar Partin, Harry
D. Paige, Leo Dale, Joseph Murray,
and Harold H. Staples of 'Louisiana,
and Olaf Huff of Minnesota. All are
employees of -the Stevens Brothers,
Miller-Hutchinson Construction Co.
of New Orleans, builders of the dam.
Officials sought to learn their home
One hundred and twenty of their
co-workers, including R. L. Miller,
member of the firm, and his son
Herbert, superintendent of the job,
were released after being held nearly
36 hours in jail.
The jury's report thpt Sutton
"came to. his death b gunshot
wounds at the hands of one James
Collins," was based on testimony of
William J. Shirley, a Joliet unionist,
who said he saw Collins fire the 50
or 00 slugs which hit Sutton in the
heart and lungs.
Newport Beach
Portage Lake

Last Man Convenes for Last
Session of 'Last Man's (ub'



2:00-3 :40-7:00-9:00

STILLWATER, Vinn., July 21.-
(AP)-Keeping faith with its tradi-
tion, the Last Man's club, reduced by
deaths to one survivor, rallied today
for probably the last time.
Tonight in the presence of 3
chairs draped sin black set about a
table whose centerpiece will be a
bottle of rare old Burgundy wine,
Capt. Charles Lockwood of Cham-
berlain, S. D., the survivor, will call
the roll of *he 34 members of the
Though Lockwood expects to live
many more years, he admits the an-
nual visit without the cheering pres-
ence of his Civil war comrades of
Coppany B, First Minnesota infan-
try, is becoming more of a task each
July 21. Last winter he was ill for
several months. He intends to be
more car-eful of his health.
So, after he carries out the club
ritual tonight, he may close up the
records forever.
Following the roll call Lockwood
Miss Nation Librarian
At Biological Station

will drink a toast to his departed
companions of the first battle of
Bull Run, fought July, 21, 1961-in
water. The wine, set aside at the
first reunion of the veterans in 1885,
fulfilled its destiny in 1930 when for
the first time Lockwood met alone.
That was soon after the -funeral of
his old friend, Peter Hall of Atwater,
Minn., "the next to the last man."
The beverage was designated in 1885
as the toast drink for the last sur-
The wine is being preserved partly
because Lockwood has no fondness
for it and partly because he wants
the Historical society to which he
gave the bottle to preserve the
But he brought a little vial with
him and he expects to fill it from the
bottle as he did in 1930. Last spring
on a visit to Washington he showed
it to President Hoover and a girl'
reporter.' Liter he discovered the
vial was empty.
"I know that the President didn't
drink any of it but I can't tell about
that girl," he laughed.

.1. 1 ...A. ~

-ast Times Today

Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.

Fight Pictures

ater Huston4 t C u t
Lewis Stone


--soon--. --Now--
HeadedH ORSE"
The Laugh of Both
Noma n Parties
with Warren William



cAd ance
od f
anid Up-
..as the fist

Miss Elizabeth Nation is librarian R I D E at
at the University Biological station,
Cheboygan, this summer. She has MULLISON
recently returned from spending ODLE STA BLES
some months in - Europe. Miss Na-
tion has held the position at the OUT WESC'UURON ST.'
camp for several years.
Entire stock of rmorethan 4QODresses,
reduced to the very last and lowest
price of the season ...
-1 - -- _ _
12to 44 $7185 deaI
1612 to261/ 2Ifor Travel '
formerly up to $14.75'
'H -y I'-






_ /

Nothing small about this work

I'"""tnes speaks

fall -hats appear . . . they tip-
tilt . . . Fedora crowns . . . Cloches . . . Tri-
cones . . . s-nug Turbans. Felt predominiaes
but we also find s-mart wool fabrics ... rich
velvets . . . in black, brow n, beetroot, blue,
and we have them all reasonably priced . ..,.
12 n ..,. . n .-.an n-i :- -1 -,.. 111-., i nt' rc

Reaching out to the far corners of .the
earth for raw materials of telephone ap-
paratus, is a Western Electric function.
in the Bell System.
To assure adequate sources of supply,
men engaged in this work of mass pur-
chasing continually search the entire
globe.. To buy wisely, they study all
factors affecting prices 4economic and
labor coditions, transportation facil-=

ities, freight rates-on a world-wide
scale. Each year their purchases, worth
many millions of dollars, include such
diverse produicts" as platinum from
Russia, mica from India, asphalt from
Venezuela, flax from Belgium and
All in all, a vast and fascinating task.
For men of keen business judgment,
the opportunity is there!


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