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July 22, 1932 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-22

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FRIDAY,' JULY 22, 1932

-- ----

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to allmembers ofe
University. Copy re~eived1 at the offlee of the Dean of the 'Sumnmer Session
intli 3:30, excepting Sundays. ]1:30 a. m. Saturday.
Lecture on Manchuria: Mr. George A. Finch, of the Carnegie Endow-
ment for Internaional Peace, will show four reels of motion pictures and
will lecture tonig& on Manchuria in Natural Science Auditorium at 8:00
p, m. The public is invited.
Summer Plays: John Balderston's "Berkeley Square," recent Broad-
way success, will be presented this evening and Saturday evening at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Reservation's may be made by telephoning
Excursion No. 8: Schools of the Cranbrook Foundation. Three notable
private schools-the Cranbrook for boys, the Kingswood School for girls,
and the Brookside School for younger boys and girls below the seventh
grade-will be visited Saturday morning, July 123. The party will leave
from' Angell Hall at 7:45 a. in., returning to Ann Arbor shortly after 12:00
noon. Reservations, $1.00, must be made before Friday, July 22, 5:00 p. m.
Commander Donald B. MacMillan Lecture: Motion pictures of the
Arctic and the progress in exploration will be shown in Hill auditorium
next Monday evening. The pictures will b'e accompanied by a vivid word-
picture by the dean of arctic explorers--Commaner Donald B.'MacMil-
lan. This is the second special feature to be presented in Hill auditorium
this summer. The tickets are priced to cover the actual cost of bringing
these attractions to Ann Arbor. Tickets may be secured at the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre box-office.
Graduate School: Students enrolled in the Graduate School will not
be permitted to drop courses after Saturday, July 23. A course is not offi-
cially dropped until it is reported in the office of the Graduate School,
1014 Angell Hall.
i Students who have changed their elections since submitting election
cards should call this week at the office of the Graduate School, 1014 Angell
Hall. This involves the dropping and adding of courses, the substitution of
one course for another, as well as the change of instructors.
G. Carl Huber, Dean
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and School of Music.: The
time limit for dropping courses without record exxpires this week. Begin-
ning Monday morning, July 25, courses dropped will be recorded with E
Simmer Session Dance: University men and women are invited to
attend the next .regular Summer Session dance in the ballroom of the
Michigan League Friday night, July 22, dancing from 9:00 until 1:00. Hosts
and hostesses will see to ik that men and women coming witlout partners
have the opportunity to become acquainted. Cashier's receipts for Sum-
mer Session or identification cards for 1931-32 are necessary. Admission
25 cents for each person.
Men's and Women's Educational Clubs: A dance will be given Satur-
day evening at 8:30, July 23, in the University High School gymnasium
under the auspices of the Men's and Women's Education Clubs. All men
and women on the campus are invited. Admission 25 cents.
J. W. Kelder

"at home" tea on Friday of this week
and each Friday for the rest of the
Summer Session from 4:00 until 5:30.
Socialist Club Lecture: Al Renner,
candidate for governor on the Prole-
tarian Party ticket and Presidcnt tof
the Marxian Labor College iii De
troit, will speak on "The World Cri-
sis and the Proletarian Party" in the
Natural Science Auditorium today at
5:00, under the auspices of the Mich-
igan Socialist Club. Everyone is cor-
dially invited.
Liberal Students Union: Robert C.
Angell, of the Department of Socio-
logy, will speak on "Marriage and Its
Problems in Modern Life" to the
Liberal Students Union, -Unitarian
Church corner State and Huron Sts.,
at 7:30 Sunday evening. There will
be refreshments and a social hour'
after the discussion.
The Southern Club: Its annual
Summer School picnic will be held.
on Wdnesday, July 27th, at Portage
Lake, price fifty cents. The group'
will leave from in front of Angell
Hall at 5:00 p. m. Transportation
will be furnished. A committee will
attempt to telephone all Soui,herners
whose names are listed in the direc-
tory.sWe hope, however, that anyone
who, plans to attend will take the ini-
tiative to call University Extension
371 and notify the committee if he
can furnish an automobile or wants
transportation with someone else.
Jammy J. Darby, Mrs. B. L. Smith,
Mrs. W. G. Manson, Conrad Temple-
ton, and Jackson Sharman, Chair-
Unitarian Service: "What's On
Our Young People's, Minds" will be
the last of three addresses by the
Reverend W. H. Gysan, Unitarianr
Minister to students in Greater Bos-
ton, at the Unitarian Church atf
10:45 Sunday morning.t
Reformed Students: Church serv-
ice will be conducted Sunday morn-
ing by Mr. B. Kruithof at the PhiI
Alpha Kappa fraternity on 1000 East
Ann St. The Service will egin at 10
Progress in Ridding Air
Of Sulphur Dioxide Seeii
URBANA, Ill., July 26.- (AP)-The
problem of ridding city air of its
most noxious element-sulphur diox-
ide, from coal smoke--is one for
which the Illinois State Academy of
Sciences foresees a not too remote
' "The principal pollution of city1
air," says Prof. D. B. Yeyes Un,iver-
Aity of illniois chemist, "is sulphurl
dioxide, which irritates the mucous1
membranes and stunts plant growth.

Roosevelt, Homeward Bound, Visits Col. House


Ten to Form,
St. Lawrene
Seaway Body
WASHINGTON, July 21.-(AP)-
The great St. Lawrence seaway is to
be constructed under the supervision
of a sort of super-government com-
mission and on strictly business bases.
The -ponderous name of the or-
ganization, specified in the treaty
signed Monday between the United
States ;and Canada, is the St. Law-
rence International Rapids Section
Its work on the $543,000,000 proj-
ect will be just as ponderous as its
name but the plan is to let it be as
free from governmental red tape as
the ordinary contractor.
Five members are to be appointed
by each country as soon as the treaty
is ratified by the United States Sen-
ate, which meets in December, and
the Canadian parliament, which con-
venes early next year.
Because of subsequent necessary
delay in obtaining appropriations,
)work of course, cannot begin until

some time after that. But the 10
men named to the commission will
have ample authority to push the
project for a 27-foot channel from
Montreal to Lake Ontario.
They will/lave authority to make
contracts, sue and be sued, and em-
ploy all the help they need. They
will see that wages paid workers
equal those prevalent in the comnu-
They will not, however, have the
right to direct ; construction of the
power plants to develop 2,200,000
horsepower although they can co-
ordinate these with the seaway. They
can order deferred any works. When
their job is done, they cease to exist
as a commission.
To show that they mean these
commissioners to do business, the
two governments have agreed:
To waive immigration laws so far
as they otherwise would affect those
in the employ of the commission.
To exempt from all, tariffs and
dtstoms and taxes supplies bought
by the commission in either country.
To make the commission subject
to the federal courts of the countries
in which suits originate with the
proviso that if any claim exceeds
$50,000 eithe government may ap-
peal it to arbitration.

(Associated Press Photo).
Gov. Franklin D. Rooseveit, homeward bound after a vacation
cruise along the New England coast, stopped at Beverly Farms, Mass.,
to visit Col. Edward M. House (rifht), former adviser to Woodrow Wil-
son. The Democratic' presidential nominee described the talk as "just
a chat."

--- -All

Freeman's Dining Room
Otte block north from Hill Auditorium
Excellent Quality - Reasonable Prices

2,000 Bolivian Women
Ready to Enter Army
LA PAZ, Bolivia, July 21.-(AP)-
Two thousand Bolivian women had
pledged their lives today to the gov-
ernment if war is declared on Par-
aguay, and a troop train loaded with
reinforcements from the army was
on its way''to the Bolivian interior."
The troolP train was sent out fol-
lowing reports of a battle in the
dran Chaco region.
The army of women paraded to
the presidential palace, urging the
fatherland. to defend itself.
All the political parties and vari-
ous commercial interests pledged
their help to the government. The
Central bank made a spontaneous
offer of a large loan.
ASUNCION, Paraguay, July 21.--
(AP)-President Guggiari of Para-
guay said today the government
would not abandon "its defensive at-
titude (against Bolivia) unless pro-
voked" but that the government and
people were determined to maintain
their rights.
Patriotic demonstrations contin-

ued in the capital Wednesday night,
but there was no disorder.
SANTIAGO, Chile, July 21.-(AP)
-The government announced today
it had crushed a plot to restore for-
mer President Carlos Ibanez to power
and arrested three of Ibanez' friends
for "activities contrary to law."
A heavy guard was thrown around
the ranch home of the former dic-
tator, who recently returned from
exile in Argentina.
Credit sales total 34 per cent of the
U. S. retail trade.

Lunch and Dinner .

. . .


Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ,
Breakfast 30c . . . Lunch 30c .

$4.50 per week
.$6.00 per week
.. . Dinner 50c

Sunday Dinner,

. . . . . . . , " f60c

Women's Education Club Meeting
Michigan League. The feature of the e'
ous readings given by Professor Eich o
General Linguistics. All students of
the' Summer Session and wives of
men students are invited. The meet-'
ing will be at 7:15 instead of 7:30
as formerly announced.
Physiological Chemistry 120: The
lecture's in tlhs course will begin to-
night at 7:00 a. in., in the West Am-
phitheatre of the West Medical
Exhibition of Paintings, Architec-
ture Building: A collection of oil and
water color paintings by Professor
Barnes, Slusser, Chapin, Valerio, and
Mr. Aldrich is on view in the ground
floor corridor of the Architecture
Building. Open dail until further
notice from 9 a. m. t66 p. m. except-
ing Sundays.
Jordan' Hall 1'At Home": The res-
idents of Jordan Hall will have their
802 Packard Street
Today 11:30 to 1:30
Salmon Salad - Potato Chips
Banana Nut Salad - P-Nut Sandwich
Potato Saad - Cold Meats.
Roast Beef
ftoast Pork - Potatoes- Cold Saw
Tce Cream - Ca~ke
Punch - Coffee - Milk
5:30 to 7:30
Sh~lmp Salad
Tomato Stuffed with Tuna Fish Salad
Baked Ham - Raisin Sauce
Pork Chops
Lamb Chops
( Roast Veal
Baked Fillet of Haddock
with Butter Sauce
Mashed or French Fried Potatoes
Sliced Cucumbers, Head Lettuce,
Scallped Corn
Pie - Cake - Ice Cream - Melon
Coffee Tea Milk
Walton Goes
Poetic Now
Bingham, Maine
Jan. 31, 1928
When you've planned a trip for
And you've spent a lot of kale,
Bet the whole of your vacation
On some advertiser's tale
And you fish a lake of 'eauty
Hidden in a land of dreams,
Where the air is clean as sunshine
Haunted by songs of crystalstreams.
Comes the moment when you're
Ax~a a smasher hits your line,
Tken you play him like agamester
With the battle going fine,
Till a snag, a yank, and silence
And the line is hanging slack,
While you grit your teeth and whistle
A ... 1,- ', vl.. ..Ls.....nn~L

Monday, July 25, at 7:15 at the
vening will be a selection of humor-
f the Department of Speech and


present U
A twentieth century Aier ican walks into the past-lie sees .
eighteenth century England through the eyes of the present -
he knows the future- a strange situation-novel and in-
Single Admissions 75c Phone 6300
Our Two Stores are Packed with




fingerle's ,friday,,.specials!
church chicken dinner mondaYr wednesdayf rida Yh0c
--featured fish dinners
fried filet of sole - tartar sauce..............40c
broiled fresh lake erie trout- drawn butter .....50c
baked lake superior white fish - lemon sauce .....60c
fried hompton bay sea scallops--figaro sauce.. .60c
fried live soft shell crabs on toast.............60c
broiled live chicker lobster-drawn butter. . .;..1.00
choice of julienne potatoes . . brown potatoes . . . mashed potatoes
choice-'of five fresh vegetables or salad
home baked rolls' ice tea . coffee... milk ' dessert
always a great yanety of fresh fish foods
featured dinners this week
grilled sirloin steak-mushroom gravy.... ....... 50c
grilled pork chops-fried tomato.............50e
grilled genuine lamb chops,-jam . ...........55c
with all the accessories
a large variety of cold plate luncheons at 40c
-featured salads today
fresh shrimp salad-mayonnaise ............. ..40c
fresh crabmeat salad-hard boiled egg ... .....:.40c
fruit salad supreme-a special ......... .......35c
combination salad - choice of dressing .......... 30c
"pineapple and cottage cheese salad .. .........25c
-the fresh shrimp and fresh crabmeat are expressed from maryland and
are not from a can . . .

Modern Library, regular price 95c........ .. .now 57c
Everyman's Library, regular price 75c ... ..... nw 35c
Ebony Library reduced to..............One Half Off
The beautiful Black & Gold Library. . now One-Third Off
Non-fiction and fiction, -hundreds of fine selections..
. . ........-.-now One-third and One-Half Off
A $5000.00 stock of FINE BINDINGS-tIe highest art in book-
making-is offered for a short time at one-third off.
Hundreds of fine selctions of reference books (two large
tables; now priced at 35c each or 3 volunes for $100.
A superior grade of stationery at arhazin-g reduction
of 40 per cent off.
You are sure to find something you require at real savings





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