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July 22, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-22

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The Michigan Daily
Established 1890 %


' ! a

Music and Drama
fA Review ByM. A. S.
For sheer artistry alone-of acting, of direct-
ing, of staging, of costuming-this week's produc-
tion of "Berkeley Square" should be seen.
The play itself is vivid and alive. Intellectually
alive. It revolves about a young man whose love
of the eighteenth century is so keen as actually

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Rublished every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
or repubication of all news dispatches credited to ituor
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dipatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter.sSpecial rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.59. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Represntatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston; Street,
Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editorial Director ............... . ....Beach Conger, Jr.
City' Editor ........... . ..... . .. .... ... Carl S. Forsythe
State Editor ............................David M. Nichol
Ne wsEditor.......................Denton Kunze
Telegraph Editor..................Thomas Connellan
Sports Editor..... .................C. H. Beukema
Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
Business Manager.. .. ........... .Chales T. Kline~
Asistant Business Manager............Norris P. Johnson
0trculution Manager ..................Clinton B. Copger
FIDAY, JULY 22, 1932

tQ throw him back into that period. He achieves I'
a reunion with these past figures through his spir-
itual closeness to them. To try to explain in de-
tail the conception of time that is offered by
Mr. Balderston would be very confusing. It is a
glib offering and seemingly simple, but when
studied closely presents several practically unsolv-
ed snags. However, it should not be analyticall
approached. This is not a staged theory but a
real drama. And as such it must be aCcePted. It
is a new and refreshing drama. There is no eter-
nal triangle here. But there are several triangles
if you choose to find them. Picture a man-Peter
Standish by name-in love with a girl who died
a century and one half before he was born and
hating a man who existed then. Picture a girl
loving a man who had not lived. Picture another
whose love was cast aside 'for that of a ghost.
Picture them all involved together. There are
angles to this play. Many of them. And the Lydia
Mendelssohn theatre was the perfect setting for
it. It created a desirable intimacy.
Alan Handley proved that he can be a real ar-
tist. His technical facility and emotionalism in
times past have shown possibilities, but there was
always present a rather forced egotism which
limited him greatly. As Peter Standish there was
none of that. He gave a truly fine performance.
Martha Ellen Scott was well cast as the fragile
and delicate Helen Pettigrew. Miss Davie was
capable as Lady Anne. She has an unusual voice
which she uses to advantage. Harry R. Allen as
the Ambassador was interesting. The first scene
between him and Mr. Handley was nicely balanc-
ed-the restraint of theone contrasting the agi-
tation of the other. Mr. Crandall's Tom had a
poor, beginning but developed toward the end.
Miss Keller's portrayal of Kate was strong and in-
telligent. Lauren Gilbert as Mr. Throstle had an
easy grace and familiarity which was character-
istic of the whole cast.
Mr. Windt's directing- was easily recognizable
in its careful thoroughness.
It will be some time before there will be suph a
spirited student production as was presented this


class both to those that might know anything
about the subject and to those who admittedly
do not. Such a method of cramming knowledge
and the "I am God" attitude are positively dis-
tastefully revolting to any desire a student may
have to get ahead in some subject. By the time
such instructors attain the position of being paid
for instructing in college . grade schools they
should know themselves well enough to be abe to
make a good self-evaluation. It sometimes works
the ether way and gives these instructors what
is familiarly known as the swelled head.
From 'those instructors who just grate on you
our only prayer is that we be spared, for their hu-
mor is over our lowly head.
(The Daily Iowan)
The University of Iowa has followed, directly
or indirectly, a precedent set by its sister institu-
tion within this state with its plans for a co-oper-
ative dormitory system. At Iowa State college
the idea has been in effect several years for wo-
men and recently, within the last school year,
was tried by the men.
The idea has been a successful one at Ames,
throughout all of its life. Residents of Mary Lyon
hall, girls' dormitory operated under the co-oper-
ative -plan, have been able in the past to cut ex-
penses of living by an average probably nearf40
per cent under the cost to residents of the dormi-
tories under the regular system.
The plan as worked for the men attending the
state college has not been of as long duration, and
cannot offer figures for a period of years, but the
saving in its first year of existence. has been at
least proportionate.
There is no danger in one point which might
be questioned. That is in the matter of paying
too much attention to "housework" and too little
to study. The work of 'Jhousekrepin" 'is notutoo
great and too little to study. The work of "house-
keeping" is hot too great to permit efficient use of
text books.
Neither is that work too much on the menial
arder. Probably less so, and surely no more, than
-the average amount of help at home which might
be given by any student.
Such a life builds up a fine fraternal spirit, just
as any co-operative gesture does in any field. The
plan has been successful in another neighbor
school, and now Iowa should put it to work suc-
(Daily Tar Heel)
President A. Lawrence Lowell of Harvard in his
annual report to the board of overseers states that
"students as a whole appear more mature than a
generation ago, not only in sholarship but also
in their outside interests and in the sense of pro-
portionate values which is the flower of matur-
Such stateme'ts are probably necessary at per-
iodic intervals but they seem very trite. Millions
have been poured into the coffers of the univer-
sities and colleges throughout the country to in-
crease the size and efficiency of the plants. Run-
ning budgets have been ever on an increased
basis. The money problems of the state institu-
tions have been continuously before the state leg-
islature and have thus received a great deal of
publicity. If the public did not realize that the
universities could be improved and did not think
they were being improved, would they have ap-
proved these increased expenditures? In these
big institutions it follows naturally that a stu-
dent matures more than in the smaller institu-
tions of a few years ago. The contacts of the
larger group and the necessarily increased in-
dependence of th individual facilitate this.
The general truth of his statement is obvious
but we are inclined to doubt the great extent of
this maturity. For instance, thegauthorities here
1had recently to tighten the regulations for class
attendance. Would the University find it neces-
sary to restrict absences to keep really mature
students from flunking? Wouldn't mature stu-
dents be able to regulate their activities to their
best' personal advantage?
Strikingly indicative of the growth of the Brown
Graduate School is the announcement of the
awards made to advanced students. Many critics
s of Brown have found fault with the idea of a
t graduate school in this University, but the suc-
cess of the institution in spite of its short exist-
ence augurs ill for the arguments of these com-
mentators. The fact that over seven'hundred and
fifty applications were received shows the /plane
, which the Brown Graduate School has reached
under the able direction of Dean Richardson, who
is to be congratulated on his untiring efforts.
r The creation of the graduate school was the
f only factor needed to allow Brown to assime a
position as a full-fledged university. Those who
wish to deny the college this factor evidenced
s themselves as being conservatives and reaction-

aries, who were not sufficiently up-to-date to
l recognize the growth of Brown. Congratulations
are to be extended to the Committee on Fellow-
ships for the wisdom of their selection of candi-
dates and to the recipients of the awards them-
n selves 'for their wisdom in selecting Brown as the
t stage of their further development and learning.




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LtTEM a )R A .a . . a
Much may be said for intelligent socialism. It
has been responsible for many of the progressive
wind liberal measures which have come into exist-
enee in the past half a century. Among the im-
provements- which have been directly fostered by
socialist thought and action may be named the
public schoolt systems, old-age insurance and
workmen's compensation laws. Some interna-,
tional legislation of a progressive nature has been
fostered by these groups though when the gen-
eral liberal tendency of their thought is consid-
ered, the amount is surprisingly small. .
The entire situation has, however, become ex-
tremely -complicated with the introduction of ele-
ments totally foreign to the best type of social-
istic thought-elements who expend their entire
energies in attempts to foment revolution and
class hatred of the most bitter type. World revo-
lution is their aim. Anihilation is their password
and construction has become only secondary in
their program. Borne away by the most bizarre
and impossible dreams, their fanaticism stops at
nothing. Like a strong magnet near a compass
needle, their Third Internationale shibboleths so
deviate their mental powers that normal reasoning
becomes impossible. They fall themselves com-
plete victims to that condition which .they so bit-
terly castigate in others-intense prejudice.
Time was when almost every thinking person
admitted socialistic principles and affilations. But
this has long since changed and the infiltration
of other elements has put socialism,, in many
cases, in bad company. A large number of per-
sons today, motiviated by the principles which
form the best in socialism, will vigorously deny
any such connections because of the intensity of
the stigma attached to socialism by the entrance
of these foreign elements. -


Such is the case on the Michigan campus. No
one will deny that some of the efforts of the var-
ious organizations on,,the campus are of distinct
worth. We would mention particularly some of
the discussions fostered under socialist direction.
Occasionly, they are highly intelligent and very
worth while as was Professor McClusky's inter-
pretation of the public school system. At other
times, they are a bitter ,disappointment to the
socialists, as when Eugene Brock spoke and pub-
licly declared himself a Republican, the anathema
of socialists. Occasionally they are even worse
than miserable failures as was the "Mooney"
But despite all this, it is still impossible to es-
cape the 'realization that such organizations and
activities are s ptoms, often rather painful, but
not vital, progrgssive movements. It is impossible
for thinking persons to deny that a need, and a
very definite need, exists for reforms and changes
in the governmental structure of the country.
Many of its branches have become diseased but
socialist excecrances remain only indications of
a need. The doctor is elsewhere.
Fullprovision. for changes in form and effect
has been made in the instruments upon which the
government of the country has been built. The
remedy is to be found in the people and in the
action of these people along the channels provid-
ed, rather than in a complete destruction without
a progressive program. An active movement for
change along the lines already in existence would
be of distinct worth.
Thus, it ecomes apparent that a movement
Which was once of the highest calibre has degen-
erated through a number of stages until at best
it is but a token of a needed change. At the worst,
it must be classed as a distinct nuisance and, on

Editorial Comment
(Daily Illini)
Of prime impdrtance upon this bright and sun-
shiny spring morning seems the question of re-
lative greatness in the faculty. Far from being one
of those devil-may-care fellows, who does not
value his standing in the community, we are not
going to endanger his scholastic career by stoop-
ing to concrete comparisons among the lesser
dieties that may and probably will control our
destiny as far as graduating very soon is con-
cerned, we will retain our generality.
For those who may have blundered on to this
little squib hoping for some verbal fifipeworks of
no uncertain color and of unquestionable finality,
we apologize. We certainly, like everyone else,
have our pet peeves as to instructors et cetera,
but this is hardly the place to air them. Our
question for this morning, as they say in some of
the prize sections, is one of more fundamental
importance. In fact, it is a discussion of the
whys and wherefores of the practice of eliminat-
ing the density 'of undergraduate intellects, with-
out even coming so close to the main topic as to
mention one single name.
For the purpose of argument, or anything you
care to label it, we will divide our pedagogue
into three classes. First, there are those who' are
born great, then there are those who achieve
greatness in this, the teaching profession. Then
as a final classification, to which all instructors
are prone to precipitate themselves during a hot
and sticky summer session, are those who just
grate on you.
This classification, although admittedly inade-
quate, will serve for our purpose to separate the
sheep from the wolves or the foam from the beer
as you will. To put it midly, the predominance
of the members of the third class is a condition
under which no institution of higher education
can exist. Here at Illinois, under our system o
liberal student self control and expression, there
is nothing that could possibly strain the imagina-
tion more than the toleration/ of such individual
on the faculty long.
Students always have and probably always will
claim aversion to professors, instructors, and
teachers as a breed, but there is a noticeable tren
toward the classes taught by certain professors on
the campus that forms a basis for our separation
of pedagogues. This trend expresses itself mos
unquestionably and conclusively in the increasec
registration in those classes.
For those. who are born great we have only
admiration. This poor tribute is merited' by thei
superior skill in presenting a subject so that ever
those not especially interested in the subject al
least enjoy the hour enough to keep awake. It i
through these gifted individuals that our whol
careers are changed on the spur of the'moment
That is, those of us who are unbalancedenougi
to want a life of comparative enjoyment along
with our remunerative efforts. Rather than live a
life with a purpose we would probably drift hithe
and thither upon the so called stream of life i
it weren't for these enlightened indiiduals whc
really are born to impart information in an in-
teresting way to those sitting at the other side o
the desk.
For those who achieve greatness we hold only
respect. On summer days such as these no con-
ceivable scope of the imagination will include
the effort necessary to become great in the teach-
ing profession. The effort at times must seem
greatly out of proportion to the rewards as the
futility of said effort must almost continuously
impress itself upon most of thos, instructors whc
experience any sort of thoughts concerning those
students which they encounter in their classes
'1iose who just grate on one are found, it
seems, to be more numerous in college than in
secondary or' primary schools. They are some-
what of a throwback from the educational techni-
que practiced in the lower educational circles. For
those who have had no opportunity to get the
fundamentals of a subject the method of teaching
where a statement is given as unquestionable fact



Fifth at Liberty




A Washington
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 21.-(AP)-It remains to
be seen whether the Hoover or Roosevelt techni-
que in accepting presidential nominations has the
best publicity pull.
Mr. Hoover, by all signs, will not learn officially
of the new honors bestowed upon him until near-
ly a month after the fact.
Mr. Roosevelt has been advised, and will be
deep in his campaign by the time the Hoover ac-
ceptance speech is available for analysis. N
The Hoover method certainly gives the Presi-
dent time to study public reactions to the two
party platforms before he attempts to define the
issues awaiting test in November.
Yet much has already happened "on the hill"
since the Hoover nomination that might divert
the trend of his acceptance speech from a studied
review of the platforms.
A Line of Attack
Taking Secretary Mills' opening-gun speech in
Boston, one finds that the Republican campaign
management seems inclined to scoff at Roosevelt
liberalism and to charge him with failure to

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