The Weather-
Partly cloudy Friday and
Saturday; thunderstorms Sat-
urday. Little change.
Official Publication of The Summer Session
Symptoms, Not A Movement.
Aiton Praises
San Martin's
Wars in South
Calls Liberator of South
America treater Soldier
Than Washington
Ovedhrew Spain's
Dominion in 1819
Patriot Lauded for His
Unselfishness, Devotion
To a Great Cause
Jose San Martin, leader in the
Solth American independence move-
ment, was acclaimed "a greater pro-
fessional soldier than George Wash-
ington" yesterday by Prof. Arthur .
Aiton, of the history department.^ He
told a large audience of students
that Martin's crossing of the Andes
was a far greater feat than Napo-
leon's crossing of the Alps.
Had Spectacular Career
General Martin's spectacular rise
as a military leader started in Spain
at the age of 12 where he took part
some years afterward in several wars.
After becoming affiliated with a so-
ciety of young men who had pledged
themselves to work for the indepen-
dence of South iAmericp, San Martin
left for the new country where he
organized an army on the principle
of "strict discipline but no' reprs-l
sion," he said-.
Out of this group of soldiers, Pro-<
fessor Aiton said, came 19 generalst
and 2,000 offices w1 o later were im.'
portant factors in the military his-t
tory of the country.1
Realizing the difficulty of taking
an army overland into Peru, Generalt
Martin trained his cowboy soldierse
for mountain. fighting. His plan,t
said Professor Aiton, was to steal
across the Andes andito come in backf
of Chile. Here he 'lanned to organ-
ize a fleet on the Pacific, and thus
gain entranee by water into Peru,t
the treasure house and stronghold ofs
the Spaniards.I
Broke Spanish Sea Power E
Jose. San Martin-stocky, swarthy,Y
erect, and with pearl white teeth-
according to Professor Aiton, sor
timed his perilous journey that theĀ£
two sections of his army met exactly
on the appointed day and place.Y
SooA the young general was joinedE
by British and American adventurers
who were anxious for excitement andt
war. Ahfleet was organized, and in
1819 the Spnih. sea power was
roken, thus opening the waterwayc
to the land of the Incas, he said. y
Professor Aiton gave an accountt
of the meeting of San Martin andt
Simon Bolivar, tie lader in thec
movement from the'north. Martint
was, painted b the historian as an
unselfish soldier, interested primarilyc
in the freedom of the people and of
the country. After leaving the workI
to Bolivar because of their inabilitye
to agree on the form of governmenta
for the freed states, Martin returnedc
to Europe where he found only a fewt
friends and no money.
'It 'was not until after his deathc
that the people of South Americat
realized the greatness of this patriot.s
Today, said Professor Aiton, he restse
in state in the country he helped tot
free. Although his name is littlet
known in this country, in South
America "San Martin" is a householdr
word, he said. '
Roosevel Aider
Tries to Pacify
Smith Backers
Farley Lands Hague, New
Jersey Leader; to See
Ely This Morning
NEW YORK, July 21.--(AP)-Twot
far-reaching steps were taken todayz
to solidfy eastern democracy behindt
the Roosevelt-Garner ticket.
James A. Farley, who' will be com-
mander-in-chief of the Democratict
campaign, went to New Jersey andc
praised without stint the "sportman-t
ship" of Frank Hague, Jersey com-
mitteeman who lead "Al" Smith's K
floor fight at Chicago.t
At the same time plans were an-z
nounced at Roosevelt headquartersf
for a "peace meeting" tomorrow be-
tween Farley and Gov. Joseph B. Elyi
of Mass., who placed Smith in nom-
Scene from Repertory Players' 'Berkeley' Square'
Expect Large'
Attendance at
Dance Today
League Again Open to
Studeents on Campus
Summer Party
IAlan Handley (left) and Martha Ellen Scott are seen above in
one of the scenes from. "Berkeley Suare" playing tonight and tomor-
row night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
- -- - - 0
Federal Power
In Education
Under Attack
Edmonson 'Presents View
Of Advisory Committee
For State Control
A recommendation that it was
particularly unwise to centralize in
the Federal 'Government the power
of determining the social purposes
to be served by educational institu-
tions, was one of several adopted by
the National Advisory Committee,
Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the edu-
cation school, told the members of
the Educational Legislation Confer-
ence yesterday. Dean Emonson was
a .member of the committee.
"Centralization," he declared, "is
a radical departure from the long
s t a n d i n g American tradition of
school management, which has given
the American people a system of
schools that is so responsive to the
Democratic popular will, need and
"It is commonly assumed that we
have in America a system of educa-
tion that is the expression of the
wishes of the several states. This
assumption has in the past been well.
founded. -The Federal gpvernment,
however, has in recent decades been
assuming more and more responsibil-
ity for the policies, the support, and
the supervision of education in the
public school systems of the states.
This should be recognized as a new
development and one that 'is tending
toward a national system of educa-
tion of a highly centralized charac-
ter. The extension of the activities
of the Federal government in educa-
tion has come largely through a
change in policies regarding grants
of money for education.
"At present there is a strong im-
pulse to appeal to the Federal Gov-
ernment in order to effect education-
al reform. This is particularly the
case ihere new or changed activi-
ties in education are proposed for the
purpose of meeting"obvious neglects
or bringing about better adjustments
to changed social conditions. Every
such impulse has behind it strong
emotional factors which make it easy
to capitalize the interest of those in-
timately interested."
The committee, Dean Edmonson
reported, made a survey of govern-I
ment activities in the field of educa-
tion and found the following: train-
ing of the personnel of the govern-
ment, education of Indians, natives
of Alaska, Philippines, Porto Rico,
and Canal Zong, and the federal
program of financial aid to states for
research in education and for voca-
tional education of high school
grade. .
War Atmosphere Reigns
In Southern Countries
BUENOS AIRES, July 21.-(AP)--
Public tension was acute in six South
American countries 'today and }t
ranged all the way from internation-
al dispute to armed civil warfare.
The countries involved were:
Brazil, in throes of civil war pre-
cipit ed by a demand by the state
of Sa Paulo for speedy return to
constitutional government.
Bolivia and Paraguay, a r o u s e d
against each other anew in their bit-
'ter fifty-year-old dispute which has
made Chaco territory between them
Chili, with a new socialist govern-
ment under Canos Davila, and con-
fronted with a possible crisis in his
'Finch to Show
Movies Taken
In Manchuria
Editor of Law Journal Ito
'Address Meeting on New
' Factors in Far East
George Finh, managing' editor of
the. American Journal of Interna-
tional Law, will speak at 8 o'clock
tonight in Natural Science auditor-
ium on "Manchuria." His lecture will
be ilustrated with 4 reels of moving
Mr. Finch was wa omember of a
group of American journalists who
visited Japan, Korea, Manchuria and
China in 1929, and the motion pic-
tures were presented to hm by the
South Manchurian Railway Com-
pany. They show the general devel-
opment of South Manchuria by Jap-
an since 1905 when the Japanese
took. over the country from Russia.
The pictures were taken between
Dairen and Harbin, and show the
mining, oil, lumber and agricultural
developments along the railway.
This lecture is the eighth of a ser-
ies of nine public lectures sponsored
by the Conference for Teachers of
International Law which will con-
clude its five-week session n e x t
Thursday. The last lecture will be
given Tuesday by Pr'of. G. G. Wil-
son, of Harvard.
Leipzig- Physicist
Applies Quantumn
Laws to Biology
A concept of complementarity,
forced upon the physicist in his re-
searches in atomic physics, may very
possible prove to be the philosopher's
stone in the solution of mny of the
knotty problems of related natural
sciences, Dr. Werner Heisenberg, of
Leipzig, suggested last night. He
mentioned particularly, the sciences
of' biology and psychology.
First introduced by the Danish
physicist, Bohn, about 20 years ago,
this cocept has since become known
as the quantum theory. "No research
worker would invent such an irra-
tional concept," Dr. Heisenberg as-
serted, "Nature' has forced it upon
Fundamentally based upon the fact
that the observation of an object
often essentially changes its charac-
ter, he pointed out that under one
set of conditions it is possible to
measure the distances 'between the
electrons. With another apparatus,
the result will show only a' charg
of negative electricity and, he con-
tinued, "these two concepts, while
mutually exclusive, are both' other
Carrying the principle into other
fields, he showed that it is impossible
to know the atomic structure of a
live object since such observation,
itself, will result in the death of the
observed material. "As soon as we
know the number and position of
the atoms, we do not have life. The
two are apparently exclusive yet
when we can check physical laws
with living bodies we shall probably
find the laws correct."
In the field of psychology, he con-
tinued, there has been a tendency
to link the fact that there is no strict
causality in the quantum theory with
the concept of free will. While this
is not exactly correct, he pointed out,
we may choose freely or let our
choice be influenced by thought
These are mutually exclusive, 1 but
complementary, phases of the same
Treasury Receipt
Is Admission Pass
Facilities for Ventilation
Installed in Ballroom;
Dancing from 9 to 1
With plans under way for the larg-
est crowd so far this season, the
League will opefi its doors tonight to
the entire campus for the second
of a series of Friday night dances.
Ventilation facilities have been
placed in the ballroom of the League
so that it promises to be one of the
coolest places on the campus.
Dancing will begin promptly at -9
o'clock and will continue until 1.
Treasury receipts or identification
cards are necessary to'gain admit
tance to the dance, Miss Katherine
Noble, assistant to the dean of wo-
men, said yesterday.
No-Coat Rule Holds
The no-coat ruling stills exists,
Miss Ethel McCormick, dean of'wo-
men, stated, but sweaters and knick-
ers are tabooed and ties will be obli-
gatory. "No exceptions will be made
to this ruling," the dean said.
"There will be no shortage of girls.
at this party as there was at the last
one," Miss McCormick said, "for we
are making a special appeal to the
dormitories to have the girls come.
The difficulty last time, apparently,
was that the girls thought they must
have partners. We have been passing
the word around all week that it is
not necessary to have a partner to
attend the party, and we hope to
have as many girls as boys."
, Visiting Faculty Honored
Visiting faculty members in the
literary college were honored at a
tea given yesterday by the League.
At two succeeding parties, the
visiting faculty in other colleges of
the University will also be honored.
Graduate members of the University
are specially invited to attend these
'parties to meet the faculty of their
own', college.
Ml's. Edward H. Kraus and Mrs.
Ira M. Smith poured at yesterday's
Hostesses Named
Hostesses at the party were Mrs.
John L. Brumm, Mrs. A. E. Boak,
Mrs. C. B. Vibbert, Mrs. L. C. Kar-
pinski, Mrs. R. B. Hall, Miss Mar-
garet Mann, Mrs. Leroy Waterman,
and Mrs. N. H. Williams.
The general committee in charge
of the teas, headed by Florence Eby,
chairman, are Virginia Scadon, Lu-
cile Leetch, Mrs. Helen Brown, El-
berne' Pfeiffer, Violas Middleton and
Viola Oppenneer.
10 Believed Dead
As Sudden Storm
Hits Pontiac Lake
PONTIAC, July 21.-(AP)-A sud-
den windstorm, sweeping down on
scores of boaters who had sought
rlefuge from the heat on Pontiac
Lake, swamped an un'determined
number of smll boats tonight and
reports of missing persons indicated
that ten persons drowned. Other es-
timates raned as high as 14.
Attempts to drag the lake were
14alted by darkness, with electric lines
disrupted by the storm, after one
body had been recovered. The search
will be resumed tomorrow.
An automobile in which five De-
troit Negroes came to the lake this
afternoon was found unclaimed late
tonight and its occupants are believ-
ed to have gone down in the storm.
Four Pontiac negroes had not re-
turned to teir homes from the Lake
Witnesses said they saw four per-
sons, believed to be negroes flound-
ering in the water shortly after the
storm hit. Two small boats .,were
found battered to driftwood against
a dam. Five boats still were unac-
counted for.
Of Freshmen
Reveal Loss
Registrar Approves 691
Advance Registrations
For Next Fall
Figures Compared
To Year Ago Today
Education School Figures
Show Gain; Nearly Twice
Last Year's
Advance registrations for freshmen
in all schools and colleges of the-Uni-
versity show only a slight decrease
from the number at the same time
last year, Registrar Ira mith said
yesterday. Approved pplications
total '691.
150 Advanced Students Apply
More than 150 applications have
also been approved for students en-
tering the literary college on ad-
vanced standing from other institu-
tions, it was learned yesterday in the
office ofe the dean of the college.
Comparative figures for past years
are not available.
Registrar Smith pointpd out that
the number from day to day was not
an accurate criterion of the acutal
fall registration. "We may find," he
said, "that a number of applicants
have not yet made definite plans for
the coming year and will not enter
in September. We can make no pre-
dictions about the total enrollment
in the fall."
Registrar Smith's figures show a
rather large actual increase of
women students entering the literary
college, although the total for the
college shows a greater proportional
drop than do the figures from any of
the other schools. Two hundred
forty - three women's. applications
have been approved for entrance in
the literary college.
Engineers Same as Last Year
Figures for the engineering college
show an exact equality with those
from last year, the total being 131.
The' most notable increase this
year is an almost doubled number of
applications for the education school.
Most of the increase has been in en-
rollment by men.
Architecture showed the highest
proportional decrease.
Proletarian Party
YCandidate to Give
Speech Here Today
Al Renner, president of the Marx-
ian Labor college in Detroit and can-
didate for governor on the Prole-
tarian party ticket, will speak at 5
o'clock this afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium. He has been
connected wit the labor movemer
in Michigan for 25 years. The pro-
gram is being sponsored by the St
dent Socialit club.,
A free-lance radical, Dennis Batt,
will address students at the same
hour Friday, July 29. Batt, atone
time editor of the Detroit Labor
News, was editor of the first Com-
munist newspaper in this country.
Each Wednesday night for the re-
mainder of the Summer Session the
Socialist group will sponsor a sympo-
sium of the various political plat-
forms. Attempts will be made to
secure distinguished men from the
various parties to speak on this occa-
sion. The final program of the term
will be held some time during the
week of Aug. 8 when Judge Patrick
O'Brien of Detroit comes to Ann
Arbor to discuss the subject "Civil
Relief Measure; Grants
vances td States for
Of Unemployed
Plan Improvement
In National Parks
Veterans May Borrow
One-Half the Value
' t
Bennett Asks
Broad British
Wants Empire's Preferen-
tial System Extended to
OTTAWA, July 21.-(AP)-Prime
Minister R. B. Bennett, of Canada,
sent the British Empire Economic
Conference off to a business start
today when he proposed at the open-
ing session wide extension of the
Empire's preferential tariff system.
Bennett spoke in the House of
Commons as official host to the 275
delegates. He outlined what Canada
has to offer to other Empire units
and what she exppcts in return.
Bennett said:
"We will propose a United King-
dom, shall extend the principles of
her present tariff preference to na-
tural products. And on our part we
are. pre red to make necessary ad-
justmeias in our tariffs to secure
the advantage which we believe ,will
come from this arrangement." *
Canadian industries which have
become strong under the country's
tariff system, Bennett said, must be
prepared to compete with Britain.
Stanley Baldwin, head of the Brit-
ish delegation, followed Bennett and
announced that Britian, with her
tariff system, was prepared to grant
"wide extension" of tariff preferences
to the Dortiinions. '
"We propose," he said, "that the
United Kingdom shall have free en-
try into Canada for her products
which will not affect Canadian en-
terprise and we will ask that for
those natural and processed products
which comprise the most important
part of our exports be given a pref-
The Governor General opened the
session with a message from King
"You are opening a new page in
history," the message said. "By a
co-operating combine the conference
could stimulate not only their own
but would }trade," the message said.
Gamber to Give Talk
On Detroit Post Office
Branson V. Gamber, president of
the Detroit chapter of the American
institute of architects, will talk at
10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning ; on
"The New Detroit Post Office." The
firm with which Gamber is connect-
ed are architects for the new build-
Asks Tariff Treaty
Hoover Signs
Four. Billion
Dollar Bill
WASHINGTON, July 21.-(AP)-
President Hoover signed into law to-
day the gigantic Federal relief plan
that masses $3,800,000,000 in one cof-
fer for invigorating business, in-
creasing employment and relieving
human destitution.
His approval came five days after
the $2,122,000,000 bill that nearly
doubles resources of the Reconstruc-
tion Finance corporation and opens
its purse to needy , states, emerged
from a last-hour Congressional.
Huge Fund Ready
The President's signature, attached
without ceremony or public comment,
makes relief act immediately effec-
tive. This means
1-Operating- funds of the Recon-
struction corporation are increased
from $2,000,000,000 to $3,000,000,000.
2-$300,000,000 is available'for'ad-
vances to states for unemployment
3-$1,500,000,000 is on tap for pub-
lic construction- and self-liquidating
private loans, and the financing of
agriculture through credit corpora-
4-$120,000,000 is available for ad-
vances to states under the Federal
highway aid law.
5-$16,Q00,000 will go to roads and
trails in the national parks and for-
6-$186,224,000 is available for
public building and waterway im-
provemenit when the condition of the
treasury 'permits.
7-Federal Reserve banks may dis-
count eligible paper for individuals
and corftrations.
Within 10 days, Eugene Meyer,
governor of the Federal Reserve sys-
tem, and 'Paul Bestor, farm loan
commissioner, automatically are re-
moved from the Reconstrution
Board Maps Details
Already the Finance Corporatiori's
present directorate is busy mapping
administrative details of the new j b
it now assumes. Especially bother-
some is apportionment of the $300,-
000,000 fund for direct advances to
states, none of which may obtain
more than 15 per cent of the total.
To help, the directors have called
in expert officials of the President's
organization for unemployment re-
lief. Fred O. Croxton, of this com-
mittee, met with' the group today,
and Walter Gifford, its chairman,
has been summoned to a conference.
Gifford's organization is expected
to make available .data on relief de-
mands that have accumulated in two
years' time. The President repeated-
ly has stressed his determniation to
have the state fund distributed ac-
cording to real need
Mr. Hoover, meanwhile, is scan-
ning the field for two men to fill the
shoes of Mayer and' Bestor. ,These
two officials retire because of the
pressure of their other duties.
Approximately 215,000 World war
veterans will-be able to borrow half
the value of their bonus certificates
from the Veterans Administration
after Monday, July 25, under the
terms of an act also signed today by
the President.
Hobbs Praises
A rctic Trips
Socialists Debate, Veto Bill
For Special Letter Committee
New High
The ways of the socialists are
Hence The Daily decided to "cov-
er" one of the meetings of the or-
ganization in view of the barrage of
letters which have been filling the
campus opinion column for a week
on the subject of the Mooney editor-
The meeting progressed:
O. H. Bridge, the socialist who did
a large percentage of the correspond-
ence, asked opinions from individual
members on their reactions to the
whole business. One gentleman im-
had found the whole matter very
Mr. Bridge now moved that a com-
mittee of two be appointed to take
care of all future correspondence for
the club in the campus opinion col-
umn. He suggested that this would
be necessary because no individual
member must wrid things the club
didn't like. Also, nothing antagonis-
tic to socialism in the columns of the
Daily must be passed up. However,
when somebody objected Mr. Bridge
withdrew his motion.
The principal event of the evening
was supposed to be a talk by Profes-
sor McClusky but instead of addres-
Commander MacMillan's -greatest
exploit, in the opinion of Prof. Wil-
liam H. Hobbs, head of the geology,
department, was his support of Ad-
miral Peary's expedition to the North
Pole in 1909. At the same time, he
made an independent exploration
along the northern coast of Green-
land to the northernmost point. Mac-
Millai. will lecture Monday night in
Hill auditorium.
"Commander MacMillan,'" declared
Says Greatest Exploit
Support of Peary
pedition to Pole
Ann Arbor suffered yesterday af-
ternoon in a record-breaking tem-
perature for this year. Between 4
and 5 o'clock in the afternoon the
temperature reached 97.1 degrees. By