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July 21, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-21

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The Michigan Daily
Establshed 1890

ist predecessors? Well, the United States attrib-
uted to a change in) the French government its
prolonged failure to pay France for financial aid

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given in the American Revolution. And if the
point still seems valid, is it clear that the soviet
government is not proving irresponsible for its
own obligations?
Because Russia is "a country where the chil-
dren are taught to hate God?" But when has a
nation's religious attitudes involved its diploma-
tic relations? Russian children are taught to
hate, not God, but organized religion as their re-
volting elders found it-a religion deserving
much of the bitter attack it received in Russia.
But they are also, taught to love their, fellow mtan,
that the common cause of humanity, in Russia
and in the world, is their cause.
The real reason probably is the same as that
responsible for the twisted meaning given the
world Bolshevik: fear of communism. Seizure on
obvious faults is incidental to the main objec-
tion, which is to the principles of the Russian
revolution, against private property, private pro-
fit, private privilege, capitalism, organized reli-
gion, and other less fundamental things that
Western civilization holds dear.
But withholding government recognition is a
weak gesture as the machinery of American in-
dustry ,feeds the five year plan and aids 4he
growth of this alleged monster across the world.
And the contrast with treatment of revolutionary
France suggests that the United States is less
liberal than when its Declaration of Independ-
ence was fresher in the memories of its citizens.
Particularly is this so when even the principle
revolting political party does not dare to cham-
pion the issue.

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous 'communications wilt be disre-
garded. The names of communicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon request.
Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them-
selves to less than 300 words if possible.
To The Editor:

ublished every morning except Monday during the
.versity year and Summe~r Session by the Board in
trol of Student Publications.
[ember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
a and the Big Ten News Service.
'he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
lished herein. All rights of republication of special
>atches are reserved.
ntered at the 'Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
and class mate. Special rate of postage granted by
trd Assistant Postmaster General.
ubscription during sumnier by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
0. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
11, $4.50.


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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.

Representatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street'
Boston, Mass.; 812 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 1l.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editorial ;Director.........\...........Beach Contger, Jr.
City Editor..........................Carl S. Forsythe
State Editor .............................David M. Nichol
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Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
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Circulation Manager ..................Clinton B. Conger

The Ottowia Conference
And American Commerce


American producers, who have allways stood
for high protective tariffs in the United States,
will watch the Ottowa Conference, opening to-
day, with great interest. For at this conference
it is hoped to straighten out some of the trade
difficulties between the various units of the
jBritish Empire, to encourage production, relieve
unemployment, and develop potential markets
within the vast Empire.r
1Naturally, this effort is for the welfare of Em-
pier production, employment and markets. For
a long time, the United States has been jealously
watched by European nations because of the
large exxport market she enjoyed. The British
dominions .constitute one of the largest markets
for American exports, Canada taking as high
as 60 per cent of her imports from' the United
States. And what could be more stimulating to
British commerce than to have the dominions,
as well as Great Britain itself, take larger per-
centages of their imports from fellow dominions.
The enactment of the Hawley-Smoot tariff led
to counter-barrages of tariff walls on the part
of other countries. No longer are they content
to le the United States levy high duties on for-
eign goods and then attempt to expand foreign
markets. Perhaps, before long, American protec-
tionists will realize that high tariffs do as much
harm to export business as no tariff at all.
Should the Conference opening today agree on
some solution for "freer" trade among the do-
minions, that step may lead the way to "freer"
trade among all nations. great Britain has been
striving to open new and expand old markets for
some time. While the United States has o such
attractions as the Prince of Wales to carry good-
will messages of its producers, a substantial tar-
iff reduction might accomplish the same results.
Editorial Comment
(Daily Illini)
One omission President Robert Maynard Hut-
thins of the University of Chicago found in the
Democratic platform was failure to advocate re-
cognition of the United Soviet Socialist Repub-
lics. He had not even expected to find it in the
naturally more conservative. "in" party's plat-
form. x
At the convention was one loyal Democrat fa-
miliar with party history and recognized as an
historian in that field-Claude G. Bowers. He
could have remided them of Thomas Jefferson's
parallel policy as he reviewed his researches for
Jefferson and Hamilton.
. Speaking of the Frencl revolutionary govern-
ihient, the first and greatest United States sec-
retary of state reminded the American minister
in London that "we certainly cannot 'deny to
other nations that principle whereon our govern-
mnent is founded, that every nation has a right
to govern itself internally under what form it
pleases, and to change these forms at its own
It must be remembered that French revolution-
aries were the "reds" of the early nineteenth cen-
tWry. Even Edmund Burke, so liberal and far
sighted where the English colonies were concern-
ed, had scant tolerance of the French radicals.
And the Hamiltonian faction in the United
°tates showed as much antipathy toward the
tramplers on tradition.
French revolutionary violence was greater thanr
Russian, Wholesale slaughtering by the guillo-
tine, the "region of terror," pillaging of property
everywhere and many other evils incidental to
most revolutions, including the American, make
that clear. The Russian changes gb deeper,
changing life at its very core for one of the
World's most important nations.

(The Daily Iowan)
If anybody had decided there should be a really
thorough-going demand for economy in govern-
ment, he could not have chosen a more effective
means that the recent tax measures which are
felt by nearly everybody.
Whether the results will bear out the political
axoim that every citizen ought to bear at least
a small part of his country's tax burden, so that
matters of taxation will be personal to him, 'there
should develop stronger insistence on reduction
in the expenditures which bring about increased
taxes when they can be least afforded.
Business in general has had to retrench and
reduce its prices. But the business of national
government has gone merrily forward, with sub-
sidies right and left, and finally economies that
were scarcely a drop in the ocean of federal ex-
penditures. Meanwhile, extravagances of other
years have caught up wtih the budget and passed
it, so that more taxes are necessary to offset a
deficit if further borrowing is not to be indulged
One hope from the depression has been that
its necessities would expose some of the places
in government as well as in business where re-
duction to bae essentials would produce a saving.
That hope will not be realized in any program
of raising the price of government-unless such
: progran proves a boomerang.
If taxes are to be lowered, as state and local
experience proves, the reduction cannot go far
before something will have to be given up. Rela-
tively little can be saved by salary cuts. Taxes
are, basically, payment for services. To reduce
them means going without some of these services
--going without new highways, going without
some branches of education, going without some
bureaus and boards and commissions.
In a time of non-prosperity a business does
not often balance its budget by increased income;
more often balance is achieved by removing items
from the other side of the scales. The same rule
should be applied to government, the largest
Single business in almost any nation.
If more citizens could look at their government
as the one true public service organziation with
which they deal, could learn what are its sources
of income and expenditure, the resulting informed
intelligence would help toward putting the na-
tion's most important business onmore of a
business basis.
(Chicago Tribune)
It is fitting but no less gratifying and com-
mendable that the University of Illinois has set
an example of sound fiscal policy to the public
institutions, not only of Illinois, but of the na-
tion. Its budget for the academic year 1932-'33
is reduced $649,000 below that of the previous
year, in which half a million was saved, besides
elimination of all capital expenditures.
This probably means a total saving for the
biennium of 22 per cent of the funds appropriat-
ed to the university by the last general assembly.
President Chase explains that "these savings
have been made by the university in view of the
difficult position in which the state has found
itself as the result of decreased and delayed
No doubt the highest standard of public ad-
ministration may be expected from an institution
maintained to instruct and to inspire. All the
more iynportant is it, therefore, that Dr. Chase
and the university have not failed to act faith-
fully and thoroughly to meet the emergency and
thus not only have accomplished material relief
for state finances but set an example which other
agencies of government cannot ignore. When
better times return the record of the university
will not be fogotten.
Musc and Dr ama 0-
(A Review by M. A. S.)
Summer School students were given their first:
opportunity to hear Palmer Christian in an or-
gan recital Tuesday evening.
Honegger's "Choral" was the outstanding num-
ber on the program, and was gvien a musicianly
interpretation by Mr. Christian. He had a bit of
a task in its presentation as it immediately fol-
lowed the Bach "Fantasie and Fugue in C Minor."
However, he succeeded in creating a place for
each with no reactionary feeling whatsoever to-:
ward the Inodern. Marcello's "Psalm XIX" has
in it a cultured refinement perfectly suited to Mr.
Christian's playing. His tones were carefully and
beautifully blended in it. The delicate "Menuetto
e Gigue en Rendeau" of Rambeau was a definite
contrast to the "Psalm XIX."
Mr. Christian's rendition of the Bach was not
on the same high level as his usual interpretation

of this composer. Nor was the Franck "Fantasie
in A Major" as colorful as it might have been.

To an unbiased reader, Mr. Bridge's letter of
Jul 20 appears to be one of the most direct
admissions that the cause of Socialism is lost to
America. "Champion any other cause except the
established order and see where you land," he
states, and then continues by claiming that Mr.
Ford refuses to employ Ann Arbor residents in
his factory because the board of schools gave
the Ann Arbor branch of the Detroit Civil Lib-
erties the high school auditorium for the meeting
previous to the Ford riot. In the first place, it
seems lamentable that such a staunch radical
as Mr. Bridge would give up the fight upon so
little pretext. Educated, legitimate opposition
is the life of government. It is almost fantastic to
imagine our government in a situation where
there would be no opposition party, and further,
such a situation would be grossly unhealthy. We
welcome criticism and opposition, and profit by
that type of opposition which results in construc-
tive change. However, any crank can tear down,
but the general public is attracted only when a
man is sincerely interested both in tearing down
a system and- in putting something better in its
place. Were Mr. Bridge or any of his contem-
poraries able to convince the American public
that the system they advocate would be an im-
provement over the present government, I have
no fear that they would be lowered into such
depths of despondency and gloom as they must
now be from the tenor of Mr. Bridge's latest
Concerning the above-mentioned Ford claims,
I would like to point out that the facts in the
case refuse to bear out Mr. Bridge in his as-
sumptions. Since 1929, Mr. Ford has beel°put-
ting down on the number of out-of-town em-
ployees in his factories in and around Detroit for
the reason that he considered it a better policy
to give workers around Detroit employment rather
than take those from points as far away as Ann
Arbor. As Mr. Bridge will probably recall, the
Ford Motor company issued a statement a little
over a year and a half ago that in its Dearborn
plant it would henceforth employ Dearborn men
as far as was possible, and since then has prac-
tically eliminated unemployment among the bona
fide residents of Dearborn. Needles to say the
company has followed this saiie policy in its
other plants as well. Mr. Bridge has made a
serious error in his explanation of the employ-
ment in the Ford factories which might even be
explained by inferring his ignorance of the facts
of the case.
In conclusion, I would like to urge Mr. Bridge
to continue his brilliant defense of his social
creed, and his cherished search for the truth.
Harold H. Emmons, Jr.
A Washington
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 20.-(AP)-Mayor Frank
Hague of Jersey City is a man of very consider-
able political experience.
Yet it must be with a flickering smile that he
now 'is able to discover his own state safe for
Frank Roosevelt in November and to plan Roose-
velt rallies when so short a time ago he was say-
ing Roosevelt could not carry any state east of
the Mississippi and very few west of it.
At the time Mr. Hague was broadcasting as
floor manager in the Chicago convention for Al
Smith's presidential candidacy.
That statement, issued on the afternoon of
June 23, four days before the convention opened,
was the first act of Mayor Hague in that capa-
city. And it set off fireworks.
Mr. Hague listed the names pefore the con-
vention for the nomination, beginning with
Ritchie and winding up with Senator Lewis, who
had already pulled out, to find that any one of
them "meets the situation better than the gover-
nor of New York." He tactfully omitted his own
candidate, Mr. Smith.
Political Spark Plug
That statement was the spark plug that fired
the Roosevelters to assault on the two-thirds
rule. There was a pep meeting in Roosevelt
headquarters within an hour or two at which
Josephus Daniels of North Carolina, once Roose-
velt's chief in the navy department, grew so
wrathful you could hear the roar of his resent-
ment in the hall.
When "Big Jim" Farley reported by telephone
to Roosevelt at Albany, he told the governor, who
was a bit dubious about the wisdom of open at
tack on the two-thirds rule, that there was no
holding the Roosevelt men. They were "rarin"

to go, he said.
And, they did go, until Roosevelt personally
called them off a few days later. At the time
The Bystander had an impression that Farley,
getting his first national convention baptism of
fire, welcomed the issue because it served to key
up the Roosevelt forces to fighting edge.
'Firing Up' The Army
There were enough signs of lukewarm support
among Roosevelt delegations to make him yearn
for something that would make his shock troops
mad. The Hague statement did it.
Whether the Roosevelters could have downed
the two-thirds rule will never be known. They
still insist, the insiders, that they had the votes.
The evidence of the Walsh-Shouse vote and the
three ballot stand which preceded Roosevelt's
nomination rather tends to support that claim.
But the real nubbin of a lot that happened in
Chicago was that "anybody-but-Roosevelt" state-
ment by Mayor Hague, now so happily changed
to a "win-with-Roosevelt" slogan from the same
Still Vitzl Cogs
The thing that flashed through The Bystand-
er's mind was how lightly time had touched
that circle of major figures of that dramatic
convention of eight years ago.
The voices of three, Walsh, Smith and Davis,




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