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July 21, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-21

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The Ottowa Conference and
-eWirican Commerce.

Official Publication of The Summer Session


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Business Draws Britain to Canada for Trade


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Schools are state agencies which
should not be interfered with by lo-
cal governments, declared W. L. Cof-
fey, Dean of the bolege of the City
of Detroit, yesterday afternoon in an
address to the Conference on Educa-
tional Legislation. In a case before
the Supreme Court, he stated, it was
settled that the legislature is su-
preme in its rights over education.
The persons who framed the Con-
stitution of Michigan looked into
the future, he asserted, and left
most matters to the legislature. As
one cpange in the Constitution, how-
ever, Dean Coffey suggested that
since many, states are shifting from
several state boards to one, Michi-
gan might make the Board of Re-
gents of the University such a board.
Survey Counties
In a survey of a few counties,
thought to be representative of the
state, F. 12. Thrum, of the state sur-
vey commission, reported that 23 out
of 84 rural schools could be closed
without pupils having to walk more
than two and a half miles, an aver-
age of about 1% or 1% miles. Data
of 1927-28, he reported, showed that
in 776 rural districts'there was an
average dailyl attendance of 10 pu-
pils or less.
Leslie A. Butler, superintendent of
schools of Grand Rapids, expressedE
gratification that those not immed-
iately cncerned wtti rural educa-
tion are .interested in the welfare of
this field. It is apparent, he said,t
that from the standpoint of democ-
racy this attitude is needed. Edu-
cation is the greatest business in the
United States and yet the cost of'
crime is about 7 times as great as
the cost of education.
Shows Great Savings
Advantages of the county unit sys-
tem, as advanced by H. L. Turner, of
the Michigan State Normal College,
were a more equitable distribution of
expenses, great savings, more effici-
ent instruction, securer tenure off
teachers, and better supervision of1
instruction. On the other h'and, he
pointed out that it involved too
much centralization 'of administra-
tion,- an increase in taxes, adoption
of the political unit for a school unit,,
and the necessity for more desirable
units, such as township or commun-
Dr. Charles A. Sink, chairman of1
the state commission on the retire-1
ment fund, said that this project
constituted one of the vital problemsy
of not only school men but of the
people of the, state as a whole. A
well satisfied and contented teaching
force, he asserted, will give them a
more vital and professional attitude,y
and will make ther better teachers.
He recommended changes in the
present law to make it actuarily
Aiton W11 Tell
Of Fiht to Free;
South America{
Noted Michigan Historian
To Relate Life of Jose
San Martin Today
A glowing tale of San Martin, the
Gerge Washington of South Amer-
ica, and 'his fight for the indepen-
dence of that great continent will be
told' at 5 o'clock today in Natural
Science auditorium by Prof. Arthur
S. Aiton, authority in Spranish and
South Anmerican history.-
Professor Aiton, author of numer-
ous works in his field and a research
historian, spent last summer in
Spain. He has also made frequent
trips to South America that he might
be in constant touch with develop-
ments there.
"Jose San Martin and the Indepen-
An"n o C n i m rinan Trlanpn-n

The British imperial economic conference will open in the parliament building in Ottawa, tomorrow.
Stanley Baldwin heads the British delegation to the parley. Other leading representatives include Premier
R. B. Bennett of Canada, Prime Mniister G. W. Forbes of New Zealand ;nd Sean T. O'Kelly, vice president

of the Irish Free State:

(Associated Press Photo).

run iron i d r rirrrri i r r ru.udri i . i

eclares U.
School System
Is Socialistic
MeClusky Cites Equality
Of Opportunity in Edu-
cation as Evidence
Asserts Initiative
Must Be Preserved
Adult Education Is Named
As Proitiising Field for
More Social Control
The American public school sys-
tem was characterized as the most
socialistic thing this country has
done by Howard Y. McClusky, as-
sistant professor of educational psy-
chology, in an address last night at
a meeting of the Student Socialist
"America's pride," McClusky said,
"is the opportunity it offers, never
true in any other nation, through
the public schools. We never had
the class type of education that
France, Germany and England had.
The high school, however, is the
nearest thing to a class institution
that we have."
Cites Probable Changes
Discussing the changes in the
school system which might result
from -control, McClusky contended
that it would enrich the curriculum,
with a stress upon social and tech-
nical matters rather than upon such
things as mathematics. There would
probably be a little more social con-
trol on the part of the student body,
he said, although this would neces-
sitate some experimentation.
"Adult education," he said, "is one
of the most promising fields for so-
cial control. The parenttmust come
to know how to live, to face his
problems and be a better parent
rather than that the school should
take over the work of parentage.
This is my own opinion and not that
of all socialists."
Ability Varies
McClusky pointed out that initia-
tive and individual responsibility
must be preserved, characterizing
them as "good things." Psycholo-
gists, he said, find that the differ-
ence in individual ability is at a
ratio of about three and one-half
to one.
"The socialistic theory," McClusky
concluded, "is more hospitable to
advance in education and society
would be better served."
Edmonson Wil
Open Education
Meeting Today

Prussia Is Seized
By Army; Cabinet
Members Ousted

Loses Post

Nine Nations,,
Join in Trade
British Dominion Secre-
tary Says 'We Will Not
Talk of Failure'
OTTOWA, July 20.-(AP)-Nine
nations of the British Empire will
hoist their banners above Canada's
Parliament building. tomorrow and
set about the business of bettering
economic conditions for their 450,-
000,000 people.'
In a sense they will be as much at
war with a common enemy as when
their colors were amassed on the bat-
tlefields of France.
The United Kingdom, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, Newfound-
land, South Africa, India, Southern
Rhodesia and the Irish Free State-
all of theim subscribe to the tenetof
J. H. 'Thomas, British secreatry for
dominions: "We will not think of
failure. We will not talk of failure.
The people want us to succeed and
we intend not to deceive them."
.If all the crown subjects respond
as have those here in Ottawa o the
pre-convention approach, bitter dis-
appointment would attend any fail- i
ure by the conference to clear the
way for the return of Empire pros-
perity. The spirit of faith is every-
where from "center block" on Par-
liament hill to the barber shops.
"Tell the United States," they say
in public places, "that we are get-
ting ready to make money again.
London didn't send seven members
of the British cabinet here for
. The display of dependence on
Great Britain ;by a country which
claims no closer tie than formal al-
legiance to the crown is regarded as
remarkable by Canadian observers.
They say it reflects the utter futility
of hope from any other direction un-
less American-Canadian tariffs can
be adjusted downward to mutual ad-
vantage on both sides of the inter-
national line.
But Ottawa is determined to pro-
tect its infant industries against
American competition and Washing-
ton is determined to defend the
farmer, who looks askance at Cana-
dian bacon, beef, cattle, grain, pota-
toes dairy, products and maple sugar.
Faris Describes Six
. Psychology Schools
At least six different schools of
psychologists, including the behav-
iorists despite their denial of the
classification, exist ir the United
States today, Prof. Ellsworth Fdris,
of Chicago University, said in his
lecture yesterday.
Professor Faris scored the behav-
iorists and said that he hoped a
new generation would find some way
to correlate the different views in
the field of psychology.
League Dance to Hold
No-Coat Ruling Still
The League will hold its regular
Pridao ni-ht dance 'thi week from

Fifty-Five Enroll in
Library Study Course
Official figures revealed yesterday
indicate that the Summer $ Session
enrollment in the department of li-
brary science numbers 55 students.
Thirty-three of this number have
elected the first year courses, and 22
are enrolled in the graduate courses.
Twenty of the group are from
Michigan, and the rest from 15 other
states, the District of Columbia,
Canada, and New Zealand. The three
New Zealand students were granted
fellowships by the Carnegie corpora-
tion for the purpose of studying the
library methods used in the United
Miss A. Minchin, of Auckland Uni-
versit college, who has a similar
'grant from the Carnegie jorpoya-
tion, will not be able to leave New
Zealand until late in the summer.
Ann Arbor $welters as
Temperature Hits 92.1
Summer Session students will
pot _ be surprised to learn t h a t
the mercury soared up to a high
of 92.1 degrees yesterday afternoon,
according to official observatory rec-
At 7 o'clock yesterday morning the
temperature stood at 76.2, almost
four degrees lower than the record-
ing at Detroit. At 7 o'clock last
night the mercury still stood at 87.1,
only five degrees below the high of
the day. I
Immediate relief is not in prospect,
according to government forecasts
but a break is expected over the
week-end as lower temperatures are
prevalant in the west.
Baker, Pulfrey Improve
Decidedly; Cole at Home
Albert G. Baker, '33, and Margaret
Pulfrey, '35SM, who were critically
injured in an automobile accident
Sunday night on the Van Born road,
showed "decided improvement" yes-
terday, authorities at the Eloise hos-
pital said late last night. John Cole,
'34, the driver of the car, was suffi-
ciently recovered to permit removal
from the Wayne hospital to his Ann
Arbor home.
While the students' condition will
hardly permit questioning, repre-
sentatives from the prosecuting at-
torney's office for Wayne county
plan to conduct an investigation of
the crash today, State police at Yp-
silanti said.

Cranbrook Unit
Will Be Visited
Next Saturday
Eighth University Tour
Will Take Students to
Three Schools
Private school facilities at their
best will be viewed by Summer Ses-
sion students S a t u r d a y morning
when the eighth University tour
makes possible a special trip to the
schools of the Cranbrook Founda-
tion-the Cranbrook School f o r
Boys, the Kingswood School for girls,
and the Brookside School for boys
and girls up to the eleventh grade.
These schools, the gift of Mr. and
Mrs. George G. Booth, of Detroit,
are located in the .beautiful Bloom-
field Hills residential section 20 miles
north of downtown Detroit, and 43
miles from Ann Arbor.
Dr. C. J. Keppel, assistant head
master, will personally direct the
University party during its sojourn
at the schools. The Cranbrook Aca-
demy of Arts and the Cranbrook In-
stitute of Science will be of particu-
lar interest to the Michigan stu-
dents. These institutes were found-
ed to give the students exceptional
training in suclh fields as modelling
and sculpture, metal and leader
work, and similar handicrafts.
The magnificent Christ church at
Cranbrook wil be inspected by the
students, and those wishing to study
the architectural distinction of the
buildings will have ample time to do
so. Reservations for this trip must
be made before 5 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon in the office of the Sum-
mer Session. ,Buses will leave for
Cranbrook at 7:45 o'clock Saturday
morning, returning to the campus
shortly after 12 o'clock noon. Bus
tickets are priced at $1.


Pearce to
on Teacher


Ii Duce Takes
Four 'Italian
Cabinet Posts'
Foreign Minister Grandi
Removed in Shake-Up;
May Be Ambassador
ROME, July 20.-(AP)-PremierA
Benito Mussolini drastically rear-
ranged his Cabinet today, ousting
five ministers and 11 undersecretar-
ies and taking for himself four im-
portant posts instead of the two hea
has been holding.
Mussolini now is Premier, Minis-
ter of Interior, Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Minister of Coropora-
The Cabinet shakeup was inter-
preted as merely another "rota-
tion" to bring new blood into theI
Government. It is not expected to
mean any change in policies.
Dino Grandi, retiring F o r e i g n
Minister, is the official best known
in America who was affected by the
Signor 4 Grandi visited President
Hoover last year and he has played
an important part in international
negotiations during the last two
years, notably at the recent Repar-
ations Conference at Lausanne and
the Disarmament Conference at Ge-
It is expected he will receive
some such post as Ambassador to
Great Britain.
Raise Fund to
Continue Lake
Camp Support
Ann Arbor Contributes
Almost Three' Hundred
Dollars in Drive
A total of $296.11 was subscribed
yesterday by Summer Session stu-
dents, townspeople, a n d faculty
members for the benefit of the Uni-
versity Fresh Air camp. George O.
Alder, director, said following the
drive that the sum collected "great-
ly enhances the possibility of our
eight weeks camp."
The camp is now running for the
fourth week under the direction of
Alder and several student assistants.
The tag day-was directed by Lewis
Lamak, '33, and a group of Detroit
camp boys between the ages of 8 ad
18 who are enjoying the privileges at
Patterson lake.
Alder said that considering the
drop in Summer Session enrollment
he considered t h e contribution
as "very fine."
Mrs. Wyckoff Describes

Claim Dictatorship Is Un-
constitutional; City Is
Under Guard
Professors Voice
Different 'Views
Courts May Take Months
To Decide Right to
Change Government
BERLIN, July 20. - (AP) - The
Federal Government set up a dic-
tatorship today over t h e entire
State of Prussia, declaring martial
law in Berlin and the Province of
Brandenburg and sweeping out of
office every member of th~e Prussian
State Cabinet.
This drastic action precipitated
the worst constitutional conflict
since the founding of the Reich in
The Prussian authorities, declar-
ing the dictatorship to be contrary
to law, refused to yield to the de-
mands of the Government except
by force. In many cases force was
Machine Guns Mounted
Berlin was under heavy guard to-
night and machine guns were
mounted in the court in front of
the Chancellory. Every precaution
was being taken to prevent disor-
Soldiers marched into and occu-
pied the Prussian Ministry of State
in Wilhelmstrasse. A squad of arm-
ed Reichswehr arrested Albert Grze-
sinski and Bernhard Weiss, presi-
dent and vice president of the Prus-
sian police, and a few minutes later
a Reichswehr officer and 12 steel-
helmeted privates took into custody
Col. Hugo Heimannsberg, Berlin
chief of police.
Under an emergency decree issued
by President Paul von Hindenburg,
Chancellor Franz von Papen became
Federal commissioner administering
the State of . Prussia. He named
Lord Mayor Franz Brancht, of Es-
sen, as deputy commissioner.
Severing Defies Police
One of Brancht's first acts was to:
attempt to take over the State Min-
istry of Interior, and he encountered '
plenty of trouble. r
That ministry has for years been
under Dr. Karl Severing, sworn foe
of the present Federal regime and
of its move to sweep away the State
"You've got no business here," Dr.
Severing told Herr Bracht. "I'm still
Minister of the Interior and I will
yield only to force."
The deputy commissioner went
back to the Chancellory and talked
things over with von Papen. Sev-
eral hours later a police Captain of
the new administration turned up
at the Interior Ministry, threaten-
ing to drag Dr. Severing out. So Dr.
Severing yielded his post. He was
not arrested.
\ Court to Decide
The authorities of Prussia took
their contention that the dictator-
ship was unconstitutional to the Su-
preme Court. They were supported
in their opposition to the Federal
Government by the State of Bavaria
and they probably will be by other
Southern states.
The Federal Government argues
that conditions in Prussia-the larg-
est and most important of the
states-have b e c o m e intolerable-
since the 1Diet elections, April 24.
The Reich especially has" charged
the Prussian Cabinet -'with slackness
in dealing with Communist disturb-
The Prussian government, on the
other hand, contends that disorders
resulted only after the ban on wear-
ing political uniforms had been rais-
ed by Federal decree. It accuses the
von Papen government of ulterior
designs-which is interpreted as
meaning that the Reich Cabinet

acted under pressure from Adolf
Hitler, National Socialist leader, and
Dr. Alfred Hugenberg, Nationalist
chieftain, who want to turn Prus-
sia into a stronghold of Nationalism.
Professors Differ
Learned professors versed in con-
stitutional law were divided in their
opinions of the legality of the Fed-
eral Government's action. If the
Supreme Court supports President
von Hindenberg and Chancellor von
Pan.n the Natinn will haive tow ait

'Berkeley Square' Is
Fourth Summer


"Berkeley Square," by John Bald-
erston, the fourth production of the
Summer Repertory players, opened
last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre before a large audience. A
review of the play will appear on
page 2 of The Daily tomorrow morn-
Tickets may be obtained by calling
the box office of the theatre, 6300.

Dean J. B. Edmonson, of the
school of education, will open to-
day's session of the Conference on'
E d u c a t i o n a l Legislation at 9:30
o'clock with an address on "The
Recommendations in the Report of
the National Advisory Committee on
Education." Fran'k Cody, superin-
tendent of Detroit schools, will act
as chairman of the meeting.
"Administration of the Present
Legislation Relating to Certification
of Teachers" will be the subject of
a paper by Webster H. Pearce, state
superintendent of Public Instruction.
These two topics will be followed by
general discussion led by the chair-
At the afternoon session at 2
o'clock, Ira M. Allen, superintendent
of Highland Park schools, will act
as chairman and' discussion leader.
The two papers will be presented by
Chester Miller, superintendent of
Saginaw schools, who will speak on
"An Appraisal of the Proposed Con-
stitutional Amendment Relating to
Taxation," and Charles McKenny,
president of Michigan State Normal
College, who will talk on "How May
We Benefit by Past and Recent Ex-
perience in Matters of Educational
Today's two sessions will make the
closing of the three-day meeting be-
gan Tuesday.
Purdom Will peak on
Appointments' Bureau
"The Bureau of Appointments and
Omcnional Tnfnrmation" will he

Hack, Aeroplane Trips Feature
Excursion to Historic Village

"Thanks for the buggy ride."
That was the reply of many of the
students that took the University
tour to Greenfield village- yesterday,
after they had finished the first lap
of their visit at the Clinton Inn.
The tour began at the Edsion in-
stitute where the students-after the
necessary red tape-piled into hacks
which were furnished by Heiry Ford
to take the visitors to the center of
Greenfield village.
The village isnanmed nafter Green-

the storm passed by without damp-
ening the ardent desire of the stu-
dents to investigate the historical
events that lie within that small
In spite of the heat, fires seemed
to be going in the villagp, including
the perpetual fire lighted by Presi-
dent Hoover in 1929. The heat, how-
ever, did not keep the party from
investigating everything.
After the jaunty ride back to the
entrance, the party then visited the
Fnrd Airnort where a nimhr of the

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