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June 28, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-06-28

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The Michigan Daily
Published every morning except Monday during the
iverity year and Summer Session by the Board in
C.oiitbil1of Student Publications.
'Memnber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
ion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
tot otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein.rAll rights of republication of special
d~itIhes are reserved.
.,tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
seon classmatter. Special rate of postage granted by
Thuid .ssIs+,ant Postmaster General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: . Littel-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 East
Thirty-fourth Street, Nea York City; 80, Boylston Street,
Boston, Mass.; 61~2 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111.
Office Hours: 2.12 P.M.
Eitorial Director... ..... ......Beach Conger, Jr.
Qciy. Edtor................. .........Carl S.Forsythe
State E ditor.....................David M. Nichol
News Editor..........................Denton Kunze
Telegraph Editor.. ................homas Connellan
Sports Editor......................-C.,: H. Beukema
4&§31stf City Editor........Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Offce Hours : 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
Business Manager.... ........Charles =T. KUne
Assistant Business Manager...........Norris P. Johnsoin
TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1932
AnA1her Successful
ra natie festiva...v
Last week the! fourth' annual Dramatic festival
season closed in Ann Arbor, a financial as well
as theatrical success. And we now have the as-
surance that the Dramatic Festival will have a
permanent place on the calendar of events on

Screen Reflections


At The Michigan
Today and tomorrow-"Merrily We Go To
Hell," with Frederic March and Sylvia Bid-

At The Majestic
Today-"Doomed Battalion,"


Lu i s

At The Wuerth
Today and tomorrow-"Sky Devils,"
Spencer Tracy and Ann Dvorak.



the campus.
Four years ago, when Mr. Henderson brought
his first company to Ann Arbor, his attemptto
start a permanent theatrical festival, liked
afterthe May Festival, was regarded as a very
ambitious undertaking as well as an experiment.-
his object was to bring to the students and
townspeople some of the better plays, acted by
pronent actors, to supplement the academic
activities with the cultural, even as .Dr. Sink has
done in music. And this year, the appointment
of' a permanent committee insures the continu-
ity of the presentation.
Too many students, in search of "culture," try
to find it all in the class rooms. In many col-
. ,- they have no other opportunity. But at
chigcan, several organizations attempt to bring
the best men and women in several fields to Ann
Abor so that students may learn to appreciate.
the arts in a manner which would not be:pos-
sile were they not students. Such organizations
ae the Choral ,Union with its May Festival and
eeneert series, the Oratorical Association, with
its lectre series, and now, last but not least, the
Wra atie ,Festival .is added to the list. Its repu-
ti onhas grown so rapidly that patrons are now
coming from Detroit and other nearby towns to
li& the ;productions.
In the dramatic sense, the University is very
$oatunate. It has the Lydia .Mendelssohn thea-
tre, one of the most modern and best equipped
i the country, the Mimes theatre for student in-
sruction and laboratory work, and a staff of
teachers trained in the work. The several dra-
mWtic organizations, such as Mimes, Comedy
VThib, and Play Production, offer a variety of stu-
dent talent in productions throughout the year.
xven the Summer Session has its gifted reper-
.ry -Qompany to offer. The many facilities of-
fered throughout the year for learning the var-
io s phases of staging productions, as well as
seeing .the best available professional and ama-
tewr talent in performances, are probably ex-
celled .by no other campus.
Roosevelt Shows
8*g s of Weakess ...
.Govetnor Roosevelt's managers have consider-
akiy weakened his own cause, and ;that of the
party's chances for success should he be nomin-
ated, by their attempt to abrogate the two-thirds
rtlin~g for this convention. Although they ap-
pear certain of success, this move will hurt the
Dem-ocratic cause more than it will help it.
Voters of the country will certainly have less
respect for a man who apparently has to win
,is nomination by abrogating a two-thirds rule
and win by a majority. And such action can
only be looked upon as due to the weakness of
t.he particular candidate. Roosevelt is not the
best candidate the Democrats have to offer. His
stand on many issues is as yet vague. Outspoken
on the "forgotten man," prohibition and the
beatgue of Nations, he is silent on other major
i sues facing the nation. And now, when the
only interpretation the average voter can place
on the attempt to put through a majority rule
is that of weakness of the cause, the hopes of
'hl Democrats appear to be slimmer than eve
as far as November elections are concerned.
Xn 1920 and 1924 Roosevelt approved of the
r olition of the old two-thirds ruling provided
action were taken for the next convention.
This year, as a potential candidate, he has
4henged his mind. No doubt the ruling is ob-
solete, and the 100th anniversary of its adoption
would be an appropriate time to revoke it. But
whe.n the impetus is furnished by a candidate fo
nomination, who is not quite sure of his two-
thirds majority, leaders may regard such a move
as slightly unethical, if such a word can ever be
applied by politicians.
At least the fight on this question will furnish
.he fireworks the Republican convention failed
t ,h1m' bi , + if a ,nvit the nntv into sch

(A Review)
KIND: Gilded society drama.
STARRING: Frederic March and Sylvia Sid-
FEATURING: Adrianne Allen and Skeets
BEST SHOT: Frederic March in any of his
tipsy scenes.
WORST SHOTS: The turkey spilling episode;
the best man loses the ring; Sylvia hiccups.
RATING: Good of its kind.
ALTHOUGH FREDERIC March has undeni-
ably made better pictures than the slightly car-
diac "Merrily We Go To Hell" (witness "Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,") his acting is just as hon-
est and sincere as ever, and, aided by Sylvia Sid-
ney's smiles and some snappy lines, he again
puts the show over.
You've all heard the plot: A young reporter
(Frederic March), just as familiar with the saw-
dust on the floor of the neigh-
borhood blind pig as he is with
the city desk of his newspaper,
marries the heiress to the
Prentice canned-goods mil-
lions (Sylvia Sidney). An old
flame, (Adrianne Allen) both
blonde and bold, is to play the
lead in his play. Complica-
* tions! She (the flame) keeps
him constantly on the verge of
lopping off the wagon, con-
stantly unfaithful to his wife,
anr? d constantly in trouble.
From the time he fails to
Sylvia show up at Sylvia's wedding
announcement party until the final shots con-
cerning the death of his baby, it's round after
round of drinks, pent-house parties, laughs, and
Merrily We Go To -Helling. It clicks, though, and
you'll like it.
To mention a few of the best shots: Jerry's
wedding ring with which he marries Joan is re-
vealed as a corkscrew; where Jerry is snapping
paper wads at the party guests from behind a
battery of half emptied bottles; Jerry, after kiss-
ing Joan for the first time, takes out pencil and
paper to note her name !
Not a single hiss or buzzola 1t'1 '!
attended the fadeout of the :
comedy the Michigan has bil-
led to precede the feature. It's
one ofnthe funniest you've seen z
here in some time. ::'
By all means see March in %
another good performance, if :
you don't mind a few weird
WestCoast institutions, such K
as The Hollywood Conception
of a Newspaper Office, the March
Proverbial Hard-Drinking Journalist, and the
Silvery, Shimmering Parties, Floating in Chai-
GUSTAVE FLAUBERT, author of the immort-
al French classic, "Madame Bovary," may well
lie uneasily in his grave. Producers of this tome
are changing the title to "Indecent"!
"WINNER TAKE All," James Cagney's latest,
and possibly last talkie, is bringing forth favor-
able comment from the critics. In fact, Tough
Guy is being credited with THE fight picture of
all time.

ity? Whether the popular tendency to govern-
nent control or operation of powerful mono-
olies, such as the essential public utilities, is
overnment's job, is for time to tell and thought-
ul deliberation to decide. But only such enter-
rises as the erection of costly monuments or tne
building of lion cages in the public zoos in times
like these can be definitely disputed.
In the inefficiencies of governments, partic-.
ilarly local governments, are problems sufficient
anto the day. State governments with overlap-
ping commissions; county governmepts without
offcial heads; cites governments with unneces-
sary departments, many require radical struc-
tural reorganizations. But long before the
searchlights of investigation, now spotting poli-
tical graft and corruption, expose the structural
faults that have grown up haphazardly in our
pioneer governments, they will reveal the veri-]
table armies of political jobholders with little
excuse for drawing down salaries. From those
who are needed, it will be necessary to separate
those who are superfluous. From those who are
efficiently serving, it will be necessary to distin-
guish those who know simply how to serve drinks
or fix things for the party bosses.
Let's clean house before we tear down. Then
maybe we'll find that a little remodeling will do
just as well.
(University of Dayton News)
College students are playing an increasingly
prominent role in affairs of government, both
federal, state and local. Everywhere the observ-
ant citizen notes the younger generation keen
and alert to trends in current affairs, anxious to
study governmental innovations and to contri-
bute materially to the political well-being of
these United States.
There is strong movement on foot at the pres-
ent time among college students to effect a re-
form in the selection of judges in our state
courts. College students have come to realize
that politics plays far greater part in the selec-
tion of the judiciary in our states than it nor-
mally should.
Right here in Ohio students of prominent col-
leges are interesting themselves in a plan to have
our legislature adopt a system whereby judges to
state courts will be appointed by the governor
of the state with the approval of the Senate,
such appointment to be good as long as the
judge merits the office of judge.
There is much to be said in support of the
plan. Thinking people the country over deplor
the political pressure which often influences the
decision of judges. Then, too, the judge who
must be re-elected every few years, dissipater
much of his energy in campaign work. Notice o
the active electioneering of the past week will
convince thinking men of the soundness of this
last assertion.
The plan to appoint rather than elect stat
and municipal judges is not something new and
radical. All judges in the courts of the United
States of America, the state of sassachusetts,
England and Canada are appointed for good be-
havior. Certainly our federal appointments have
been most satisfactory in the past.
Constant advocacy of the project will accom-
plish more estimable progress than any othe
single force. Public opinion must be aroused.
The evils of the old system an dthe advantages
of the new must be pointed out to the public
generally. The people must be informed. The
people must be convinced. The people must be
led to act. College men can do much to accom-
plish this reform. The results of the adoption of
such a plan should be beneficial and lasting in
these United States.
(The Daily Iowan)
"We don't care how you vote-but vote," has
been a common appeal to "get out the vote" as
junior chamber of commerce groups throughou
the nation are trying to do.
Vote blindfolded if you like-but vote? Hardly!
Vote, to be sure, but know what you are do-
ing when you do vote. Vote as you think right.
Vote where you have your convictions. But don't
flip a coin to make up your mind on any office-
if® you aren't sure, let that space alone. An elec-
tion should not be like a true-false examination
If uncertain about any candidates, find out be-
fore going to the polls what their records are
now and how they stand on important issues-
or don't vote on them. Not until the public takes
the reins in its own hands with a careful scru-
tiny of candidates can there be anything like
"government of the people."
Neglect of the voting right is serious enough,
and any attempt to overcome public apathy
about the ballot is worthy of commendation, but
it is far more important that those who do vote
should know what they are doing.
A voter who knows what he wants for every
column on the ballot is best. A voter who lets
alone the columns on which he is not informec
is passable-probably more than ordinary. Bu

a voter who dutifully goes to the polls and duti-
fully makes some mark in every single column,
with only a vague notion of what kind of men
are needed for office and which names are those
of such men, might as well take the time he is
allowed off from work for a walk to the city part.
and back-it would do his country as much good
That slogan "get out the vote" should be alter-
ed to "educate the vote." Only a citizen whc
takes his civic privilege seriously is worth en-
couraging to vote. The measure of a nation's
government is not the size of its active voting
(The Daily Wini.)
"Obey that impulse," we are told by those whe
believe in individualism. This slogan as a guid-
ing element in our daily contacts with other
people will hardly prove to be a workable theory
if it is followed to the letter.
How many times have we had an almost ir-
repressible impulse, in our moments of indeci-
sion, to tweek the nose of some "eagle-beaked'
professor, or wished feverently that we could at
least pull the old thumbtack in chair gag on
some stuffed shirted instructor without a loss of
our collegiate dignity that would make the mat-
ter prohibitive.
There is as much involved in the repression of
impulses as there is in the obedience to them.
There may be some people who have such wild
impulses that they can safely obey them with-
out much harm to either themselves or those
who are concerned in the act of obeying. In
most cases the impulse gland had been working
or we just naturally have the wrong impulses to
be conductive to obedience on the large scale.
In freedom of action and freedom of thought
there should be a great deal of obedience to im-
pulse so as to create individualities that will
stand out from the crowd, but in this obedience
to impulse care should be taken that no one is
seriously hurt or humiliated by the obedience.

By Kirke Simpson
body could say that "Big Jim" Far-
ley, chief broadcaster of Roosevelt-
on-the-first-ballot claims, ever pub-
licly indicated any doubt as to the
soundness of his prediction. He
started it before the New Hampshire
primaries, jump-off of the campaign
for delegates.
Yet observe Mr. Farley's published
remarks on his return to New York
from a Washington pilgrimage:
"The no m i n a t i o n of Governor
Roosevelt on the first ballot, in the
light of what I have learned, is in-
evitable either by a two-thirds vote
or a majority vote, for we will not
hesitate to move for abrogation of
the two-thirds rule if necessary to
bring about the nomination of a
.andidate who will enter the con-
vention with such overwhelming
strength, and we have the votes with
which to force the adoption of a
majority rule," is the way Farley
put it.
What's Behind It
What was it "Big Jim" learned
n Washington that prompted him
to say that?
le had no previous doubt that Mr.
Roosevelt would have a substantial
majority; nor that Roosevelt sup-
oorters bade fair to control every
:onvention committee, yet never be-
core had Farley or any other Roose-
velt leader so roundly declared an
intention to strike at the two-thirds
rile itself if it was sought to be used
to block the Roosevelt nomination.
While in Washington Farley
quite likely came into close touch
with several of the rival nomination
candidates, favorite son or otherwise.
There was Speaker Garner, for
instance: . or Senator "Jim Ham
Lewis of Illinois. Did he learn any-
thing as to their intentions that
made him barge out in that bold
A Waruing Perliap
Is Farley's declared intention for
the Roosevelt camp to knock over
the two-thirds rule if necessary to
secure a first ballot nomination a
notification to other Roosevelt
rivals that they might just as well
woe in and be good? It rather
sounded that way.
Unless Farley did learn something
to satisfy him that some of the
other candidates were ready to fold
up in Roosevelt's favor and would
not join in any last ditch movement
to block the New Yorker, his chal-
ienge as to the two-thirds rule would
be rather an empty blast.
Even delegations which favor
Roosevelt might hesitate to adopt
shat drastic course because of the
ruction within the party it might
produce.rThe genius of the Roose-
velt pre-convention campaign has
seen its -effort for post-convention
Clearly, "Big Jim" musthave
heard something which assured"
aim he could make that gold dec-
laration with safety.
Pershings Dream
If John J. Pershing were not quite
ao far past military retirement age,
jr if he had picked some other
forum for his anti-prohibition re-
marks than an American club lunch-
.n Paris, there might be something
_ in the nature of a Pershing presi-
dential boom lifting his head about
There anlmost certainly would be
*if Pershing were a democrat, which
he is not.
Yet probably Pershing's last presi-
dential dream flickered out back in
tKansas City with the echoes of that
first ballot nomination for Herbert
Hoover four years ago.
1When a boonlWu

The Bystander recalls vividly
poing back to storage.I
It was in the form of a mass of
Pershing literature, all ready for
distribution, which some of his
ardent supporters had worked up
' nd taken to Kansas City to await
;he psychological moment in -a dead-
ock that did not come.
There was never anything to indi-
;ate that Pershing himself had any
sonnection with the project, or even
knew of it.
He would have welcomed the op-
portunity to round out his distin-
,uished military career by a period
eeing the Pershing boom in 1928
f political service, however. The
Bystander has had that long ago
rom his own lips.
At Kansas City the Pershing
boom arrived and departed in its
packing cases, never opened. The
day after Hoover's nomination a
cIeap of these big boxes were stacked
>n the curb of a down-town street
or an hour or so, awaiting shipment
.ack to storage. Their labels told
what they were to any chance
Which recalls that Pershing al-
ways had trouble keeping his mnove-
inents or plans wholly secret even
in war times. When he was ordered
to France with his original staff,
traveling by British commercial
liner and in mufti to foil possible
U-boat attack, the utmost precau-
lion to keep his sailing date from
enemy knowledge was taken.
When Pershing and his officers
ooarded the ship they discovered a
Slot of boxes and what-not, contain-
ing the office equipment for his first
headquarters in France, dumped
down on the dock. And all were
discovered to be plainly marked for
what they were with P'ershing's
name, that of the ship and all that,
duly stenciled.

~ ~1
-- SU M1,E, P LA Y S 111A S ON-
micega RepetorPe laers
A. A. Milne's Delightful Comedy
JUNE 29, 30, JULY 1 AND 2
Third Week: "AT MIs. BEAM'S
Foutdh Week: tcBERKE LEY SQUARE"
Fifth Week: TlHE FIELD GoD"
Sixth Week: tONCE IN A LiFETIME"
SEASON TICKETS-7 PLAYS-$4.00 (No tax).
Box Office Hours: 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Phone 6300
Season Tickets are economical, 5 7c a performance

Editorial Comment
(Daily Illini.)
The University of Wisconsin is reported as
having denied the application of 40 Chicago
school teachers who wished to attend summer
school and pay for the course in scrip issued by
the Chicago school board. There is little doubt
that the university was well within its rights in
refusing this script.
The university could take the money and al-
low the teachers the advantages of the institu-
tion, but this would all probably be at the ex-
pense of the other students attending school
there and paying cash. There is no way to de-
termine how the scrip is going to be paid or
when. There seems no way to get money from
any source for Chicago and the administrative
officials publicly state that they fear for the
state of affairs that may come about there.
It is deplorable that the teachers are denied
the privilege of attending school after they have
worked and the money is actually due them, but
it is hardly up to the University of Wisconsin or
any other school in a case of this sort to furnish
the use of its equipment free of charge when
the money has to come from some place.
Mayor Cermak has returned from Washington
in a recalcitrant mood, stating that Chicago
never had a chance to get the federal loan.
Either for publicity reasons or from a mistaken
attitude the mayor seems to think that there
should have been a chance to get the loan. Hu-
manitarian reasons are the only ones that could
possibly be used to back such a loan, and our
federal government is hardly financially strong
enough to indulge in such philanthropy. If loan-
ed there is no assurance that the loans would
be paid back.
While we feel for the teachers effected by the
drop of Chicago credit we do feel that both the
federal government and the University of Wis-
consin are justified in their stands, at least until
Chicago gives evidence of a new financial policy.
(The Danville Commercial-News.)
The rise of public opinion against the growing
burden of taxes, particularly those necessitated
by the expenses of county, town and municipal
governments, is handicapped by lack of direc-
tion. It is split by two ideas: one is that the
governments are encroaching on nrivate enter-

Spe, ,al U mer
Lectu res...
ThreeOustandieng Attractio r
Unpreceden ted Low Prices
Shall The United ?States Recognize.
Soviet Russia?
Hon. Smith W. Brookhart vs. Hon HamGton Fish, Jr.
Monday, July 1 1 8:15 P.M.
This debate has been specially arranged for Ann Arbor after
considerable negotiation and will be widely recognized as the
outstanding platform event of the middle-west. The speakers
have agreed to answer questions from the audience at the con-
clusion of the debate.
"My 24 Years of Arctic Exploration"
C ommonder Donald B. Macmitlan
Monday, July 25 8:15 P. M.
Commander MacMillan is justly known as the dean of arctic
explorers. This lecture brings to Ann Arbor the outstanding ex-
periences of a life-time of exploration and adventure. He is i
brilliant speaker and the motion pictures accompanying his
lecture are unusual.
"The Head-Takers of Formosa"
Captain Carl Von Hoffman
Monday, August 8 8:15 P M.
An unusual thrilling lecture widely acclaimed as the best in
the field of adventure. Motion pictures that are intensely
interesting and unique, recordings of tribal chants and rituals
heretofore unrecorded, and a story brilliantly told make this
evening a fitting conclusion to this feature lecture series.
Main floor $2.00, Boicony $1.25 (no tax)
Main floor 75c . .. Balcony 50c (no tak

Hill Auditorium
E'uii oed with Amplifiers

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