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June 28, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-06-28

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Tuesday, generally fair with
moderate northwesterly winds,
growing fresh.




Another Successful Dramatic
Season;kRoosevelt Shows Signs
of Weakness.


Official Publication of The Summer Session

XId, No. 2





U. S. Remains

Pollock Defends G.O.P. Plank
On Dry Law As 'Constructive

Slosson Says

Discovery of
America Aided
Nations' Law



Historian Denies America
Has a Governing Class;
Opens Lecture Series
Calls Conventions
Big 'PepMeetings'
Candidate Seldom Choice
Of Capitalists or Politi-
cians, He Declares

Two factors, the lack of a govern-
g class and the so-called "con-
imer control," combine to keep the
nited States democratic despite
ie caustic and cynical criticism
veled at the American govern-
ental machine by many persons
ere and abroad, Prof. Preston W.
osson, of the history department,
)inted out in his lecture on "Deep-
Currents in Recent American
)litics," yesterday afternoon in Na-
ral Science auditorium.
This wascthe first of the series
ranged for the summer and the
ginning of the 25th annual group
lectures, concerts, and tours ar-
nged under the direction of Sum-
er Session officials. The auditor-
mn was crowded for Professor Slos-
n's speech.
"Democracy Superficial."
"American democracy," declared
-ofessor Slosson. who will repre-
nt the Carnegie endowment for
ternational Peace at the English
iversities during the coming year,
s a very superficial varnish and a
ry fundamental core b e t w e e n
ich is a broad layer of political
Unlike England, unlike the ante-
hum south, and unlike the early
w England settlements, however,
e United Statesttoday has no gov-
ning or ruling class, Professor
>sson pointed out. While such a
ss provides a certain continuity
tradition and a measure of no-
sse oblige which is in some cases
excellent thing, it is, neverthe-
s, undemocratic, he said.
'The United States," he contin-
d, "produces no presidential type
d offers no political career. Even
e cabinets are a combination of
e will of the President and the
cidents of geography."
'Available men are given the ma-
' positions of an elective nature,"
ofessor Slosson stated, " and these
n are seldomn the choice of the
Messional politicians or the capi-
ists. No man of great wealth has
r occupied the presidential chair,
d the United States is the only
intry in the world, with the pos-
le exception of Soviet Russia,
ere a record of early poverty is
asidered almost a prerogative for

Although much criticism has been
leveled against the platform and, in
particular, the prohibition plank
adopted two weeks ago at the re--
publican convention in Chicago, the
stand taken is distinctly not a strad-
dle but a constructive step forward,
in the opinion of Prof. James K. Pol-
lock, of the political science depart-
"Many defects exist in the present
prohibition amendment and laws,"
Professor Pollock stated, but he
added that "repeal is not construc-
"The republican platform," he ex-
plained, "substantially follows the
recommendations of the Wicker-
sham commission. It is chiefly a
question of the amount of control
which the federal government will
exercise on this problem."
Many persons have advocated a
return to the laws that were in ex-
istence before the eighteenth amend-
ment was passed. The Webb-Ken-
yon act has been especially men-
tioned in this connection. This
would not prove satisfactory, how-
ever, Professor Pollock continued,
for it provides "no minimum of de-
cency throughout the country.
"There is general agreement," he
said, "that the saloon should con-
tinue in abolition. But repeal would
certainly mean return of the saloon
in some states, if the Webb-Kenyon
act were the only federal regulation.
"Amendment," he continued, "un-
der such provisions as the republi-
cans have advocated, would provide
this minimum of decency through-
out the entire country."
The chief difference between the
two parties on this question, Profes-
sor Pollock commented, is that the
democrats in their unofficial state-
ments have advocated a return to
the "status quo ante," while the re-
publicans have officially expressed
themselves for revision to preserve
what has already been gained with-
out a return to the conditions which
brought about the passage of the
eighteenth amendment.
"There is also," he continued,
"unanimity on the question of ref-1
erence of the proposed changes to,
state conventions elected for this
purpose. Indirectly, this would show
a rather general distrust of the rep-j
Brooks, Ward
To Leave For
Olympic Trial

resentative character of state legis-
Professor Pollock insisted that the
federal government should not yield
all control as would be done under
the proposed democratic plans, but
should yield only the power to pro-
hibit and to prevent any change of
the laws.
"We are in a strait-jacket," he
concluded, "but we should not
throw away all the restrictions. We
should discard only those provisions
which have been shown to be



Claims of Spain
Fundamental Bases


Opens Sessions
of Conference

Fischer Tied
For 1st Place
In. Golf Meet
Michigan Star One Over
Par in Qualifying Round
Of Intercollegiates
HOT SPRINGS, Va., June 27.-
(AP)--Four youngsters from Prince-
ton, Southern California, Colgate
and Michigan today tied for leader-
ship in the first qualifying round
of the National Intercollegiate Golf
Championship here. They scored
Playing the first 18-hole round of
the 36-hole qualifying test over the
long, wooded and cannily trapped
Cascades course, Frederick Kam-
merer, of South Orange, N. J., and
Princeton, Henry Kowal, of Utica,
N. Y., and Colgate; Winston Fuller
of Los Angeles and Southern Cali-
fornia, and John Fischer of Cin-
cinnati and -Michigan, came within
a stroke of par in their bid for medal
round honors.
John Howard of Michigan, D.
Gamble of Yale, and Richard Kim-
brough of Harvard had 75's while
Billy Howell of Washington and Lee
and Don Moe of Oregon, twin fa-
vorites . to capture the title, were
back with 76's, alongside M. J.
Jaffe of William & Mary, Robert
Keppler of Ohio State a finalist a
year ago, and Richard Gray of Yale.
E. Hand, Michigan ......44-46-90
Fischer, Michigan........38-34-72
J. Howard, Michigan ....37-38-75
A Jolly, Michigan.......45-41-86
E. Dayton, Michigan.....39-41-80
J. Lenfesty, Michigan.....43-48-81
Dean Samuel T. Dana
To Give Lecture Today
Samuel T. Dana, dean of the For-
estry school, will lecture at 5 o'clock
this afternoon in Natural Science
auditorium on " Our National For-
ests." The lecture will be illustrated.
Dean Dana, one of the country's
foremost authorities in forestry and
conservation, has been forest com-
missioner of Maine, and for some
time was connected with the gov-
ernment forest experimentation sta-
Ruthven Leaves for
Vacation in Frankfort
President Alexander G. Ruthven
left Monday morning for his sum-
rner home at Frankfort, Michigan,
it was learned yesterday. He is ex-
pected to return to Ann Arbor at
intervals during the summer months
but will spend most of his vacation
in Frankfort.
Edmonson to Address





c o n t r o 1" Professor
bed as the existence of
ich make it necessary
to to meet popular fa-

a cair

"No Politics in Politics."
"There is no politics in politics.
Regardless of personal belief the
politician must choose a candidate
who will bring victory to his party,"
he said.
He referred to the Chicago con-
ventions as "gigantic pep meetings"
and went on to say that the nation-
al meeting of the party was a "far
too open system of pretense to be
called hypocrisy. It is rather a kind
of ritual."
Consistency has been absolutely
lacking in party platforms and in,
the stands of the various candi-
dates, he said. "Any party in office
stands for centralization and the
opposition (Democrats) is of neces-
sity the States' Rights party."
"In the light of these facts," he
continued, "nine-tenths of the plat-
forms, keynotes s p e e c h e s, and
speeches of acceptance are untrue.
This is not deception but results
from an attempt to force party
statements ink an impossible mold
of party consistency."
Scores Are Injured in
Orange-Green Flareup
BELFAST, Northern Ireland, June
27. (AP) -Scores of Irish men and
women nursed more or less serious
injuries today after a flaring of the
ancient feud between the orange
and the green Sunday.
In several parts of northern Ire-
land Catholic pilgrims, on their way
to the closing ceremonies of the
Eucharistic Congress at Dublin, were
attacked, stoned and beaten.
After earlier riots in four cities
seven of nine trains carrying the
pilgrims were stoned between Port-
adown and Belfast. Excursion
steamers carrying pilgrims also
were pelted with stones at Larne
and several men were struck. Stones
also crashed through the windows
of the St. Narcissus chapel at
British Doctor Will
Give Lecture Today

Will Join Ed Russell,
Turner in Palo Alto
Two University of Michigan ath-
letic stars, Brooker Brooks and Wil-
lis Ward, will leave Ann Arbor early
next week for Palo Alto, Cal., where
they will compete in the final Olym-
pic tryouts July 15 and 16, Coach
Charles Hoyt announced last night.
The two men are being sent by the
athletic department.
Both Brooks and Ward are con-
sidered outstanding candidates for
Brooks qualified for the final try-
outs in the discus throw at the re-
cent N.C.A.A. meet in Chicago.
At the state A.A.U. meet last Sat-
urday, Brooks hurled the discus 158
feet 4 1-12 inches to smash the ex-
isting Olympic record by three feet.
His consistent improvement during
the last 'month has indicated that
he will be one of the foremost con-
tenders for representation at Los
Angeles this summer.
Ward, a freshman, qualified for
the finals in the high jump event at
the N.C.A.A. meet with a leap of 6
feet 7 1-8 inches.
The remaining two Michigan can-
didates for the Olympic team, al-
ready in Palo Alto to train for the
I.C.A.A.A.A. meet, are Capt. Ed Rus-
sell, crack quarter-miler, and Ned
Turner, half miler. Russell qualified
for the trials at the recent N.C.A.A.
meet, and Turner will reach the fi-
nals if he places in the I.C.A.A.A.A.

Vittoria M a d e original
Systematic Treatise, Au-
thoriy Claims
The discovery of America was
fundamental to the systematic de-.
velopment of international law, in
the opinion of Dr. James Brown
Scott, secretary of the Carnegie En-
dowment for International Peace.
Dr. Scott last night gave the first
formal lecture before the Confer-
ence for Teachers of International
Law in which 37 registered for a
five weeks' session.
Conflict of Claims
"When Spain became powerful
because of her discoveries in the
Americas, there were conflicts of
claims with other countries since
discovery then constituted claim to
title. The pope, as a temporal sov-
ereign, attempted to settle disputes,
as did the king of Spain, who was
also the Holy Roman Emperor.
"The Dominicans, who specialized
in sending missionaries to the new
land to convert the natives, brought
up the questions as to whether or
not the pope had the power to grant
exclusive rights to Spain and also
whether the non-belief of the na-
tives gave right to oppress them.
"At this point, in 1532, Francis
Vittoria, a professor of theology at
the University of Salamanca, who
had studied the subject of interna-
tional law, delivered two depositions,
one of the law of war and another
on the law of peace. These two
constituted the first systematic trea-
tise on international law,
Preceded Grotius
"The discovery of America had
raised the question of international
relations beyond the sea. Vittoria
outlined the law which, on a moral
basis, should govern these relations.
He believed the law of nations was
based on natural reason, that it con-
ferred rights and imposes obliga-
tions. He believed the law of na-
tions. He set forth the theory of
citizenship, that of jus soli, which
later was adopted in the 14th
amendment of the United States
Constitution; he even gave the basis
for the most-favored nation clause
of modern treaties. His ideas be-
came so well known that even Gro-
tius adopted them, and other mate-'
rial of the Spanish school in pre-
senting his treatise in 1625."
Windt to Open
Milne Comedy
On Wednesday
A play by one of the most talented
English dramatists will be given to-
morrow night in Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre, opening the fourth dramatic
season of the Michigan Reperetory
"Mr. Pin Passes By" is one of the
seven plays to be presented during
the summer. It is a brilliant comedy
of errors by the playwright, A. A.
Milne, and. was first given in 1920-21
by the Theater Guild of New York.
Milne's play will be given four
nights, beginning Wednesday. On
July 6, "Mr. Pim Passes By" will be
followed by "Paolo and Francesa,"
a romantic play by Stephen Phillips.
Rehearsals for the opening play
have been going on steadily for sev-
eral weeks under the direction of
Valentine B. Windt, director of Playi
Production during the regular dra-
matic season.
Tickets for the plays-both season
and single admission-may be se-
cured at the box office in Lydia Men-
delssohn theatre in the League
building from 10 to 5 o'clock each.
day this week'
OU WISH ebut

You can't reach as many
people as The Daily reaches
every day of the week (ex-

Lawes Flays U.S.
Education System
As Crime Breeder
-Warden Lewis E. Lawes, of Sing
Sing Prison, today told the National
Education association that Ameri-
can educational systems, through
its "insistence on scholasticism, has
left no room for character building."
"The scope of our system of edu-
caton has been too narrow," he
said. "It has concerned itself al-
most exclusively with language as
the basis for the melting pot theory
of American development. We have
sacrificed the individual to the mass.
The school must mature from mere
scholasticism to socialization. Any
public institution that fails to meet
the social necessities * * must
eventually fail.
"Even prohibitionists are begin-
ning to realize that and as a, result
we may soon see the end of this
prohibition problem that has been,
to a larger extent most of us ap-
preciate, responsible for our cur-
rent crime rate."
The warden said the country's
educational program had d o n e
nothing to mould the character of
the people and called the system
"wrong in theory and practice."
"There is hardly a juvenile in-
stitution," he said, "that is not a
crime incubator. It has taken us
a century to discover the fault. Let
the schools step in where police and
courts and law have failed. * * *
"The failure of our schools and
general educational methods are fil-
ling our juvenile homes, reforma-
tories and prisons."
Germany Tells
France Debts
Can't Be Paid
Lausanne Conference is
Deadlocked as Berlin
'T'akes Firm Stand
LAUSANNE, Switzerland June 27.
-A.P.-Germany categorically in-
formed Francectoday that repara-
tions must be cancelled.
This declaration, which deadlock-
ed the Lausanne conference, came
from Count Lutz Schwerin Von Kro-
sigk, German minister of finance, at
a critical meeting attended only by
representatives of the two govern-
"I don't think Germany wants an
alliance with France," a French au-
thority told a German journalist.
Premier Edouard Herriot of France
said he did not get "the impression
that today's meeting was a rap-
prochment between the districts of
Germany and France in their com-
mon effort."
Germany, the finance minister
said, was determined not to yield in
enforcing the policy of no more re-
parations. This firm attitude-this
'is the strongest taken by the Ber-
lin delegation since the Lausanne
conference opened-was believed to
have resulted from the conference
held by Counselor Franz von Papen
in Berlin over the week-end.
Then the foreign finance minister
informed the French that there
would be no yielding about the Lau-
sanne conference, as both German
and French were considering shelv-
ing the conference until next fall.
Back of this proposal was the fear
that the French people would not
permit their negotiators to surren-
der anything in order to effect a
compromise and that the German
people would similarly demand it.
A Moehl man to Edit
'The Nation's Schools
"The Nation Schools," a monthly
publication dealing with school ad-
ministration and equipping, will be
edited in the future by Prof. Arthur
B. Moehlman of the education
school faculty here. His duties will
begin with the July issue.

Major League

W. L.
New York ...........45 19
Detroit........37 27
Athletics............39 30
Washington..........37 29
Cleveland........... 36 31
St. Louis............33 32
Chicagoi............24 40
Boston .............. 12 53
Monday's Results
Detroit 9, Chicago 3.
Athletics 15-9, Boston 8-4.
St. Louis-Cleveland, rain.
Only games scheduled.
Pittsburgh...........33 27
Chicago.............35 30
Boston..............35 31
Phillies.36 34
Brooklyn...33 34
St. Louis.............31 32
New York ........... 28 .32
Cincinnati...........31 42
Monday's Results
St. Louis 4, Chicago 1.
Only game scheduled.

Roosevelt Gains In
Convention Fights;
Barkley For Repeal

Earl Figures
Indicate Fall
In Enrollment
Registration figures issued late
yesterday from the office of Dean
Edward H. Kraus revealed that 3,-
125 had enrolled in all schools, col-
leges, and camps of the University
with the exception of the Biological
station, which usually has approxi-
mately 100 students. This number
falls several hundred below the reg-
istration figure of this time last
Students will continue to enroll
during the week, and the number is
expected to take a decided jump on
Tuesday, July 5, when many will
arrive for the School of Education
courses which continue only four
Enrollment figures will be pub-
lished in The Daily as soon as they
are officially tabulated and released
by the University. Dean Kraus an-
nounced yesterday that the Sum-
mer Session faculty numbers more
than 450.
Reports from Summer Sessions at
other Big Ten universities' indicate
decreased enrollments.



Democratic Keynoter

Kentucky Senator Urges
Denocrats to Present
Repeal Bill for State
Convention Vote
Attacks Hoover's
Farm Aid, Tariff
Blames Coolidge, Mellon
For Speculation Orgy,
Stock Crash; Charges
CHICAGO, June 27. - (AP) -
Yielding substantially but not wholly
in the two-thirds dispute, the Roose-
velt organization was hunting to-
night a formula to suppress its re-
calcitrant opposition, and thereby
.eep its decisive command over the
lemocratic convention that it had in
odays inital session.
In the offering was the prohibi-
tion challenge the extreme wets are
rying to commit the party to re-
peal, which received encouragement
.by the one demonstration lead by
the multitude. Senator Alvin W.
Barkley, of Kentucky, a Roosevel-
tian, set it off by recommending the
repeal of the amendment.
While a convention committee
hammered away at arrangements to
help the New York governor's cause,
his board of strategy met secretly
in the Congress hotel to go over the
outlook and general policy.
Committee Backs Walsh
The permanent organization com-
mittee went 36 to 12 for Senator
Walsh of Montana as permanent
chairman, thereby drawing the first
issue to be fought through at tomor-
row's session meeting at noon.
Friends backing Jouett Shouse
against Walsh insisted they would
win, but so did James A. Farley and
other Rooseveltians s u p p o r t i n g
Another Roosevelt victory came
tonight when a move to retain the
rule requiring two-thirds of a demo-
cratic convention vote was defeated
by a vote of 31 to 20 by the new
In a keynote speech' bristling with
denunciation of theHoover admin-
istration, Senator Barkley urged the
democrats to favor a vote by the
people on repealing the eighteenth
amendment and called upon the na-
tion to turn the republicans out of
Describing the republican plank
on prohibition as "a promiscuous ag-
glomoration of scrap-lumber," the
Kentuckian said the democrats
should recommend passage of a con-
gressional resolution repealing the
eighteenth amendment, to be voted
on by state conventions chosen solely
for that purpose.
Denounces Hoover
Barkley denounced the republi-
cans and President Hoover for the
"exorbitant and indefensible rates"
of the Smoot-Hawley tariff act and
promised to "lift tariff-making above
the sordid processes of logrollers and
He excoriated the administration's
farm policy and said the democrats
would undertake "to renove from
the shoulders of agriculture a por-
tion of the unnatural burden which
it bears because others have been
able to shift it there through special
legislation in their own behalf."
Paying his respects to the Hoover
administration, the keynoter recalled
that the president "and his republi-
can Congress took charge of the gov-
ernment" on March 4, 1929, and
"But every prediction, every prom-
ise, every assurance made by them
to obtain votes has turned to ashes
in their hands, and every pretense
has been exposed in all its naked
"Agriculture has continued its col-
lapse. Industry has languished be-
yond any previous record, Credit
has been restricted until finance and
productive enterprise are frightened
and stagnant and there is constant-
ly marching a greater army of un-
employed men and women in search
of onst oi tan has ever been

experienced by this or any other
"There is nothing wrong with this
republic," he added, "except that it
has been mismanaged, exploited and
demoralized for more than a decade
by a leadership incomparably short-
sighted and bereft of true states-
manship, incapable of understanding
(Continued on Page 3)
as a- . .,

Education Fraternity
Phi Delta Kappa, national honor-
ary fraternity for men profession-
ally interested in education, will be
addressed at its Michigan Union
luncheon today by Dean J. B. Ed-
monson of the School of Education.
Dean Edmonson, who was a com-
mitteeman of the National Survey
of Secondary Education, will use a
brief sketch of the survey for his
The luncheon will begin at 12:15

Abbott Loses Gavel Battle
At Democratic Convention

Fraternities Returning to First
SemesterPledging Next Fall

By Norman Kraft
Arbor has become gavel-

Michigan fraternities will begin
their rushing the opening week of
school next fall under the new plan
of deferred pledging, approved last
week by the Senate Committee on
Student Affairs. The new regula-
tions abolish the system under
which pledging did not take place
until early in the second semester.
A 13-day rushing period will be-
gin at noon on Saturday immediate-
ly preceding the opening of classes
and will last until the Thursday of
the following week. Pledging will,
as under the former system, be
taken care of through the office of
the dean of students by submission

nity revenue, the two organizations
appointed committees which drew
up the present plan. Its passage by
the Senate Committee revokes the
ruling by that group that no fresh-
men may be pledged before the be-
ginning of the second semester.
The complete changes made in
the Constitution of the Interfrater-
nity council are as follows:
Section 1. No rushing of fresh-
men shall take place until 12 o'clock
noon of the Saturday at the end of
Orientation week.
Section 2. Rushing shall begin at
that time and shall c o n t i n u e
through Thursday of the second


Last week the gavel with which
Bertrand J. Snell rapped for or-
der at the Republican convention
went on display at Slater's Book
store. Martin J. Mol, special law
student, it was said, had received
the gavel as a token from Chairman
Snell. Duncan Moore, political ob-
server for Station WJR, Detroit,
however, alleged in a broadcast
Sunday that Mol had "borrowed"
the gavel. It caught the eye of Hor-
atio Abbott, resident Democratic
national committeeman. Promptly
Horatio decided that such a weapon

work to fashion a gavel. To the Uni-
versity High shops he went and out,
of black hickory and white birch,
came the mighty gavel. Prof. Byrn's
son meanwhile went to work on the
block which was to receive the pun-
ishment of the chairman's ire. It
was constructed of 48 pieces of ma-
hogany, one to represent each state.
Mr. Abbott tested the newly-made
gavel and block, decided they filled
the bill and headed for Chicago.
Monday, the Ann Arbor gavel was
declared official and Mr. Abbott was
very much pleased.
Yesterday, however, as the con-
vention came to order the radio au-
dience was informed that the gavel
being used by Chairman Raskob was

cept Monday).

Save your

vnfrnr'iI "ru"r' ,-u c r~r r r.-FI

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