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July 14, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-14

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Michigan Daily
Established 1890
-~ A

'Five. Stars Co-operate in Filming 'Grand Hotel'







Published every morning except Monday during the
Unversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
ntrol of Student Publications.
Member. of the western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten -News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
- or republicaton of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
+spatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at An Arbor, Michigan, as
secnd class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster General.
8ubscriptlon during suminer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$.>. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
4nn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
tepreseftatves:eittel-Murray-Rutsky, Ic, 40 mast
irty-forth Street, New York Cty; 80 Boyston Strut,
ton, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chic g , fli-
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Eoia Director............. ..- Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor ........................Carl S. Forsythe
ta t Editbr ............................David M. Nichol
$g sEditor ...... .................Dentonn unae
Teegraph Editor. ...........Thomas Conneian
Assistant City Editor.............eGuy M. Whippe, dr
Sports Editor ... .. ............ ....... C.. H. Beukema
Office Hurs 9-12 2-5 except Saturdays
Bi ess Manage........ ..Charles T. Kline
Assisant Business Manage... ...Norris P. Johnson
Circulation ,Mnager .... ..... 'Clinton B. Conger
Radidals have peculiar ways.
Almong other idiosyncrasies is the manner in
which' they drag into, any question upon which
they may happen to lecture, as nearly a is pos-
sible, all of the creeds and propganda talk
which they can muster to their assistance.
Such was Mrs. Mooney's appearance in the
Natural Science auditori'. There are but few
people who do not believe that any injustice has
be n done in this las. Many are seriously in-
te'ested in discovering the actual facts. It is for
this purpose that they went to hear Mrs. Mooney
talk, and such a discussion would have been of
distinct interest. -But except to the few who
might have gone to gaze upon her as, they would
upon a circus side-show or upon the bitsof an
automobile in which a /terrible crime had been
committed, even a mother's pleas that "I knw
my son is innocent," is just a little disappoint-
But it did not end there. The main speaker of
' the evening, rather than the mother of the con-
victed San Francisco bomber, was one, Richard
B. Moore, colored member of the national exe-
cutive committee of the International Labor De-
fense, etc. In true radical style, it was but a lit-
te while before he launched into an attack udon
President Wilson. It -was but a single step fur-
ther to an attack upon Lincoln. Then of course
there was the Scottsboro negro case which could
not be passed up in such a galaxy of charges.
In the first place, attacks of this nature have
become almost passe. These men must remain,
despite the frothy and sensational charges of
Moore and his ilk, among the greatest leaders
which this country and the world has produced,
Even were there .an element of truth in such
charge, 't has long since become sordidly disgust-
Ing by ceaseless repitition.
Secondly, it is hardly logical for even -Moore
to claim that the man who would face the United
States senate and the entire country on an issue
as large a the League of Nations, and go down
to noble defeat, should be frightened into com-
muting Mooney's sentence by the whinings of a
few radicals. One can only believe that a man
whose idealism extends to world projects must
at least have some communication with these
ideals even in his decisions on a Mooney case.
Thirdly, it is rather highly anamolous to hear
a negro, himself, claim that the Lincoln stories
are only "Santa Claus yarns." Perhaps Lincoln
was wron in freeing the slaves. At any rate it
is certainly a step up from chattel servitude and
a step which has been taken by every civilized
nation ip the world.f
When radicals must descend to such hideous
depths to gain an audience, truly, they have be-

come diseased organs in a society which has al-
ready inherent corrective qualities. Logical and
thinking people may life the lid, but, finding in-
side the cankerous mess, will immediately drop
it. And when a club will allow itself to be impos-
ed upon to this extent, it is certainly in' need.
of stimuli of some sort.
Intelligent liberalism is the panacea for all
-such disturbances and the most dangerous medi-
cine for the life of radicalism. Lenin, himself,
was aware of this fact and fought it with
his-entire, life. Flint police, however, showed an
abysmal ignorance in refusing to allow the
speakers to continue. Such interference gains
m'any sympathisers but a program of the type
pit on in Ann Arbor can only lose the respect of
all but the most bigoted radicals.





BEE~Y Gold



Tolan has, perhaps, performed in record timet
more consistently than has Eastman. He has
:'een setting new and tying old records for the;
past three years, whereas Eastman is a compara-
tively recent discovery in the track world. And
Eastman's trainer was the first to advance a
claim for seeding.
In 1928, one of the reasons advanced for the
failure of United States athletes to take more
first places than they did was the gruelling elim-
ination meets th ey had to go through before ever
making the team. By that time, it was said, they
had wasted so much strength that theyould not
perform at top form in the games. Nothing was
done this year to eliminate such a practice. Per-
haps by seeding the best men in the various
events - those who have turned in outstanding
performances such as Eddie 'olan has, the com-
fnittee will be able to save a few of the stars from
too much competition directly before the games.
But if anybody deserves to be seeded, it is
Michigan's record-breaking sprinter. His recent
new record was not allowed because of a slight
breeze at his back. Out on the west coast, it is
charged, records are broken often because starters
-are too lenient to the men. "Doc" May has the
reputation of being a very efficient stater, hold-
ing the sprinters to their marks so that none will
gain an advantage too soon. And if Eddie broke
a record under such starting, he deserves as much
if not more consideration than California's best.
We have received several letters criticising Mr.
Nichol's signed story in Tuesday morning's Daily
as not representing what the speakers in the
Monday night debate stated. The signed story
was an interview obtained by Mr. Nichol from
the speakers before the debate started, while the
other unsigned story was the cover of the debate.
-The Editors.'
A Washia/gton
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 13.-(AP)--It seems a
safe prediction that every man who runs for con-
gress or the senate this year or in 1934 is going
to be put on the spot about his prohibition views.
With a repeal 4lank welded into the Democra-
tic platform and a submission proposal favored
by the Republicans, there is no escape for the
lads who want to go to congress.
Until and unless congress acts, either on test-
ing national sentiment again on the eighteenth
amendment or as to modification of the Volstead
act, what the platforms say on either subject is
just so many words.
An Issue-Maker
#'Judging from the mass of editorial comment
assembled on the heels of the Chicago conven-
tions, it seems generally agreed that the differ-
ence between the Republican and Democratic
planks affords a very real issue for the campaign,
if not the predominant one.
Yet a lot of the editorial writers did not, fail
to grasp the fact that the outcome of the presi-
dential election itself had no direct bearing.
Neither Presidents nor national conventions
can do anything about altering the constitution
or statutory federal law. Congress alone can do
In normal /times computation of congressional
returns in any presidential election year con-
cerns itself almost wholly with the party affili-
ations of the elected. It is just a nose count to
discover which party is to have a majority in
either house.'
Next November, however, there is certain to be
a separate and intensive interest taken in the
wet-dry or repeal-submission status of all can-
didates for both houses of congress,
The mere fact that a Republican or Democra-
tic senate or house has been elected will mean
little of itself.
What will chiefly interest folks is whether a
majority of repealers or submitters has been elec-
ted, or whether the line-up favoring immediate
upward revision of the 40coholic-content restric-
tions of the Volstead act is to be in the saddle
in the next congress.
The Drys Consolidate

Prohibition advocates quickly realized at Chi-
cago that they were outnumbered in both con-
ventions. That probably explains why, so far'
as The Bystander recalls, there were no bone dry
forces to be identified.
They were already consolidating in the real
front trenches-the congressional elections.
Going Back Over Show

of hair and mustache then, but no more stern
of demeanor nor less sming in .the hot glare
of the flood lights, eight years ago when that
most terrible of political conventions started on
its historic way in old Madison Square Garden.
Up from tte Past
As Walsh began his address now in that same
unmusical volce that still must haunt the dreams
of many men who have faced his inquisitorial fire
before a senatorial investigatingcommittee. Al
Smith-the same Al of eight years ago but for a
few more facial lines-passed beneath out the
platform exit.4
In a moment William Gibbs McAdoo, erect,
slim, easy of manner as then and only a little
more gray, went by the same way.
A few minutes before John W. Davis, his deep,
well modulated voice making the most of the
loud-speaker system, his hair no snowier now
than eight years ago, had stood in those flooding
lights where Walsh was to oppose the Montanan's
Editorial, Comment
(Daily Tar Heel)
The existing attemptsat "Literature" thatare
evidenced on the Carolina campus seem sadly
at a loss. Much literature, it is true, is produced;
but unfortunately it is not the amount, but the
quality of the production that counts.
The current literary productions, particularly
in the field of poetry, are so shallow and super-
ficial that many of the students and practically
all the out-of-towners cannot help but believe
that this literatue is perhaps a reflection of
actual student life.
A just parallel between the campus literature
and the modern cubist art can be drawn. The
painter of the modernistic masterpieces does not
in any manner attempt to explain his drawing;
he only places a caption upon it andleaves it
for the public to puzzle out. The poetry and
prose on the campus is written with the same
intention. The work is presented to the public,
but unfortunately nothing (actually speaking) is
given to the public to puzzle over, and what hap-
pens to be produced is generally so poor that no
one wishes to waste any time invain endeavors
towards the solution of any such wrd-enigma.
There is really a subtle beauty in modern poe-
try, but this quality is sadly lacking in the "mod-
ernistic" literature, which the Carolina carpus
attempts to write. To be a good poet, it first is
necessary to have a sense of rhythm and beauty;
anyone can be a versifier. Modern poetry, al-
though it lacks in rhyme scheme, makes up for
it in intricately delicate rhythm which is beyond
the grasp of the adolescent campus poet.
Unfortunately, again, poetry is not alone in its
deplorable state; prose is hand in hand with it.
If an out-of-town person were to read some of
the obscene stories that have recently appeared
in campus publications, he would form a very in-
correct opinion of the general student. Because
some budding-author finds that through the
medium of lewdness he can achieve a degree of
importance, cause a furor of -protests, and lower
himself and his medium of expression closer to-
ward the gutter, is there any reason why this
type of work should clutter up the campus and
assist in lowerin'g its general moral outlook?
The answer to these failings can be found in
insisting that the would,-be poets stick to some-
thing they can handle-if rather clumsily-and
that the would-be prosists stick to any form of
writing that lacks obscenity or unnecessary vul-
(Detroit Times)
The indictment of two prison guards in Florida
for niurder in the first degree has centered the
attention of the entire country upon a case of
One Arthur Maillefert, a 22-year-old youth
from New Jersey, died as the result of treatment
meted to him in one of Florida's prison camps,
where persons convicted of lesser offenses are
kept under confinement while engaged in out-
door work upon state roads and other commun-
ity projects.
The unfortunate young man had been unable
to work because of illness.
It is reported that he was placed in a barrel,
unclothed, with only his head and feet project-
ing, and was then shut up in a dreaded torture
chamber known as the "sweat box," with a chain
around his neck and wooden stocks about his
ankles. The chain was passed over two rafters,
and on the following morning the prisoner' was
found dead, his body having slumped down from
exhaustion and death resulting from strangula-
INHUMAN cruelty, such as this boy underwent,

is only too common on the part of hardened jail-
ers and prison guards. There are countless cases
similar to this which never reach public atten-
tion. The lw imposes confinement and hard la-
bor as a, punishment for crime, but CRUEL AND


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when you are sure that every pur-
chase you make J . a bar gain.'





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