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July 14, 1932 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-14

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Thzr ee Men Who Figutred in n t Pnohibition Fightsm

Vii *1Show

[liy Wonde(1,
IrnAt Egneiil.

Tests W~I1 Be

When the sit Ucnier iy oris
C4ompleted nexi atray tne
making the trip will haive w itnes(sed((
w'eeral iofth o(Ir;fmde
a'tltornobile e enl~
The trip to tl e CGenera! Mtor
proving ground(, whic ireav :s at8
o'clock in~ front of Angell haill, will
take the stuadents to Milford, 30
Miles north of, Ann Arbor, where a
1,268-acre laboratory for the carry-
ing out of exhaustive and scien~tific.
ally controlled tests on all makes of
automobiles has been constructed.
Amass Engineering Data
He~re the corporation maintains
ground engineers who constantly are
am~assing facts essential to the fur-
ther improvenment of America's
greatest luxury and necessity -the
a.utomobile! All kinds of roads have
been constructed on which to test
the cars. The University Party will
see auttos driven \over mud, dirt,
brick, gravel, tar-treated surfaces
anid concrete stretches as well as
over a one-mile stretch of Belgian
lockl designed to reproduce the ir-
regular bumpy condition of badly
surfaced highways.
At the 'proving ground, after pre-
liminary explanations by the en-
gieer-guide, the party Will board
special proving ground buses for a
comprehensive tour of the roadways.
Among the points of interest will be
roads of varying grades uo to 24
per cent; difficult curves and several
road-bed surfaces; the four-mile
concrete loop, where motor cars of
all competitive makes, as well as
General Motors automobiles, are
subjected to severe speed and en-
durance tests; the two straight-away
concrete roads; and the "bath tab,"
a depressed piece; of concrete built
for testing the effects of water on
the moving car. ,
Will Inspect Cars
A considerable number of E~uro-
pean motor cars will also be avail-
able for inspection.
The University party will return to
the campus about noon. Round trip
tickets are priced at $1, and may be
6btained in the office of the Sum-
mler Session. Students driving "their
owVn, cars need no tickets.


. .(. ;,.
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The ,ovc three ;men aelgueireetyi
they are f.F., Reynolds, at-rhbtoit h
ics, a a n Mtdy, iformerr 'exas oertrm
'bition party nomika:tion.

eAaociateaLPress Pl~c,40
~ie ~ili ien edaroind prohibition. From left to right
d 'eator Morrison in th~e North Carolina prinuar-'
4r (', ois, 4othj of whom were mentionied fof the prohi-

Fa-mous Hoover-,MaeDl l d oo

'Ued as bridge Ac's ss Creek


WASHINGTON, July 13.-(AP)-
NatureI and the marines have made
a footbridge of the famous Rapidan
log where a President talked to. a
prime minister.
The story came out in around-
the-tea-table chat under whispering
trees and beside rushing 'waters,
when Mrs. Hoover was hostess on
the Rapidan to a group of Wash-
ington newspaper wom~en.
Guests at the Hoover mountain re-
treat, so 'twas said, were constant-
ly querying what log President Hoo-
ver sat upon to talk with Prime
Minister Ramsey MacDonald about
disarmament - conversations much
publicized in the. early days of
Several logs had. been so honored,
but the question became so persist-
ent that Mrs. Hoover put it to the
President, and he was able to recall
one particular log.
When, he went to. point it out, a
spring freshet had come along and
placed it squarely across the Rap-
idan!? And the Marines, noting that
people were crossing on it, put up a
tope railing to help them along.
Thus the noted timber, as a foot-
log is doing its best to carry on a
"hands- across-the-sea" tradition.,
'/'Prime minister's cabin"~ and
Ishbel's "cabin," , rustic cottages
name-lettered in carved wood, stand

near 1the ame id" Town iha ll' as fur-
th(--rei c- ii i;'_e lr I ic-lovely
camp;, tho.uih , , 1thr ,,years ild,
is hlisti:0 C.
In knitt(ed potsuress of blue
matcir~ hereye, ,white sports
shoes, andblue plaid sports hose,
Mrs., Hoover touok the guide-role,
alone mroun t i aths well-worn and
rock-bordered. She presided at
lunch under the trees, and at tea
on the verandOa of her own charm-
ing cabin, With keen eye for geo-
metric'shape,)( ;slshe helped fit picture
puzzles, and th-'I( )ma"de conversation
cozy with the click of hec' own knit-
ting needles.
rushing of the waM~o's. Which led to
Always, the unidercurrent, was the
the recounting of the four-point,
successful search Herbert, Hoover
made for a Blue Ridge mountain,
camp when Virg inia good roads
made such a piojecti possible.
The President ruled the camp he
wanted must, have a stream long
enough for trout fishing, must be
2,500 feet h ighi, must have plenty
of trees, and must have the sound
of rushing waters where he ate and
Where laurel prang and mill prong
made the Ra-oidan, trees, fishing
an~d water-sound came up to speci-
fications, and when the altitude was
measured, it was- exactly 2,5810 feet.

Writer, of' 1 3 li+ te etie oS1L1VtI. Wi
Novels' Deadt in London, Not, Be Sliown -in Arnn Arbor
LONDON, July 13. - (AP) - Aganrhi esn
Thundersley , Fergus Hume, ',noted f
detective story writer, died today of. 'r 1 '- 1-0 ( l st 1
a heart 'attack.
He wrote 130 novels, in his ca- - RESERVF D'
me.4The "Mystery of the Hansom Nrt5e 5,$1 15 pu ~
Cab"Was: one olf the best sellers __________-________________
among detective fiction of all time. t I I D A S A
There are. 275 kinds of trees and CLASSIF E D A
shrubs native to Georgia.

What' Does


perfect condition with no si.gns of "laundiry wear" '.
Many people conupiaiii that laundries are hard on
their clothes andl that- they would rather dotheir owi
washiing,--untiI they flind ti,, wbat sreadLlauntidry service

fis~hed an enviable reptitation for (!are "in the handI ng
of your clothes. The reasn is obvions -- the Var ity
uases nothing but PUJRE IVORY SOAP, insuring your
clothes frtom chemical harm, andi the mlost lnoderf
machinery, designed to eliminate wear. Is it any
woli(IrtasoiamyPPe ar~e turning to the Varsity


Phone 2=3123 for Call and Delivery Servie

*> Clipping, af/rs
Sa A second saved here- an unnecessary
step cut out there- on such close atten-
tion to detail rests the 'success of modern
industry. Nowvherel's this more strikingly
showvn than in the telephone business.
In accounting work for instance, an
improved' method that clips just one
second from the time required to handle
Qne toll ticket would have great results,

econd would ,
)OO hours

Applied throughout the System-hand-
ling an average of more than 90, 000, 000
toll tickets each month-it would effect
a monthly saving of 25,000 hours!
Such "little" things often are tremen-
dously important in so vast an industry.
That is one reason why men find Bell
System work so fascinating..,
Te opportun ttyis ther e!



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