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July 14, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-14

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The Weathe43
Generally fair, Thursday and Ca
Friday, cooler in south portion; die T
somewhat warmer Friday. the
Official Publication of The Summer Session
t'!...L~Chairman Sanders Opens Hoover Campaign I C ..--.pU'L I~- .-'D I Places in Tryouts lA/I.,i

nkerous Radicalism: Ed-
olan to Get His Share of
. 1" YM k

Iza eft an
Drama Made
ly 3 Forces
Parrot Says Religious,
Romatic, Classical
Forces Combined
Absence of Play
On Words, Humor
Must Be, Understood to
Be Appreciated; Not
Pure but Composite
Elizabethan d r a m a, composite
rather than pure, must be under-
stood to permit an adequate appre-
ciatio of ha k e s p e a r e, prof.
Thomas N. Parrot, visiting profes-
sor of Englis;i from Princeton uni-
versity, said yesterday afternoon in
his lecture or "Main Trends in
Elizabethan Drama."
Three forces, he pointed out, om-
bine to make the drama of this
p riod. First was the influenc of
the English religious and, miracle
play. The second was the classical
and academic influence which be-
came pronounced shortly before the
"Bard of .Avon" began his writings,
and th third was the birth o a
/ Miracle 1lays Had Effect
"Miracle plays were not a thing
of the past in 1590," he continued,
"a-d their naive - and convincing
rea m had a great effect upon the
English drama of this period." That
the producers of this time recog-
nized this fact and appreciated the
,alue of advertising is illustrated,
Professor Parrot said, by the claim
"All's True" used with the produc-
tion ,of Henry VIII.
In this type of drama, he con-
tinued, a highly physical humor was
found with an absence of the pointed
Solalnde to Speak
0n Spanish Republic
Prof. Antionlo G. Solalinde, of
the University of Wisconsin, will
lectur at 5 o'clock this afternoon
in Natur1 Sepeauditorium on
the topic, "The Men of the New
Spanish Republic."
rofessor Solalinde was exiled
from paiii during 1923-1924 for
his activities on behalf of the re-
public, and i well acquainted
with the important political fig-
ures of the 'present regime. At
present he is a distinguished
scholar in the Romance languages
department at Wisconsin. .His
special field is medieval Spanish
The lecture 'will not 'be illus-
trated as was announced in the
weekly bulletin.
dialogue and the play on words,
which later became common. The
humor, he asserted, often descended
to "gross obscenity."
The classical and academic infiu-
ence, on the other hand, was chiefly
the result of the work of amateurs
who make a study of the Italian
and Latin playwrights, Professor
"Parrot said. "ere, we first find,"
he continued, "some sense of the
significance and value of plot as
contrasted to dramatized incident.
"Thy added; also, the sparkling
speeches and the play on words."
Beauty an Appreciated Quality
Romanticism became apparent, he
.said, in the use of distant scenes

and times with an appeal to the
imagination and to the superstition..
Beauty "became an appreciated
quality. This coincides, he asserted,
'with the outbreak of poetry.,
The founders of this drama, he
went on, were not inventors but
were rather "blenders and harmon-
izers, not cloistered pedants"but gay
bohemians." Among others, he men-
tioned Marlowe anI Greene.
"These three forces," he conclud-
'ed, "with the demands of the Lon-
don public made the Elizabethan
what it is."
Alan Bovard, Michigan
Grid Player, Married
Announcement of the marriage of
Alan Bovard, '30, former Michigan
football star and varsity center for
two years. to Dorothy Pastoret of

CaoiL t aoo
For Regular
Friday Dance

Sweltering Heat


7aPutr arct
To Be Signed
Soon by U.S.
Have Reached Agreement
On River Project with
Canadian Government
New York Will
Market Power
Matter Has Been Under

.- ,.. .,._,,, . ... ... J ....,.,.,.,


Dropping'of Conventions
For League Affair

rlnicnigun ircui
Star in Tank
Tryouts For
Olympic Team
'Dalrymple Takes Second
Place in 100-Meter Free
Style Event; Ahead of
Former Champion
Schmieler Is Also
Qualified in Event


Will Open

Associated Presa Photo
Everett Sanders, chairman of the National Republican committee,
is shown here opening the Hoover campaign headquarters in Chicago

Theatre Turns
To Primitive,
Stevens Sees Trend Away
From Exact Representa-
tion of Nature
The modern theatre, like modern
painting and Aiterature, has turr ed
from the exact representation of na-
ture to a morej innocent and prim-
itive interpretation of the -world,
Thomas Wood Shvens, guest direc-
tor of the Michigan' Pepertory Play-
ers and founder of. the dramatics
school at the Carnegie Institute of
Technology, asserted yesterday.
Another modern note, he cohtinu-
ed, is to be found in the rapidly,
changing character of the audience.
With shortened working hours and
additional leisure time, the working
man is more and more turning to
the, theatre.: This element is, and
must be, considered, he pointed 'out.
Stevens traced the development of
modern painting through Sargent
and Cezanne, accompanied with an
increasing appreciation of El Greco,
to the moderns of today. All this
art; he said, has' been a revolt.
against the naturalistic methods of
their predecessors.
Literature has followed the same
process, he continued. From the ar-
tificially developed narrative threads
of previous writers, we have come to
the stream-of-consciousness novel
such as those of James Joyce, Stev-
ens pointed out.
Two distinct phases of modernism
are to be found in the theatre, he
said. The first is a stylization from
a rimitive and innocent view which,
when fully developed, becomes ex-
pressionism and is well exemplified
in O'Ueill's play,' "The Hairy Ape,"
Stevens asserted. This leads to a
distortion of -scenery and character,
h said.
The second element is that of con-
structivism,'* he continued. "Here,
an attempt is made to get at the
skeleton of the thing without any
of the masks of the previous theatre.
This results in sets chiefly construc-
t d from planes, runways, and var-
ious levels. Its effect -upon the act-
ing is to bring about a tremendous.
expenditure of energy and produces
something of the same psychological
effect as the circus. But it is good

Hubbard Cites
Of School Head
A v e r a g e Superintendent
Holds Two Degrees, Is
44 Years Old, He Says
The typical city school- superin-
tendent holds both a bachelor of
arts, a master of arts degree; as a
graduate student he has majored in
education and has attended summer
school during the last three years.
"These were some of the characteris-
tics of the typical school official ad-
vanced by Dr. Frank Hubbard, as,-
sociate director of the research di-
vision of the National Education as-
sociation in a lecture yesterday.
Dr. Hubbard threw the spotlight
on the typical superintendent of
schools in communities of more than
2,500 population. He presented find-
ings based on questionnaires sent to
more' than 2,000 superintendents.
The typical man of this class also,
is a member of a service club and
the chamber of commerce, holds one
office in a civic organization, and
presents educational problems to a
civic group three times a year.
He also holds office in one profes-
sional group, gives each year one to
five talks or reports before profes-
-sional gatherinis, and serves on one
to five professional committees. He
is 44 years of age, has had 21 years
of eiperience in school work, was
principal of a high school before be-
coming superintendent, has been su-
perintendent for 10 years and has
been in his present position for 6
He has two children living and
supports, in addition to his family,
one person totally and another part-
Diamond Wins 25-Yard
Swim in First Event
Louis Diamond captured' first
place in the Intramurbl 25-yard free
style swimming event yesterday,
beating out R. P. McLeish, second
place winner, by a fraction of a sec-
orid. Diamond's time was 11.1.
A. A. Gloekzin took third place in
the free style, and fourth place
went to F. M. Thompson.
The next event of the Intramural
race schedule will be the. 25-yard
back stroke.-

Tomorrow Night
No Stags to Be Allowed
In Ballroom;'Dancing to
Last from 9 to, 1
Conventions will go smash to-
morrow night, and Miss 'Ethel A.
McCormick, dean of women, isn't
going to care a bit.
There is no reason why the cam-
pus males should swelter in this
weather, she said. And I see no rea-
son why they should be required to
wear coatsat the League dances.
After the successful' opening of
the social season last Friday night,
the League will- begin their regular
Friday night dances tomorrow night
under the same general plan car-
ried out at the deans' reception.
No Stags
No stags. will be permitted in the
ballroom, Miss McCormick said.
There will be plenty of partners for
those desiring to dance, she added.
The party begins at 9 o'clock and
lasts until one. An admission fee
of twenty-five cents will be charg-
ed, and only students enrolled in
the Summer Session or registered
in the University during the last se-
niester will be allowed to attend the
dance. Treasury receipts or identifi-
cation cards are necessary to gain
In spite of the heat, a large num-
ber of students attended the tea
dance yesterday afternoon at the
League. These dances in the future
will also come under the "no coat"
Foreign students will be enter-
tained at a tea this afternoon by
the Women's League. Invitations
have been sent out to 88 students,
Miss Katherine Noble said yes-
terday, but in case, anyone has
notdreceived his invitation, he is
cordially invited to attend the
party. P
Other students interested in at-
tending the tea are also welcom-
ed, Miss Noble said.
Mrs. Frederick B. Fisher, Miss
Ethel A. McCormick, Mrs. H. D.
Rufus, and Mrs. E. C. Goddard
will pour.

WASHINGTON,,July 13.-(AP)-
Canada and the United States have
finally reached an agreement to
build the $800,000,000 St. Lawrence
seaway which is to open every har-
bor on the Great Lakes to ocean
The White House announced to-
day the terms of an agreement were
finally settled yesterday and that
the treaty now being drafted will be
ready for signature "at an early,
date." The. expectation was this
would be in a week or two.
The treaty probably will be sign-
ed in Washington by representatives
of the Dominion of Canada and the
United States. The Canadian Gov-
ernment will sign an agreement
later with Ontario which is to han-
dle the Canadian share of the power
developed in the international sec-
tion of the seaway.
New York to Market Power
ThmUnited States will sign an
agreement with New York State
which will market the American
share of the electrical power.
For 11 years Canada' and the
United States have had nthe seaway
under, serious consideration and for
eight years there have been active
negotiations. During the last six
months W., D. Herridge, the Cana-
dian minister to Washington, and
Hanford MacNider, the American
minister to Canada, have been trav-
eling regularly between Ottawa and
Washington to negotiate with the
Canadian prime minister, R. B.
Bennett, and Secretary Stimson.
Means Six or Eight Years Work
President Hoover has been active,
with former Senator Henry J. Allen,
of Kansas, as his personal repre-
sentative. The joint board of Cana-
dian and American engineers, which
made a report on the seaway six
years ago, estimated that from seven
to eight years will be required to
complete the gigantic project after
work is actually begun.
The,,.section of the St. Lawrence
which will be developed as a sea-
way extends from Mpntreal to Lake
Ontario, approximately 180 miles.
It was definitely established to-
day that the agreement provides for
construction of a 27-foot channel
throughout the seaway and stipu-
lates that there shall be two dams.
The' seaway stretch of the River has
a total drop of 220 feet.
Ireland .Plans
Tariff to H1t

Christy Places in
Meter Free Style

Johnny Schmieler, Wolverine tank
star, remains a strong candidate for
the United States Olympic team
having placed last night in the 100
nfeter free style event at the trials
in Cincinnati.


for 11


Glass, Once


ruling made

by Miss McCormick

Michigan's Bridge-Mad Campus.
Turns Its Attention to Contract

Blomquist to Play
The U. of M. Vagabonds, under
the direction of "Pete" Blomquist,
will furnish the music for the dance
tomorrow night. They are the offi-
cial League orchestra and will play
at all dances.
Members of the reception com-
mittee at yesterday's tea dance,
headed by Harriet Hunt, chairman,
were Letitia Currie, Lucy Currie,
Dorothea W a t e r m a n, )Vinifred
Quarton, Doris Smith, Josephine
Stuart, ;Ruth Bixler, Betty Neal,
Mary Elizabeth Wagner, and Agnes
Those n'ot caring to dance at the
party tomorrow night may play
$2,500,000 Damage byt
Fire at Coney Island
NEW YORK, July 13.-(AP)-
Coney Island, famed playground of
millions, was saved from destruction
tonight after fire had turned four
blocks of its internationally known
board walk into ruin.
Fire Commissioner John J. Der-
man announced early this evening
that the conflagration w h i c h
threatened for a time to wipe out
the resort had been brought under,
The damage to bath houses, apart-
ment buildings, snall concession
booths, and dwellings was estimated
by W. C. Meinch, chairman of the
Cony Island' chamber of Commerce
at $2,500,000 of which about $1,-
500,000 was covered by insurance,
Three Detroiters in
Accidents Yesterday
William McDowell, of Detroit, suf-
fered a dislocated ankle yesterday
when the car he was driving collided
with one driven by Robert Brown-
lee, also of Detroit. Brownlee, wit-
nesses said, was going fifty miles an
hn,.. a .t.tvrl n l~vns tt-i na

Dry, Offers
Repeal' Bill.
Would Abolish Prohibi-
tion, but Have Federals
Keep Saloons Out
WASHINGTON, July 13.--(AP)-
A resolution proposing a new con-
stitutional amendment, repealing the
Eighteenth Amendment but outlaw-
ing the saloon, was introduced in
the Senate today by Senator Car-
ter Glass ,of Virginia.'
For years he has been one of the .
leading Congressional supporters of{
The former Democratic Secretary
of the Treasury asked for immed-.
iate consideration of his resolution,
but this was blocked by Senator
Norris, Nebraska Republican. Glass
then said he would call it up again.
T h e constitutional amendment
proposed by the Virginian would
allow states that want liquor to
have it, but would keep the saloon
unconstitutional. It also would pro-
hibit transportation of liquor into
states where it was forbidden.
The amendment would have to
be ratified by state conventions
within, seven years or it would die.
Glass told the Senate his amend-
ment was in conformity with the
prohibition plank adopted by the
Democratic 'National Convention
and was a "proposition which no
Republican who is disposed to be
guided by party declarations can re-
-sent or resist."
Senator Norris, however, objected
to its immediate consideration.
Glass replied he would call the
resolution up later to "test the good
faith and sincerity of the Senator
from Connecticut (Bingham) and
other Republicans who have engag-
ed in 'testing the sincerity' of the
Democratic Party."
Off the floo% later, Glass said his
amendment would permit the sale
of liquor in hotels and restaurants
unless State laws interferred. He
said introduction of the resolution
did not commit him to repeal.
Another attempt to obtain action
on a repeal resolution was then
iAade by Sen. Bulkley, Ohio Demo-
crat, who asked a vote on taking
from the judiciary committee the
repeal resolution introduced by Sen.
Wagner, New York Democrat.
Eloise Kincaid Wed to
David Nichol June 21
Arbutus Eloise Kincaid, '35, of
Montgomery, W. Va., was married
on June 21, the day after com-
mencement, to David McGregor
Nichol, '32, of Plymouth, Mich., it
was revealed yesterday by friends of
the couple.
Mrs. Nichol is a member of Kappa
Kappa Gamma, Mr. Nichol was af-
filiated in his undergraduate days
with Lambda Chi Alpha. An activi-
ties man on campus, he was head
of the Washtenaw party, president


Great Britain
Will Retaliate for New,
English T a x Againstj
Irish Goods<
DUBLIN, July 13.- (AP) -Thel
threatened tariff war between Brit-
ain and the Irish Free State be-
came an imminent fact tonight4
when it was announced that an em-
ergency reprisal measure, imposing;
new duties on all articles brought
in from Great Britain which might
be purchased in any other country,
would be introduced in the Dail
Thursday, and rushed into law.
William T. Cosgrave, the prede-
cessor of Eamon de Valera as Presi-
dent of the Free State, character-
ized the situation as appaling.
The British Government has an-
nounced that special import duties
against certain Irish products, tax-
ing them 20 per cent ad valorem,
would become effective Monday.
These British tariffs are a reprisal
measure taken because the Free
State has refused to pay land an-
The casualness with which Mr. De
Valera announced his own, reprisal
bill heightened the dramatic situa-
tion in the Dail.
Deputy Corey, one of the Govern-
ment's farm supporters, made a bel-
ligerent speech for the measure.
"Ireland no longer is going to be
+ha kitewhn myadn o nf na " he

Los Angeles Star First in
Drstance Trial
CINCINNATI, July 13.-(AP)-
Swimming's."grand old man" failed
in his comeback attempt today, for-
ty-fwo year old Duke Kahanamoku
of Hawaiiafinishing far back in the
heat in which he had hoped to qual-
ify to represent the United States
in the coming Olympics.
Staking his hopes in the 100 met~er
free style, he plunged into the Cony
Island pool here with four others in
the fourth heat of the opening day
of Olympic swimming trials. At the
finish he was third-out of the 'run-
ning for the officials had decreed
that only the first two in each heat
could reach the semi-finals and be
eligible for Olympic selection.
Dalynple Second
Far 'ahead of him, as swimming
sprint distances go, was Arthur
Highland of Northwestern. Ahead
by inches' was Ogden Dalymple of
the University of Michigan.
Highland plowed through the
water in 61 seconds. All three re-
lied on the crawl to pull them
The trials started today without
particular ceremony. Official open-
ing day is tomorrow, but mountiig.
of the entry list to'the 100th mark
forced officials to run the prelim-
inary heats of the 100 and 1500 met-
er free style today.
Conclusion rof the' 100 meter trials-
found Curtis Cummings of the Los
Angeles A.A. club; Herbert Barthels
of San Francisco; Marolo and Man-
uella Kalili of Los Angeles; Johnny
Schmieler of Michigan; Highland
and Dalrymple; and 'Johnny Wood
of .Honolulu; Albert Swartz of the
Illinois A.C., Chicago; and John
Holand of Yale in the running for
semi-finals tomorrow.
Christy Qualifies
Clarence Crabbe of Los Angeles,
the "record buster," headed the list
of qualifiers in the 1500 meter free
style swim with the best time of the
day, 20:29 4-5. Others who placed
are Everett Flanagan, Cprral Gables,.
20:43 4-5; James Christy, University
of'Michigan, 20:58 2-5; Ray Ruddy
of New York A.C. 21:43; Carol Lee-
dy of Yale 21:50 2-5 and Jack Med-
ica, Seattle, 21:23 2-5. The si men
making the best time in heats were
selected to continue.
One Dead in Detroit
As Heat Reaches 94
-Lower Michigan today baked in
one of the most severe heat waves
of-the season but rain brought re-
lief tonight.
Temperatures above 90 degrees
were reported at several points in
the state including an official read-
ing, of 92 at the United States'
weather bureau here, a r'cord for
this vicinity. Detroit had a 94 max-
imum and one fatality.
Unofficial readings at Battle Creek
were as high as 98 degrees to equal
the state heat record for 19'32. How-
ard City experienced the same tem-
per on June 5. Owosso reported an
unofficial reading of 94.
Cooler weather was promised for
Thursday, Dewey Seeley, United.
States meteoroligist said. While the
southern part of the state today was
suffering from the excess of heat,
cooling showers'- were reported in
northern Michigan.
Dean Kraus Leaves to
Visit Geography Camp
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the
Summer Session, and Mrs. Kraus
left this morning for the University
Geology and Geography camp at
Mill Springs, Ky. This is the first
visit the dean has made to this
branch, of the Summer Session in
several years.
Dr. Edmunds Is Named

Of "The Bridge World" Staff
It may be overdrawing the situa-
tion to say that the campus has gone
bridge-mad this summer, but at
least Contract and Auction have be-
come more than "just popular" di-
versions to those enrolled.
The followers of hands and shuff-
les nearly overdid themselves at the
dean's reception. Miss Ethel Mc-
Cormick, dean of women," and Miss
Catherine, Noble, assistant, dean,
were actually at a loss to find
enough tables for devotees of the
game. And now comes information
that special classes in Contract in-
struction are being held each Tues-
day and Thursday nights in the
A .a a. n .i a. ,'- nm +1' n T na n c

or so. At first the lessbns were plan-
ned only for women, but now the
series has been opened to the en-
tire campus.
Mrs. Staffan claims that Contract
is now a social necessity. "Many are
actually turning down party invita-
tions," she said, because they do not
feel sure enough of their Contract."
The males were praised by Mrs.
Staffan, who claims that they are
especially thorough in learning and
playing the game.,
When the series of lessons have
progressed further under Mrs. Staf-
fan's direction, a special tournament
will be organized with prizes for the
And just as further proof that
hri,,i A its, An in' rr n,.nnn, in', 4

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