The Michigan Daily
Established 1890
Editorial Comment
which was given precedence over the Bingham
beer bill. It is clear that Congress has some con-
sideration for the people in passing up chances
for a good rousing session that either of those
bills would have provided to take the trouble to
pass the more important relief bill. Praised be
the powers for small favors
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(the Daily Iowan)
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And they said, "Let there be war." And there
was war. . .
Or maybe it hasn't been quite that bad, althoughA W asin* to
in the days since some amount of public back- A W ashiington
ing has been necessary in going to war there
has been need of developing a war spirit. It is
no longer a secret that the World war-whose
popular cause, the sinking of the Lusitania, oc- *
curred a year earlier than declaration of war-
required long and intensive propaganda in the By Kirke Simpson
United States neutrality, the slayers of women
and children, the sinkers of ships bearing non-
combatants, the vassals of Kaiserdom. WASHINGTON, July 12.-(AP)-Back in tho4e
- It might almost be said that this country has almost forgotten days of last May, a month be-
never' been in a war its people wanted to begin fore the Democrats assembled in convention in
with, or unanimously cared about in a big way Chicago, President Hoover foresook his usual
after it was in progress. Historians say that a press conference calm.
third of the populace was hostile to the Ameri- The Associated Press reported the. incident in
can Revolution, and another third indifferent. this language:
New England contemplated secession during the "In angry tones and biting words, President
war of 1812. . Abraham Lincoln expressed the Hoover today (May 27) denounced the public
sentiment of his section in a speech in congress works section of the Garner relief' bill as 'the
Published every morning except Monday during the
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Roosevelt Loses
The First Round . .
Governor Roosevelt came out of his first cam-
paign scrap on the losing end.. In the St. Law-
rence waterways questio\ which he started by
a letter to the President, he was quickly squelched
by Mr. Hoover.
Although the Governor's letter ostensibly was
for .campaign publicity purposes, to attract at-
tentign to his good work on behalf of the water-
way proposals, it also had a second purpose,
namely to elicit from President Hoover his, con-
sent to permit New York State to have charge
of the distribution of the power which is to be
derived as a secondary product from the propos-
ed construction. Referring to New York state, he
hoped President Hoover would call him into con-
ference, or promise to do so later, when the ques-
tion was to be settled.
But although he referred only to his own state
he doubtlessly was more than slightly discom-
forted when President Hoover, in his response,
said "nevertheless, you and leaders in other
states primarily concerned have been consulted
during the course of negotiations." And again
"if the treaty is consummated and ratified' I
shall be glad to consult with you and other gov-
ernors." So the Governor's subtle bid for sole
control of the power output was properly side-
tracked and he is left without the prospect of
being able to boast of #is triumph in the St.
Lawrence waterway issue next November. Gov-
ernor Roosevelt was not the first ever to think{
of the plan. In fact, the United States power
commission, which has been working on' the pro-
posal for six years, recently voiced the regret
that to hear the governor talk one would think
against the Mexican war. And so on, down toE
the existence of a strong pro-German element
in the United States before entry into the World
The most recent "Let there be war" sentiment,
came from the lips of J. Hamilton Lewis, U. S.
senator from Illinois. He did not put it that way.
He merely called the replies of France, Great
Britain, and Japan to President Hoover's dis-
armament proposal equivalent to rejection and
said1 they embody the clear expectation of a war
in which this country may be embroiled.
And in his reaction the senator from Illinoisl
did not let one hand know what the other was
doing. To Democratic colleagues in the senate
he s.uggested approval of the President's effort to
bring about world concord through the reduction
of armament, To the Democratic convention in
Chicago he suggested "a full declaration as to
St e army and navy that will assure defense, and
equate preparations against these peoples who
are refusing to join Us in an effort for peace and
are contemplating events which in their judg-
ment will surely involve us in war."
This rather hasty interpretation of foreign re-
sponse intimates that the United States made a
noble gesture and received ignoble replies indi-
cating the bellicose attitude of other nations that
are not as peace loving. It fails to take into
consideration that there are other forms of force
than the military, that the very war debts which
President Hoover holds as a whip over the French
head constitute as great a menace to. French
"security" as the large U. S. fleet.
Unquestionably it is inconsistent for France to,
claim inability to pay her war debts when she is
able to spend so much in fortifying her frontier
and in arming to the teeth. But if she is to make
any military concessions, she will demand other
concessions calculated to enhance her much lov-
ed "security." From the United States, 3,000
miles away and scarcely a military menace in any
immediate sense, those concessions will not be,
primarily considered.
The American position at the current Geneva
disarmament conference might be better under-
stood if it were known that the U. S. delegation
went authorized to make no essential (i.e., naval)
concessions--those having already been looked
after at Washington and London in 1922 and
1930. That Mr. Hoover's letter proposal was
inevitably linked with the war loans situation
carried the stigma of surrender for debtor na-
The situation is too complex to be explained
with any simple story of proposal and refusals.
Unfortunately, the interpretation of Senator
Lewis is convincing enough on the surface to
stampede a section of the public into desiring
more "defense" against nations whose hos'tility
to the United States results and will result from
just such unsympathetic failure to understand.
It is just such fear. which has been responsible
for heavy increases in the U. S. National defense
budget since the World war, and for similar in-
creases in Europe. It is about time to lay the
cards on the table and attempt to eliminate the
factors which supposedly necessitate the largest
item in a budget that so heavily burdens Ameri-
can taxpayers.
(The Daily Illini)
most gigantic pork barrel ever proposed to the
American} congress.'
The Bystander has a distinct feeling that if
those words had not been spoken, the Roosevelt-
Garner ticket rright never have emerged from
the Democratic convention. Lacking that incen-
tive, "Cactus Jack" might never have considered;
abandoning the speakership by which he sets
such store for a chance at the vice presidency, a
job at which he has always turned up his nose.
Why Change It?
Why not? As speaker Mr. Garner wields an
influence in house affairs much to his liking.
He is happy in his house environment, has
friendships of long standing there and has reach-
ed the goal of his political ambitions, or, at least,
what was his goal up to the hour his name was
thrust into the Democratic presidential pot.
Yet Mr. Garner has assented to set all that
aside" and become a vice-presidential nominee. If
he is elected he will pass from the house, where
he is at home, to the senate at which he has long
Notonly that. As vice-president he would be-
come merely the presiding officer of the senate,
without a voice in its proceedings.
A .'Pork Barrel' Stewing
Most of Garner's intimates believe that this
had a great deal to do with his decision. He knew
that a large share 6f the campaigning job for
the Roosevelt-Garner ticket is bound to fall on
the Garner end of it. And it will give Mr. Gar-
ner an opportunity to deal with that "gigantic
pork barrel" remark of Mr. Hoover's.
There was little about the Democratic conven-
tion to imply that Garner ever could have been
nominated for the presidency. Garner must have
known that.
hYet he went along, accepted second place and
unless all signs fail. Mr. Hoover will hear a lot
regarding his pork barrel remark before the cam-
paign is over.
Screen Reflections
When Irvin Cobb's daughter recently took a
job with a circus to get the proper "atmosphere"
for her book, she got plenty of publicity. But
practically nobody ltnew that Vicki Baum, au-
thor of "Grand Hotel," took a temporary job ab
a chambermaid to get atmosphere for the famous
play-novel-film. The picture opens tomorrow at
the Majestic theatre for two shows a day. All
seats are reserved.
That's why the picture is exactly right in all
its little details. Miss Baum set down most of
these from actual experience; the director check-
ed and re-checked them. They
went into every angle of what
could and would happen at an
hotel; they even had to look up
the recipe for the "Lousiana
Flip" drink that Lionel Barry-
more so insisted upon in his
role of Kringelein.
And after it was all over,
Miss Baum said the cast and
the picture w e-r e perfect.
if n
idea was his brainchild and that no one had Pandemonium reigns, and again our Senators o C R4QD Which, after what has been
viously considered the matter at all. are blissfully happy in the very center of a huge happening in Hollywood these
vr. Roosevelt, however, himself knows how and expansive squabble over parliamentary prac- days, seems an unusual thing for the original
tices and rules. Surely the "deah "ole solons" author to say.
ng he is. His first project was to have the ought to take their picnic baskets along and then
te of New York build the lines for transmis- they could have a real oldfashioned party with Greta Garbd was the highest-paid star of all
n and t len sell the power to the companies all the trimmings but the ants, and we're not the "constellation" in "Grand Hotel." Her salary
distribution. His first commission for inves- so sure they wouldn't have them, was $7,500 a week. Next in order on the salary
attsThe relief bill that has been promised an im- list was John Barrymore who is reputed to have
ation promptly vetoed this idea as being far mediate veto by the President of the United drawn down $7,000 every seven days he was on
expensive and pointing out that local con- States now is poised on the brink of senatorial the set. Joan Crawford was almost equally ex:
nption would take care of only twenty- per indecision with little or nothing in favor of any pensive. The wages of Wallace Beery, Lionel
t of the output. In other words, large com- more that it can make. The expedient thing to Barrymore and Jean Hersholt are classified as
rcial sources had to be found to make the do would be to frame another bill that will meet "handsome sums" and "no trifles" but exact fig-
the presidential approval or 'to work around and ures have been given out. The director, Edmund
ng pay. Then tae Brookings Institute, in its get enough votes to insure its passage immedi- Goulding, is a $50,000-a-year man. While the
ort on the matter, stated that the New Eng- ately upon return. This would 'provide for the whole picture cost over $960,000, the producers
d states could get the power just as cheaply, benefits of the bill for the country at large and, estimate it will earn about $2,500,000 the first
lot cheaper, than metropolitan New York from the senatorial dignity would be placated with the year, which is no mean return on investiments
new project. passage of the measure over the presidential veto. these days.
oweer, asresIt takes about one bill passed over the presiden-
owever, as President Hoover pointed out, the tial veto during each session to make the Senate
tter of distribution of power obtained from? have a successful-session.
.h dams is a federal or Congressional matter, Speaker Garner, that illustrious vice-presiden-Cppinion
a state one. The theory that the federal gov- tial candidate from the opposition party, prac-
inenthas te riht tareguate sch - tically insists upon the retention of his clause in constr sexesntedioalononfTh
ment has the right to regulate such distribu- the bill providing for the ReconstructioncFinance Letters uexrssin thi edtorln soind ono be
was established in a case affecting the Sault corporation to make loans to private individuals. Daily. Anonymous communications will be disre-
Marie power diversion. Governor Roosevelt There is little to say in favor of this clause as it garde. The namesof communicants will, how-
,4re oe ever, be regarded as confidential upon request.
been trying to hog the whole spotlight in is hard to imagine that the national government Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them-
matter for himself, and'possibly his consti- needs the power to' establish and maintain two selves to less than 300 words if possible.
'tts Pr intfHooverphssetlhim c i hssets of financial institutions within this country. The Daily Is Printed batter
nts. President Hoover has set him in his Of course, the speaker must have his fling. Poli- To The Editor:
per place, and when and if the treaty with tical ambitions' have inflamed him until he is May I call your attention to the
iada is signed, we shall see all those states in- now the dashing confident man he was before the -fact that according to your own principles and
sted invited to a conference before Congress convention. Roaring Jack Garner calmed down a the figures given out by the U. S. Post Office, the
little before the Democratic convention and ap- 3 cent charge for first class mail is unjustified
ses any legislation on the subject.' peared to have assumed a docile demeanor that except as emergency tax? The post office deficit
might pass for power lying hidden in the depths which ywu mentioned in your recent editorial
of that turbulent soulntdid not come from first class mail, which has
''ling Governmaen Undoubtedly the conference committee has been showing an annual profit, but from the other
been doing everything in its power to compromise classes of mail, which show annual losses. Let
penditures to the Bone and push the bill toward the presidential saite, each class of mail pay for itself. This has been
but with such erratic interferences precipitated prevented in the past by the powerful lobbying
nin Arbor' was treated to an example of how by Garner and others who insist upon minor of the interests which desire to keep charges for
government might make expenditure slashes clauses being inserted into the bill that will not printed matter etc., below cost, and one of the
aday when Senator Brookhart and Represen- only detract from the efficacy of the bill, but act- victims of whose campaigning I fear the editor
ve Fish arrived, here for their debate on the ually retard the efficient operation of the R. F. C. of The Daily to be.
gnition of Soviet Russia. Representative Fish and similar organizations established under the . G. A .;C .rad
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