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July 13, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-07-13

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The Weather
Generally fair in south, lo-
cal showers; somewhat war-
rner in central portions.


Officital Publicationt of The Summer Session

Roosevelt Loses the First
Round; Cutting Government




Flays Monroe

Bonus Marchers Apply for,.Free Tickets Howe



It Conflicts with Declara-
tion of Independence,
Scott Declares
Doctrine Protects
Private Investment
Has Made America Into
International Collection
Agency, Is Claim
The Monroe Doctrine, century old
pillar of..American foreign policy,
was denounced last night by Dr.
James Scott Brown, secretary of the
Carnegie .Endowment for Interna-
tional Peace, as, "incompatible with
the principles contained in the De-
claration of Independence."
The doct'rine Dr. Scott declared,
has made the united States an in-
ternational collection agency and an
insurer of all speculative risks made
by its citizens in various American
countries. The Uited States, he as
serted, would never have submitted
to s zch dominance in 1776.
Oppses Law of Land
Quoting Aainly the Roosevelt co-
rollary, Dr. &cott said the policy was
in direct opposition to the law of
theland, as proclaimed by Roosevelt
and Taft in .the form of the Hague
Peace conventions, which rovided
that "the United States should not
be required to depart from its tradi-
tional policy of not intruding upon,
interfering with....questions of pol-
icy or internatibnal administration1
of any foreign state."
"'What would have been the reply
of the Fathers of the Republic to a
statement of a foreign country
which did not propose to take a p rt
of the United States, but would o ly
noccupytheir territory, colct their1
revenues, remitting to the govern-s
ment what should be needed to car-l
ry it on, and distribute the balancec
among its creditors? The right
claimed under the Monroe Doctrine
was against the outside world; it
was not and could not be the source
of a right against an American re-
Colonies Would Have Refuseds
"It is not a condition of things,"
Dr. Scott continued, "ithat the thi-
teen colonies which had proclaimedl
their independence but had as yet
not acquired it, would have accept-
ed. Their treaty of alliance with
France, which was to procure that
independence, was to be on a foot-
ing of equality." -
Dr. Scott also attacked phraseo-
logy of the Roosevelt c o r o 11 a r y.
Quoting again from the text that,.
"It is not true that the United States
"feels any land hunger or entertains
any projects as regards the other
nations of the rest of the 'Western
Hemisphei'e save as are for their
welfare" and that "all that this1
country desires is to see the neigh-z
boring states stable, orderly andl
prosperous," he asked who was to be,
judge of the requisite conditions.
Hubbard Will Address
Educatio Parley Today,
Dr. Frank Hubbard, associate di-
rector of the research division of the
National Education associatiop, will
speak at 2 o'clockhtoday in the Uni-
versity High School auditorium on
"The Status of the City Superinten-
dent of Schools.
Dr. C. 0. Davis will address a 4
o'clock conference in the auditorium
on "Trends in junior High School
Development." At 6 o'clock Pi
Lambda Theta will hold a supper
meeting at the home of Dr. Kather-
ine Greene.

Bill to Abolish Oath
Beaten.,71-61, in Dail
DUBLIN, Irish Free State, July 12.
-(AP)-Hot heads clashed in the
Dail Eireann tonight when, by a
vote of 71 to 61, it refused to ap-
prove the Irish Free State govern-
ment bill to abolish the oath of al-
legiance to the British crown as am-
mended by the Senate.
As a result, the bill will be held
up for 18 montlis unless a general
election takes place in the Free
State in the meantime.

Associated Press Photo
In this picture are shown some of the hundreds of bonus marchers at Washington applying for free
transportation to their homes. Railway fare was provided for the disappointed lobbyists in the form of
loans on their bonus certificates.

Munro Comedy
Opens Tonight;
To Run 4 Days
Alexander Wyckoff Is the
Director of Repertory
Players Third Work
Another Theatre Guild success,
"At Mrs. Beam's," a comedy by C. K.
Munro, will be given this week by
the Repertory Players, opening "to-
night at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. It will be given each night
through Saturday.
Directed by Alexander Wyckoff,
former art director of the Manhat-
tan Theatre colony, of New York,
andA a~tir guest director of the
Players this summer, the production
of this play is the third of the seven
plays of the summer dramatic sea-
First produced in 1927 by the
Theatre Guild in New York, it is
more a comedy of character than
of .situation. It was one of the most
successful comedies produced in that
Included in the cast are Fern
Barrer, who plays perhaps the most
unusual part, that of Miss Shoe;
Herbert Milliken, the Mr. Pim of
"Mr. Pim Passes By," as James
Bebb; Albert Becker as Mr. Dur-
rows; Frances Johnson; who in the
first play of the current season, "Mr.
Pim Passes By," was Lady Marden,
as Mrs. Stone; and William Butler
as, Mr. Dermott. Others are Irma
Cosgrove, Blandina Foster, Helen
Robinson, Josephine Balnes, Tressa
Trudeau and Leonard Stocker.
The scene for this week's presen-
tation is in Mrs. Beam's -drawing
room in her select boarding estab-
lishment in Notting Hill Gate, Lon-
don. A group of unusual people,
who do not seem able to patch up
their differences, live at Mrs. Beam's.
Their quarrels and fights provide
the comedy, especially when they at-
tempt to solve a murder mystery.
Hart "Resigns
Medical Po s t
At University-

Princeton Professor
Is Today's Lecturer
Prof. Thomas "M. Parrott, of
Princeton university, will lecture
at, 5 o'clock this afternoon in
Natural Science auditorium on
"Main Trends in Elizabethan
He has edited numerous books
including "Macaulay's Essays on
Milton and Addison," "Shake-
spear's Macbeth," "Pope's Rape of
the Lock and Other Poems," and
"English Poems, from Chauce to
. He has been prfessor of Eng-
lish at Princeton since 1902.
Mary Mooney
Makes a Plea
For Son Here
Capacity Audience Hears
Labor Defense Man At-
tak Capitalist Rule
"I am here for my son. I know he
is innocent. He has been in jail for
16 long years, but I know he is in-
This was the simple plea voiced
last night in Natural Science audi-
torium by Mrs. Mary Mooney, 84-
year old mother of Tom Mooney,
convicted San Francisco prepared-
ness day bomber. A capacity crowd
of about 500 attended the lecture
and lustily cheered Mrs. Mooney
and the other speakers, Prof. Lowell
J. Carr, of the sociology depart-
ment, and Richard Moore, Negro
representative of the International
Labor defense.
Flays Wilson
"Mooney :would have died on the
gallows in 1916," Moore, the main
speaker of, the meeting charged, "if
it had not been for a world wide
protest by the workers. What moved
Woodrow Wilson in commuting the
sentence of Mooney was not a desire
for justice but fear through the pro-
test of the workers.
"Wilson was elected upon a peace
program but he smashed it. He tore
up the votes of the workers and
farmers. In order to make the war
more palatable he invented the slo-
gan, Make the world safe for de-
mocracy.' A mass protest gave the
lie to this 'slogan."
Touching upon the Scottsboro
Negro case, Moore declared that the
conviction of the nine young neg-
roes was a result of the system of
debt slavery in the south. *The stor-
ies about Lincoln trying to free the
slaves were pure Santa Claus yarns,
Moore said. The Civil war, he as-
serted, was fought between two
classes of oppressors: it was capi-
talism against chattel slavery. The
white workers, he concluded, are not
free, so how could the negroes be
'Illogical,' Claims Carr.
Professor Carr, who has made an
extensive study of the facts in the
Mooney case, declared that he had
reached the conclusion that the case
against Mooney had collapsed. The
present state of Mooney is illogical,
he said, for Mooney should either
have been hanged or granted a new
It was revealed by Moore during
the meeting that Mrs. Mooney had

Japan Facing
Food Shortage,
H all Declares
Utility of Land Is Pushed
To Limit, He Says; Emi-
gration Not a Solution
Food supply is the principal prob-,
lem confronting the Japanese today,
Prof. R. H. Hall, of the geography
department, told Summfer Session
students in a lecture yesterday. Pro-
fessor Hall spent, several months in
Japan and China last year.
For three centuries preceding the
coming of western civilization to
Japan, the population remained at
approximately the same figure, Pro-
fessor Hall said. The land was cul-
tivated to its limits with the mate-
rials then used, and the population
was checked by a comparatively;
small birth rate and a heavy death
With the adoption of western
ideas, fertilizers came into use, new
machinery was put to work, modern
transportation methods connected
the various parts of the country
more closely, and specialization
grew up.
At the same time the birth rate
increased because of encouragement
by the militarists and industrialists
who believed that more man-power
would be advantageous to them.
Modern transportation methods also
played a part in that it did away
with famines, to a considerable de-
gree, by connecting the various parts
of the country.
At first, the rapid increase in
population was thought to be desir-
able, Professor Hall continued, but
today it is a serious problem which
is baffling the government.
By way of comparison, Professor
Hall pointed out that the entire area
of Japan is less than that of Cali-
fornia, and with only 15.8 perf cent
of the land under utiliztion, it sup-
ports a population of 60,000,000 peo-
Agriculture has not been pushed
to the limit, in the estimation of
Professor Hall. A solution to the
population and food supply problem
must be met by emigration or birth
control. In the past, emigration has
proved very unsuccessful, he stated.
Birth control, until recently ta-
booed, could be carried out very
scientifically under the highly cen-
tralized Japanese government, if
giyen a fair chance.

Plan Faculty
Wages Spread
Over Full Year
Association of University
Professors Would Elim-
inate Summer Salary
Session Now Runs
On Speeial Budget
Plan Would Require Allo-
cation of Teachers for
Summer Term
A plan whereby salaries of faculty
men would be spread over a 12-
months' period rather than over the
nine-months' academic year as at
present, thereby eliminating Sum-
mer Session salaries, was discussed
lost night at a meeting of the Uni-
versity of Michigan chapter of the
American Association of University
The plan, presumably submitted
by t h e Universty administration,
was drawn with a view to effecting
further economies. It would require
reorganization of the Summer Ses-
sion as this session is now operated
on a separate budget, faculty mem-
bers teaching in it'being paid salar-
ies for the work in addition to the
salaries paid during the academic
The new arrangement would re-
quire allocation of a certain number
of facutysmento teaching in the
Summer Session each year. While]
theoretically each man would 'teach
every third year, d e m a n d s for1
courses in certain departments are
such now that the men in these de-
partments would probably have to
teach every other summer.
The plan was first presented to
the chapter of the university pro-
fessors' organization as that associa-
tion is one of the largest embracing]
faculty men on the campus..
Wants Tolan
To Get Share
0 f Breaks'
Brennan to Demand Fair
Deal for Michigan Olym-
pie Candidate
DETROIT, July 12.-(AP) -If
thereiare to be any "breaks" for
American 01ly mp ic candidates;
Charles H. Brennan, Michigan A.
A. U. secretary, is going to see that
Eddie Tolan, former University of
Michigan "midnight express," gets.
his share.
Now en route to California, Bren-
nan said before he left that if Ben
Eastman, Stanford's middle distance
runner, or Frank Wyckoff, Southern
California's sprinter, is seeded, he
would demand the same recognition
for Tolan in the 200-meter event.
"Tolan has held the 200 meters
title for three years," he said, "and
at the Ann Arbor trials he cracked
the Olympic records in both the 100
and 200 meters events. If there are
any breaks given, he's going to
share in them."
Nearly 100 Students
Will Go on Ford Tour
Nearly 100 students will leave at
noon today for an inspectionr of the
Ford Motor company's many indus-
trial enterprises at River Rouge.

The excursion is the fifth to be given
and is similar to the one given
Wednesday, July 6.

Denies 'Agreement'

Labor Leader
Scores Critics re
In Parliamento
WacDonald Denies Secret t
Anglo-American D e b tpr
Cut AgreementH
LONDON, July 12.-(AP)-With s
n eye to the storm of criticismi
roused in Washington, the British t
.'overnment today denied that the
Lausanne agreement, which virtu-w
illy ends German reparations, waso
ased on any secret Anglo-Ameri-
an understanding that the United
States would cut or cancel war
lebts, q
This denial, uihich almost flatly i
ontradicted a declaration made be-. s
fore the House of Commons yester- a
lay by Chancellor of the Exchequer a
Neville Chamberlain, was followed t
y a statement from Prime Minis- c
ter Ramsay MacDonald that no- mI
)ody could blame the United States
'or its war debt polcy. s
The Prime Minister was in fight- v
ng mood so far as his British crit- h
ics were concerned, but was deli- k
ately diplomatic when touching on e
ontroversial issues affecting Ameri-
He hit back hard at criticism
voiced yesterday by Winston Chur- t
chill, who said Europe had endang- t
ered her case with America by sign-,i
ng the "gentleman's agreement,"
under which the lightening of Ger- t
many's reparations burden does notN
become effective unless the United
States cuts war debts. rm ,
T h e "gentleman's agreement,' f
which has never been published of-
ficially, played such an importants
part in the debate following Mr.b
MacDonald's speech t h a tI finallyt
steps were taken t make it avail-
le to everyone.
The Prime Minister intervened ing
the debate to announce the Govern-
ment had no objection \to publish-
ing all the Lausanne documents, in-
cluding the "gentleman's agree-a
Michigan Unit
Of Crusaders
Will Not Support EitherF
Candidate in Elections,c
Committee Declares '
LANSING, July 12.-(Special)-
The Michigan unit of the Crusaders,
national Prohibition reform organi-
zation, will not endorse either of the
national tickets in the election this
The decision was announced here
yesterday by the state executive
committee, meeting in a special ses-
sion. Beach Conger, Jr., University
of Michigan battallion commander,'
and Nathan P o t t e r, Washtenawt
county commander, both of Ann Ar-
bor, attended the session.1
The stand taken by the state or-l
ganization is in direct opposition to
that of the Women's Organization
for Prohibition Reform, which en-,
dorsed Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
the Democratic nominee, for the No-
vember election.-
The state body of the Crusaders
will concentrate on the passage of
its anti-Prohibition amendment to
the Michigan constitution and on
the election of a n t i-Prohibition
members to Congress and the state

Revised Relief
Bill Approved
In Senate Poll;
Sent to House
Vlodified to Meet Some
Of Hoover's Objections,
New Measure Is Passed
In Record Time
Path Is Cleared
For Adj ournment
)mission of Iiidividual
Loan Clause Is Major
Change in Provisions;
House to Act Today
WASHINGTON, July, 12.-(AP)-
"he new $2,100,000,000 unemployed
elief bill, modified to meet some of
resident Hoover's obections, was
>assed tonight by the Senate.'
The bill was passed amid a chorus
f "Ayes" without a record vote.
Riding the crest of strong bi-par-
isan support, the dramatic bill was
gushed through with extra-ordinry
;peed. It is to be considered by the
louse tomorrow.
It carries the. same general provi-
ions as the bill vetoed by President
loover yesterday, with the excep-
ion of the clause providing for loans
o individuals.
Adoption of the bill by the House
ill clear the way for adjournment
f the long session of Congress.
Two Quorum Calls
Passage was preceeded by two -
uorum calls to round up a major-
ty of the Senators, and before the
econd was completed the sergeant
t arms had been instructed to find
bsentees. The order, taken on mo-
ion of Senator Robinson, Demo-
ratic leader, was vacated as the
nembers poured in.
Senator Connally (D., Tex.,) then
ought to eliminate the major pro-
isions for loans from the bill, but
is plan, which virtually would have
illed the measure, vas over-whelm-
*d in a shout of "No."
That signalled the finish.
Would Shorten Debate
The House Rules Committee au-
horized a rule to be presented first
hing tomorrow to the House, allow-
ng only 40 minutes of debate and
rohibiting all amendments except
hose offered by the . Ways and
Means Committee.
The bill brought before the House
arried the $300,000,000 provision
or relief loans to states, and the
$322,000,000 fund for public pon-
;truction which was in the vetoed
bill. It also added $11,500,000,000 to
the Reconstruction Corporation's
funds for loans, as recommended by
he President, for construction of
self-liquidating projects.
Add Fund for Air Corps
The Ways and Means Committee
added an authorization of $7,000,-
000, for air corps technical construc-
ion work..
Both House and Senate Commit-
ees amended the bill to recognize
the Reconstruction C o r p o r a t i on
along the lines recommended by
the President yesterday in a special
message to Congress..
The reorganization would elimin-
ate as ex-officio members of the
board of directors, Eugene Meyer,
governor of the Federal Reserve -
Board, and Paul Bestor, farm loan
commissioner. It would also in-
crease the board from seven to eight

Senate Drops Bill
For Resubmission
Of Liquor Issue
WASHINGTON, July 12.-(AP)-
An effort to bring up immediately'
a resolution submitting repeal of the
18th amendment to the states 'was
dropped today- by Senator Bingham
(R., Conn.,) because of objections
by both Democratic and Republican
Bingham's move followed a chal-
lenge by Senator Ashurst '(D., Ariz.,)
to seek immediate action on the re-
pealer. He voiced the challenge af-
ter criticizing the Connecticut sen-
ator for not having sought from the
public health service a determina.-
tion of what constitutes intoxicating
liquor abefore yesterday's vote send-
ing back to committee a proposal
for legalizing beer of higher alco-
hoh content.

Surgery Professor
To Head Dayton
Now in Europe


A report that the resignation of
Prof. Vernon C. Hart, of the surgery
department of the Medical school,
has been given to the executive com-
mittee of the School was confirmed
last night by Dr. Frederick G. Novy,
chairman of the committee. The
resignation has not yet been sent to
the President's office.
Although Professor Hart and his
wife are in Europe at the present
time, it is understood that he has
received an offer to head the Miami
clinic at Dayton, Ohio. There he
will continue his work with correc-
tive surgery for crippled children, a
field in which he has won outstand-
ing recognition since he joined the
University faculty in 1926.!
Professor Hart is a graduate of
the literary college of the University

Says Hitler Victory in Coming
Reich Elections Is Impossible

No possibility that Hitler and his
Nazis will gain control of the Ger-
man government in the coming
Reich election is seen by Prof. Roger
Wells, visiting political scientist
from Bryn Mawr university.
"Despite the phenomenal gains
made by the Hitlerites in the recent
state elections, they Pere still short
of the necessary majority," Pro-
fessor Wells pointed out.
An alternative, however, may be
a combination of the Hugenburg
Nationalists with the Nazis, and
there is a distinct possibility that

ing may form a Center-Right coali7.
tion. The Center has shown, great
adaptability in this respect and the
campaign slurs have not yet shut
the door upon such a combination."
Unless, however, one of these three
conditions occurs, the present cab-
inet must continue in office without
any organized support, as is virtually
the case at the present time, Pro-
fessor Wells said.
In connection with the recent
agreement on reparations, Professor
Wells said that much of the'tall was
chiefly for camnaign purposes.


Swimmers ;to Compete
In Olympic Test Today

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