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June 27, 1932 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1932-06-27

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In tarmuaral Bidn

SwiM-- F~ ocal-

Many Etlucators And Scholars
hIere To ,join Summ',er Factly.

lq uy well kj.)o wn edutcator s and
scholarjs hae rrived in Ann Arbor
during +thes pasr-t Week to join the
University teaching staff for the
summer months. Included in the
distinguished list are:
Dr. Gregory Breit, physics, New
York university; Prof. Werner,Hei-
senberg, physics, University of Leip-
zig, Germany; Roger Bailey, lectur-
er in architecture, Jamestown, New
York; Prof. Harry Capl an, classics,.
Cornell university; Prof. G. Watts
Cunningham, philosophy, C o r n ell
university; Prof. Ellsworth Fais,
sociology, University of Chicago.
Marion G. Howell, director of uni-
versity public health nursing dis-
trict, Wesitern Reserve university;
'l rank Vlilliam Hubbard, associate
director of the rsac division of
the National E ux-Atioi, Washing-
ton, 13. C., Profj. Albert Charles Ja-
cobs, h , 'o LuI fia unliver sity.
Pr'of. henry ' ,,u ut Ved der Jonel),

EnglshUniversity of Illinois, Prof. -
ar Holmes Mc.Neal, European hii -
tory, Ohio State university; Prof.
Robert Mathews, law, Ohio Stare
Prof. Thomas Marc Parrott, Eng-
lish, Princeton university; Gustavus
A. Colinger, of the Toledo (Ohio)
bar; Prof. Lewis Mallalieu Sinmes,
law, Ohio State university; Edward
G 1 e a s o n Spaulding, philosophy,
Princeton university; Prof. Antonia
G. Solalinde, Romance languages,
University of Wisconsin; Thomas
Wood Stevens, director of the Artist,
Guild theatre, St. Louis, Mo.
Agnes Ermina Wells, dean of wo-
men, Indiana university; Prof. Har-
old Malcolm Westergaard, theoreti-
cal and applied mechanics, Univer-
sity of Illinois;' Prof. Rogr H.
Wells, political sicience, Bryn Ma wr,
G rigory L. Payner, Universiity of
North Carolina.
Visiting professors and authori -
ties who will. be at the biological





Ic ,Summt-er z-cho IZJktwdns.
Everthin YouReqir i Suplie
Intn adCureu Srie nBtOrStoeLctda t nso h ip
fo rop every, an iti1u cifdsietrdjsen mate t ou omlt
Inst~antomplet Sous ck ctiohOSonradN octn at thEn sftemps
r WehaeueverMchg n tuentswfr hlfa nur
for romt dei*' and will inocey aprcta djs aeafe your pa'ronate
Eatns . ivnereya Stieyu pto a e Sre

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I I .P


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