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June 27, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-06-27

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The Michigan Daily
Established 1890
blished ever~y- norzaing except- Monday during the
esity year and Sumicr Sessibn by the Board i
rol of Student Publications.
tber of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-.
and the Big Ten News Service.
e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
epublication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherswise credited in this paper and the local news
shed herein. All rights of republication of special
itches are reserved.
tered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as,
id class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
I Assistant Postmaster General.
bscription during sumiier by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
During reular* school year by carrier, $.00; by
ices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
preentatives: Litteli-Murray-Eutsky. Inc., 40 East
y-fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street,.
on, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,' Ill.
Office Hours: 2.12 P.M.
rial Director...................:.Beach~ Comger. Jr.
Editor.:..................... ...Carl S. Forsythe
Editor .............................David M. Nichol
Editor..........................Denton Kunze
raph Editor......................Thomas Connelian
is Editor............................. C. H. Beukema
tant City Editor................Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays~
ness Nlanager...............p.Chares T. Kline
tant Bisiness Manager.......... ... . Norris PI Johnson
MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1932

SOJ %e
Ann Arbor. ..

Students of the 1932 Summer Session,
we welcome you to Ann Arbor! For eight
weeks the many facilities offered by the.
University of Michigan's educational
plant will be at your disposal. In addition
to the regular opportunities available dur-
ing the winter session, extra features such
as tours, noted educators from outside
universities, plays, and lectures have an
appropriate place on the program. Those
s wmer students who have been here be
fore know the advantages offered and how
to make the best of them. Those who.
have never been here before will soon dis-
cover the excellent combination of in-
struction and recreation which attracts
students here year after year and promises
to make this Summer Session ithe largest
in- the history of the University.
If we may be pardoned for mentioning
Qurselves for a moment, we should, like to
point out the new organization of The
Daily during the summer. Formerly man-
aged and edited by undergraduate stu-~
d'nts, the paper this year will be under
the guidance of full time professional
graduate newspaper men, who will devote
their entire summer to bringing campus,
city, national, and international news to
the students of this session. Because of the
large number of graduate students en-.
rolled; it is hoped to make the paper more
attractive to the mature student than it
has been in past summers. The campus
opinion columns will be open to all stu-~
dents at all times for opinions they may
wish to bring to the attention of our
Summer school is a worth-while invest-
ment, particularly for the: recent gradu-
ates who have, as yet, been unable to
obtain jobs. No one's education is ever
complete, and it is probably the realiza-
tion of this thought which has, made the
Michigan Summer Session grow from year
to year until it. now approximates one-
third of the regular enrollment. The best
of educational facilities are yours for eight
weeks. Welcome to.Ann Arbor!

tional meanings attached to words and to theirI
arrangement? Of course, no one better knows all
this than so expert a student as Professor Fries.r
He has simply allowed his enthusias m for th.e
free development of language and economy int
education to carry him beyond the restraints
imposed by the princile of reasonableness.
No one will deny the inevitability and probable
advantage of orderly change. It i the supeme
quality of English < s a language d4t it is open
to every offering of terse and meaningful expies-
sion and yet that it holds fast to derivatives to
which convention has given sanction. It is doubt-
less true that it is an illogical language; that it
muddles along as do its users in their ordinary
affairs; that it is the despair of precisionits and
purists. It has its counterpart in English polities
of which Lord Grey has observed that there is
in every Englishman a root of rebellion agai.nst
authority but that this anaichical quality is cor-
rected by. a sense that order is necessary. Hero is
the essence of the case. Though our word forms
and modes of expression are always changige,
good usage yet holds tenaciously to those which
it has demonstrated to be adenuate. Easiul! iv'
constraints of high standards etablished by ex-
perience may be anything but irtrcs s.
I assume that Professor vriewould ot o
quite so far as to substute for the f'iiAoxrury
modes of expression of cultiv ted eoplc the lan
guage of the comic strips. Where then will he
draw the line and througi his influential position
seek to mould nublic 'rpactice? I there any ad-
vantage in endorsing " i nx d -i x i- ti s elve" ju"t
because it is widely used? Is "'ve absolutely got
to go" any more elegant, if you will, or eorret, or
desirable or simply forceful than I must go"
I venture to believe that any debater habtuatn
hinself to such modes of expression as those.
quoted would find himself in dfficultie 'when
meeting the classical challenrc e "Define your
terms, man." Language, like a tree, undoubtedly
grows froi the bottom acnd<d at t he top. But,
lile the.tree, it also llowres at the toa.
From the educational standpoint our error per-
haps lies in our attempt to inculcate good usare
in language in the lower schools. We might take
a lesson from the. Press. The ordinary newspaper,
even the sensational paper, on the whole very
strictly conforms to good usage in langage,' x-
cept. where it is obviously catering to its undu-
cated readers. There it follows the advice of
Bishop Fell. "It might be more useful to the
linglish reader - to write in our vulgar lan-.
guage." 1y the same token, it Anigt be more
useful in our attempts at mass education to
igiore. the. neties of larguage altogetn rThe
masses always have had and always will have a
"vulgar language All'the brances of a tree do
not flower, yet they have, and fulfil, the purpose
of the tree.
Is.it not possible that, in our efforts to inject
the use of correct languageinto our mass educa-
tional system,; we are simly following, blindly, or
at, leat unthinkingly, a pracktice that carne into
being as a result of offering education as training
in a line art to a rigidly selacated few? Professor
Fries may be quite right in his attack upon the
cost of the effort and in his view of its fruitless-
ness. I think he is. But to set up wide usage as
the standard for good English is, in principle, to
stultify- all aspiration and derogate all achieve-
After all, what we call correct usage, what the
Englishman employs because he hears it used by
those whose opinion he esteems, is not very much
a matter of education. Rather, the use of good
language is the practice of one of the arts. fle
who speaks correctly is an artist in the niceties
of meanings, not less than are the qualified
musician and the painter in their respective
mediums. Like other natural aptitudes the capa-
city to use good language may be trained and
developed, but the original capacity resides in
personality. Convention in language is recogn-
tion of the need for order and harmony and has
its uses just as convention has in other arts. And
as with these others, the mere fact of wide-
spread approval will not set the standard of truth
for those who have the artistic quality of dis.-
Good usage in language, like good marnters,.
requires simplicity, appropriateness and direct-
ness; in Professor Fries' own words "a richness
of assimilated experience" But the cultivated
man will not "make a nice adjustment of his
speech to the demands of occasion, subject and
hearers." That is, distinctly the method of the
parvenu. He "to the manor born" will be himself,
at all times and on all occasions. Forms that
have stood the test of time will continue and will
be the standard of good English, notwithstanding
how. widely so ever less truly artistic forms may
come into current use. These others will not be
"good English" and the users of them, not less
than those who affect the mnnerisms which the
orderly evolution of the language has definitely
left behind, will be subject to the subtle and often
intangible distinctions which separate those who

are "cultured" from those who are not. And the,
former will always be few ninumber, as "good"
artists and musicians are few. A majority may
render a decision, but its decision is not neces-
sarily a judgment. A4' Harry Emerson Fosdick
said in his Commencement address here some
years ago, "the majoritys -;not always right" "It
will be a long , ttme, if evetr, b fore "lt is mre" be-
comes good English. howsoever widely it may be
used. And so it will be of other such modes of
expression. But, is it the. function of a university
to follow the crowd?


LEdiorial ,Commnt
(Gxeorge l tw 'i l'oya)
i"ce the United Statcs has been in the clutches
of the present financial depression, few wise, but
numerous foolish remedies for reducing the cost
of government, have been suggested. About the
most foolish of all, and one that has been repeat-
edly written upon by many newspapers. is the
abolition of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps
in colleges and universities,
At the time of our rtrance ino the World War
in 1917, the United States was caught totally un-
prepared to wage war on a large scale. Onehun-
dred and eighty thousand oficers had to be
hurriedly trained so as to be able to intruct in
odern battle principles, the huge droves of
draftees.. All the leading universities patrioti-
cailly allowed their f'"onds to be turned into
large .oflcrci-' training c amps ; and a courC;
which now takera cadet in the RO.c. four
years including a six weeks' summer camp to
complete, was rushed through in a period of
threer months But war, like time and tide, waits
for no man, and the need for men at the front
w.,l: so greet that hundreds of thousands-: of young
men were herded, as so many cattle, across the
ocean and into tl' tr"e"ches, w"it"out evento
much as having fired the service rifle, or learned
to adjust a gas mask. For the beneit of untrain-
ed civilians, an army rifle in the hands of a sol-
dier who does not know how to properly squeeze
its trigger or adjust its sights is of less value
than a bean-shooter.
The "summer camp vacation" is another er-
roneous supposition indulged in by the skeptical
civilian. Whereas, it is true that the R.O.rrC.
cadets do have some recreation, it can hardly
be called a "vacation" because it is fraught with
hard work. From early morning until late in the
ev ;niug, the cadets are constantly busy; drilling,
firing service and automatic rifles, machine and
37 rm. guns, and Stokes mortars, besides receiv-
ing instructions in various other military duties.
This summer training is regarded by many stu-
dents as the hardest part of R.O.T.C. courses.
The work of the R.O.'.C. is of tremendous
importance to the nation in peace as well as in
war. It builds men, not only physically, but
mentally as well; maturing the hardy schoolboy
into the cultured American citizen. It trains
prompt obedience to lawful authority and the
ability to lead men in a crisis; that ability which
is so. greatly needed now, but is nowhere to be
It would seem as though the United States
would profit by past sanguinary experiences in
trair'igmi ienr for war, also the proven education-
al value of the R.Q.TC.. and place it on a par
with the public school. Instead of this, we find
many advocating supprersion of the R.O.T.C.
But of course, ignorance is bliss, and the average
person who clamors for abolition of nlhtary
training is ignorant of military affairs, and justi-
fies his views by the blissful thought that if all
the world knew as little of military science as
he, war would be. imoosSible!
(North Carolina Tar' Heel
The recent Garner vctoy in California in-
creases to a total of at least ninety the number of
delegates committed to the speaker of the House.
In nunmerical strength Mr. Garner thereby takes
second place in the race for the Democratic nom-
ination, in a field consisting of one outstanding
candidate and ,several, substantial minor aspir--
ants, thereby deserving definite consideration as
a serious contender.
Garner's influence in Congress and his popu-
larity in his native region have never been ques-
tioned; now it has become evident that his ap-
peal is not confined to the House of Representa-
tives, not to Texas, nor to the South. His candi-
dacy assumes something of a national distine-
tion, and reveals a more solid foundation than
that afforded by the activity of personal friends
and by friendly or interested newspaper corn-
me Et.
A econdary but an even inore sgniificant con
scruence of the California primary is the cer-
tainty that Governor Roosevelt's road to the
noirination has become decidedly Monre difficalt
it is hardly possible that he will now be selected
on the fimt ballot, as his supporters at one tie
anticipated, and the opposition to his candidacy
acquires additional strength and prestige.
That the results of the California contest will
prove eventually disastrous to his chances is by
no means probable, especially in view of the re-
cent declaration in his favor by Senators Huey

Long and George Norris, but it is true that the
poibility of a prolonged and bitter convention
st orugl similar to that of 1924 becomes greater.
More than one-third of the full convention vote
i now pledged to others than the New York gov-
rnoi-. lorc victories to the opo' on, and th..
of y il become a danerous threat
tha tl! 1 ici of MI

Mr. G eorge Matthew's action and in so far as we
do not desire to see Mr. Matthew legally prose
cuted, and having some faith in Mr. Matthew's
inherent gentlenanliness and good sense, we hope
ihmt this action on our part, as an indication of
.;oint social disapproval of' his misbehavior, may
, i him to a more charitable and restrained be-
havier in his future stay at the University.
It i- unnd~essary to add that we thoroughly
apv eciaie your kind and judicious interest iin the
M en preioUs to Mr. Matthew attack on
l2i. Chakravarti.
We are,
Yours Respect'fully,
1. Chann n S. Gill
2, Siher M. Quraish1
3. Baiwant S. Sidliu.
On behalf andl by the authority of the Hndu
Mdens on the Michigan Campus.
The committee has no desire to enter into any
ro racted LisUssion with Mr. G orge Matthew
}n the columns of The Daily and has acted in
gol ith ignoring compi .tcly the irrelerancies
ontinalism or otherwi~se, :and is constrained to
ty th Mr. George Matthew in his dealing wit i
u mwatter 1ihas not tken Ino ae-ount the fact
lU Mte sole purmse of i'e 'Corni lntee wa:> to
lIfn a basis of amiCable setlement



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dam PusOpinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construedas expressing tleeditorial opinion of The
Daly. Anonymous communications will be, disre-
garded. The names of conmmunicants * will, how-
'ever, be regarded as con f-dential upon request.
ontributors are asked to be brief, confining theni-
selves to ess than 300 woids if possible.
The following letters were intended for publication
in the last issue of The Daily last semester, but
arrived at The Daily too late to be included in that
issue-The Editors.
It is always risky for the untrained to cross
swords with the professional. Yet the expert,
from the very intensity of his concentration on
his subject, may allow his enthusiasm to lead.
him beyond the bounds of those general princi-
ples by which his work needs to be controlled. It
is because. rbelieve that Professor C. C. Fries had
overlooked a general principle which must govern
all kinds of investIgation that I risk taking issue
with him on his own subject of correct English.
as set forth in the May Bulletin of the School of
Education. and. to which the Ann Arbor Daily
News gave front page. space on May 31st,
The late Profes or F. N. Scott once asked an
Englishman how he determined the correct pro
nunciation of a word and received -the reply that
he asked the first half dozen people he thought
should know; and Professor .L. A. Strauss has a
lively story of his encounter with an irate mother
who objected to a teacher's insistence that her
son learn his letters in alphabetical order. Pro-
fessor Fries endorses, as good English, "It is me."
We may grant, as an original proposition, that
there may be no good reason why any word
should be pronounced in one way rather than.
annther nr awhv A shdhoul nitrece Ft in the

We Specialize in White uannels
Our ork a erd ce uarantecq~

To The Editor:
A committee of three Hindu students was elect-
edin a general meeting of Hmndu students on the
Michigan Campus May 7 ,and after inivestiga-
tionl'ias deid d t)o pu b lhthis letter!to.absolve
Mr. Chakravarti and to lay the bfamn on Mr.
George Matthew for his attack on Mr. Chakra-
varti. We fid Mr. Ma+thews s uniling to
make resti tut len fol bran t t ari of
Mr. Chakravarti whici the latter was wear
when he was aacked by Mi-. Mahew. We als
find him uwilling to apologize to Mr. Chiakra-
varti. We fhid A r. Matthew is nwilling to
ought to, havij' attacked him in one of the Uni-
versIty building.
The letter we hve snt to ea Joseph L
Bursley fur thei esplauis our positions:
Dean Joseph E. hira Jy,
Dean of Men,
University of MiChigaii.
Dear Sir.,
In a gra met ti f te lnd sudeit. on
the Miciugan Cameus ld Fr;Ja. My 3 , .3
the undersina'd co:-ned '. ' nuac vl to ac
in their behalf to sette amniea thie &hfn u



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