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Official Publication ,1 TIae SwnmerSessioni
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First Printed
In New Plant;
$180,000 Preae Building
Will HowEe All Student
Publications Conducted
Under Board in Control
Summiier Editors
Are Professional
Independents Established
Paper 42 Years Ago;
University Purchased It
From Them in 1903
Today's issue of The Daily marks
the first issue of the publication to
be printed in the new $180,000
building on Maynard street. For
years to come this building, erected
and equipped from profits made by
The Daily, Gargoyle, and Michigan-
ensian, will be the home of Michi-
ga's student publications.
Free fro= censorship and direct-
ed by undergraduates during the
regular' school year, the publications
have played an important part in
the intellectual development of stu-
dents, as is proved by the hundreds
of former publication men who now
hold responsible positions in the
publihing field.
The Daily, founded in 1890 by a
group of non--fraternity students,
was run for years as a profit-mak-
ing organization for those w h o
worked on it, Later, however, it
was .purchased by the University,
and a Board in Control consisting
of faculty men and students was
placed over the editors as a guid-
ing force. At all times, however, the
editors have been free from rigid
censorship. Proof of the farsighted-
ness of the board and its business
manager, Prof. Edson R. Sunder-
land, of the Law school, is shown
today by the new building.
New Editing Plan.
This aimmer for the first time
The Daily is not being edited by
students. Again in the fall, how-
ever, undergraduates will take over
the publication. In order to give
the summer students a better paper
and as a financial move, Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus and the Board in
Control ruled this year to employ
three graduate journalists to direct
the work.'
Previous to the founding of The
Daily, two weeklies were printed on
the campus-The Chronicle and the
Michigan Argonaut. The Chronicle
began publication in 1867 and the
Michigan Argonaut in 1882. These
papers represented two studnt fac-
Was Politically Maage.
Campus politics in those days took
the form of a contest between the
non-fraternity and the fraternity
men. As a result, a fraternity man
would be picked as managing editor
and business manager for one se-
mester, and non-fraternity men for
the following semester. In 1889-90
a dispute arose among the editors
of the Chronicle as to which group
should be in control during the sec-
and semester. The quarrel ended in
the independents leaving the staff.
They further urged others of their
group to boycott the paper.
A movement soon began among
the independents to establish a
paper of their own, with the result
that the U, of M. Independent asso-
ciation was formed in the spring of
1890. The constitution of this new
organization- provided for the pub-
lishing of a weekly paper, and the
election of a board of directors to
edit it. Herbert B. Shoemaker, '91,
was chosen as the first managing
editor, and l4. R. Hammond, '91,
was selected as the first business
manager. Before the close of the
s p r i n g session of 1890, enough
pledges to subscribe to the paper
were obtained to make the direc-
tors feel confident that it would be
a success, and a contract was made
with Samuel R. Beakes, (later a
Congressman), who published the
Aruges, to print the paper.
Changed to Daily.
In the meantime, the Chronicle
and the Michigan Argonaut com-
bined and decided to publish a tri-
weekly paper. Hammond, realizing
that this would mean failure to the
independent paper, decided that the
only hope would be to bring out a
daily. He corresponded with the
other members of the board, and
they finally agreed to share in the
responsibility of publishing a daily
paper. Before school opened in the
fall, Hammond had secured suffici-
ent contracts f o r advertisements
from local and Detroit merchants to
insure its success.
The U. of lI. Independent was
the name intended for the paper,
but it was later decided to give it a
non-partisan name, so it was called
the U. of M. Daily. Later the name
was changed to The Michigan Daily.
Bninrlrf nr-- - %^Vf1F.nm --
Dea, ly
O', ;isiije.n N e 5.1 .8L(M d.JOO 5 r9<iuden . Pllubic+ ti'o 1z B7 dbtao
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Auto a - Fn ill1
Go nto Effeet
Assis.tant Dean Rea Lis ss
E~ernptions To Be .Mde
For Summer Students
University au to ban regulaions,
temporarily removed since the end
of the regular session, will again be-
come effective at 8 o'clock this
According to the statement is-
sued by Walter B. Rea, assistant to
the dean of students, the following
exemptions will be made among
Summer Session groups:
"1. Those who in the academic
year were engaged in professional
pursuits as, for example, teachers,
lawyers, physicians, dentists, nurses.
"2. Those attending the Public
Health institutes.
"3. Those who are 28 years of
age or over,
"4. Those who have a Summer
Session faculty ranking of teaching
assistant or its equivalent.
"Students not in the above groups
may secure from 1he offce of the
dean of students, Room 2, Unver-
sity hall, permits to drive cars:
"A. For circumstances necessi-
tatinv nw{
'rM 1or Prirt i I pan iin olilo ~1O
:il."ts, m _ .i as w;I, te Iis, and
'"Te afore-mentioned recreatio
al use," the statement continues, "is
intended to p r o v i u e convenient
transportation to the nearby lakes
and golf courses. On such occa-
sions, student passengers may be
carried, but the privilege should not
be considered as affording a person-
al use of cars for such purposes as
driving to the campus, making so-
cial calls or pleasure divmng. The
holders of permits are likewise fo--
bidden to use their cars for social
purposes such as driving to dances,
picnics, and the like.
"It is permissible, however, for a
young man who possesses a permit
to drive with a young woman for
golf, swinning, ot' tenmis up un-
til the hour of 9 o'd~ock in the eve-
ning. After that time, mixed coa-
pany in a car under a recreational
permit will be considered a viola-
tion of the ruling and will merit
dlisciplinary action.
"Students who intend to apply for
Summer Session permits are urged
to call at Room 2, University hall,
without delay and are cautioned not
to use their cars until they have ob-
tained their permit cards and have
attached student tags to their state
license plates in the required man-
ner. The section of the registration
card which refers to the use of cars
does, in no way, constitute a per-
mit for driving privileges."
1ally (Jffcrs Sudfeni'
Students enrolled in the Sum-
mer Session who want traininr
and experience in n e w sp a p e r
work may apply at the editorial
ol ces of The Daily oi Maynari
set Those interested in n ws
will 5eC CaVrI For5 t (, City di,
tor- those interested in Feature
and speciaJ articles, Davidl M.
IN Ucol s i e Iiose i ate rested iii
editorial matter and (1riticisma
will apply to Beach Conger.
The business department wiT]
also serve as a training ground
for those interested in this phase
of the work. Charles Kline is in
Fratrity Tax
Valao C
- r" A t.- 4 ,-
"' 4'_J Centl
Other Real Estate
Slashed 25 Per Cent by
Boardof Re:1iew
Recent action of the Ann Arbor
board of eview will cut the valua--
tion on which Mchigan fraernities
cent. ('S oirtl real cote assesal
[h e to r-l ote I
be,3r, t ced taxpr i-ntar en
& il
Valution of fiateisty and sor-
ority propfrty w be reduced, by
the board's action, from $2,200,000
to $1,540,000.
The tax action on real estate will
in no way apply to personal prop-
erty taxes. The reduction in real
estate taxation was made primarily
because it was believed the frater-
ities rec being oveo taxed, for they
paid taef on per cent of the
cash value of their property, as
against the tax on 68 per cent paid
by business property owners and 10
per cent by residence owners. The
board of ev'aW: cu are sand to
place all I)>Iymnwts on an Uplal
All ster; t aken by thft; body are
-;bdj ec i, 'oapp roV2J of the board uf
supervie a; which wv]Jin cet next
week, nd to She state board of
equalization. The new p 1 an of
equalization, however, seems assur-
ed of success, since it seeks only to
amend an unfair assessment.
Effects of the reduced taxation
will be felt as early as next month,
when the city taxes are paid. Taxes
payable to county and state are not
due until December.
Individual fraternity and sorority
houses may have their assessment
figures reduced more or less than
the specified 30 per cent, depending
on whether they have been assessed
too much or too little in the past.
idt. --.Give
Seven Plays
0 j
Repertory Player Open
Wednhsdy Nfit With
Mr. NutPasses By'
Offering a group of seven plays
during the core of the Suninier
Session, the Michir5an Repertory
players, a group which includes
among its members stage favorites
of the past two seasons, will open
the fourth summer season Wednes-
day night, June 29, with the presen-
tation in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theater of "Mr. Pim Passes By," the
Theatre Guld comedy success by A.
A. Milne.
The summer dramatics activity,
both in the theatre and in courses,
will be headed by nationally-known
directors, with Valentine B. Windt,
director of Play Production, in
charge, a post he has held since the
introduction of the Repertory Play-
ers in 1929. He is director of Play
Production during the regular aca-
demic term.
Two directors of outstanding abil-
ity have been added to the staff for
the summer. Thomas Wood Stevens,
director of the Artist Cluild theatre
of Louis a c a nationally known
teacher, an ior-, gid diroctor, I.;
lit productions of last year includ-
ed such dranatic productions as
Susan Glaspell's "Alison's House"
and Moliere's "Don Juan." He was
the founder of the drama school of
the Cainegic Institute of Technol-
ogy. In addition, Alexander Wyck-
off, art director of the Manhattan
theatre colony, will act as art di-'
rector for the Players during the
"Mr. Pira Passes By," the play
which paved thr way in this country
for the talented playwright, A. A.
Milne, opens Wednesday night for a
four-day run, One of the most pop-
ular of mnodern coineodis, itill be
fol ewd (n Wednesdy ight July
, by "PRaolo and Frnariehwa," a ro-
n ti' dr atnai ton f's ha-
reorial lOt-' mv tlc -y by Steaen Phil--
lip, (stugui shedu Anerican uc t.
h is play, prodaced by Thomas
Wood Stevens in numierous drama-
tic centers of the United States, has
always proved one of his outstand-
ing successes.
The third play, opening on July
13, will see the production of C. K.
Munro's "At Mrs. Beam's," a mur-
der mystery, in which the simple
people of Mrs. Beam's boarding
house handle a criminal running
from the scene of his crime. "Berke-
ley Square," by John Balderston,
opens July 20. Mixing romance with
ingenuity of subject matter, Balder-
ston has written one of the best
plays of the past few years. A bril-
liant derivation from an unfinished
novel by Henry James deals with
what happens when someone of our
(Continued on Page 3)
Education School
da~vit s to Opew.
Wi 1 Pic iic T oday
Students of the School of Educa-
tion will oen the summer social
season with a picnic on South Ferry
field at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon.
The picnic will be preceded by an
organization meeting of the Men's
Educational club.
Aft.r +a m snlnot~nn ri n-m- r
Law Parleys
Opening Hr
Today for Conference
Unique in Its Field
on;or of ,eri
Eirt Lee tre ilan id
Opening Talk Tonight
Scott Will Be Chairman
Teachers of international law will
gather here today for the first five-
wcek conference of seminars and lec-
tures ever conducted in their field.
The formal opening lecture will be
given at 8 o'clock tonight in Room
1025, Angell hall, by Dr. James Brown
Scott, director of the division of in-
ternational law of the Carnegie En-
dowment, who is acting as chairman
of thec onferene.
The purpose of the conference is
to bine teachers in the interna--
tional law field, as well as students
intending to beach, together for in-
tniestudy of the subject.
"Te project," according to Dr.
Scott, "sponsored by the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace,
has for its purpose the systematic
organization of instruction for the
teaching of international law, the
method of preparation, and theP
method of teacbin F, how one pro-
ceeds to gather authorities, their
value and importance. The con-
ference, the first of its kind, is really
an experiment, and if i proves to
be a success we hope to hold simi-
lar conferences here every summer.
It is a part of the work being done
by the Endowment in the field of
international law and is intended to
supplement the project of fellow-
ships to students and teachers now
To Give Eight Lectures.
A series of eight lectures, in ad-
diton to the regular seminars, will
be given' students in the Summer
Session will be admitted. The first
of this series will take place on1
Thursday, when Prof. George Graf- '
ton Wilson, of Harvard University,t
lectures on "The Far East."
M ive authorities in the field of in-
ternational law will deliver lectures
and lead the discussions during the{
five weeks before classes of morea
than 40 teachers. Dr. Scott will give
a course on "The Classics of Inter-'
national Law." P r o f. Jese S.t
Reeves, head of the political sciencec
department of the University, willt
give a corse in "The Technique of
Coditication of International Law
with special reference to Diplomatic
Privileges and fmnmuniti'.. -
Whson to Cive Coose.
ProL fwilrov &wi. i a se-es of
lectures on "Bibliography of Inter-
national Law;" 'International Law
and the Constitution;" "Codification
of International Law with Respect
to Territorial Waters," and "The
Competence of Courts with regard
to Foreign States."
"The Interpretation and Applica-
tion of International Law in Anglo-
American Countries" will be the
course taught by Prof. Edwin D.
Dickinson, of the Michigan Law
School. George A. Finch, manag-
ing editor of the American Journal
of International Law, will lecture on
"The Modern Sources of Interna-
tionial Law."
Scott to Be Chairman.
Dr. Scott will act as chairman of
the school, Professor Reeves as
Dean, and Mr, Finch as secretory-
Lawrence E. Hartwig, '34L, is in
charge of registration at the Alpha
Delta Phi house, 556 South State
street, where headquarters will be
Morning seminars, which will last
from 8 to 10, and from 10 to 12
o'clock, will be held in the new
Legal Research library, while the
evening lectures at 8 o'clock will be
given in Room 1025, Angell hall.
Psychiatry Teacher
Awarded Fellowship
Joseph J. Michaels, '24, '26M, in-
structor in psychiatry and physi-
cian on the staff of the psychopath-
ic hospital, has been awarded a
three year Commonwealth fellow-
ship in psychiatry, to take effect
August 1.
The first year under the fellow-
ship will be spent in the Boston
psychopathic hospital, the second in
Europe, and the third in Boston
Michaels received his B.S. in med-
icine from the University in 1924.
He held the Stroock fellowship in
neural pathology in 1928-29 at the
city. He has been a member of the
University staff since 1930.
Student Fees 50 Cent
Heads Snnmmer Session
'Enrollment Progressi
Normally, Dean Kr
Reports; Certain Tot
Are Still Unavailable
L aw School Dros
Iii Earliest Ta]
Are Disallowed
Because of Wind; Many
Stars here for Events
Eddie Tolan, formier Michigan
sprint star ,_id of=hcal holder of the
100 yarn rgco::d, bettere:d two Olym-
pic marks in his bid i'or a place on
the United &ates Olympic team at
the district finals, Friday and Sat-
urday, in Ain Arbor. Neither rec-
ord was allowed, how~ever, because
of a streng breeze which aided the
Tol an's time for the 100 mneter
sprint was 10. .seconds, three-
tenths of a second ahead of the
O ympic record for tine distance. In
h1 200 meter e yot
ance rthe
nin,-.C._l rs1of1I secondn
ChesA lln, ii.t f Mich-
i:a tu a w~ a unning i
1. yO
of Yps Iunti Normal al 48.6 seconds,
and in the dO I meter run Stan
Wright, of the University of Detroit,
was clocked t 1: .3
Rod Cox of vi-igan was an easy
winner in the hammer throw with
a distance of 148 feet 11 1-2 inches,
while Johnny Pottle, former Michi-
gan track cata wo the pole
vault A 12' :: o,ker Brooks, also
a Michigan ti ark man, who has al-
ready qualihed for the send-finals,
threw the discus 158' 1-2 feet in an
exhibition. Tr-oy, of Central State
reacher's college, won the event
with a toss of 151'2 feet.
In the high jump Addison Bar-
ber, unattached, of Cm-and Rapids,
won at 6' 4 1-2" while Wiillis
Ward, Michigan yearling, who has
already qualified, jumnpcd 6' 5 1-2"
in exhibitun. Silhe-, u n a t t a e h-
ed, won the broad .jump with a leap
of 23 ft. 3-4 inches.
Tom Ottecy, Michigan State fresh-
man, won the 10,000 meter event,
while Bill Zepp, Ypsilanti yearling,
won the 5,000 meter run. Swartz,
Western State Normal, won the 1,-
500 meter event; Wcstcott (Ypsi-
lanti) won the 110 meter hurdles;
Murphy, unattached, won the 3,000
meter steeplechase event; and Dues,
Detroit City, won the shot-put.
Slo sson to Tak
O S. S.Plitcs
At First Lecture
Work at Various
Presiaent Alexander G. Ruth-
ven-Each summer brings to
thi pleasant city and to the
campusi? of our University a
group which we are always
happy to greet. Some have been
here during the year or have
been here in the past; other
faces are new to us. All, how-
ever, represent purpose, ambi-
tion, and energy to continue
education by devoting the 'sum-
mer months to University worl.
The officers of the .University
and the faculty of the Summer
Session appreciate the spirit
which they have for years found
characteristic of the summer
group. On their behalf I ex-
tend, -with great pleasure, a cor-
dial welcome to the students of
1932 and express their hope
that every facility offered by
the University will be used.
Edward H. Kraus, Dean of
the Summer Session-It is a
great pleasure to extend a most
cordial welcome to the students
of the Summer Session of 1932.
Summer instruction has b e e n
given at the University of Mich-
. igan for nearly four decades,
and the comprehensive pro-
grams of courses and extra-cur-
ricula' activities that are offer-
ed to you are the result of this
long experience. It is our hope
that the time you spend at the
University this suummer may
be both profitable and enjoy-
last summer. Enrollment figures
from the biology camp have not ye'
been received.
Definite information concernini
enrollment will appear in tomor-
row's issue of The Daily. Also thi
regular Associated Press wire will be
opened, giving the summer students
full accounts of the Democratic na-
tional convention and all news o
political, economic and social inter
Readers will also find the Daily
Official Bulletin on the last page o
The Daily each morning. The bul
letin is issued from the office o
Dean Kraus, and is a guide whic]
should be read by every student in
the University. -
All students are invited during
the summer to visit the new homE
of The Daily and all student publi
cations at the recently completed
building on Maynard street.
Waterman Gym To Be
Open During Summe
Waterman gymnasium, on th
campus, will be open to men durin
the Summer Session for use of bot
gymnastic eauipment and showe
- pedd'ng Photo
To n
~4'O*I Kh*k
lyrn je - ria s
Opens Today; Foresti
Station Shows Increas4
28Listed in Kentuci
Hundreds of graduates, unde
graduates, and special studer
flocked to classes this morning
the thirty-ninth annual Michigi
Summer Session opened in f
schools and colleges of the Unive
sity. Dean Edward H. Kraus IV
unable to give registration figur
at the time this issue of The Dai
went to press, but he stated th~
"enrollment is pr ogressing norma:
and satisfactorily.'11
The Law school opened its sun
mer work last Monday, and flgur
released today indicate a slight d
crease in enrollment in this scho
as compared to last year. Approx
mately 133 have enrolled to da
while last year 159 took law coursE
Work was also started this mor
ing in the various University cami
At Jackson's Hole, Wyoming, tl
engineering camp began work wi
28 students.. Last year 39 were e
rolled. The geography and geolo
camp at Mills Springs, Ky., has
students, and the forestry camp -
northern Michigan has 17 studen
an increase of three students ov
President and Dean
Greet New Studen
F oripe n IngWeek
Ofn mmr Sessioi
ro. eate Jy I
-, pels oSpeeia6) eeture series
A forward step in giving Summer
Session students the maximum in
educational and entertainment op-
portunities has been made by the
,department of speech and general
linguistics with the announcement
that a series of three lectures will
be given this summer in Hill audi-
The three lectures, the first of
which will be presented Monday
night, July 11, will present in suc-
cesion a debate hpfwm.en t+mn mpm_-
the progress made in that field.
August 8, Capt. Carl von Hoffman
will lecture on "The Head Takers of
Formosa," a a i n g motion pictures
anid oiigin'a1 recordings of tribal
chants and rituals as accompani-
Senator Brookhart, a member of
five Senate committees, the most
important of which is the interstate
commerce committee, will uphold
the aflirmative side of the question,
"::1 ,Ito n : frr3 Wamen.t c Ronf n 7
The first University lecture of the
Summer Session will be given at 5
o'clock this afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium when Prof. Pres-
ton w. Slosson, author, and widely
recognized history authority, speaks
on "Deeper Currents in Recent
American Politics."
Professor Slosson, who is giving
courses here this summer, is a reg-
ular m ;ember of the history depart-
ment. His most recent book is "The
Great Crusade and After." Next fall
he will not return to his regular
clas es but will lecture in various
British un'ver:ities for a year. He
is the author of "Fated or Free,"
carh Tlc ,i ea fmm 01r tc-_ Ru --