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August 12, 1932 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-08-12

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Chapin Sworn In As Secretary 6f


ianges Moving
to Deinoer tae y
itical Struggles Will Be
efleeted in Sehoods,
iihston Peel ares


Oflinies Progress
1Jitdrstnding f Scial
Forces Must he Aim of
Education, He Says
Changes in high school curriculum
Will be in the direction of democracy
as opposed to autocratic control, in
the opinion of Prof. Edgar G. John-
ston, of the education school, who
spoke y e s t e r d a y on "Impending
Changes in the High School Cur-
riculum." At present, he declared,
we ee the struggle of directly op-
posing forces in the political and eco-
nomi fields. The schools of tomor-
roW will reflect the outcome of this
our changes in this field were
cited by Professor Johnston yester-
day. They were a new concept of
curriculum itself, less emphasis on
loIts of subject matter and more
upon the pursuit of significant edu-
cational experiences by the pupil, at-
tempt to provide exp.eriences appro-
prlpte to all the pupils of the school,
arnd acceptance pf guidance as a defi-
hite responsibility of the school.
School Has Social Core
"It would be futile," he asserted,
"to attempt to outline in detail the
types of activity which will com-
prise this curriculum of the future.
It is safe to predict that three phases
of human activity will receive much
more emphasis than that accorded
in the traditional school of today.
The experiences of the school will
revolve around a social core.
"The school of the future must
aim at uriderstanding of the com-
plicated social forces which deter-
mine trehds in modern life and co-
operation based o mutual considera-
tion and respect among citizens in
a community and among the nations
of the world. Above all it will em-
phasize .the inevitable truth that re-
sponsibility and privilege go hand in
Professor Johnston pointed out
that the school will offer large op-
portunities for developing an appre-
ciation of our cultural heritage and
for stimulating creative activity. The
curriculum will emphasize an under-
standing of arts--music, painting,
sculpture, poetry, architecture and
the drama-and an appreciation of
their s u p r e m e manifestations as
among the valued possessions of the
race. In addition the curriculum will
recognize that capacity for finding
an outlet in some form of creative
activity is much more widely dis-
tributed among individuals than
itost pedple believe,
Preparation for Family Life
"In the third place," he concluded,
"the school of the future will accept
miuch more fully its responsibility of
preparing pupils for worthy home
ifembership. Accepted as one of the
cardinal principles of education, this
dbjective has had little actual influ-
ehce on school procedure. The school
df the future must consider the pupil
definitely as a member of a family
and as a future parent. It cannot
neglect the problems involved in the
rklationships of men and women and
the intricate responsibiliites of fam-
ily life. Preparatoin for a serious and
responsible attitude toward sex re-
lationships and definite attention to
the problem of child care should
iark the high school of the future,"
Gangster Killed as He
Cuts In oan New Field0
CHICAGO, Aug. lNw.-( Fe-Gang-
sterland guns have boonted again.
They belched lead and flame on the
north side Wednesday night, felling
Joe "Big Rabbit" Connell, 35, who,
police said, saw in the imprisonment
of Al Capone an opportunity to ex-
tend a small neighborhood beer busi-
ness into large fields.
He was killed outright by several
men in an automobile who fired on

him as he stood in front of his
saloon. .Connell, police said, had
undertaken to sell beer of his own
brew to other speakeasy proprietors
at $30 a barrel, $25 less than the
price reputedly charged by Capone.

Roy D. Chapin (center),
retary of commerce by E. W.:
Lanont (right), looked on.

Detroit automobile manufacturer,
Libbey, (left), chief clerk of the

(Associated Press Photo)
is shown as he was sworn in as the new see-
department, as his predecessor, Robert P.

9 iw __ __ ____ 11M _ ______- - Yw YY+ iy W y iv i

Wttnw'ss Tells
Him" Royalitsts
(Associated Press Correspondent)
SEVILLE, Spain, Aug. 11.-The
conquest of Seville by Gen. Jose San
Jurjo, chief of Spain's shortlived re-
bellion, was brief but dramatic.
. I witnessed the proceedings in
front of the city hall, having wormed
my way into the closed town in a
private automobile.
'irst a section of the army medical
corps, a section of the civil guards,
and another body of troops from the
Ninth Infantry regiment were formed
before the city hall a few minutes
after neon by the general. He lined
them up in a solid column.
Then, before the huge crowd of
Seville citizens who had gathered, he
read solemnly the following procla-
"I, Jose San Jurjo, general in the
Spanish army, constitute myself cap-
tain-general of Andalusia and order
all previous dispositions concerning
the public order superseded. I also
declare the present local authorities
w i t h o u t jurisdiction. Long live
Immediately afterward, San Jurjo's
forces scattered and cut the tele-
phone and telegraph wires, cutting
the city off from communications.
Maj. Delgado and two officers went
to the civil governor's office at the
head of a column of troops and took
prisoner Gov. Valera Valverde and
Chief of Police Ramos.
Meanwhile, Commander Sanchez
Rubio arrested Mayor La Vendera
and seven councilmen who refused
to obey the orders of the rebels. All
local officials were imprisoned in the
local barracks.
Gen. San Jurjo named the Marquis
of Sauceda, a lieutenant-colonel of
artillery, governor of Seville. The
new governor closed the headquar-
ters of all labor unions immediately,
and when the laborers attempted to
walk out on strike, they were ordered
back to work by the rebel troops.
Gen. San Jurjo then issued a num-
ber of proclamations in which he de-
clared his movement was "purely
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 11.-(/P)-
Thomas Brooks, the city's purchaser
of supplies, announced today that
"keys to the city for distinguished
guests, which previously had cost
$3.29 each, are obtainable now at $1.
All PermanentWaves
$3.00 Complete
Shampoo and Marcel $1.00
Shampoo & Fingerwave 75c
. Manicure..........50c
All Work Guaranteed
Open Evenings
300 South State Street
Phone 2-2813

Sky Scientists Aim to Outreach
Piecard in Stratosphere Probe

WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. - (/?) -
Even as Prof. Auguste Piccard pre-
pared forhis second ascent into.the
stratosphere, scientists over the world
planned a general attack on the sky
mysteries ,,of the sphreical "shells"
that surround the earth. *
Hope to "Outreach" Piccard
They hoped to "outreach" him, for
they knew that, valuable as his scien-
tific contributions might be, his bal-
loon could penetrate hardly to the
border of the region where the real
mysteries lie-25 or 30 miles above
the earth and on beyond to the re-
gion where it is believed that all
traces of atmosphere fade out and
real "empty space" begins.
The stratosphere tiself-or at least
the few miles of it into which a bal-
loon like Piccard's can penetrate-
already has been well explored by
small balloons carrying instruments
that make automatic records of tem-
perature, pressure and humidity.
"Air Shells" Reflect Radio
Scientists now are planning to ex-
plore the higher levels of the atmos-
phere, where there are "shells" of air
that reflect radio waves back to the
earth, protect it from the dangerous
short ultra-violet rays, and may be
the birthplace of the little-under-
stood cosmic rays.
They will do their exploring with
radio beams that travel to great
heights and return in a fraction of
a second, balloons that send back
automatic radio reports of condi-
tions, and rockets that will carry in-
struments higher than any balloon
can go.
Intensities of cosmic rays are being
measured at widely separated points
at high altitudes. Several airplanes
already have been designed in Europe
to fly at speeds of 250 to 500 miles
an hour in the stratosphere where
air resistance is at a minimum.
Ultra-Violet Rays Blanketed
Scientists wish to know more about
the protective air blanket without
which the full force of ultra-violet
light would reach the earth and
make life as we know it impossible.
It probably lies about 30 miles high.
If there were no shell of electrical-
ly-conducting air, known as the Ken-
nelly-Heaviside layer, radio waves
would fly off into space and broad-
casting would be impossible. The

layer, constantly varying in height
from 60 to 200 miles, "bends" radio
waves back to the earth, enabling
them to circle the globe in a series
of "bounces."
Air above the earth grows steadily
colder until the stratosphere is
reached, where the temperature stays
permanently at about 70 below zero
Fahrenheit, but beyond, at a height
of 25 to 30 miles there is believed to
be a region hotter even than the
Hot Layer Is "Radiator"
The "hot layer," scientists believe,
is a region rich in ozone, which ab-
sorbs heat from the sun and from
the earth, becoming very warm in
the process, and then reradiates it
into surrounding space. Beyond this,
the atmosphere grows colder again,
until empty space is reached.
The upper air regions have little
or no effect on weather at the earth's
surface, in the opinion of weather
bureau scientists. The circulation of
air, cause of most "weather," is con-
fined to only a few miles above the
earth, they point out.
John Gilbert's Fourth
Bride Is Virginia Bruce
HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 11.-()-The
film cameras were still grinding on
the studio lot at 5:45 p. m. Wednes-
day. Before one of them stood Vir-
ginia Brdce, an actress, portraying
the part of a crippled trader's daugh-
ter in a picture of African life. She
was in rags and her face was stained.
John Gilbert walked onto the set
and interrupted the scene.
"We're going to be married at 6
o'clock," he calmly announced.
"O, John," Miss Bruce began.
"Six o'clock. My bungalow. Be
In this manner did Gilbert, the
screen's "great lover," set the stage
for his wedding to Miss Bruce. And
Miss Bruce was there in 15 minutes,
all washed and dressed in bridal ap-
parel, establishing some sort of a
record for speed, if what the press
agents said was true.
The marriage was Gilbert's fourth,
his divorce from his third wife, Ina
Claire, actress, having become final
last Saturday.

Fischer Given
Place in All
America Goff
Alex Ba~rry P~icks Howard
For Honorable Ment On
toi 1932 Season
Johnny Fischer, sensational Mich-
igan golfer, has been named to the
mythical All-American golf team by
Alex Barry, Columbia university golf
coach, who writes in the September
number of the College Humor. Fisch-
er's teammate, 'John Howard, was
given honorable mention.
Barry writes, "When J o h n n y
Fischer canned a six-footer for a
birdie to beat Billy Howell on the
thirty-fifth green at Hot Springs,
Virginia, for the National Intercol-
legiate championship, the curtain
came down on the greatest season
college .golf has over enjoyed."
The personnel of the 1932- team,
in addition to Fischer, includes:
Tommy Tailer, Princeton; Henry Ko-
wal, Colgate; Charles Seaver, Stan-
ford; Arthur Byzbee, Pennsylvania;
Bob Kepler, Ohio State; Billy Howell,
Washington. & Lee; Johnny Parker,
Yale; Don Moe, Oregon, and Sydney
Noyes, Yale.
Besides floward, the honorable
mention list . includes: Reuben Al-
baugh, Rice; R. G. Bohnen, Chicago;
John Florio, Ohio State; Milan
Heath, Harvard;.Hunter Hicks, Dart-
mouth; Winston Fuller, Southern
California; Fred Kammer, Princeton;
Fred de Maske, Northwestern; Denny
St. .Clair, Williams; John Siergiej,
Columbia; John Reston, Illinois; Bob
Moffett, Princeton; Joe Mikrut, New
York university; Gail S t o k t o n,
Southern California, and Fred Have-
meyer, Columbia.
Lardis to Investigate
Cub Gambling Charges
CHICAGO, Aug. 11.-(P)-A spe-
ial dispatch to the Chicago Daily
News. from Pittsburgh today said
that Kenesaw Mountain Landis, base-
ball commissioner, had opened an in-
vestigation of charges that several
members of the Chicago Cubs, in-
cluding Guy Bush, pitcher, had been
gambling on the horses during the
managerial regime of Rogers Horns-
Commissioner Landis, the dispatch
said, went to Pitstburgh today to
open the inquiry as the Cubs arrived
for their first place battle with the
He refused to discuss the investi-
gation, the dispatch added, but told
reporters to "draw your own con-
The News quoted Landis as saying
before he departed for Pittsburgh
"Gambling isn't like drunkenness.
If it's a drunkard you have to deal
with you can give him a shower and
an aspirin and send him out on the
field and he will play ball for you,
or at least try.
"But when you have a player out
there on the field wondering, during
a crucial moment of the ball game,
whether Raggedy Pants or some
other nag is going to run first or
second the situation becomes serious.
"It is a thing that I, and the ex-
ecutives of every ball club in both
circuits, want to camp out."

TYPING--Theses a specialty. Call
M. V. Hartsutf, 9087. -0
TYPEWRITERS, all makes, bought,
sold, rented, exchanged, repaired.
0. D. MORRILL, 314 So. State.
GRAPHING prciflltly and neatly
done. 0. D. MORRILT, 314 So.
State St. -c
LOST-Black Onyx ring in wash-
room. Main floor library. Dial
6061. Reward. ---1
LOST--Not if your furs are stored
hiere. Ourpolicy protects your furs
completely 12 months. Zwerdling's
Fur Shop. Complete fur service
since 1904. -c
ED-Will call for and deliver.
Soft water used; washing done
separate. Phone 2-3478. --c
WANTED--Laundry. S o t water.
21044. Towels free, socks darned.
WANTED-Half-time or full-time
business position. Young woman
with business and Univ. training,
through experience in academic
routine. Box No. 1.
WANTED TO BUY-Large sturdy
trunk, typewriter, portable or
standard, excellent condition. Tele-
phone 5089. -2
WANTED-Chance to ride for two
people to St. Louis immediately
after schoool. Willing to pay ex-
penses. Phone 21118. -2
EXPERIENCED Fraternity porter
seeks house for fall; reliable; good
reference. Phone 7866. --3

FOR RENT-Two furnished
suitable for married couple
girls, $20 per month. 206
Ave.. Call before 5:30 p. m.

FOR SALE-New 1932 and 1933
and fur coats at lowest price
our history. Zwerdling Fur 1
Ann Arbor, since 1904. .-
FOR RENT-Nice residence. Can
section, well furnished. Pleas
surroundings. Garage. Avail
Sept. 1. References required. P1
FOR RENT-A furnished apartn
with private bath and shower
three or four adults. Also
nished apartment for one or
and single room. Steam h-
shower, continuous hot water,
age. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washing
FOR RENT--Attractive 3 room
nished apartment. Electric ra
heat, garage. Tel. 21840. -
FOR RENT-West side three or :
rooms furnished, in private h
on bus line, garage availabale I
reasonable. Phone 4964. 702 C

or two
S. 4th

FOR RENT-South-east section, at-
tractive six-room house, near best
schools in the city. On city bus
line. Possession August 15. In-
quire 1301 Granger. -2
storage for belongings, 4 room ApL
Frigedair. Phone 3403. -0
ROOMS FOR. RENT-Iii approvecd
graduate house for women for fal
term. 924 Oakland.

Newport Bathing Beach
Portage Lake


h e end of Summer School
means your opportunity tobuy
u mer Drese
(Your Choice of Our Entire Stock)
Washable Silks Chiffons
lain or Printed Crepes Georgettes
Our determination to clear out every summer
frock in the store regardless of original sell-
ing price makes it possible for you to select
two or three new frocks to finish out the
season (perhaps you'd like a dark frock for
traveling). Frocks for afternoon or sports-
wear in either light or dark shades.
Sies: 11 to 17, 14 to 44, 12%2 to 222
East Liberty at Maynard





Jacobson S
This is your opportunity to "pep up" your sum-
mer wardrobe at a very small cost. Many of the
items are sujable for early fall wear-an added
inducement to the thrifty
DRESSES, Values to $1.9.75.... .$3.95

~ \ Defeu
- ,: "
" . .
1 \LN
a " Ky

ngthen your
Lse Mechanism



Values to $29.75.....$5.95



MAJESTIC25c t 2 P. M.
Last Times Today
Wallace Ford - Rosoe Ates - Leila iyaml s in

COTTON DRESSES, $6.95 values $2.95
7 SUITS, greatly reduce(.......$7.75
10 KNITTEDSUITS,va"-t . . .$3.25
COATS, for Early Fall.........$9.95
SKIRTS, White Cotton S1.29 Values .. . 95C
SKIRTS,Light Summer Silk. $2.95 Values, . . . $1.95


MEAIN ...'.
elciusand lkefreshing ~


Added Features-
Clark and McCulloch Comedy
Aesop's Fables-News-Review

-Friday Guest Feature-
Wallace Beery - Clark Gable

BAGS White and many dark, fallshades
Values to $5.95


' -

With theIu
that refreshes
The best defense is the attack. The best time
to attack is when you're feelin ood. You
feel your best when refreshed. QW.D.; also,
EVoila ! - Coca-Cola!
Refreshment-that's the true inward mean.

{. +ro .

x !

MESH GLOVES .. . .. ... .....59
CORSETS, Closing Out. .from 59e up
1I1'OTT TTnT' -n

A 'omedy Gem


Crsntland Rice-"'8-Famous




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