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August 12, 1932 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-12

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Henry Field Visits G. 0. P. Headquarters

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
versity. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Summer Session
.1 3:30. excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday.
immer Plays: "Tour du Monde," the famous melodrama by Jules
and Alphonse d' Ennery, is being produced this week in a new stage
i by Thomas Wood Stevens. This unusual and spectacular play with
of 100 actors marks the final week of the summer play season. "Tour
nde" will be offered today through Saturday at 8:30.
mmer Session Dance: The last Summer Session dance will be held
t at the Michigan League from 9 to 1. Faculty and students
vited. Twenty-five cents admission. Treasurer's receipt necessary.

The last demon-

High School Demonstration Assembly:

stration assembly of the University High School Summer Session will be
given at eight o'clock this morning in the high school auditorium. The
program will be under the direction of the Music and Typewriting Depart-
ments. The general purpose of the assemblies is to demonstrate how school
programs may be developed by the pupils from the regular class work. All
students of the Summer Session are cordially invited to attend.
Sculpture Exhibit: An Exhibition of Sculpture in Photographs by
members of the National Sculpture Society, in the North Gallery of Alumni
Memorial Hall. Display will be held until the end of Summer School.
Exhibition of Water Color Painting and Architectural Studies: Work
done in the summer classes in outdoor, painting and architectural design
in the College of Architecture will be on exhibition, beginning Tuesday, in
the ground floor corridor of the Architectural Building. The exhibition is
open to the public daily, 9:00 to 5:00.
Choral Union Concerts: The following schedule of attractions and
dates for the 1932-1933 Choral Union Concert series is made at this time:
October 25-Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge.
November 2-Lawrence Tibbett, Baritone.
November 30-Detroit Symphony Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowitsch,
December '12-Efrem Zimbalist, Violinist.
January 16-Nathan Milstein,, Violinist.
January 27-Myra Hess, Pianist.
February 8-The Budapest String Quartet.
February 15-Sigrid Onegin, Contralto.
March 6-Vladimir Horowitz, Pianist.
March 15-Ignace Jan Padderewski, Pianist.
Charles A. Sink
Examinations for University Credit: All students who desire credit for
work done in the Summer Session will be required to take examinations
at the close of the Session. The examination schedule for schools and col-
leges on the eight-week basis is as follows:
Hour of Recitation 8 9 10 11
Time of Thursday Friday Thursday Friday
Examination 8-10 8-10 2-4 2-4

(Associated Press Photo)
Henry Field (right), the Iowa seed man who won the Republican
nomination for United States senator over Smith W. Brookhart, is
shown conferring with Sen. Lester J. Dickinson of Iowa at Republican
headquarters in Chicago.
China Drifting Towards Fascist
Dictatorship;_Chiang Is Leader

(Copyright 1932, by the Associated
SHANGHAI, Aug. 11.-China was
a nation virtually adrift today.
Chiang Kai-Shek, former presi-
dent and virtual commander-in-chief
of the army, appeared to be drifting
toward the role of fascist dictator,
favoring a tolerant foreign policy, es-
pecially with respect to Manchuria.
China's government was at a
standstill. In political circles it was
indicated that leaders were urgently
attempting to solve the crisis result-
ing from the resignation of Wang
Ching-Wei, president of the execu-
tive Yuan, and the Nanking cabinet.
Without warning, Wang Ching-
Wei quit last Saturday. He gave as
his reason the maladministration of
affairs in North China, coupling
with it a withering attack on Chang
Hsiao-Liang, erstwhile Manchurian
chieftain now directing affairs about
Peiping, supposedly under Nanking's
Chiang Kai-Shek, instead of as-
suming the dictatorial role and com-
manding his one-time subordinates
to remain in their respective jobs,
telegraphed to Nanking that he, too,
would be forced to resign unless var-
ious leaders resumed their duties.
Gravest Crisis
Chiang Kai-Shek's action precipi-
tated the gravest crisis within the
history of the stormy Nanking re-
gime. Today China's government is
at a standstill. Wang Ching-Wei and

other members of the Nanking cabi-
net are in retirement here.
Chang Hsiao-Lang from Peiping
has sent repeated appeals to Nan-
king that his successor be named,
but there is no one at Nanking to
consider his appears. A slight ray
of hope appeared Wednesday when
Wang Ching-Wei, although declining
to go to Hankow to discuss the situa-
tion with Chiang Kai-Shek, sent rep-
Stripped to the essentials, the sit-
uation is a contest between Chiang
Kai-Shek and Wang Ching-Wei,
whose views are strongly divergent.
Wang wants an aggressive attitude
toward Japan. He also is understood
to believe that by such a policy he
would make China's military leaders
instruments of the Kuomintang pol-
icy, instead of dictators to the Chin-
ese government, as they are now.
If he achieved the latter aim,
Chiang Kai-Shek probably would be
swept away along with the lesser mil-
As far as Chang Hsiao-Liang is
concerned, his non-resistance policy
with regard to Japan's acts in Man-
churia has embittered a great bloc of
Chinese public opinion against him.
Of that feeling Wang Ching-Wei is
the recognized exponent. Chiang
Kai-Shek, however, is obliged to
Chang Hsiao-Liang for the latter's
assistance when he sought to con-
solidate his nationalist position in
North China in 1929.





All other



Change of Office Hours: Hereafter the office hours in the Recording
ivision of the Registrar's office will be from 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 daily,
:cept Saturday when the hours will be from 10 to 12:30. This change,
ade necessary on account of the reduced staff, provides uninterrupted
riods for recording and has been approved as an experiment.
The three other divisions of the Registrar's office will be open regularly
theretofore. Admissions, in Room 107 Mason Hall; Statistics, Room 103
ason Hall; Editorial, Room 108 Mason Hall.
It is hoped that the students and faculty will co-operate in this experi-
ent. Emergency cases will be handled at any time.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Political Meeting: James H. Maurer, socialist candidate for vice presi-
nt and former president of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor will
eak on "The Practical Program of Socialism," at the Ann Arbor High
hiool auditorium, tonight, at 8:00 p. m.
Michigan Socialist Club Picnic: The Socialist Club will hold a picnic
Mr. and Mrs. Cumming's farm Sunday afternoon, August 14th. Swim-
ng, ball game, and other entertainment. All students and faculty mem-
rs are cordially invited. Those interested in going should get in touch
th Tom Brown, phone 6539.
Comprehensive Professional Examination in Education: This examina-
n required by the School of Education will be held on Saturday, August
from 8 to 12 in the Auditorium of the University High School. All under-
aduates who are candidates for the Teacher's Certificate in August are
luired to take this examination. Graduate students. who are taking their
aster's degree or doctor's degree are the only ones excused from this ex-
iination. C. O. Davis, Secretary.
Faculty School of Education: A special luncheon meeting of the Fac-
y of the School of Educataion will be held in the Michigan Union (not
e Michigan League Building) at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, August 15th.
.c service will be a la'carte. C. 0. Davis, Secretary
Oral Examinations in Sociology: Oral examinations for the M.A. de-
e in Sociology will be held Monday, August 15, beginning at two o'clock.
ndidates expecting to receive their degree in August should make ar-
igements with the Sociology Office for an oral examination.
Riding Classes for Women: Classes in Advanced Riding will meet in
future on Wednesdays at 7:30 and Fridays at 4:30 at the Women's Ath-
ic Building,
Canoe Trip for Women Students: A canoe trip and supper for women
dents will be held on Friday afternoon, August 12. Those students who
h to attend the party must be able to support themselves in the water.

The group will leave Barbour Gymnasium at 5:30. A fee of $.50 will be
charged and reservations may be made in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium,
until 5 o'clock today.
Riding for Women Students: There will be a riding picnic on Sunday,
August 14, starting from the Women's Athletic Building at 5 o'clock. Sup-
per and ride will cost $2.00.
Four-week Tennis Course: This course is now finished, but any stu-
dent wishing to contoinue taking instructions may do so on Monday, Tues-
day, and Thursday from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Women Students: The swimming pool at the Union will be closed on
Tuesday and Thursday evenings for the remainder of the Summer Session.
To All Students Having Library Books:
1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the Univer-.
sity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, August 15, before
the impending examinations.
2. Students who have special need for certain books between August
15 and 19 may retain such books for that period by applying for admis-
sion at the office of the Superintendent of Circulataion on or before August
3. The names of all students who have not cleared their records at
the Library by Wednesday, August 17, will be sent to the Recorder's office,
where their credits will be held up until such time as said records are clear-
edd, in compliance with the regulations of the Regents.
I N.



A decrease of 31.3 per cent in
Iowa's marriaages for 1931 as com-
pared to 1930 is blamed partly on
a five-day license application law,
which went into effect July 1, 1931.

1 3


Great Scenic Spectacle!
Cast of One Hundred!
Tour duMonde"
"Around the World in 80 Days"

"Marcello Cloth"
New Fall Material

Exactly as illustrated



In 1\T,..., V-11 C+.11~r

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