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August 09, 1932 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-09

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The Weather
Fair Tuesday; " Wednesday
partly cloudy with possibly
scattered showers.


-iit igant


Professor Emcritus Frederic
Manville Taylor.

Oficial Publication of The Summer Session

VOL. XIII No. 37



I I I Ir

Says Industry
Ought to Pay
For Education
Judd Points Out Striking
Decrease in Child Labor
During 20-Year Period
Declares Schools
Forced to Expand
Asserts Business Should
Supply Higher Training
It Now Demands
Competition among adults and the
fact that industry has found it un-
profitable to employ to operate com-
plicated machinery have been pri-
mary reasons for the striking de-
crease in child labor in the past
twenty years, in the opinion of Dr.
Charles H. Judd, dean of the school
of education of Chicago, who spoke
yesterday on "Education and the
General Social Order in the United
Dr. Judd showed that the percen-
tage of children between 10 and 15
years who were gainfully employed
fell from 18.4 per cent in 1910 to 4.7
per cent in 1930. This decrease is
only secondarily due to agitation
against child labor by philanthropic
Should Assist Schools
If industry does not give warmth
and activity todas large a proportion
of children as formerly, industry
should assist the schols in doing so,
Dr. Judd' asserted. The program of
the school has been forced to expand
by the exclusion of child labor from
industry. Moreover, industry has
been demanding more education as ,
a prerequisite to employment.
Educators have not manufactured
schools. They have only been trying1
to care for them. The social order
has brought about the great free sys-
tem of secondary education which is,
t h e distinctive characteristic of
American education. Recently Eu-
rope has been making rapid strides
in the same directin.
Must Aid Adults Too]
With the shortening of the work-
ing day for adults due to the use of
more efficient machinery, industry
will have an obligation to help pro-'
vide for the activity of adults during
leisure time. Industry already owes
the children good schools, school
playgrounds, and public playgrounds
as a partial offset for living condi-
tions in the cities. Industry is de-'
manding more education even on the
part of adults so that they will be
better able to operate modern ma-
chines. Therefore, Dr. Judd pointed
out, industry is obligated to support
schools which supply the training
demanded by it.
Dr. Judd concluded by emphasizing
the point that the expansion of the
program of education is not a result
of unusual foresight on the part of
educators but is primarily the re-
sult of the social order and that con-
sequently the social order is respon-
sible for supporting the schools in
the performance of a necessary pub-
lic function.

Ready for Non-Stop Flight to Athens

Degener Gets
Third as U. S.
Leads Diving

Prof. Taylor
Dies at Home
In California




Succumbs in South
deia After Illness


Points to Beat

Elvy Kalep, Estonian aviatrix, and Roger Q. Williams reached Old
Orchard, Me., yesterday, and will take off for a non-stop flight to
Athens, Greece. They were photographed before taking off from Floyd
Bennett field, New York.

Forsythe Asks
Of Sex Instinct
Urges Wider Appreciation
Of Nature and Control
Of Reproduction
A wider appreciation of the nature
of the reproductive instinct in mant
with the question involved in its con-
trol is very much needed, in the opin-
ion on Dr. Warren Forsythe, directorI
of the health service, who spoke yes-F
terday on "The Reproductive In-
stinct and Its Control."
"It seems to be a justifiable appli-
cation of psychology to say that man,
as other animals,.is by nature co-
cerned with two primary purposesI
in life. Self preservation and selfs
reproduction seem to be the two
basic mainsprings of interest and be-t
havior in all present living organ-
isms. Upon the basis of the biologi-
cal struggle and survival we have anI
explanation for the strong urges ort
drives in these two directions with
which all organisms are by naturet
"In many ways the social group
finds it necessary to restrain indi-I
vidual instinctive conduct to conform
with the interests of the majority.1
Such restraints or modifications are1
generally dictated by reasoned think-
ing which is the hallmark of true
civilization. The control of these in-i
born urges or drives in human be-I
ings seems to be basic in social or-I
ganization. The uncontrolled urge'
toward behaviors which lead in the
direction of ultimate reproduction
certainly has given rise to many so-
cial problems.
"Some of the strongest of social
pressures have been called upon to
effect this desirable control. The
practice of medicine has been deep-I
ly involved in the problems of con-
trol and failure of control of this
urge. From the point of view of sci-
ence and biology the physician sees
much that is unfortunate in the pre-
vious handling of this problem. He
believes that, whatever is done in
the future, facts should be the found-
ation of procedure. An open intelli-
gent attack upon the problem should
replace the emotional, hypocritical,
evasive, deceitful and blundering ef-
forts which have characterized so
much of previous attitudes. A wider
appreciation of the problem as
simply one of the many disharmonies
between the nature of man and the
demands of a civilized society should
be wholesome. The problem needs
to be freed from a number of former
complications as indicated by ideas
of sin, shame, uncleaanliness, deceit,
mystery, disease, and ignorance."
Lewis Defeats Nisen
To Win Tennis Title
Charles S. Lewis, Grad., won the
annual summer tennis intramural
singles tournament yesterday when
he took; a one-sided match from
C. R. Coleman, 6-0, 6-1, 6-0. Over
seventy contestants took part in the
tournament, and many matches were
closely contested.
In the semi-final of the upper
bracket, Coleman previously had de-
feated F. Householder, who was a
member of the doubles team which
won the championship last summer.
Tn the Inwer bracket. Lewis won over

Judd Believes
Slump Is Test
Of Educationv
Must Economize Time asr
Well as Money, Teach
Broader Viewpoint i
Dr. Charles Hubbard Judd, dean ofd
the education school at the Univer-
sity of Chicago and nationally known
educator, told the education clubso
last night following a final banquett
at the Union that education must so
organize itself that the student willt
have a chance to see what the worldf
Depression days will prove thev
worth of education. Dr. Judd be-a
lieves, and he told nearly 200 edu-
cators that universities, secondarya
and primary schools will have tot
economize. Economy, he said, is note
so much a matter of money with me,f
although right now it is important,
but what I refer to is the economya
of human time.s
The frank, outspoken, criticaals
Chicagoan expressed his opinion that
educators can meet the crisis inL
spite of financial difficulties. Wee
have launched a great experiment,L
one that foreign countries are at-c
tempting to imitate, and it is up
to us to prove that it has been use-
ful, he said.1
Then turning to the "house with-
in" Dr. Judd claimed that education1
has been "over done." But we hadc
the right to, he claimed, althoughp
"now is the time for compacting
some of our courses, especially in thej
liberal arts colleges."
Dean Carl G. Huber, of the grad-t
uate school, spoke concerning the
growth of the graduate school at
Michigan, and pointed to the co-t
operation which has been obtained
with the School of Education.
Among the notables at the speak-,
ers table were Dean James B. Ed-
monson, Vice-president C 1 a r e n c e
Yoakum, Dr. Walter B. Pillsbury, of
the psychology department, and Dr.-
Charles Sink, president of the School
of Music faculty.
Walker Again Denies j
charges, Hits Seaburyj
ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 8.-(R)-
Mayor Walker reiterated his blanket
denial of official wrong-doings in a
communication to Gov. Franklin D.
Roosevelt today and accused Samuel
Seabury of "blatant hypocrisy."
Walker, who said he would go to
Albany probably tomorrow afternoon
to defend his conduct at a public
hearing before the governor, set for
Thursday, repeated his denial of mis-
conduct in a terse four-page docu-
Seabury recently filed with the
governor a rebuttal to the mayor's
-original denial of allegation looking
towards his removal from office, and
today's communication was in the
form of sub-rebuttal.
Declaring Seabury's rebuttal had
stated that the mayor was unwilling
to meet issues on their merits,
Walker said:
"I met every 'conclusion' on the
Seabury has supplied the governor
with his "conclusions" regarding evi-
dence adduced before the Hofstadter
investigation committee, and Mr.

All Foreigners
Galiten and Smith
Get First, Second
Helene Madison Captures
Free - Style 100 - Meter
With a Big Lead
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 8.-(/P)-
Mickey Riley Galiten, who placed
third in the 1928 games for the
United States, today won the spring
board diving championship of the
tenth Olympiad.
The United States took the first
three places as Harold Smith,
Mickey's team mate from the Los
Angeles A. C., finished second and
Richard Degener, from the Univer-
sity of Michigan, was third..
Galiten, a former National cham-
pion, scored 161.38 points almost
three more than Smith, who had
158.54. Degener's total was 151.52.
Both Degener and Galiten collect-
ed 18.48 points on their final dives,
while Smith finished off with 18.92.
The best of the foreign contingent
in the final test was Leo Essar, Ger-
man, who had 18.04.
Canadian Is Fourth
Alfred Phillips, Canada, pulled up
in fourth place with 134.64 points,
primarily on his points scored in the
five optional tests. The optional
dives of Leo Essar, Germany, also
brought him out of the ruck to close
in fifth, less than one point ahead
of Kazuo Kobayashi, Japan, who to-
taled 133.76.
With two championships decided,
the United States moved to the front
in the team championship race, with
a total of 27 points, as compared
with 18 for Japan, three for Canada
and two for Germany.
Going into the optional perform-
ances the three United States en-
trants set the pace. Degener execut-
ed a difficult one and one-half gainer
for an unofficial count of 20.24 points.
Galiten was credited with 18.90 for
a two and one-half forward somer-
sault, while Smith got 18.48 on the
same dive.
Kazuo Mobayashi, Japan, moved
upon his first optional, a running
one and one-half twist, scoring an
unofficial 16.72 to lead the foreign
Degener Gains on Rivals
Galiten and Smith lost ground to
Degener on the second optional, scor-
ing approximately 15.12 and 15.96
points, as compared with 16.38 un-
official points for the University of
Michigan acrobat. Mobayachi, of
Japan, took another step forward
with 15.54.
Galiten came back with a 19.78
total for a nearly perfect one and
one-half running gainer in the third
optional. Smith tried the same
thing with almost as good success,
scoring 19.32.
Degener's third optional, a for-
ward two and a half somersault,
netted him an unofficial 13.02 points,
while his fourth a two and a half
twist, was good for less than 15
Tetsutaro Namae, Japan, led the
invaders in the third, with 16.34 for
a half gainer. Galiten collected 18
points for a backward spring, and
one and a half somersault on his
fourth, while Smith tried a back-
ward spring, one and a half somer-
sault for 16.38 points. Andrew Phil-
lips collected 15.20 in this optional
as the leading opponent to the'Yan-
kee divers.
Helene Madison, the United States'
great woman free style swimmer,
won the first feminine aquatic title
when she swam to a decisive victory
in the 100-meter free style finals.
Judge O'Brien to Talk
At Socialist Meeting
Former circuit judge Patrick H.
O'Brien, of Detroit, candidate for
the Democratic nomination for gov-
ernor of the state of Michigan, will

lecture at 5 o'clock Thursday after-
noon in the Natural Science auditor-
ium. The meeting is sponsored by
the Student Socialist club.
At the same time, it was an-
nounced that James H. Maurer, can-
didate for vice-president of the
United States on the Socialist ticket
will speak at 8 o'clock Friday night
in the Ann Arbor high school audi-
torium. He was a candidate for the
same office in 1928, and for sixteen

ing Two Months
Taught 50 Years;
Came Here in 1892
Ended Active Service in
Economics Department'
Three Years Ago
Professor Emeritus Frederick Man-
ville Taylor, of the Economics de-1
partment, died at his home in South1
Pasadena, California, Sunday, after
a two months illness.
Professor Taylor had a career oft
50 years of active teaching. He re-
tired from active service in 1929 af-
ter teaching here at the University
of Michigan since 1892 when he came
here from Albion as an assistant pro-
Developed Many Teachers
He has always been highly es-
teemed by students and colleagues
alike and regarded as one of the
foremost teachers and scholars on
the Campus. Professor Taylor was
particularly noted for his ability to
develop good teachers and in scores
of colleges and universities through-
out the country his former students
are now holding positions and many
of them have achieved notable suc-
cess. Professor Taylor is also prom-
inent as the author of several books,
monographs and articles on 'Cur-
rency Reform' and other economic
topics, his "Principles of Economics"
going into the ninth edition. He re-
ceived an honorary LL.D. in 1926 at
Northwestern University, and for the
year 1928 he was president of the
American Economic Association. 1
Professor Taylor was born July 11,
1855, at Northville, Michigan. He re-
ceived his A.B. in 1876 at Northwest-1
ern and his M.A. in 1879 at the same
institution. He studied for a while at
Johns Hopkins University. He receiv-i
ed his Ph.D. in 1888 here at the Uni-
versity of Michigan. He began teach-
ing at Albion in 1879 as Professor1
of History. He came in 1892 here to,
the University of Michigan as an as-,
sistant professor, was promoted to
junior professor in 1894 and to a full
professorship in 1904.
He married Mary S. Brown of this
City in 1880 and made a host of
friends among the townspeople as
well as in the University.
Funeral to Be Held Here
Professor Taylor is survived by his
wife, Mary S. B. Taylor of South
Pasadena, a son, Edward C. Taylor,
of Milford, Michigan, and a daugh-
ter, Mrs. Richard Farrell, of Alham-
bra, California. Elmer Adams, a son-
in-law, is on the staff of the Detroit
News, and a daughter-in-law, Mrs.
S. B. Taylor, is on the staff of the
University Library.
It is expected that the burial serv-
ice will be held at the Forest Hill
Cemetery, in Ann Arbor next Satur-
Wants Co1mmittees
On Adjustment of
Racial Probletms
The next step in the solution of
difficulties of adjustment of the
white and negro races toward each
other will be the organization of
joint-committees to deal with inter-
racial problems, Prof. Lowell J. Carr
of the sociology department said in
a lecture yesterday afternoon at Na-
tural Science auditorium.
Professor Carr attacked what he
called white stereotype ideas of the
negro race. Many of these, he said,
were brought out by the Chicago
Race commission in its report after
the race riots of 1909, among which
were the ideas that the negro was
mentally and morally inferior to the
white, that he was physically unat-
tractive, inclined to be criminal and
highly emotional. The trouble, Pro-
fessor Carr said, was that the white
people were not interested in what
the negroes did except when they

were in some kind of trouble such
as a fight of court procedure.
Quoting government statistics Pro-
fessor Carr pointed out that there
were nine and one half million neg-
roes in the south and two and one
half millions in the north. In 1790,
he said, the negroes comprised one-
fifth of the population of the country
while according to the 1930 census
they constituted a mere nine per
cent. The negro population in the

Three Are Injured
In Two Automobile
Smash-Ups Monday
Three persons were injured in two
accidents yesterday afternoon.
E. C. Jordan, of Wichita, Kan.,
broke his arm and fractured several
ribs when the car he was driving was
hit by a car driven by Ernest Mayer
of Ann Arbor, at 5:30 o'clock yester-
day afternoon about three miles out
on Whitmore Lake road.
Jordan started to pass another car,
but as he saw he was about to hit
Mayer's car head-on, he turned into
the ditch. He was not fast enough
and was hit. The side of his car was
caved in, and the front of Mayer's
was completely smashed. Mrs. Mayer
also received minor injuries.
William Carstange, of Kalamazoo,
had his arm cut to the bone and
received minor bruises when the
truck he was riding in was hit and
turned over by another car driven
by J. L. Garrett yesterday at 5:30
o'clock on the cut-off at Liberty
The truck, driven by Harm Van
Zanten, Kalamazoo, was going south
on the cut-off at about 20 miles an
hour when Garrett came down Lib-
erty and, not being able to see the
truck because of the gas station and
bushes in the way, kept on going and
knocked over the truck.
Head Hunters
Act in Spirit
0 f Collectors
Captain Von Hoffman Tells
Of Customs of Tribes on
Island of Formosa
A story of the "head-takers" of
Formosa, the "beautiful Isle," their
primitive customs, their drinking of
the blood brotherhood, and their
rapid trend towards extinction was
told last night by Capt. Carl von
Hoffman, noted ethnologist and ex-
plorer, in his lecture in Hill auditor-
"These people," von Hoffman as-
serted, "are highly moral, rather in-
telligent, and share all their goods
and food on a communal plan. They
are often artists and musicians."
Head-hunting, he stated, is not
simply savagry or revenge. Often it
is done with the spirit of the collec-

Mayor Orders
Quiz in Police
Methods Here
Commissioners to Consider
Charges Against Their
Departient Tonight
Michelsen's Case
Will Be Reviewed
Chief O'Brien, Back from
Vacation, Will Not Take
Part in Controversy
An investigation was ordered yes-
terday by Mayor H. Wirt Newkirk
into the practices of the Ann Arbor
The session is scheduled for 7:30
o'clock tonight in the City Hall when
the police commissioners, Mayor
Newkirk, Daily investigators and wit-
nesses will consider charges of "dis-
courtesy" and "false arrest" on the
part of the local department.
The group will also consider the
case of Patrolman Michelsen who is
alleged to have called state educators
who are enrolled in the Summer Ses-
sion abusive names.
Continue Drive
The drive continued yesterday with
the tagging of many motorists. Reg-
ulations which thelocal department
are attempting to enforce are printed
on page four of this paper.



Chapin Installed
As Head of U.


Business Bureau

WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. - (W) -
Hopeful that American business will
continue to improve, Roy D. Chapin,
fifty-two-year-old Detroit automo-
bile manufacturer, took office today
as Secretary of Commerce.
To his predecessor, Robert P. La-
mont, of Chicago, who was present
when he was sworn, the newest mem-
ber of President Hoover's cabinet
expressed gratification at the "un-
mistakably better tone that now
prevails in our industries and marts
of trade."
Meanwhile, Franklin W. F o r t,
chairman of the new Home Loan
Bank Board, held preliminary con-
ferences with the board members to
rush organization of this Federal
machinery-set up by Congress at
the President's request to ease the
financial worries of home owners and
to stimulate home construction.
The first problem is the selection
of the sites for the eight to 12 banks
which are to be established. The ini-
tial formal meeting of the Board
will be held tomorrow. All the di-
rectors appointed Saturday-Nathan
Adams, Dallas; Dr. John M. Gries,
Rosewood, 0; H. Morton Bodfish,
Chicago, and William E. Best, Pitts-
hAina-nr _.a na ne.tA. +r hP nrac

."Again," he continued, " the taking
of a head must be accomplished by
the young man if he is to be accept-s
ed by the tribe as an adult memmbera
or if he is to win the woman of his9
choice. The practice may be used toy
settle an argument, the first to bring
in a head being acclaimed in thes
right. Or a head may be taken toc
dispel a wrong accusation or an at-s
tack by the ancestrial spirits."s
Often the practice, von Hoffmans
said, is a show of gratitude. He toldv
the story of a Chinese mandarinr
whose head was put on the tribalt
shelf out of gratitude because he had
taught them the use of slate in the
building of their houses.1
Only one tribe in the interior ofc
Formosa, he continued, has donec
away with the practice of sacrificingt
human heads. This tribe uses the
jawbone of the warthog and was won
over to this custom by the personal
sacrifice of a beloved Chinese man-
darin, he said.
The Japanese census for 1923 shows
about 84,000 aborigines on the is-
land while a 1921 count, now forbid-
den to all shows more than 134,000
persons. Von Hoffman attributed the,
drop to intertribal wars, guerilla at-7
tacks by Japanese outposts, and tu-+
Japanese, he said, claim that the
practice of sacrificing the human
head had been eradicated from the
mountain fastnesses of the tribes. It
continues as before, he asserted, but
the sacrificial shelves are now hid-
den from sight.
233 Students Expect
Degrees This Summer
233 students in the Summer Ses-
sion expect to obtain their degrees
t at the end of this term, it was an-
nounced yesterday. The tentative
list does not, however, include stu-
dents in the graduate schol.
The number that will graduate
from each college, provided their rec-
ords are all satisfactory, is as fol-
lows: Literature, Science and Arts:
73; Engineering: 46; Education: 35;
Architecture: 32; Law: 25; Music 17;
Business Administration: 2; Phar-
macv: 2: Medicine: 1.

Witnesses of the Michelsen epi-
sode in front of the Union last
Friday afternoon with whom The
Daily has not been in touch are
requested to call or see the city
editor or his assistant today. Any-
one who wishes to register com-
plaints against the police should
also call or visit The Daily offices
today before the special session
with the commissioners, or at-
tend in person.
Chief Thomas O'Brien yesterday
refused to enter into the controversy
concerning the recent police war on
traffic violations. He said that his
vacation would not be up for an-
other week, and that he had noth-
ing to say. Citizens expressed the
opinion yesterday that Commissioner
William L. Dawson is the "power be-
hind the throne" at headquarters,
and that others who have been influ-
ential in the past are now only mere
Warrants Threatened
Miss Louise Walter, Summer Ses-
sion student from Detroit, registered
a complaint because of her arrest for
going over 20 miles per hour on
Washtenaw avenue in an attempt to
make an 8 o'clock class. Miss Walter
stated that she understood that her
case had been dismissed, and that
she was surprised when she received
a letter from Justice Jay Payne
stating that he would issue a bench
warrant for her arrest unless she
paid $14.55 before the close of court
Miss Walter admitted to pleading
guilty, but said that she thought she
had been treated unfairly as the
car was traveling at a moderate rate
of speed, and because there was lit-
tle traffic on the avenue at that time.
Hay Fever Forces
Coolidge to Desert
Hoover Notification
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-(R) -
White House officials today an-
nounced that Calvin Coolidge had
declined an invitation to be present
at President Hoover's notification
ceremonies next Thursday, because
he is troubled with hay fever.
One of Mr. Hoover's secretaries
said the former President was sus-
ceptible to hay fever and that his
difficulty was increased by dust and
floating pollen when he traveled.
It was said officially that the Pres-
ident and Mrs. Hoover had invited
both Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge to be
their guests at the White House dur-
ing the notification ceremonies, but
that a letter had been received from
the former President "expressing sin-
cere regret," because of the possibil-
ity of aggravating the hay fever.
The Chief Executive received "re-
grets" also from James Francis
Burke, counsel for the Republican
National Committee, and James A.
Garfield, chairman of the commit-
tee which drafted the Republican
prohibition plank at the Chicago
Convention. Burke conferred with
the President twice during the day
and Garfield three times.

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