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August 04, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-08-04

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Established 1890

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480 ro 4 Sa~anv C' j~o,.r'u

Published every morning except Monday during the
UnIversity year and Summer Sesion by the Board in
Control of Student Pubiications. .
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
deiptches are reserved.
En4tered at the Post 'Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
se ond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by rnail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offces: Student Publications Building, Maynard-Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
ReBpresentatives: Littell-Murray-Rutsky, Inc., 40 Easi
Thirty-fourth Street, New York City; 80 y9.ylst 4Street,
Boston, Mass.; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Il.
Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
Editorial Director.....................Beach Conger, Jr.
City Editor................ ........Carl S. Forsythe
State Editor..........David M. Nichol
News Editor.... .....................1enton Kunze
Telegraph Editor.... .............Thomas Connellan
Sprts Editor .,.... ...C. H. Beukema
office Hours: 9-12; 2-5 except Saturdays
Busisess Manager......... ...... Charles T. Kline
Assistant Business Manager..........Norris. P. Johnson
Circulation Manager ..................Clinton B. Conger
THURSDAY, AUG. 4, 1932
The New Courses in
The Extension Dlivision.
Summer Session students who do not plan on
returning to the University during the regular year
might do well to obtain a copy of the Extension
Division courses offered next year before return-
ing home. This latest University bulletin ' lists
63 courses which will be given, most of them for
credit, in 11 of the principal cities in Michigan.
It has been the policy of the University for a
long period of time to offer regular courses in
these cities for those alumni and undergraduates
who have found it impossible'to return to school
but have time to continue their education in the
evening periods, when these classes are offered.
The enrollment in these courses has grown until
now the Extension work, under the direction of
Prof. Henaerson, constitutes a separate division.
Graduate students working toward a master's
degree may take six credit hours by means of
the Extension courses in any number of fields-
Education, English, Political Science, Economics
an, numerous techncial courses. The project is
one of the most worth-while sponsored by the
Universtiy in an attempt to extend its educational
opportunities ' to the entire state, and deserves
the attention of all students.
, Campus Opinions
Letters published in this column should hot be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
D'aily. Anonymous communications will be disre-1
garded. The names of communicants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidentil upon request.
Contributors are asked to be brief, confiing hem-
selves to lessathan 300 words if possible.
To the Editor:
In his setond communication to you, Mr. Elmer
Akers says he talked with "one of ou: professors"
whose statements he paraphrases as follows: "Pro-
testing it, as worse than useless to try to relate
to our own lives and problems of society most of
the materials taught in the Colleges of Litera-
ture, S ence, and the Arts, he instanced as ex-
amples of this insusceptibility the writings of
Plato and Milton."- This remark seems somewhat
extraordinary; had it been limited to "problems
of society" it might have passed without comment;
but, according to Mr. Akers, the professor pro-
tested that it is 'worse than' useless" to try to
relate a liberal education "to our own lives." I
cannot believe that many professors, or students,
would subscribe to that statement.
However, I had a conversation with Mr. Akers
the morning his first letter was printed, and it
occurs to me that possibly he had me .in mind
in this reference. I am therefore asking space
in your columns in order that I may absolutely
and categorically deny that I subscribe to the
statement attributed to "one of our professors."
I failed miserably when I tried orally to explain
my ideas to Mr. Akers; perhaps I may succeed
better in print.

Mr. Akers said: "Until a man can show us in
what respect the materials he teaches are ger-
mane to our contemporary problems, he is unfit
to be on a university faculty-certainly not the
faculty of a state university." That is, learning
is valuable to a commonwealth only as it is "ger-
mane to our contemporary problems" and this
utilitarian test is particularly important in .a state
university; Harvard and Yale may be permitted
a different standard. And Mr. Akers thinks that
it would be a good idea for all incipient teachers
to ublish pamphlets stating the bearing of their
sub ects upon contemporary life; I take it he
wants something pretty close and tangible, if
possible, something bearing on unemployment.
Now, what I said to Mr. Akers is that only
a small part of a truly liberal education can have
any such direct bearing on contemporary prob-
lems. I said that the greatest and most enduring
value of education is indirect; and that Milton
and Plato will be more valuable to us if we study
them in a disinterested spirit, in order to under-

greatest value to our modern civilization. No
teacher thinks that his work is without value;
but unless he is an egregious egoist and an in-
tolerable bore he does not constantly advertise
it and "sell" it. It is entirely to the credit of a
teacher that he scorns to play the role of pseudo-
sociologist. What My. Akers wants in the class
rooms of the university is a teaching technique
which will constantly relate all studies to our own
contemporary problems. I objected to him that
in such studies as have only an indirect value,
such a technique is impossible, and that in cer-
tain other studies it is undesirable. I said that
it is not possible teach Chaucer with reference
to rising or falling of stock markets or increase
of unemployment.- But Ir. Akers has spent his
years in the graduate school to little profit if
he thinks I implied that the study of Chaucer
is without value in modern life.
I repeat, what I objected to is a utilitarian
standard for higher educatioi. The various "re-
lations" of ,education and life are too complex to
be stated in a newspaper communication, and I
seriously doubt that they would be adequately
handled even in a flood of pamphlets by inex-
perienced candidates for teaching positions.
I believe that one of the important aims of edu-
cation should be to impart a passionate devotion
to truth and willingness to undergo the scholarly
discipline necessary to attain it. And I recall
that Mr. Robert Frost once' said that the purpose
of a liberal education is to save us from being
made fools of either by adversity or prosperity.
We in America have been badly in need of ,that
kind of education in the last ten years.
This was the line of argument I took wit
Mr. Akers, and he will remember that I enriched
by,discourse with many illustrations which space
forbids my repeating here. I have nothing tq say
to his secondletter, solemnly demonstrating that
Plat and Milton were interested in the problems
of their own tines, which no one will dispute
But Mr. Akers seems to think that they are badly
studied in Anti Arbor at the present time unless
they are taught with constant reference to
Detroit; and that is another matter. Neither do
I wish to coerce Mr. Akers into believing that the
teaching he has suffered from at Michigan for
two years has been good. What I tried to say
to Mr. Akers is that, in my opinion, his principles
of education do not permit him to recognize that
kind of education which, in the long run, is of
the greatest value to society and has the deepest
relation to modern life.
14Louis I. Bredvold.

venient as they were, were supported by the
summer school students as a very good means
of social activity during the summer session.
Last year, for the first time; a summer prom
was given. This w&s managed by a student com-
mittee in the same manner that the large winter
dances are managed, and it was certainly a.
success. This year the committee went a step
further to hold two mixer dances for the purpose
of getting people on the campus acquainted with
each other before the Summer Prom. The Sum-
mer Prom has now become established as the
one event during the short session of the Uni-
versity that is supported by and from the student
body. The results at this. year's prom indicated
to the satsifaction of everyone concerned that
it is here to stay and that the two mixer dances
were beneficial in more ways than one.
Now, taking over the entire social .calendar
for the summer session, the Prom committee i
holding another mixer dance. This post-Prom
affair is to be out of doors, on the court that
was built behind the Delta Phi house when th(
University eskating rink was constructed. This
will probably be the first summer school dance
that was ever held that was managed and locat-
on the campus. This court was used for the
annual Pierrot formal during the spring semester,
and the success of this dance under the w. k.
"moon, 'n stars, 'n everything" congratulates in
advance the Prom committee for the continuance
of their work for a real summer program of




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IMusic and Drama
An opportunity to hear a program coiposed
solely of American music is appreciated by music
lovers, considering -the number of people in evi-
dence Tuesday evening' Mr. Christian, organist,
and Mr. Brinkman, pianist, were the artists on
this occasion.
The "Prelude on the Traditional VIebrew
Melody, 'Mooz Zur' " by Milligan was given a
quiet, masterly interpretation by Mr. Christian.
He played with complete understanding and ap-
'preciation throughout the evening. Jepson's
"Pantomime" proved VTo be a dainty bit of whimsy
which darted impetuously toward a humorous
close and created a refreshing interlude between
the Milligan and James' Andante Cantabile
movement from the sonata for organ. This last
was the most ambitious of the group and lovely
in a soft, hushed way.
Mr. Brinkman's solo numbers included two of
his own compositions-"Song and Dance" and
the Andantino r1ovement from his sonata for
piano-"Diversio's" by Carpenter, and Sowerby's
"Cant=~ Heroicus." Mr. Brinkman showed not
only in his playing but in his compositions that
he is in full, sympathetic accord with modern
music. He aptly characterized the various moods
he attempted.. The Crapenter was rhythmical
and attractive, and warmly applauded. The "Song
and Dance" was introduced by a slow succession
of chords which continued as accompaniment to
a brilliant snatch of melody in the treble. The
movement of the piece generally was evenly sus-
tained at a moderate tempo buthurried into a
' ; aster, syncopated rhythm toward the end. The
andantino has been played here before and gains
in each hearing. It shows an orderly mind and
one technically able to use the modern idiom
fluently. The austere, noble "Cantus Heroicus"
concluding the group.
The final number was "Medieval Poem" for
organ and piano. This is Sowerby's most im-
portant work and was well worth hearing. The
co-ordination between Mr. Brinkman and Mr.
Christian was fine. Together their production
was one of true musicianship. The use of voice
toward the end of the poem was startling and
One remembers with regret that this is the
last performance of Mr. Brinkman and Mr.
Christian in Ann Arbor before the fall term.
M. A. S.
Prof. Hanns Pick, with his class in Chamber
Music, assisted by Mr. Dalies Frantz and Mr.
George Poinar, both former students in the class,
will give a public recital at 8:15 o'clock tonight
in Hill auditorium. The program is as follows:
Allegro Brillante, from the Quintet for
Piano, Violins, Viola and 'Cello ... Schumann
Lento, from the Quintet for Harp, Flute,
- Violin, Viola and 'Cello .. . ............Cras
Concerto for Piano, Violin and String
Dalies Frantz, Piano; George Poinar, Violin
Allegro Vivace, from the Quartet in G
major, fpr Mozart 2 violins, Viola and
'Cello................. .. .......... Mozart
Septet for Trumpet, Violins, Viola, 'Cello,
Double bass and Piano ..........Saint-Saens
*The members of the Chamber Music Class,
participating in this program, are Piano, Sister
Canice; Dalies Franta; Dorothy O'Brien: Violin
and Viola, Lynn Bogart; Harlan Bond; Mary
Cotner; Earl Mayo; George Poinar; Nathan
Rosenbluth; Matthew Shoemaker; Earl Slocum;
Beatrice Thorpe; Emerson Van Cleeve; Violon-
cello, Warren Babcock; Lucile Hoffman; Ellen
Nelson; Marian Works: Bass, Earl Slocum: Harpe,
Ruth Pfohl: Flute, Earl Slocum: Trumpet James
Editorial Comment

A Washington
By Kirke Simps n.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 3.-(AP)-It would be dif-
ficult not to read into Rep. John Q. Tilson's an-
nouncement, of his impending retirement from
congress evidence of his disappointment at loss
of his place as Republican leader in the house to
Snell of New York.
"If the service I might reasonably expect to
render here during the next few year's appeared
to be of an important comparable to that I had
the privilege of rendering during the last three
congresses under Republican control, I should
still deem it my duty to stay here just as long as
my own people approve," the Connecticut veteran
Other Reasons-Maybe
There could be other reasons for Tilson's deter-
mination, after 22 years in the Douse, not only
not to run for re-election, but to resign his seat
in the present house.
From a majority of around 20,000 in the 1926
election his lead fell off to some 6,000 in 1928 and
to little more than 5,000 in 1930. He then had the
prestige of his leadership to aid him.
Tilson became an active candidate for Republi-
can leadership honors on Longworth's death. His
intimacy with President Hoover was a factor in
his race, yet Snell outstripped him.
Since then, even at the Chicago convention,
Tilson has been evidently somewhat unhappy in
his house environment. He has seen his successful
rival, Snell, boom to the front.
Snell was permanent chairman of the conven-
tion. Snell was selected to notify President Hoo-
ver of his nomination. Those are some of 'the
plums that go with even minority leadership.
Presumably Tilson's plans for retirement were
known to Chairman Sanders of the Republican
national committee when assignments of man-
agers for the speakers' bureau of the committee
were made for the coming campaign. Tilson was
then slated to handle that problem in eastern
territory while Representative Ramseyer of Iowa
was picked for a like function in the western cam-
These two appointments attracted considerable
attention in Washington, since Ramseyer was de-
feated for re-nomination in the primaries and
now Tilson has announced his voluntary politial
retirement. Heretofore it has fnot been customary
to charge defeated or retiring party stalwarts with
such responsibilities.
When Tilson leaves the house, presumably after
election, only Snell will remain as a /reminder of
that old triumvirate of Republican house man-
agement-Longworth, Tilson and Snell.
Return of Senator Wadsworth.
The return of former Senator James Wads-
worth of New York to the political arena as a
seeker after a seit in the house is a news fact
worthy of note.
It is not so often since the earliest days of the
republic that senators, so known even by courtesy
of past service, have been willing to exchange the
title for representative.
" The late Theodore Burton was a shining ex-
ample of a former senator returning to serve in
the house.
The Ohioan twice passed through the larger to
the small circle in congress. Yet on both occa-
sions it was clear he was aiming at senatorial
honors when he sought, election to the house.
The only other former senator of recent times
to go into the house was."Uncle Billy" Mason of
Illinois. After several years in the house, he serv-
ed one senate term, 1897-03, did another political
retirement, then returned to the house, of which
he was a member when he died.
One of Many
Senator Wadsworth is a member of that rather
numerous group of wealthy and socially promin-
ent New Yorkers who have turned to national
politics. Governor Roosevelt and his distant
cousin, "Young Teddy," as well as Secretary Mills,
are of the same lot and there are many others
who could be named.
And, like Governor Roosevelt's, Jimmie Wads-
worth's career has been more or less influenced
by the political needs of Al Smith of New York
if political onlookers have the right of what hap-
pened. The fact that one was a Democrat and the
other a Republican did not bar a Smith-Wds-
worth friendship that ultimately may have cost
Wadsworth his senate seat.
. ', Campaign Angles
It will be recalled that Wadsworth was defeated

by Senator Robert F. Wagner, also a close friend
of the then New York governor, Smith. As the
story went then, some question arose as to Smith's
personal attitude toward Wadsworth's candidacy
for re-election which i made it expedient that
doubt should be cleared away for the sake of the
governor's own re-election campaign.
Wagner was serving on the state sunreme bench

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