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July 29, 1932 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1932-07-29

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ie Michigan Daily
Established 1890

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Music and Drama
Again Miss Thelma Lewis, soprano, and the
School of Music'trio have presented a worthwhile
program. This is their second appearance of the
In the Dohnanyi 1"Konzertstuck" one had an
opportinity to inspect Mr. Pick's work at close
range. He is a real musician and has a careful,
thorough attitude toward his work that is ad-
mirable. His tone as mellow and he had his in-
strument well under control at tll times. But one

"Y {{I ": rev ; Al ve t( P6n f b, *'s.¢s++.mCmro A.a++.Hts nra+'s

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatch~ credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special Gate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster General.

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$1,50.During regular school " year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50
Ofces: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
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Office Hours: 2-12 P.M.
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Circulation Manager ..................Clinton B. Conger
FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1932
A New Era For
International Affairs. ..
The recently concluded Conference for Teach-
ers of Internatignal Law, held under the auspices
of the ,Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, is, in a way, an. indication of an era of a


adverse criticism can be offered. He was artis-
tically too soft for concert work. Mr. Brinkham
played in the fluent, expert manner that has come
to be expected of him by his audiences. The
piece itself was long and repetitious but the per-
formers saved it from any tediousness because of
their spirited hold on it.
Brahms' "Trio, Opus 101, C Minor" followed the
Dohnanyi. It contrasted very favoraibly, having
a heaviness, a substance that the other lacked.
In comparison to Mr. Pick's almost phenomenal
sense of pitch, Mr. Besekirsky flatted much too
frequently. This is a regrettable point about the
ensemble work of the trio as in other respects
they have achieved a close union wherein no one
member brings himself conspicuously to the fore.
In thir way, they have caught the spirit of the
ensemble and have capably interpreted the works
they have presented. '
Miss Lewis' selections were well chosen. Ravel's
"Nicolette was particularly good. Tonight's per-
formance was one of the best she has given. Her
enunciation was noticeable in its clearness. The
Strauss "Traumr durch die Dammerung" and the
two Scandinavian numbers possessed real warmth
and depth, and were enthusiastically received.
Marz' "Waaldseligkeit" was the least 'irkteresting
of the group.
There was a clear sparkle and life in Tansman's
"Serenade," the next and last offering of the trio:.
It is one of those modern pieces that, because of
its evident r vitality, is not tiring. And, in being
one of "those" pieces, it is placed in quite a select
group. Too many are jumbled needlessly. This
Taansman was complicated but it created a rea-
son for its existence by achieving the effect it
desired. The syncopated Scherzo brought the
evening to an exciting close.
_ . A. S.

nw diplomacy. It heralds a fuller measure c
ticipation by scholars in international affair;
International law has always been intended, i
its war aspects, as a limitation upon war of th
ruthless type. Its success in this field has bee
debated. But there have been few people, in re
lation to the millions inhabiting the earth, wh
have had any conception of its aims and method;
The conference was called in order to bring abot
a better understanding of outstanding problem
in is field so that a greater number of citizen
might learn the fundamentals of this scienc
from those attending. And such an understand
ing on the part of citizens should bring about, a
a result, a greater measure of interest and parti
cipation in international affairs.
Diplomacy has been left largely to politician
as a result of the 'nature of our governmen
Scholars have rarely been consulted, or their ad
vice followed. A notable example of their un
heeded presence 'took place at the Versaille
Peace Conference, when some, of the most famou
economists argued in vain that Germany coul
not at that time or any future period pay th
enormous indemnities the politicians propose
,to place upon that nation. It took thirteen year
for the governmental officials to realize the ac
curacy of this predictio.
Political leaders, very logically, argue that th
economist or the political scientist does not hav
to answer to a certain constituency for his ac
tions, and that therefore his advice can not b
heeded by the former. This I undoubtedly, du
to a lack of knowledge on the part of the average
citizen of the mechanics of international inter
course, financial or political. The scholar, it i
alleged, has for his standards theoretical, but im.
practicalm ideals, which cannot bring any degre
of success to a conference at which tight-fiste
diplomats gather.
This argument may. have had some truth to i
thirteen years ago. At that time a scholar, ar
idealist, as chief executive of the United States
headed his country's delegation to the Peace Con-
ferelace. His scholarly idealism proved .to be too
advanced for his time, even as the arguments
of Sir Josiah Stamp on the question of repara-
tions. 'But times have changed.
Today international relations play a much more
important role than ever before. The advice of
scholars is heard by more people, as witness the
attendance at the lectures sponsored by the re-
cent Conference. For probably the first time in
the history of the United States, a non-political
member, Dr. Mary Emma Woolley, was appointed
to the Geneva disarmament delegation. Formerly
non-political members went as technical advi-
sors, and 'they had no votes in making decisions.
The outcome of the reparations settlements at
Geneva, although they may be changed, has
shown the international community that it is on
the right track. No longer do people implicitly
believe, as Prof. George Grafton Wilson pointed
out, that the mere fact of incorporation of a few
sentences in black and white into a treaty can
make certain conditions real. The world is tend-
ing to adopt an idealistic theory in regard to in-
ternational relations, a point of view which Pres-
ident Wilson held, unfortunately, too early; a
point of view which has furnished one of ty
bases for international law, the ethical or law-of-
reason basis, a law which acts on the principles
of justice rather than tradition. And the spread
'nI +h _rnsil a p~aiia ,,,innofa em n

A Review of a Faculty Exhibition
It is both stimulating and gratifying to find a
group of .paintings on our own, campus and by
painters associated with the Architectural Faculty
which dispel the notion that modern art is be-
coming an enigma of psychic phenomena, defy-
ing the intellects of the most eager to discover
the justification for its having been recorded on
In this exhibition, which hangs in the first floor
corridor of the College of Architecture building,
the work of A. Mastro Va4erio, instructor iOut-
door Painting this summer, is especially com-
mendable not only because of the variety of sub-
ject-matter shown but also because of his mas-
terful use of three mediums, in all of which he
achieves that ineffable subtlety wlgich disting-
uishes an artist from a painter. Fine draughts-
manship together with a delicate grace of form
combine with a strong and vigorous feeling for
design. In Mr. Vario's oils, water colors, etch-
ings, and aquatints. This feeling for design and
pattern is best explained in his oils by the still
life, A Vase of Zinias, and in a composition of
Frederick Aldrich's pastel , landscape demon-
strates a powerful command of both medium
and subject in an unusual technique and an ex-
cellent/ composition. His still life in the same
medium possesses an exquisite color pattern and
a keen sensitivity to texture.
Ernest Harrison Barnes, who studied under the
famous American landscape artist, Charles H.
Davis, exhibits a group of very winsome but very
restrained composition in the fine dignity of the
Academic School. There is a softness of color in
his work and a Wordsworithian love of nature.
The water colors of Jean Paul Slusser and My-
ron Chapin are healthful, energetic expressions,
spontaneous and vigorous, in which one feels the
essential joy which must have accompanied these
artists in producing these works. However, it is
becoming more and more difficult to distinguish
the work of Mr. Chapin from that of Mr. Slusser,
and although it is excellent water color technique
this is decidedly unfortunate for both of them.
On the whole, the exhibition is refreshing and
interesting because of the reassuring quality of
fine painting.

help themselves and thwart every effort to bring
back the normal order.of things in the fields?
Could it be that they have become accustomed
to hiving off the gleanings of the relief organiza-
tions and the county? There is little doubt that
any relief organization will break down in the
face of such obstacles as the miners themselves
are placing in the path to normalcy. Why should
the rest of us, through our own kind-heartedness
be the ones who must support a group that will
not move out of their own tracks to help them-
selves and the rest of Illinois'neighboring indus
try that hinges largely upon the opening of tie
Coal dealers within the state have been forced
to order that 'winter's coal from other foreign
fields in the face of tl e obstinancy and stubborn-
ness of the Illinois miners ip settling up on the
wage question. During a time such as the present
there is little excuse for the miners to hold their
present views. Everyone is going to have to put
up with a wage cut if we all are to survive with
our present industrial structure. The wage scale
pesented by the joint committee of miners' and
operators' representatives was almost unanimous-
ly rejected in the referendum vote.
Of course, we maintain and support relief or-
ganizations and poor relief funds within the state
government for a good purpose, but it is hardly
within the scope of this good purpose to support
indefinitely people who will not make any move
to co-operate in their own interests. Indefinitely
is a long time to support such a group. Relief or-
ganizations are primarily designed to be used in
emergencies and not be set up as permanent or-
ganizations supporting the population of a locality
all the time.
When a relief organization comes to be expect-
ed to support any delinquent group continually
for an extended period of mohths when that same
group has had opportunities to help themselves
the whole idea comes to nothing more or less than
a dole or government supported society. It would
not be so bad if the agreements the mners were
asked to sign were out of the question and oppres-
sive to their own interests the whole situation
would be justifiable from all viewpoints. The
facts remain, however, that the miners have re-
fused to agree to wage scales that are relatively
higher than those of the neighboring fields and
much higher than those in some of the eastern
and southern fields. Making allowances for the
higher efficiency of labor in this region and high-
er quality and consequently profit that the coal
brings we still maintain that the miners are un-
reasonable in their action of rejecting the pro-
posed wage scale.
We again voice our hopes that the Midwest
college committee for investigation of relief in
southern Illinois coal fields is successful in its trip
next month and hope that their work will result
in at least a partial correction of the situation,
but we do not believe that a group with such
short-sightedness deserves even this much atten-
tion from a supposedly enlightened society of
which we are members.
A Wash ington
By Kirke Simpson
WASHINGTON, July 28.--AP)-For a man
who has just been given by acclamation the
second highest honor his party can bestow, John
Nance Garner of Texas still gocks a very scornful
eye at the vice presidency.
"I hold the most powerful position in this gov-
ernment excepting that of President," he said to
the Texas folk who welcomed biim at Dallas.
That is still Garner's estimate of the speaker-
ship. Yet he is, presumably, surrendering it for
a chance at the vice presidency. He is accepting
demotion, in his own eyes at least. Why?
Drawing Garner's Fire
As The Bystander has before said, President
Hoover's "pork-barrel" shots at relief measures
sponsored by Garner seem to have jarred the bel-
ligerent Texan out of his serene satisfaction with
his present political status. It was that Hoover
remark which drew Garner fire in his Texas talks
every time.
"This is the first time In more than 20 years I
have made an electioneering speech and the first
time in that interval I have addressed an audi-
ence outside the Hbuse," Garner also said at Dal-
That is a remarkable record for a man who has
been coming back to congress every two years all
that time. Garner has not even troubled to mail
copies of his house speeches to his Texas consti-
tuents. So it is clear that in accepting the vice
presidential nomination, it was not just a yearn-
ing to hear himself talk that moved him.

What he is after is to reply to the Hoover pork-
barrel charge under circumstances that will in-
sure him a national audience. As vice presidential
candidate he can be sure of that.
That Hoover "pork-barrel" expression is going
to have a niche all its own in 1932 campaign his-
tory because it got under Garner's skin.
Campus opinion
Letters published in this cnlumn should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communicateans will be disre-
garded. The names of commufficants will, how-
ever, be regarded as confidential upon , request.
Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them-
selves to less than 300 words if possible.









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Editorial Comment

(Daily Illini)
The Midwest college committee for investiga-
tion of relief in the southern Illinois coal fields
has announced its first trip into southern Illinois.
This trip is for the purpose of investigation and
relief of those living in that region.
Food and ioney for the needy are to be carried
on this trip. These are to be distributed in the
places where it is alleged that public relief agen-
cies have broken down, according to the findings
of this group. Ten mid-western colleges and uni-
versities are sending representatives with this
party of 44. The University is included in this
group with a party for the investigation.
Perhaps the trip will be a definite success and
a step forward in the sociological research and
reliedf work connected with the deplorable condi-
tion surrounding the Illinois mint conditions. We
sincerely hope that this endeavor is greeted with
success, but there are conditions that make this
result doubtful.
Remember the little expedition of Columbia
university students that went into Harlan county
and Bell county in Kentucky to investigate the
local conditions. We do not believe that Franklin
county will be so rude as to treat the Midwest,
committee in this manner, especially as they plan
on taking something definite in the way of relief
funds with them. Franklin county will in all
probability not exactly appreciate the visit, but
they might at least profit by it. Collegiate groups
that set out to right the ills in the world are
usually greeted by cat-calls and peers, but they
sometimes do some good if they are properly
Publicity of the committee's findings will be

To The Editor Mr. Elmer Akers (M.A. '31) seems
to be somewhat lathered up on the subject of In-
struction and Life. He derrogates the Newman
conception of education, asserting that it is
wrong. Most of his fellow students would agree
with him, he thinks. Of course, Newman may have
slipped in his thinking; yet I am inclined to pre-
fer his conclusion to that of M.A. '31, who has
apparently studied life (including the erudite
publication by that name) more than his text-
books. It is apparent that "people in positions
of power and- responsibility" (college graduates)
fmay have spent more time on the fraternity porch
than in the library. That's the reason they view
this "great economic depression--the greatest we
know anything about-" with the wide perspec-
tive gained in the 1930 depression. Oh no! M.A.
'31 feels 'that the professors of those in power
failed to teach them "to apply to life the ideas
they are supposed to have gotton from books."
If anything, the professors did not teach them
enough of the books.
My dear young friend, after you are able to



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