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July 29, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1932-07-29

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The Weather
Generally fair Friday and
Saturday. Somewhat warmer

L r. e

.ift ia



A New Era For International

Official Publication of The Summer Session


Badger T ells
Of Medieval
Salt Industry
Guilds Regulated Produc-
tion Rigidly in Middle
Ages, He Declares
Assured Community
Of Fair Prosperity
Output Limited to Make
Stabilization of Prices
Possible, He Says
Death was the l enalty in Germany
during the Middle Ages for salt man-
ufacturers who produced more than a
stipulated amount of their product
each week, Prof. Walter L. Badger
said yesterday in a. University lec-
The salt iidusty from 1300 to
1770 was highly organized, and high-
ly socialized, he continued. Practi-
cally every move made by the pro-
ducers of salt was regulated by the
The, panrjers would report to the
guild every Saturday morning the
exact amount of salt they had pro-
duced. After all the figures had been
compiled, each panner would be no-
tified as to how much salt he could
manufacture during the ensuing
week. Death was the penalty im-
posed for those who produced in ac-
cess of this amount.
Carriers Envied
Positions in the salt factories were
much sought after, Professor Badger
said, as they carried a good remun-
eration and great respect in: the com-
munity. Even the carriers were en-
vied by the less fortunate citizens.'
The main purpose of the guild was
to regulate business so that the com-
munity would be assured of fair
prosperity at all times. It therefore
set the prices. at which products in-
volved must be bought and sold. The
maxirhum capacity of the factory at
Halle, Germany, was 100 tons per1
week, but in order to prevent over-
production, the out-put was 300 tons
per year.
Qualifications for those working at
the factories were very exacting, Pro-
fessor Bdger said. For example, a
panner had to be a married man,
own his home which he had inherit-
ed, possess a considerable amount
of taxable property, in addition to
many less important requirements.
Most positions were for life, un-
less for disobedience of one of the
regulations the individual was expel-
led from the factory.
Paid by Guild
Each-worker was paid by the guild,
continued Professor Badger, and in
cases when he took ill, he received
his share just the same. A compar-
atively large sum of money was also
set aside for charitable purposes,
such as for widows, orphans and the
The three main sources of salt
were by evaporation of sea water,
mining the rock salt, and evapora-
tion of brine from salt wells.
In the brine process, which pre-
vailed at Halle, Germany, the wood
was the controlling factor of the
price of salt. Once a year a com-
mittee was appointed to take six
cords of wood, after the panners had
made their contracts for the current
\ year, and find out how much salt
would result from theheat given off
by the wood. From this figure the
price of salt was determined, he said.
Mayor Says Investigation
Was Political Frame-up

ALBANY, N. Y., July 28.-(AP)-
Mayor Walker termed himself a spe-
cial target of misrepresentation by a
slashing rebuttal ,tonight to the re-
moval charges before Gov. Roosevelt
as a result of the Samuel Seabury
investigation into the Walker admin-
istration of New York City.
In a 27,000 word answer the Mayor
traced the history of the legislative
committee before which he appeared
and made the counter charge that
its inquiry was inspired by city, state
and Republican organizations "to
divert public attention for those re-
sponsible for the dreadful conditions
of affairs throughout the nation."
He asserted that the reason for
his testimony before the committee
was so timed that "my appearance at
a public hearing could be staged as
a climax just before the two national
Winter Olympic Games
To Be Held in Germany
rm .'AW"moTitC Til 9R I AP)

Newly Appointed Economy League Starts Retrenchment Fight

Fisher Lauds
Gandhi's Plan
Of Revolution
Shows Why His Spiritual
Rebellion Is More Suc-
cessful than War
Sees India Rising
Into Independence
Eastern Nation Must No
Longer Be Regarded as
Illiterate, He Says

Troops Drive Bonus
Army FromCapitol;
Cam s Are Burned

Talks on Gandhi


Rioting Veterans Forced
To Clear Out of Shanty
Village Before Tear Gas
Barrage, Bayonets
One Killed, Score
Injured in Fighting
Soldiers Moving Against
Remaining Encampment
At Anacostia; Ordered
To Clean Out Area

These men are leaders of the newly formed National Economy league, which has organized to fight
government waste, and particularly to combat payment of federal funds to war veterans who suffered no
disabilities. Left to right, seated: Commander Richard E. Byrd, chairman pro tem; Archibald Roosevelt,
secretary. Standing: Rep. Royal C. Johnson of South Dakota; Harold Beacom, Chicago; Granville Clark,

Ne* York; George Rossetter, Chicago.

(Associated Press Photo)

Dr. Vaughan
Speaks Today
At Institute
Fifth and Last Session of
Health Group Will Be
Held Here1
Dr. Henry F. Vaughan, commis-r
sioner of health of Detroit, will open
the fifth and last ,Public Health In-.
stitute, sponsored by the department
of hygiene and public health. He
will talk at 9 o'clock today on "Pub-f
lic H e a lt h Administration." Dr.
Charles J Scavarda, health officer
of Flint, Michigan, will preside at to-
day's meetings in the West Amphi-
theatre of the West Medical build.
At 10 o'clock, Miss Pearl McIver,
supervisor of public health nursing
of the Missouri state board of health,;
will speak on "The Organization of
Rural Public Health Nursing." "The1
Practical Use of Vital Statistics" willj
be the topic of Dr. W. J. Reacon, di-;
rector of the Michigan state bureau1
of records and statistics, at 11
Dr. Raphael Isaacs, asistant di-,
rector of the Simpson Memorial In-
stitute for Medical Research, will
open the afternoon session with a1
paper on "Some Popular Fallacies,
Both Lay and Medical, About An-
emia." Prof. Howard B. Lewis, of the
chenpstry department, will conclude
today's meeting with a talk on "Some1
Recent Developments in the Field of
Speakers in tomorrow's program
are Miss McIver, Dr. Vaughan, Dr.
William Marshall, of Flint, Dr. Na-
than Sinai, of the hygiene and public
health department, and Mis Marion
G. Howell, of Western Reserve uni-
versity. I
All students wishing to attend the
lectures will be admitted upon pre'
sentation of their treasurer's receipt.
Final Faculty
Tea Is Held;
Many Attend
Regular Weekly League
Dance Is Scheduled for
This Evening
Visiting faculty members in the
colleges of engineering, pharmacol-
ogy, denistry and architecture and
members of the Health Service were
guests of the League yesterday af-
ternoon at the last of a series of
three teas for visiting faculty.
The guests of honor were Prof.
Maria Howell, Western Reserve col-
lege and Mrs. H. M. Westergaard of
the University of Illinois.
Hostesses were*Mrs. E. H. Kraus,
Mrs. Nathan Siani, Mrs. R. W. Wag-
ner, Mrs. C. L. Jameson, Mrs. C.B.
Weller, Mrs. Peter Okklberg, and
Mrs. Fried S. Aldrich.
Mrs. C. F. Griffin, Miss McCormick,
Mrs. H. C. Sadler,-and Mrs. G. Carl
Huber poured.
The League committee that help
with the party consisted of Barbara
Scott, Ann Mitchell, Margaret Cul-
ver Tathrvn Rvli ViriniaF or-

Teachers Tie With
Principals, 7 to 7;
Faculty Defeated
The Teachers overcame a four run
lead and\tied the Principals in ten,
innings yesterday afternoon, 7-7, in'
a game which was called because of
threatening weather. The Superin-
tendents turned back the Faculty,
13-3, in the other, game in the Edu-
cation league. ,
With but one 'game remaining on
the schedule, the Principals are as-+
sured of at least a tie for first place
in the final league standings. In yes-,
terday's game a home run by Lat-,
W L Pct.
Principals ..........5 2 .714 ,
Teachers........ .4. 3 .571
Facultyd...........3 5 .375
Superinterdents . 3 5 .375
shaw in sthe last half of the sixth in-
ning with two mates on base tied
the score and forced the issue into
four extra innings. The Principals
scored five runs in their half of the
third which gave them a large lead,
but Bekken weakened slightly in the
sixth, permitting Latshaw to hit his
circuit drive.
The Superintendents maple it three
straight in their decisive win over
the Faculty, who have lost three in
a row. The Faculty was without ther
services of Purdom, their robust
t w i r 1 e r, so the Superintendents
pounded Sharman for 13 runs, 8 of
them coming in the second frame.
The last games of the schedule will
be played at the education school
picnic on Monday, and will bring to-
gether the Principals and the Super-
intendents while the Faculty battles
the Teachers.
Music School Concert
Scheduled for Tuesday
Prof. Joseph Brinkman, \ pianist,
and Prof. Palmer Christian, organist,
will present a joint program of com-
positions by American writers at 8:15
o'clock next Tuesday night in Hill
The concert will follow the custom
of the past faculty presentations of
the School of Music in that the Sum-
mer Session students and public in
general are invited to attend with-
out charge.

Dennis Batt
Talks Friday
On Economics
Socialist Club Brings For-
mer Labor Leader Here
As Lecturer
Dennis Batt, for many years a
leader of the labor movement in this
country, will discuss the present poli-
tical and economic outlook at an
open meeting of the Michigan So-
cialist club this afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium.
At one time editor of the first
Communist paper in the United
States. Batt has also been connected
with the Socialist and Proletarian
parties. He first studied the Russian
experiment in 1921, when he was
sent to Moscow as the trade union
delegate to the Third Internationale.
Until the opening the Great war,
Batt was a member of the Socialist
party in Michigan, but he went over
to the Communist organization when
the Michigan radicals split. He later
dropped out of the Communist party
and became an organizer for the pro-
letarian party..
Now engaged in the writing of two
novels, Batt is no longer affiliated
;with any political party. He will
speak at 5 o'clock.t
150 Students Take
One-Day Excursion
Trip to Put-i-Bay
About 1P 0 Summer Session stu-
dents left at 7:30 this morning on a
one-day excursion to the island of
Put-in-Bay in Lake Erie. The party
is traveling by bus to Detroit from
where they will proceed by steamer
down the Detroit river, arriving at
the island about noon.
Under the guidance of Prof. Wil-
liam Hobbs, of the geology depart-
ment, the day will be spent in ex-
ploring the famous caves, studying
the peculiar shoreline formations
and visiting other points of inter-
est on the island. The party will re-
turn to Detroit, tonight, continuing
by bus to Ann, Arbor and arriving
at midnight.

A balancing of eastern and west-
ern ideals, in which the life of Ma-
hatma Gandhi was used as a tele-
scope through which to see modern
developments, was made yesterday
by Dr. Frederick G. Fisher who ad-'
dressed Summer Session students at
Wesley hall on "Mahatma Gandi
Prophetic Statesman of Organized
"Gandhi is almost worshipped
throughout the Orient today because
he has been successful in wielding
the weapon of noi -violence," Dr.
Fisher said.
An unarmed country could not
prosecute a successful revolution in
this day of chemical and air war-_
fare, he pointed out. Gandhi, how-
ever, he said, has found a' cultural
and spiritual weapon is just aspow-
erful as gas bombs and planes.,
Uses Economic Boycott
Dr. Fisher pointed out that by an
economic boycott the little states-
man has reduced British trade with
India from what might have been a
hundred million pounds to eight mil-
lion pounds in the space of two years.
These figures have even been given
the delegates attending the Ottawa
Imperial Conference now in session,
he said.
After describing Gandhi's life, his
boyhood in India, and his educatione
in England, Dr. Fisher carried his
portrayal of "the little brown man"T
through his 20 years of constuctive
statesmanship in Africa. Turningl
again to India, Dr. Fisher said,
"Gandhi has unified India-a coun-;
try hitherto broken up by caste and
religious prejudices is now presenting1
a united front to the world.
Its millions of population are be-1
coming conscious of nation-hood.1
T h i s national consciousness is1
spreading throughout the entire Ori-
ent, he said. Japan is using the mili-
tary weapons of the West to carve
out for herself a great empire whicht
will include Manchuria.
New Empire Rising
"India, on the other hand, is using1
spiritual, non-violence methods and1
lifting herself into an independent1
empire," he said.,
Calling attention to the startling
edupational advance India has made
during recent years, Dr. Fisher con-
tinued, "The Western world must not
regard India as illiterate any longer.
There are fifty three millions of lit-
erates within her borders, eleven mil-1
lions more than the total population
of the British Isles. India's univer-
sities, which meet the standards of
Cambridge, Oxford, and Michigan,
have a larger total enrollment than
do those of Great Britain.
"There is just one method by which
the West can meet the Orient. This
is co-operation. We shall not be able
to win, in the future, by arms and
conquest alone. If we continue our
policy of heavy national armaments
the Orient will have to arm herself,
as Japan has already done, and she
will be able to hold her own. I be-
lieve Gandhi's weapon of non-vio-
lence revolution will win for these
conquered peoples the privilege of
self-determination," he concluded.
Educator Criticizes
Product; Causes Shock,
LONDON, July 28.-(AP)-Cuth-
bert Blakiston, a widely-known edu-
cator, shocked Great Britain today
by denouncing the modern boy as
timid, cowardly, untruthful, easily
bored, vain and dishonest.
Mr. Blakiston, headmaster of Lanc-
ing College, one of the Nation's fa-
mous public schools, voiced all .this
criticism in a speech before the Brit-
ish Medicl Association.
His talk caused a sensation, for
England for centuries has been
proud of her public school boys,
whom many historians have describ-
ed as the rocks on which the great
empire was founded. The Nation has
verily believed that "Waterloo was
won on the playing fields of Eton."
Dr. Robbins to Return



Protest Se en
On Education
Property Tax
Carr Says Public Expects
Educators to Lead Tax1
Reform Efforts
A growing revolt against the prop-
erty tax as the principal source of
revenue for governmental services
wd emphasized by William G. Carr,
director of research of the National
Education association, who spoke
yesterday on "Recent Legislation for
School Revenue."f
Carr pointed out that the revolt
had taken the form of efforts to lim-
it the amount of money spent on
property taxes in the form of pro-
posals to provide substitution or sup-
plementary taxes. He denounced the
common opinion that the ircome tax
is a panacea all taxation ills and
called attention to the different types
of sales taxes as bases for education-
al revenue. .1
Education has been negligent in1
the matter of providing leadership
in the field of tax reform, according
to Carr. The public expected leaders
In education to furnish competent
direction .in finding the solution to'
the problem of providing adequate
school revenues, he said. He then
described the plan recently adopted
in North Carolina whereby the state
assumes the full financial responsi-
bility for a minimum program of
education for all children in all dis-
tricts of the state. The school dis-
tricts, however, may supplement the
program if they desire, he declared.
'Chalk Circle'
Concudes Run
Saturda y Nioht
Presentation of Chinese
Classic Is Second on an
American Stage
"The Chalk Circle," a Chinese
classic of the Yuan dynasty, trans-
lated from the French by Ethel Van
der Veer and arranged for the stage
by Thomas Wood Stevens, will be
given tonight and tomorrow night in
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre by the
Michigan Repertory Players.
This is the fifth production of the
summer dramatic season. Perfor-
mances were given Wednesday and
Thursday nights.
The play, in which Eugenie Chapel
is making her only appearance of
the Summer Session, is under the di-
rection of Mr. Stevens. Its presenta-
tion in Ann Arbor is the second on
an American stage, first being pro-
duced in St. Louis last March.
"The Chalk Circle" will be follow-
ed next week by "Once in a Life-
time," by Moss Hart and George S.

WASHINGTON, July 29.-(Fri-
day)-The red glare of fire spelled
the end of the big Anacostia camp
of the bonus marchers tonight
through blazes started by the vet-
erans themselves in anger at the
army attacks which forced the
abandonment of three camps in the,
city proper and in resentment over
the shooting of one of their number
by police.
On orders from high sources army
officers had said\any attempt; to clear"
the camp decisively tonight would be
abandoned but when fire threatened
to destroy more of the encampme t
troops made an attempt to complete
the clearing of the camp.
WASHINGTON, July 29. --(AP)-
General MacArthur, chief of staff,
halted the troop movement against
the- bonus army a while before * 8
o'clock last night for dinner, after
which it was planned to force evacu-
ation o the only i'emaining veteran's
camp in the city-that at Anacostia.
The movement was resumed at 9:42
P. m.

WASHINGTON, July 28.--(AP)-
Behind a blue mist of tear gas, fed-
eral troops today cleared the bonus
army from the shanty village in the
shadow of the Capitol where shortly
before one veteran had been shot to
death and others injured in fights
with the police..
The soldiers were ordered to the
scene by President Hoover after the
District of Columbia authorities ad-
mitted defeat.
Retreating suddenly before the rol--
ling barrage of the'dough boys' tear
gas, the dispirited bonus . seekers
trudged away in disorganized hud-
dles, leaderless and thoroughly de-
moralized, seeking shelter in other
open places far and wide through
the city.
Riots in the morning and. .after-
noon had led to one veteran being
shot dead and another seriously
wounded by police, while one of the
officers was critically injured by a
brickbat, and a score of persons in-
President Hoover ordered t h e
troops out, and plans were made, to
clear the Anacostia Camp of vet-.
erans and the hangouts of Commun-
ists among them in another area of
the city-possibly tonight.
Advancing with gas masks on and
with bayonets glistening on rifles,
troops went after one and another
section of the bonus encampment
until finally it was vacated by the
wet-eyed veterans.
Some of them apparently set fire
to' the shanties in the desolate area,
leading to the arrival of numerous
fire engines and trucks to join the
ambulances and tanks and other
paraphernalia of war already on the
Spectators, some women and chil-
dren among the veterans and police
algo were affected, as well as the
bonus-seekers, by the blue haze of
gas that hung like a pall over, the
section, making it reminiscent of
scenes in war-torn France as the
whole area was one of wrecked build-
After policemen had hauled down
and folded up some American flags
waving over the veterans' shelters,
infantrymen with 10 n g flaming
brands in their hands went from hut
to hut and tent to tent, leaving bea
hind them flame and ruin.
The veterans retreated out of the
area into 'which the bombs had been-
tossed, but they formed a solid line
on Maine Ave. between Third and
Fourth Sts. They set up a fierce
chorus of yells and threatened to ad-
vance on the infantry which had
followed them.

Professor Isaacs Claims Fare
Medicine Is Loss to Patients,

Persons who have, or think they
have, anemia, annually waste thous-
ands of dollars on cleverly advertised
medicines, and often delay or make
impossible real relief of their trouble,
which may have any one of many
causes, and is never treated with
any cure-all or "blood purifier," in
the estimation of Dr. Raphael Isaacs
of the University Simpson Memorial
Institute for Medical Rebearch.
Anemia is defined as a condition
in which the red blood corpuscles,
or amount of coloring matter in the
blood, is reduced. The disease may
be of many varieties, due to many
quite different causes and calling for
entirely different treatment, said Dr.
Tsaacs The nersnn whn inctors him-

untrue, Dr. Isaacs stated. To "take
blood to make blood" is useless be-1
cause blood is indigestable in the
stomach. Liver is good for pernicious
anemia only; it is no better than any
other for other anemias. Copper
helped starved baby rats recover and
has since often been mistakenly call-
ed an anemia remedy. Iron is sup-
posed to be "absorbed" better if in-
jected directly into the blood, but in
fact can only be absorbed by the di-
gestive system. Vitamins and ultra
violet light are not anemia cures, nor
is arsenic.
Both layman and physician need
to be very critical of all advertise-
ments of anemia and blood remedies,
especially those which are so worded
a to seem to haves cientific author-

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