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July 04, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-04

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WETE:FirTdy lud oorw

:XI, NO. 6.



WEAZ'IIER: Fair Today; Cloudy Tomorrow






Inverness Golf Club Proves
Waterloo to Several
Sarazen and Armour, Expected
to Succeed Jones, Fare Badly,
on Ohio Course.
July 3. - (P) .- George Von Elm,
sore thumb and all, stormed over
the no-man's land of ruggedold
Inverness with one of the wildest
finishes the golfing world ever sawa
today to snatch a one-shot lead in
the bitter fight for the national op-1
en championship.
Rated as only one of the mild1
threats when he finished the out-1
ward nine of his second 18-hole
round, the lion-hearted Prussian1
ripped up the backward stretch
with an astonishing 32, four under
par, a great finish which netted
him a second round of 69 and a
36-hole total of 144, one better than
Eddie Williams of Cleveland and
Billie Burke of Greenwich, Connec-
ticut, who previously had looked
like certain pace-setters at the1
half-way mark of the 72-hole med-t
al battle.
Dark Horses Stay.
Von Elm's pertormance was the
high spot in a wild day, which saw
all of yesterday's dark horses stay
in the big show, the almost failure
of the famous Tommy Armour to
qualify, a hle in one by Leo Diegel,
andthe final fade-out of the last
foreign threat for the coveted title
vacated by the retirement of Bob-,
by Jones.
Two other members of the Fri-
day's dark horse quartet didn't
equal their first round tallies of 71,
but they did get 75, good enough for
a tie, fr fourth place. They were
Herman Barron, of Port Chester,
N. Y.,who scored 35-40, and Charlie
Diest of Deal, N. J., who did just
the opposite, going and coming to-;
day with a 40-35.
Paulsen Ties Smith. o -
Guy Paulsen, a newcomer to na-
tional open warfare, from Fort
Wayne, Indiana, came in with a 72
to add to his first round total of
74 to tie the veteran McDonald
Smith, of New York, for the next
spot in the standing with a 148.f
Five others were tied at 48, in-
cluding Diegel, whose ace came on
the 146-yard third tee. The others
were Walter Hagen, who scared an-
other 74 after a great start in the
outward nine with a par 35, Mor-
tie" Detra, Long Beach, Cal., who
tied for the lead yesterday with a
71, and who came back with a 77;
Johnnie Farrell, who jumped back
into the running with a 70, the sec-
ond best round of the tournament;
and Joe Turnesa, White Plains, N.
Y., who had rounds of 73-75. Dieg-
el's rounds were 75-73.
Sarazen, Armour Fare Badly.
Gene Sarazen and Armour, the
two hand-picked candidates to suc-
ceed Bobby Jones, fared badly ol
their tours over the Inverness traps
and narrow fairways today. Sara-
zen csored a 78, which added to his

- f
74 of yesterday, gave m ha ' i-
tal, eight away from Von Elm, while
Armour, visibly tired, got a horri-
ble 83 which boomed his score to
158, the qualifyinig borderline. Sa-
razen did have some tough breas
today, but Armour just didn't play
his usual game.
Fifty-three qualified at Armour's
158 total for the right to play in the
final 36-hole round tomorrow.
Rounds of 18 holes will be played
in the morning and afternoon
No games scheduled.
National League
St. Louis, 6 and 7; Phillies, 1

Columbia Head Seeks
Economic Conference
LONDON, July 3.-(IP)-An imme-
diate international conference of
40 or 50 noted economists and busi-
ness leaders, who would formulate
a new plan against world blunder-
ing in the economic maze was pro-
posed here today by Dr. Nicholas
Murray Butler, president of Colum-
bia university, New York.
Such a conference, Dr. Butler
said, would take advantage of the
psychology produced by President
Hoover's war debt proposal.
Experience Preferable
to Extra Study, Claim
CHICAGO, July 3.-(IP)-A year
or more in the "wayfaring world"
is worth more to a teacher than
an extra year of theory in college,
the American Federation of Teach-
ers believes.
A resolution, adopted today, was
to the effect that a year of prac-
tical experience would tend to raise
standards of instruction, and make
the instructor "far more valuable
educationally and economically
than a fifth term in college." '
Birth Control Backed
by Church Councils
SEATTLE, July 3. - (P) - T h e
newly organized general council of
the Congregational and Christian
churches was on record today as
approving "voluntary parentage"
through birth control.
By a nearly unanimous vote, the
convention Thursday indorsed find-
ings of a similar committee favor-
ing birth control. The delegates
expressed themselves in resolutions
on several other present-day prob-
Seattle to Tokio Hop
Delayed Another Day
SEATTLE, July 3-(A')-The pro-
jected non-stop Seattle to Tokio
flight of Reg. L. Robbins and H. S.
Jones will be delayed at least an-
other day to await the arrival of
their refueling plane at Fairbanks,
Alaska. The two Texas aviators
said today they hope to get away
Sunday morning.
Teas, Dances Planned
for Summer Students
To promote the acquaintance of
new and former University men
and women and to familiarize them
with some of the women's build-
ings on campus, Betsy Barbour
Dormitory, Mosher Hall and the
Women's League will be hostesses
at three informal teas and dances
several days next week.

Optimism Prevails as Edge and
Mellon Open Negotiations
With Premier Laval.
France Receives Plan to Cover
Her Guarantee Fund; Ends
HM ajor Disagreement.
(P)-President Hoover tonight
received word that Franco-
American differences over his
debt proposal had been settled.
He received the news directly
from Secretary Mellon by trans-
Atlantic telephone. Acting Se-
cretary Castle said he did not'
consider the accord reached in
Paris a full acceptance but that'
he interpreted it as indicating
some points of difference had
been eliminated.'
PARIS, July 3.-(IP)-Secretary of
the Treasury Mellon and Ambassa-
dor Edge tackled the Hoover war
debt plan again today in a long
consultation and it was learned
they considered the situation most
optimistic from an American stand-
Mr. Edge was informed that ow-
ing to parliamentary duties it would
not be convenient for the French
delegates to hold today's confer-'
ence before nightfall. The meet-
ing was tentatively arranged to be-
gin at 9:30 p. m.
Hopes that the day would bring
forth a successful termination to
the Franco-American negotiations
were widely expressed today.
Optimism Prevails.
Optimism prevailed in French
and American circles as well as in
the press that tonight's meeting be-
tween Premier Laval and Secretary
Mellon would be productive of an
agreement and speedy execution of
the plan to aid Germany by sus-
pendedrreparations payments for,
one year.
It was learned from reliable
sources that the French delegates
had retreated from their position
on important issues which have
thus far caused a deadlock. It was
understood that while certain tech-
nical matters remain to be adjust-"
ed the modified American viewpoint
had been accepted.
France has agreed to give Ger-
many ten or more years to refund
a loan based- on the unpostponable
payments of the Young plan, it was
said, and has agreed that the funds
shall go entirely to Germany with-
out regard for other central Euro-
pean nations.
France to Put up Bond.
France was understood further
to have accepted a plan whereby
she would deposit treasury bonds
with the world bank to cover her
guarantee fund in case Germany is
forced to declare a moratorium at
the end of the holiday. This point
had been one of the chief stum-
bling-blocks to ,an accord.
Great Britain's offer to call a
meeting of the "interested nations,"
presumably signatories of the
Young plan, in case the negotia-
tions should fail was discounted by

the delegates on the ground that
such a conference would be unnec-
Mr. Mellon and Mr. Edge were
up until a late hour Thursday night.
talking to Washington by trans-
Atlantic telephone. Their experts
spent considerable time this morn-
ing working out the technical de-
tails of points which remained un-
settled between France and the
United States and upon which basic
agreements are understood to have
been evolved.
The year's holiday from repera-
tions and war debt payments sug-
gested by President Hoover two
weeks ago Saturday as a means of
improving the world economic con-

American Federation
Attacked by Dreiser

Young Stribling Experiences Worst Defeat
of Career as Schmeling Upsets
Advance Dope on Battle.

CLEVELAND, Ohio, July 3-(P)-With only 14 seconds to go
before the final bell, Young Stribling, his title hopes battered and
crushed, went tumbling down to defeat before the sensational closing
charge of the black-browed fighter from Germany, Max Schmeling.
The twenty-five year old Teuton slugger, in a smashing finish
to his surprising rout of the gallant Georgian's last defense, won on
a technical knockout in the fifteenth round and put beyond dispute
his right to the heavyweight championship of the world.
Stribling, bleeding, badly punished, and thoroughly whipped
throughout the last half of the fight, went down for the first time
from a crushing right to the chin in his own corner as the
final few seconds were swiftly passing. The Georgian was barely
able to get to his feet at the count of nine and as Schmeling rushed
toward him the crowd yelled wildly to "stop it" and the referee,
George Blake, of Los Angeles,

Theodore Dreiser,
Noted American novelist, who has
advocated the disbandment of thef
American Federation of Labor, "be-f
cause it is simply a closed corpora-
tion for little groups." In replyt
to Dreiser, William Green, presi-_
dent of the A. F. of L., brands the
attack on his organization as un-I
justifiable and the result of an ut-
ter lack of knowledge of the activi-
ties of the organization by Dreiser.
Abraham Lincoln Declared Idol
of School Children Despitet
Psychiatric Criticism. v
LOS ANGELES, Cal., July 3. (P)-
Abe Lincoln may have had a schiz-t
oid-manic personality, J. W. Crab-
tree, National Education Associa-
tion secretary, said today, but the
Great Emancipator is still the idolf
of American school children. s
"It must be painful to the na-
tion's teachers," Crabtree told 20,-t
000 ecucators attending the final
session of the Association's conven-
tion, "to learn after so many yearsf
that Dr. A. A. Brill of New Yorkt
has dissected Lincoln's mentalityt
and made this startling announce-l
"Above all, teachers before ac-l
cepting such conclusions would
want to see the results of Dr. Brill's1
own mentality," he said.
An appropriation of $10,000 . for
use by the National Education As-..
sociation to assemble "material on
which to base desi able social econ-
omy goals for America" was author-
ized by the board of directors on
recommendation of the budget1
Miss Sarah Fahey, New York, was
elected president of the department -
of classroom teachers of the na-1
tional organization; Mary Ralls,'
Kansas City, Mo., was elected vice-
president, Janet Brown, Cleveland,
secretary, and Daisy Lord, Water-
bury, Conn., east regional director.,
A slight flurry marked the rou-
tine of officially adopting resolu-1
tions. William E. Henrie, New York
teacher, took exception to the law,
observance clause in the first reso-"
lution pertaining primarily to the"
enforcement of the eighteenth,
amendment. He sought its elimin-
ation, but remaining members of
the New York delegation voted him
Students Disciplined
for Share in Accident
Disciplinary action against Gor-
don Lamb, '32M, and Yyman A.
Brewer, '32M, who were involved in
an automobile accident May 9, on
U. S. 12, has been taken, it was
admitted last night. Lamb will be
required to take extra work for
graduation and Brewer has been
placed on probation.
Both men resisted arrest at the
hands of Deputy Sheriffs John Os-
-...3 .vA 7~ll~ 'o lvfinrn

Senator Bingham Will Securee
Congressional Medals I
for Post, Gatty.-
NEW YORK, July 3.-(IP) -A
nation's apreciation is to be shownI
Wiley Post and Harold Gatty forI
their flight around the world. A
week-end yachting trip wil enable
them to recuperate from the rigors
of the flight and the enthusiasm of
New York city's welcome, and on
Monday they will go to Washington#
to be President Hoover's guests.
Eventually congressional honors
are in store for them. Senator,
Hiram Bingham of Connecticut
said Thursday night at a dinner in
the flyers' honor that he would
introduce a resolution awarding
them Congressional Medals.
Before a week-end of rest the
flyers had to do a little more of;
their specialty, fly the Winnie Mae
from Roosevelt Field, Long Island,
to Floyd Bennett Airport, Brook-
lyn, where it will be on public ex-'
hibition for three days.
The flyers were guests of the
Detroit Aircraft corporation at the.
dinner in the New York Athletic
club Thursday night. Among the
guests were three other 'round-the-
world travelers-Lieut. Leslie Arn-
old, U.S.A.; John Henry Mears and
Col. E. S. Evans.
Also there were Amelia Earhart,
trans-Atlantic flyer, Dr. James S.
Kimball, weather forecaster for
flyers, Elinor Smith, aviator, F. Tru-
bee Davison, assistant secretary of
war in charge of aviation, Clarence
Young, assistant secretary of com-
merce in charge of aeronautics.
President Hoover wired the fly-
ers at the dinner telling them
America is proud of them and
praising their striking contribution
to aeronautical progress.
The flyers and their wives are
delighted at the welcome given
them by New York City, which in-
volved a parade up Broadway to
City hall for formalities. Ticker
tape and torn books and paper
showered upon them totaled three
tons, 70 tons less than heaved in
the direction of Col. Charles A.
Lindbergh when he returned from
Paris, but there has been a steady
effort by busines houses and city
authorities to discourage such man-
ifestations of delight.
"How proud our three children
are going to be!" remarked Mrs.
Gattyin expressing her pleasure
over the welcome.
Post and Gatty have disclosed no
plans for future activities. F. C.
Hall, Oklahoma oil man, who spon-
sored the -flight, has said he will
send the Winnie Mae to Oklahoma
and later give it to his "lttle girl,"

stepped between the two, lifting
the ferman's hand immediately in
token of triumph.
$325,000 Gate.

It was a sudden and dramatic
climax to the championship battle
fought in Cleveland's magnifi-
cent new stadium on the shore of
Lake Erie before a crowd estimated
at 35,000 spectators, who contribu-
ted to an approximate "gate" of
$325,000, one of the smallest in
heavyweight title history since the
post-war boom days began.
The crowd saw Schmeling toss
most of the advance dope into the
lake and hand Stribling the worst
defeat of his career.
Stribling was still on his feet,
groggy and reeling when Referee
Blake stopped the fight after 2
minutes, 46 seconds of the final
round, but the rangy southerner
was a sorry sight, bleeding from
cuts around both eyes, his nose, and
Last 7 Rounds Schmeling's.
Stribling was given the first
three rounds and the eighth, which
he carried off with his -last rally.
The fourth was scored as even, al-
though its closing minutes marked
the first turn of the fight in
Schmeling's favor. Stribling sel-
dom has looked better, faster, or
smarter than in those. first three
rounds. He easily outfooted the
German, who advanced slowly be-
hind a shield of arms and gloves
He tied up Max easily and twice
in the third round jarred the Ger-
man with stiff right crosses. He
seemed off to a characteristic start,
with the situation well in hand,
until he suddenly seemed to wilt
in the fourth round.
At the turning point, in the
fourth, Schmeling finally began to
get the range. His short right and
left bothered Stribling.
Rating his pace nicely, Schmel-
ing kept crowding Stribling through
the next three rounds. He rocked
the American with rights to the
head in the sixth as he absorbed
Stribling's stiffest counter-wallops.
Stribling Battered.
Stribling's right eye was cut in
the seventh. He was fast tiring
but he had enough reserve to'come
out strongly in the eighth. This
was the Georgian's last show of ef-
fectiveness, as he belted Max with
long rights to the body and kept
with the situation well in hand, un-
til he suddenly seemed to wilt in
the fourth round.
From there on, it was a bloody
rout. Stribling was out on his feet
in the tenth, barely able to stagger
to his corner after absorbing ter-
rific punishment, but persistently
as he tried, Schmeling could not
bring Stribling down through the
next four rounds. The German
shifted his attack to the body, scor-
ing with sharp lefts. He had the
American hanging on desperately
It appeared almost certain that
Stribling would keep his feet to the
finish until he was forced back and
. n ac f.an A an ,., in hI 3 c n -.m r 4..., ear i ~

Navy to Continue,
Building, Pratt


United States navy was said today
by Admiral William V. Pratt to
have no present intentions of sacri-
ficing any of the 18 8-inch gun
cruisers allowed it under the Lon-
don treaty in favor of additional
6-inch gun cruiser tonnage.
Four-Week Education
Courses Open Monday
Beginning Monday the School of
Education will offer 13 four-week
courses to teachers and educational
administrators who cannot attend
the full session. These courses will
run from July 6 to July 31, and the
classes will be double the usual
length of time.
'Graf' Returns Home
After Iceland Cruise
July 3.-(JP)-The Graf Zeppelin re-
turned to her home mast early to-
day after a cruise to Iceland on

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