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August 14, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-14

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advisable to do, our only escaper
from the impending renewal of war
Lis to constitute ourselves a minor-
gity element on the side opposed to t/ /I laf
the out-and-out militaristic ele- NO WORD
drublishe tie Iii ersi Sn gecept ond byment, and to attempt to balance FROM THE
tht Bar in C ontro If Stuident Publications the influence of this group on the WIIOOFLES
The Associated Press is exclusively en- great sleepy bulk of the population I'm beginning to worry about the
dispatches credited to it or not otheiwise I with sane, reasoning argument Whoofles. No word has been re-
urlised in paper and the local news against participation in the threat- ceived from the stalwart band
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Miichigan. ened approach of another world since they wired me their last bul-
Eterdathendass rbar, Mcignupheaval. letin from the Ann Arbor-Lansing-
postoffice as second class matter. and-Big-Rapids canal, and I'm
Subscription by carrier, $t.so; by mail, afraid that the iced juleps men-
tioned in the bulletin have proved
Offices: . Press Building, Maynard Street, Campus Opinio fatal in spite of the fact that all
Ann Arbor, Michigan. the Whoofes have survived a sum-
Cori arutors aresasked to beabrief, mer of Ann Arbor alcohol. Time
Eonfining themselves to less than 300o f Ann Arbo alchl. ime
EDITOR'AL, STAFF (. words if possible. Anonymous corn- only will ~l. Meanwhile. Sit tight

-- Telephone 4925 iunications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
MANAGING EDITOR be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
GURNEY WILLIAMS construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
E aditlDirector ........ Howard F. hout I- - " --
City _Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr. oinnofTealy__
Women's Editor.............Dorothy Magee To the Editor,
Music andl Drama Editor... William J. Gorman
Books Editor..........Russell E. McCracken In India today, and since the
Sports Editor ................Morris Targer march of Mahatma Gandhi to the
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout sea, the truly noble experiment of
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr. conducting peaceful war is in pro-
Assistants cess, on the part of Gandhi's non-
C. H. Beukema Constance A. McWethy violent followers.
Helen Carrm Bertha Clayman II most respectfully call your at-
Bruce Manley Sher M. Quraishi tention to the alleged brutalities
,such as bombing of unarmed civil
BUSINESS STAFF population from airplanes, destruc-
Telephone 21214 ; tion of medical supplies and hos-
BUSINESS MANAGER pitals of the nationalists by the
GEORGE A. SPATER British government in India con-
tained in the resolution of Senator
Assistant Business Managers W. G. Blaine of Wisconsin on July
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin 27, 1930.
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson Also most respectfully I draw
Secretary..........Ann XW. VernerI
e y . 9sistants your attention to the press reports
Joyce Davidson Lelia M. Kidd Dorothy Dunlap sent under the admitted censorship
of the same Government by Webb
THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930 Miller, Staff Correspondent of the
Night Editor--Powers Moulton United Press and Negley Farson of
the Chicago Daily News, printed in
WAR A CERTAINTY?< the Christian Century of July 2.
These press dispatches support the
The after effects are wearing off, allegations contained in Senator
and the nations of the world ar, Blaine's resolution. The resolu-
girding their loins for a renewal tion is available from the Congres-
of the 1914 catastrophe. The gov- sional Record or from U. S. Govern-
ernmental powers of Western civ- ment printing offce or from Sena-
ilizations are engaged in active tor Blaine.
preparation for a great war some- Believing in your. desire to see
time between 1935 and 1940. The inhumanity of the kind described
above is the gist of the address of in the above mentioned articles
C. Delisle Burns, professor of citi- against this unarmed and non-re-
zenship at Glasglow University and sisting population stopped, I call
adviser to the British labor party, upon you as a fellow human being
given before the Institute of Poli- to do whatever you may consider
ties at Williamstown, Massachus- fair and appropriate. I ask this of
etts. you particularly because I see that
These statements were startling you, together with many others,
to us, believing as we did that war hold the high responsibility of giv-
was a relic of the past and un- ing currency to truth, facts and
thinkable for the future. Can it ideas in this enlightened age and
be possible that a world of men, country.

yil Wl Li. iial 11, o 1 1
-the tighter the better.
* * *
Well, to get down to business-;
and I suppose you never thought I
would after you read yesterday's
column, did you? (that makes sense
if you have time to analyse it)-
let me see, let me see. Yesterday's
paper brought us the news that-
I'll quote the headline:
* * *
That ought to be quite interest-
ing, to my way of thinking. But
just why the repertory group, with
little or no knowledge of modern
surgery as it is practiced today,
should atempt to perform such a
feat on three living members of
their group is not quite clear to me.,
The three musketeers in question
are Messrs. Fitzgerald, Moyer and
Huber--all very fine men. I know
Moyer personally and it's a shame
that such a big fine fellow must
submit to such an indignity. If I
were he I shouldn't allow any rep-
ertory group-I don't care if it con-
tained John Barrymore, Mary Gar-
den and El Brendel-to open me
up. NO, sir. And if I find time I'm
going to see that this silly thing
is nipped in the bud. If it hasn't
any bud I'll find some other place.
* * *
Speaking of buds, the trees on
the campus are already beginning
to shed their leaves and it comes as
a sort of shock-not quite like an
electric shock which can sometimes
be quite severe, especially during
a thunderstorm although we have
not had many here lately-it comes
as a shock when you realize that
the end of the summer is but a
scant three weeks distant. And a
scant three weeks is not to be tol-
erated, let me tell you. No wonder
they say the modern generation is
going to the dogs. Volumes have
been written on the subject, mil-
lions of heated words have come
from wiser heads than yours or
mine and what has come of it? I
shall repeat the question: WHAT
has become if it? Nothing, friends,
nothing-simply because the Spir-
it of Modern Youth, in its own im-
petuous way, has paid scant heed

And as a result I have been dele-
gated to fill this void. Girls and
boys, allow me to introduce to you
Grandmother Whoofle who up to
this time has been hiding her tal-
ents in the Business Department.
* * *
Since reviews should be in order
I am going to attempt to impress
upon your minds the value of a
certain little volume bound in i
beautiful yellow-orange paper, none
other than the Summer Student
and Faculty Directory.
We will start by a discussion of
the plot. The author who is as yet
unknown in the literary world is
a very talented young chap but in
this, his first and last attempt, al-
though he has an excellent plot,
there are a few too many charac-
ters. In fact, it is quite difficult tof
keep them all straight. There are
however, many lines in it that will
probably become so famous that
they will be handed down through!
the ages-for instance, his opening 1
words-"In the compilation of this
directory great care has been taken
to reduce the number of errors to
a minimum. A large majority of
the mistakes which have crept in
are due to the illegible information i
furnished by the students them-
selves." I ask you, have ever seen
anything that shows clearer insight
into hifman character than that
never-to-be-forgotten statement.
Another wonderful bit occurs in the
last chapter called "The Addenda"
under part "D" "Devine, Marguito
B. 1049! Olivia 2-2945" The line
is truely beautiful but there is some
doubt in my mind as to the mean-'
ing. Perhaps if I should ever have
the pleasure of meeting the he, she,
or it designated here the emphasis
after the 1049 might be explained.
I will say, however, that I enjoy-
ed the whole thing thoroughly even
though I didn't read it that way
and think that every one of you r
should own a copy, (adv.) even
though it is a little late in the sea-
son to obtain one.I

Why not be
Old man Webster says that means
"writing in a particular way"-or
words to that effect.
And no matter how particular
you are about writing-you can
find the point that writes like you
and have it fitted, instantly, to the
holder of your choice, when you
get the new
It's the "tailor made" fountain pen--
any point-any holder-any color-any
style- assembled as you wish. Made
possible by a new invention, the Inter- n
changeable Nib.
See how it works-at any Wahl-Ever-
sharp dealer's-and while you're there,
see the Wahl-Eversharp Pencils that
go with these handsome pens.

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GUARD the young
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now-cleanse it thor-
oughly, perfectly, morn-
ing and nightly with
CotyCleansing Cream.
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barely recovered from the horror
and the destruction of the recent
bloody turmoil, would so blindly
conduct their affairs as to lead
them into another? Can it be pos-
sible that the public officers, the
statesmen, the diplomats, charged
.with the safe-guarding of the wel-
fare and happiness of the citizens
of their states, will create and fur-
ther policies that will lead to such
a result? This recognized author-
ity, Professor Burns, contends that
it is.:
According to him, the situation
in which we find ourselves today is
directly parallel to that of 1909
when the conditions existed which
finally led up to Servajevo. He
points to the steady continuance of
preparations for war, to the alli-
ances, secret and otherwise, which
are being made, to the spirit of ri-
valry and jealousy between nations.
France, Italy, Germany and some
of the smaller European nations
insist upon maintaining rather
large standing armies. It has been
estimated that a third of the men
in these countries are in uniform.
Add to this the fact that military
disciplining and training is a part
of their educational program, that
an admiral or a general is listened
to with more respect and enthu-
siasm than any statesman or lec-
turer, that greed for land and mon-
ey is still a basic principle of their
politics, and we find small reasonj
for wonder that they are militar-
istic in their attitudes and ideals.
This is not all intended to be de-
rogatory, for it must be realized
that those countries are crowded
against each other, nurtured in a'
traditional atmosphere of suspicion
and distrust and hostility, and,
most important of all, in direct,
commercial competition with one1
another. There is nothing of the
isolation, and accompanying lack of
worry about what the other units
of civilization are doing, in this
country, that is found in Canada
and Australia, in Japan, and even
in England. However, even in these
we find the militarists favored by
army training in schools, by the
wholesale production of arma-
ments, by experimentations in des-
tructive weapons of war, by organ-
izations created for the purpose of
promoting and disseminating war
And when we consider all this,
it must be admitted that the case
is strongly in favor of the conten-:

I remain,
Petitioner in the
Cause of Justice,
S. Abdur Rahman.f

Screen ReflectionsI

AND A PLEASING -I mean little heed to the warn-
LADY FOR ALL THAT ings of their elders. But a time
At the Majestic theatre: Ruth will come, friends. In fact, it's
Chatterton in "The Lady of Scan- practically noon now and high time
dal" with Basil Rathbone, Ralph we were having lunch.
Forbes, and Frederick Kerr. Also * * *
comedy, "Dad Knows Best," ani- Last night the Education clubs
mated cartoon, "Tee Time," Grant- had a banquet at which somebody
land Rice Sportlight, Tito Ruffo sang "Nobody Knows the Trouble
novelty feature. I've Seen." Appropriate, I'd say. If
Ruth Chatterton has done such things are as they are (and they
fine work recently that in spite of undoubtedly are) for students,
its title we were not surprised to what must they be for teachers?
find "The Lady of Scandal," a very My heart goes out to them. But
good picture. why they spend a nice pleasant
The title, by the way, recalls one summer in school I can't under-
of our favorite gripes. We have stand. If I were a school teacher
been considering for some time I'd spend my summers so far away
sending blackhand form letters to from classrooms it would take three
the various motion picture produc- men and a large boy to send me a
ers asking why quite decent plays cablegram.
must be given salacious titles, lewd * * *
advertising placards, and general I really AM worried about the
hints of having immoral natures. A Doctors Whoofle. If I don't hear
part of the practice is well illustrat- = any further news from them within
ed by the title, "Male and Female," the next two days I shall give them
which, we understand, was given to up for lost-and myself too, for
the screen dramatization of Bar- that matter. I used to laugh when
rie's "Admirable Crichton." The they sat down at a typewriter but
obvious conclusion is that, produc- my laughter changed to amaze-
ers believe such incentives neces- ment when they hauled anchor
sary to attract the public. And that and gave me the job of filling this
implies that the common taste is column for your amusement. And
extremely low. We hope the public I must say, I'm not doing very well.
feels insulted. *
"The Lady of Scandal" is adapted I am told that Saturday's Daily
from Frederick Lonsdale's "The will be one you'll want to paste in
High Road. ' And it is well adapted. your album. The boys are tired
I There is just enough rapid change of trying to be accurate and are
of scene for good cinematic effect, planning to edit the paper the way
enough to escape the artificiality they want to edit a paper. Just a
of stage production. lot of good clean fun. Bring the
It is a very good plot as plots go. kiddies.
And the original end is retained, I* * *
thank heaven and the director, Sid- Well, I've had lunch and I don't
ney Franklin. feel a bit funnier. I have only
Miss Chatterton is suave and in- three hours before deadline (which
telligent, as always. Basil Rathbone is the same as getting in under the
handles the part of the cousin with wire, catching the last trolley to
just the right shade of expression. the suburbs, leaping from the dock
Frederick Kerr, as an uncle, gives to the ferryboat, or catching double
one of the best character portray- pneumonia) and I really don't see
als we have seen in motion pictures. how I'm going to fill the column.
Ralph Forbes is believable as the Did you ever see a newspaper dead-
young man.]line?
If you don't like the picture, you Here's one:

- 0
I 0
The above pictures are some that
were received late today of the
Doctors Whoofie on their vacation. ,
To write of them, even, makes me
sad. You all have no conception of
how Grandfather Whoofle and I
miss them. In fact, if the d
brats don't return soon we'll start
running blanks here. That would
probably please our reading public
(if there is such an animal) much
Lines Written in a Restaurant
That lady there acros the way
Is dressed in most becoming gray.
She looks a bit like Mary Lou.
Her smile is reminiscent too.
Her eyes perhaps are over-bold .. .
Oh, hell! My cup of coffee's cold.
Our illustrious night editor has
been trying to make the writing of
this column as difficult as possible
for me by censoring and making
disparaging remarks about my wit
or rather lack of it, so I am going
to give you a picture of his mind.
1 I
Night Editor's Mind
rT.,., ee~r n * f * n * lrn.bii


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