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August 14, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-14

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VOL. X. NO. 39.



Professor of Latin Cites Grecian
Idea of Music as Connected
With Other Arts, Life.
Last Summer University Speaket
Proffers Fragments From
Early Musical Works.
"Music was viewed by the Greeks
as a powerful moral element which
had for its aim the purest harmony
of the soul and inspired men to
perform noble and worthy deeds
while music among the Romans
was for entertainment and luxur-
ious enjoyment," said Prof. Bruno
Meinecke of the Greek and Latin
department in an illustrated lec-
ture on "Music Among the Greeks
and Romans" delivered yesterday
afternoon in the Natural Science
Euphony Reflected Culture
"The Greek idea of music lead to
an intimate connection between
tonal art and the every day life of
the Greeks," continued Professor
Meinecke after .pointing out how
the culture of the Greeks and Ro-
mans was reflected in the euphony,
flexibility and rhythm of their
languages. The artistic sense of
the Greeks was of a plastic char-
acter. It was also of an objective
nature and did not run into the
fantastic. This idea is traceable in
the prevalence of melodic outline
and terse rhythm.
"Poems among the Greeks were
written to be sung," said Professor
Meinecke. But whereas among the
Israelites music and poetry served
tod establish a relationship with
Jehovah, among the Greeks re-
ligion developed from their art. It
is therefore truly said that the
great poets of Greece created the
fods of the Greeks.
Had Restricted Field
"It is true that Greek music had
on the whole a restricted sphere of
action, but it was none the less
one of the most potent factors in
the whole history of music. Greek
music influenced the whole of the
Middle Ages and particularly the
16th and 17th centuries. The Greek
mdes were directly responsible for
the early Christian developments
in the form of Ambrosian and
Gregorien modes. Romans, it is
generally conceded by scholars, had
little influence on the development
of the world's music. However,
this is a field where more study
might well be made."
After showing a series of slides
depicting the intimate connection
of music with the other arts and
every day life, Prof Meinecke con-
cluded by explaining that the
sources of our knowledge of ancient
music were literary, epigraphic, and
National Government Fears Loss
of Ancient Chinese Captiol.
(By Associated Press)
NANKING, Aug. 13.-Fears that
Nanking, seat of the Nationalists
government, would fall into the

hands of Communists bands arose
today with reports from the coun-
tryside saying alleged Reds'in peas-
ant garb and armed with rifles had
appeared in large numbers 20 miles
away. Nanking was virtually de-
fenseless because few soldiers re-
mained here.
Lack of adequate defense forces
here resulted in uneasiness, as it
was believed the city would be easy
prey for the Reds if they attacked.
The presence of Communists was
reported in several near-by towns.
HANKOW, Aug. 13. - Hankow
took on the appearance of a be-
leaguered city today as authorities
tightened up their defense against
the threatened Communistic at-
Unverified but persistent reports
said the Reds had re-entered
Changsha, wealthy capital of Hu-
nan nrovince. which recently was

Nominated to Hughes'
World Court Position,

Repertory Group Gives Pleasing
Presentation of Dumas' Drama

Gives Hint of Support
for Brucker Campaign

Comments by William J. Gorman

Newton D. Baker,
Former secretary of war, who
was nominated by Siam to complete
the remainder of the term of
Charles Evans Hughes on the world
court bench. Hughes resigned re-
cently to become chief justice of
the United States.
Summer Session Statistics Show
Enrollment of 136 for
Week-End Courses.
Figures showing 136 persons to
have been registered in the special
public health institutes held on the
campus each week-end-during the
summer term were released from
the Summer Session office here to-
Five individuals attending the
institutes received public health
certificates, it is shown.
Public health nurses were present
in greatest numbers, the report
shows. Sixty-three individuals of
this group attended meetings. The
next most numerous were school
nurses, 19 having registered.
By far the greatest number of
those attending came from Detroit,
the survey indicates. Of the 136,
a total of 69 came from that city.
Ann Arbor was represented by six,
while Saginaw had 10, and thereby
earned second place. Illinois, In-
diana, Ohio, Misouri, and North
Carolina were represented. Wom-.
en constituted the majority of the
audiences of the institutes, there
being 128 of them as compared to
8 men.
Five Mayoral Petitions
Circulated in Detroit
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Aug. 13.-Petitions of
five probable candidates for the
mayoralty at the special election
Sept. 9 were in circulation today.
All candidacies are in addition to
that of Mayor Charles Bowles, who
automatically became a candidate
as the result of the election three
weeks ago at which he was recall-
ed from office by a majority of
31,000 votes.
George Engel, former commis-
sioner of civil service, who was re-
fused reappointment by Mayor
Bowles when his term expired last
spring, was the first to anounce
his candidacy.
Others for whom p.etitions are in
circulation are Harold Emmons,
one-time police commissioner, City
Clerk Richard W. Reading, former
Mayor John W. Smith and Judge
Frank Murphy of recorder's court.
Administration forces are said to
be heartened by indications of a
multiplicity of candidates at the
election three weeks hence, in the
belief that the mayor's supporters
will not be easily divided.
American League
New York 10, Detroit 8
St. Louis 7, Boston 2
Philadelphia 7, Cleveland 2
Washington 7, Chicago 4
National League

Pittsburgh 8, Philadelphia 4
New York 7, Cincinnati 6
T I- If n iX

Jolly!-Veni (to sc
delight), I was vincie(
mas mornings used t
lobby comments wer
There was a general
delight that The Th
about which there
burst of sophisticate
expectedly climaxed
Repertory season so
That one about Ch
ing was a particula
tion. All the toysa
naive and mighty b
cony, Porthos theI
the Disillusioned,F
blase ruffian. Outr
dence - the discove
and fathers, jewels
table innuendo-pres
lives. The intricacy is
ant because you kn
tails (Christmas toys
production is a very
ed one. There is a
and zest and no bu
stroy the savour.
English Headmaste
Main Differenc
Schools of Two
"The great differ
English and Americ
schools is their diffe
stated Dr. Charles W.
master of the Holt
pool, England, last ni
dress before the Edu
at their joint banque
igan Union.
Dr. Bailey, who is
secretary of a com
study of English and
ondary school syste
this fact as outstandi
parison of the two sy
so pointed out that
schools tried to tea
dents to be indeper
work without the aid
ers, citing the illust
student editor of the
zine who is trusted,
ference, and showsc
ished product to his
In concluding he st
our methods may va
heart united at the j
the next generation b
enter with the childr
Called Beautiful.' "
"My experience h
teachers, educated in
eration, are adjusting
modern conditions
Summer Schools," Ha
Miss Roxie Andrew
mun Hull, of theT
Southern California
speakers at the banqi

off), vidi (with
ad-like Christ-3
o be-etc. The
e all like that.
atmosphere of
ree Musketeers,

The dramatic version cuts the
Dumas story into a neat, rapid,
joyous little stream of narrative.
The language itself is so damn bad
as to be very amusing. "The last
wan little straw that I grasped atf
fn af ty haf th kir dni Ta

Jackson, O'Brine Pilot Greater
St. Louis' to New Record;
Complete 561 Hours.
Hop May Last Day or Year, Says
Message; Motor Reported
in Good Order.

nad been a for saieti y at sunK ana am
ad dissent, un- drowned." "My life is yours, my
the Michigan dear. Ah, yes, but my honour is
tastefully. yours." "Failed! I dare not hear the
iristmas morn- word" (suggesting in the bright
rly keen reac- lexicon of youth, etc.). And so on.
are there: the All possible points of approach to
3oy from Gas- the production, even what would
Mighty, Athos sanely be called absurd faults (such
Richelieu the as the language), yield a delicious
ageous coinci- sort of amusement. Jolly, I suppose, Gov. Fred W. Greeni,
ry of mothers was the best comment at that. Michigan chief executive, who of-
all over, card- There are outstanding things fered a virtual support to the gov-
ides over their about the production which should ernorship campaign of Wilber M.
all very pleas- be sanely listed. The costumes Brucker yesterday by approving in-
ow all the de- (built it is rumoured through the vitation of the attorney general to
) anyway. The weary hours of many nights) are appear on the Governor's day pro-
good-humour- I daringly elaborate and uniformly gram of the Ionia Free fair. Gover-
load of tempo charming. An interesting unit set nor Green has also accepted an in-
rlesque to de- manages to be versatile enough for vitation to introduce Brucker, evi-
all the scenes without insisting on dently to urge his nomination.
its versatility. The director and the
members of the cast show rare vir-
tuosity in achieving that "load of IrI
tempo" I spoke of. Throughout theS
I H evening there is considerable evi-
INN dence of a joy-in-the-process on
the part of the cast. And that, too,W--[
was engaging.
All the performances were good.
er Finds 'Size Particular commendation for Alan Bests Time Made by Lindberghs
e Between Handley who did D'Artagnan with by Two Hours; Now Holds
Nations. 'considerable gusto and intelligence, Several Records.
and no matinee-idol posturing;
SYSTEMS Doris Kerlin whose Constance was FLIGHT TAKES 12 HOURS
sweet and lively without being sil-
ence between ly; Isobel Yealy for taking all the (By Associated Press)
b Lady de Winter's passions at such VALLEY STREAM, N.Y., Aug. 13.
an secondary amazing speed as to make the -Beating by more than 2 hours
rence in size," character serpentine instead of the transcontinental air record
Bailey, Head- snakey; for Richard Woellhaf's which Col. and Mrs. Charles A.
school, Liver- Cardinal.ILindbergh set last April, Capt.
ght in his ad- The production affords a good Frank Hawks flew from Glendale,
cational clubs evening. That it may perhaps be Cal., to Curtiss field today in 12
t at the Mich- gest that lobby comment almost hours, 25 minutes, and 3 seconds.
gest that lobby commen t almost By cutting the Lindbergh time of
the hono unanimously agreed that the par- 14 hours and 45 minutes, Hawks be-
ittee nora h ticularly insipid Friml theme song came the holder of the speed rec-
American sec- was reiterated too often between ord for crossing the country in both
the acts. directors, for just a week ago today
gnhic -he flew the east-west course in 14
te s. H co- Board Votes to Join hours, 50 minutes, and 43 seconds,
the English Two Detroit Colleges beating the record for the west-
ch their stu- - ward flight held by Roscoe Turner
adent . and to (By Associated Press) by more than 4 hours.
of the teach- DETROIT, Aug. 13.-Merger of In a year and a half Hawks has,
ration of the the 50-year-old Detroit Teachers practically cut in half the time
school maga- college, one of the pioneer institu- needed to fly between the Atlantic
without inter- tions of its kind, with the College and the Pacific. When he began hisr
only the fin- of the City of Detroit was voted career of flight last February the
Headmaster. Tuesday night by the board of ed- fastest time had been made by the
ated, "Though ucation. late C. B. B. Collyer who flew fromj
ry, we are at The proposal had been discussed east to west in 24 hours, 16 min-
ob of making at length at every session of the utes.
job of d 'igboard. 1 Hawks twice before has held the

(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 13.-The world's
longest sustained flight's pilots,
Dale Jackson and Forrest O'Brine
tonight rode the air above Lambert,
St. Louis, field in a cabin mono-
plane, "Greater St. Louis," as cham-
pions once more.
After breaking the world's refuel-
ing endurance flight record at 9:42
a.m., these two veteran sky dwellers
nosed their craft toward a goal of
1,000 hours in the air, at 4:11 p.m.
Jackson and O'Brine had been aloft
561 hours and had surpassed by al-
most 8 hours the record of 553
hours and 40 minutes set in Chica-
go last month by the flying Hunter
brothers of Sparta, Ill.
Congratulations Pour In
Soon after word had .been spread
that "Red" and "Obie" had recap-
tured the record, congratulatory
telegrams began to pour in.
A small crowd cheered lustily,
standing in a dragging line to
watch the "Greater St. Louis"
sweep gracefully over the field
above their heads. The downpour
recalled the evening of July 31 last
y e a r when Jackson and O'Brine
! landed at the same field after 400
hours in the air.
Jackson and O'Brine, talking ov-
er a short-wave transmitter from
the plane, broadcasted greetings to
the crowd.
Flyers Send Message
"Too bad the folks down there
got wet. Tell them not to sit around
in the rain till we get down. We ap-
preciated the demonstration more
than we could tell you. We are fly-
ing at 2400 and the old engine
wants to run away. I guess because
' it is on the home stretch."
The flyers said they did not know
when they would come down, "May-
be tomorrow, next month, or next
year," adding that they might
"stay up until next August."



Ueb er anU we
en, The House
as been that
the last gen-
themselves to
through the
isley stated.
s and Dr. Os-
University of
were also

Liquor in Home Ruled
Legal by Miami Judge-
(By Associated Press)
MIAMI, Fla., Aug. 13.-Posession.
and use of intoxicating liquor in
the home by the family and guests
does not constitute a violation of
federal law, Federal Judge Ritter
ruled here Tuesday
The court also held liquor may
be manufactured in the home for
the use of the family and guests.
While manufacture is a technical
violation, Judge Ritter decided, no
warrant can be obtained to search
a home without an affidavit the
liquor is being sold, and, unless the
latter is true, the home is free from

(By Associated Press)
treal, Aug. 13.-The R-100, large
British dirigible took off at 8:28
p. m. e.s.t. for the return trip
to England.

west-east record, once beating his
own time and losing his second rec-
ord to the Lindberghs. On today's
flight he went at about 8,000 feet
altitude, lower than the Lindberghs.
He averaged about 200 miles an
hour but at one time, east of Wich-
ita, Kan., he made 250.
Tilden Wins in Eastern
Grass Court Net Play
(By Associated Press)
RYE, N. Y., Aug. 13.-Big Bill Til-
den today with three of his Davis
cup teammates entered the quart-
er-final round of the men's singles
in the annual Eastern grass courts
With the utmost ease Tilden eli-
minated Seligson, New York young-,
ster 6-4, 6-4, in a match that creat-
ed considerable interest among the
followers of the week's play in sin-
gles and doubles.
That a southern young Clifford
Setter, of New Orleans, intercollegi-
ate champ, stole the spotlight with'
a spectacular victory over Fritz
Mercur, of Bethlem, 6-0, 6-2. Setter
and Tilden play in the quarter-
final match tomorrow.

(Special to The Daily)
Twice in the past week students i at camp for ten men and got fif-
at Camp Filbert Roth, the Univer- 'teen volunteers most of whom had
sity's summer forestry camp near not been to the other fire. They
Munising, have been called out to reached Wheelbarrow Lake about
ten miles from camp over bad
help in fighting forest fires which' roads at about dawn and assisted
have been unusually numerous be- in controlling a 5-acre fire. Part of
cause of dry weather. the crew were sent back to camp
Eleven men spent most of the after about six hours, the others
day Sunday, August 3, "mopping remaining through the day and
up" on a forty-acre fire on the log- $ two staying over night for patrol.
ging operation of the Northwest Power pumps were used to good
Cooperage and Lumber Co., near advantage and the students were
Trout Lake. The fire destroyed a given every opportunity to try vari-
large quantity of stacked hemlock ous tools and to change positions
tan bark and a few logs and wasj on the area as the fire progressed.
particularly stubborn on account of Depth of- litter added to difficulty'
rough topography and fallen tim- in making the fire safe. Regular
ber. fire fighters rations were issued

(By Associated Press)
MURPHYSBORO, Ill., Confes-
sion by Paul Montgomery, 25,
local aviator, that he washired
by two or three men to pilot his
airplane in a bombing raid over
the Providence, Ky., coal field
early Monday, and that one of
the menaccompanied him, was
in the hands of the department
of justice and county authorities
Showing of Juvenile Classics Is
Made by Extension Service.
Students, faculty members and
townspeople have been invited to
view an exhibition of juvenile
classics at the Library Extension
service, room 312, in the general
library. Those interested may see
the books every day between 8:30
in the morning and 6:30 at night,
except on Saturday afternoons and
Sundays, from August 14 to Aug-
ust 20.
These books range from nursery
rhymes for pre-school aged chil-
dren to books suitable for high
school students, such as "David
Copperfield" and "Lorna Doone."
Each edition was chosen for its
particular distinction and beauty
in make-up and illustration. The
collection was loaned by the Chil-
dren's fund of Michigan, and is
part of the Book Exhibit project
being carried on under the auspices
of the committee on children's
reading of the Michigan Congress
of Parents and Teachers. The col-
letion is availahliforus e in Mieh








With an

eve to DrOnheev andI

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