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# ummrx
Sociologist Asks More Respect
for Statistics on Crime
by Administrators.
Asserts Criminal Studies{
Usually Predict Riots
of Prisoners.
More respect for scientific re-
search among public crime admin-
istrators and more use of the re-
sults of such research by these
same authorities was urged by Prof.
Arthur E. Wood of the Sociology
.department inhis lecture on "Get-
ting the Facts About Crime," pre-
sented yesterday afternoon in the
Natural Science auditorium.
"There exists an amazing lack of
,interest among state officials on the1
value of statistics and the scientific
study of crime," Professor Wood de-t
clared. "The National Society of
Penal Information published in
1929 the following data about the
. conditions of the Ohio state prison
where the recent fire occured. 'The
-ancient plant at the state peniten-
tiary in Columbus, one of the larg-
est prison in the country, suffers
';from a condition of overcrowding.
Prison Too Large
It is too large a prison to be op-
erated on any other lines than
those of blanket treatment. The
wpresent situation should not be tol-
erated.' This report was published]
a year before the fire.
"Prison riots can usually be pre-
dicted by criminal studies,"contin-
ued.Professor Wood. "In making
studies of crime two methods are<
used:.thestatistical method andc
thecae "history record of the in-E
dividual. From these angles we can
approach crime from a factual ba-j
pis. In this country there has been
entirely too much indifference to-
wards statistical information.
Police Chiefs Organize
"In recent years police chiefs in1
many of -the large cities have or,-
kanized with a view of obtaining
facts about crime by a scientificl
procedure. A vast amount of facts
to the number of arrests, num-
er of unsolved- crimes, number of
;rimes reported, and the number
of crimes actually committed is se-
lured. It was found that a large
number of those committing crimesr
r escaped conviction. When such ai
:mall number of people are caught,
why should we try to find out whaty
* to do with them? The first problemc
to face is the numbr who are notl
caught. Crime occurs not in waves
as some papers would have the1
public believe but in a steady vol-c
ame. Crime occurs most frequently
in certain neighborhoods regardlessI
of what nationality may be livingI
in the district.-
"The second method of ap-
Vroaching crime .study is by the,
case method. This is the personal1
method of approach. It tries to find1
the relationship of the individual
to the group,~the development of{
Crime in the individual, and to see
the individual as a whole in regard
'to his temperament, will, and
mind," concluded Professor Wood.
Professor Wood has lectured ex-
tensively in Michigan, particularly
in Detroit, in addition to his work
at the University,
Prof. Russell C. Hussey of the
geology department will deliver the
,University lecture for this after-
noon, at 5 o'clock in the Natural1
Science auditorium. His subject
will be "Animals of the Geologic
Professor Hussey has made an
extensive study of the remains of
animals found in the rocks, whose
stage of evolution serve to place
the time of formation of the geo-
logic strata. The lecture will be
amplified by illustrations which
take up this correlation of the geo- j
logical and biologicalpast.
There will be only one more lec-
.ture on the Summer Session se-
ties; that of Prof. Bruno Meineke
Upsets Expectations
To Win Nomination
- ""
.''%i...:s :i"} . :.:.{ .r';}}.Maf.7
Frank Haucke,
Who surprised all the dopesters
by winning the Kansas guberna-
torial nomination from Clyde Reed,
the present incumbent of the office.
Haucke's margin of victory was
about 35,000 votes. The nomina-
tion is considered certain to bring
with it the governorship.
Drop Nine Bombs on Kentucky
Town as Miners Go to Work;
No Damage Caused.
(By Associated Press)
PROVIDENCE, Ky., Aug. 11.-A
series of disorders in the Webster
county coal fields culminated to-
day in the bombing of mine prop-
erty from an airplane. The mines
were reopened July 1 after a three-
months shut down because of in-
dependent strikes over wages and
working conditions.
Nine bombs were dropped from
an orange colored plane, believed
to have carried two men, which
flew over the town this morning
as miners were going to work. Four
bombs failed to explode. The five
that did explode injured one and
damaged no property but tore large
holes in the ground. The bomber
was described as a monoplane.
Taken by surprise by the sudden
air attack, Providence and Webster
county were thrown into a state of
intense excitement; only one of the
25 or 30 guards employed by the
mines in the county had presence
of mind enough to fire at the plane.
He shot twice but without effect.
The bomber departed in the direc-
tion of Illinois, from which it
All available deputy sheriffs con-
trolled the mine property today,
but there was little to be done un-
less the plane returned. All mines
resumed operations as usual. Op-
erators said the mines will con-
tinue to be operated as long is
the situation permits.
Webster county officials request-
ed Gov. Flen D. Sampson to send
National Guards here on three oc-
casions after homes had been dy-
namited and miners shot from am-
bush. The Governor replied he
felt local authorities could handle
the situation.
D. L. Walker, county attorney of
Webster county, said Governor
Sampson was not asked to send
troops his previous refusals having
discouraged officials of any hope
from that quarter. There was no
further comment forthcoming from
the governor's office at Frankfort
when he was informed of the
A mass meeting was called here
tonight to raise a fund for the ar-
rest of the occupants of the plane.
American League
Boston 5, Detroit 1
Chicago 8, Philadelphia 3
St. Louis 10, New York 5
Washington 9, Cleveland 4
National League
Pittsburgh 8, New York 5
Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 2
Chicago 4, Boston 2
Detroit Jurist Demands Better
Farm Relief in Address
Before 400 Here.
Brands Administration's Inquiry
in Buckley Murder Cheap
Political Trick.'
Judge Edward J. Jeffries is in
the race for the governorship of
Michigan with the purpose of using
the prestige which the governorship
will provide to whip into line all of
the state's congressmen in a pro-
gram for adequate farm relief, he
told 400 Ann Arbor listeners in a
talk here tonight.
The Wayne county judge stressed
not only farm relief and the need
for stabilization of business by gov-
ernmental price-fixing, but also
ripped into the grand jury investi-
gation in the Buckley murder and
participation in this investigation
by Attorney General Wilber M.
Brucker, terming it an "attempted
spectacular raid on Detroit to capi-
talize the Buckley murder" and
therefore "a cheap political trick."
He also declared that law enforce-
ment is no special issue because 95
to 97 percent of the people are law-
abiding. Further, he said both At-
torney General Brucker and Alex
J. Groesbeck "spent millions build-
ing roads in the upper peninsula
last week and soon will come down
here to tell the people how they will
reduce taxes - because the roads
are all built here."
Criticizes Former Governors
The nation is in the worst cnd-
tion that it has experienced since
1873, Judge Jeffries asserted, and
while Governor Green and Mr.
Groesbeck are accusing each other
of leaving the state millions of dol-
lars in the red, from 75 to 80 per-
cent of the people of Michigan are
totally in the red. Money is in the
banks, he said, but the farmer has
borrowed to the limit, the laborer
has no employment and the indust-
rialist doesn't dare borrow for fu-
ture production, because he has no
market for his product.
Base Prices on Wheat
Wheat, he declared, is selling at
59 and 61 cents in Kansas, is going
into storage and next spring will
cost from $1.25 to $1.75. In bread,
it will cost $6.20 a bushel, he said.
The solution, he contended, is that
the government use not only a
$500,000,000 revolving fund to pur-
chase wheat, but increase the fund
to $1,500,000,000, buy the wheat crop
or 90 percent of it at $2.00 a bushel,
to be paid to the farmer, and sell it
back to the American consumer,
making the sale at the time quota-
tions on the Liverpool market are
at a maximum. Should the Liver-
pool market go over $2.00, the world
market will absorb the crop, he de-
clared, and should possibly ten per-
cent of the yield have to go into
the world market at a price less
than $2.00, the loss will be small.
All prices are based on the level
of wheat, he said, and such pro-
cedure will make buyers of from 30
to 40 million farmers, whose pur-
chases will be made with prices at
a sane level, and will restore pros-
Editor's Note-This is the third of series
of interviews on the subject of the city
water system and the feasibility of in-
stalling a new supply plant. The articles
will appear from time to time throughout
the remainder of the Summer Session.
"The water supply for Ann Arbor,
should be taken from the river, fil-
tered, and softened if the city is,
"Ann Arbor citizens will have to
pay a considerable amount of mon-
ey to obtain such a system as I
have mentioned." he said, "but in
the long run it would save them
even more in the economies that
would be effected. Any other meth-
Herbert Emerson, Bacteriology Professor,
Advises Use of River Water in City System
ever to have an adequate and prop- od than softening and filtering the
er system," declared Prof. Herbert water taken from the river would
W. Emerson of the Medical college be but a temporary makeshift, tid-
in an interivew yesterday. The de- ing the people over a short period.
clarant is professor-of bacteriology Like all maxeshifts, it would be ex-
and director of the Pasteur insti- pensive."
tute in the University. As such he Professor Emerson pointed out
has made a careful study of bacte- f some of the troubles and difficulties
ria and germs that may be con- that are caused by the type of wa-
tained in the water and is well ac- ter now being used in the homes
quainted with local conditions. and industries of the community.
He stressed the need for an imme-
diate and complete change.
LiI we are going to continue to
dig wells, and depend on a ground
water supply," he continued, "we
r Y T O I ES will eventually find ourselves
obliged to build a softening and
filtering plant, and to draw from
Cambridge Professor Supports the river, because of the inadequacy
Theory That Two Kinds of a ground water supply.
1American Red Cross, Railroad,
Farm Executives Confer
With President.
of Valency Exists.
Addressing a gathering of chem-1
ists yesterday, Dr. T. M. Lowrey,
professor of physical chemistry at
Cambridge University, England, of-
fered his proof of the general prop-
osition that there are "two kinds of
Dr. Lowrey opened his discussion
with a resume of the historical
steps in the development of the
present theories of the nature of
chemical combinations. In the ear-
ly days, he pointed out, Lavoisier;
was convinced from his experiments
that oxygen was the key to the
whole story.
Successive steps in the develop-
ment of the science proposed: that
bonds of elements are fixed in
numbers that the bonds are fixed
in direction; that the bonds are
fixed in length; that the bonds are
fixed in strength. Then Werner
studied the valence numbers and
co-ordination numbers of elements
with chlorine or hydrogen and de-
termined that the affinity is an at-
tracting force acting from the cen-
ter of the atom and is of equal val-
ue all over; that separate units of
valence do not exist, Dr. Lowrey
The work of Mosley and Thomp-
son, he continued, developed the
theory of rings containing charges
and determined the numbers of
charges in each ring. Later came
the electronic theory of valency
and the two ideas of combination,
electron transfer and electron shar-
ing. The electron transfer theory,
he said, applies to inorganic com-
binations, while the electron shar-
ing theory explains organic com-
State Drops Proposed
Buckley Case Reward
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Aug. 11.-A propo-
sal by Representative Vincent T.
Dacey, of Detroit, that the State
offer a reward of $50,000 for the
murderer of Gerald Buckley, De-f
troit radio announcer, was rejected
by the state administrative board
today. In its place, $1,000 was ad-
ded to the rewards already offered.
Jackson, O'Brine Must Remain]
in Flight Only Until 9:52 x
Wednesday Morning.
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 11.-Dale Jack-
son and Forrest O'Brine wereE
counting off the hours tonight as
they came nearer and nearer thel
554 hour endurance flight mark
held by the Hunter brothers ofE
Sparta, Ill.1
First it was. weeks, then days,
and now it is only a matter ofE
hours until the record taken toE
Chicago from St. Louis will be
back here again. If the "Greatert
St. Louis" plane is still in the air
at 9:52 a. m. c.s.t., Wednesday,
Jackson and O'Brine will have ex-
ceeded the Hunter brothers' mark
by one hour as required under rules
governing endurance flights.
If the St. Louis airmen establish
a new endurance record, it prob-
ably will be witnessed by the flyers
who are losing it, for the Hunter
brothers arrived at Lambert, St.
Louis field today and expect to re-"
main several days. The Jackson-O'-
Brine flight has cost the Hunter
brothers $100,000 in potential con-
tract, their manger, Harry Perkins,
said, but they do not contemplate,
another endurance flight. The
"Greater St. Louis" plane had been
aloft 513 hours at 4:11 p.m. today.
"The engine 'is running fine,"
O'Brine said over the radio this,
morning. , "We are having a lot
of fun out of this flight. Just two
more days and we will be sailing
down hill."
The flyers intend to stay in the
air eight days beyond the present
mark, and to set a record of about
750 hours that will discourage ri-
val endurance flyers.'
Jackson and O'Brine were heart-
ened today with the first prospects;
of financial returns for their ven-
ture. The oil company from which
they are buying their oil announc-
ed it would give them $100 an
hour for 70 hours after they break
the existing record. A national
radio chain is also negotiating for
broadcasting rights.
Plans for a fireworks display at
the flying field Wednesday night
if the record is broken were com-
pleted today. The celebration will
be financed by commercial flying
concerns which have done a brisk
business in sight-seeing tours dur-
ing the flight.
Our VeathefAn
Feed, Corn, Hay, Grain Harvest
May Be Smallest in Years,
Is Prediction.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.-The se-
riousness of the drought situation
in certain areas was emphasized to
President Hoover today by a long
line of callers including Chairman
Payne of the American Red Cross,
while the Department of Agricul-
ture reported crop prospects had
declined almost seven percent in
July as a result of a protracted dry
Meanwhile, the government pro-
ceded with plans to relieve farmers
in distress and to insure against
possible spread of disease.
Railroad executives continued to
offer aid through reduced freight
rates and Alfred T. Bohm, general
counsel of the Association of Rail-
road Executives, called at the White
House to determine the President's
Plan Conference
Secretary Hyde conferred with
Mr. Hoover late in the day and
went over details for the confer-
ence of governors of 12 states here
Thursday. Replies of acceptance
from all 12 governors to the Presi-
dent's invitation were on hand, that
of Governor Weaver of Nebraska,
being the last to arrive. Governor
Weaver had said he might not
come, but informedthe President
today he would be present.
Samuel H. Thompson, president
of the American Farm Bureau fed-
eration; C. E. Huff, president of the
National Farmers' union; and Louis
J. Traber, master of the National
Grange, were called by the Presi-
dent to a White House conference
Friday to discuss the situation.
Chairman Legge of the Farm board
also will be present.
The agriculture department re-
ports said a "rather wide belt from
the Middle Atlantic states westward
to the Mississippi valley" had ex-
perience the "driest growing sea-
son on record."
Yields Are Subnormal
While the shortage is chiefly in
feed crops, the report said, esti-
mates of yields per acre on the
basis of conditions August 1 were
5.5 percent below last year and 9.1
percent under the last 10-year av-
The corn crop was expected to be
the smallest since 1901 with hay
and grain and sorghum likely to
be reduced to the lowest yield in
10 years.
The feed shortage was described
as "accentuated by pastures far
poorer than in any previous sum-
mer months for. 50 years or more,
with many farmers already com-
pelled to feed hay and new corn."
A report said the drop had been
felt farther north, as the season
progressed, and was now affecting
even New York and Michigan.
"It is hurting most late fruits and
vegetables except where they are
irrigated," it added. "It is daily re-
ducing prospects for corn, flax seed,
peanuts, sweet potatoes, tobacco,
Arkansas rice, cotton west of Ala-
bama, and various other crops."
(By Associated Press)
VIENNA, Aug. 11.-Reconciliation
between King Carol and Queen
Helen of Rumania was reported to
be only: a matter of hours in mes-
Ssagesreceived here today from the
royal summer palace at Sinai where
the king is staying.
The messages said the Queen now
had- been pursuaded of the correct-
ness of the King's view that their
divorce never had been legal.
If the reports are accurate, noth-
ing appears to stand in the way of
the coronation of the royal couple
in September or October.' King
Tacoma-to-Tokio Flyers Make Forced
at Vancouver When Motor Trouble
(By Associa
VANCOUVER, B. C., Aug. 11.-
Bob Wark and Eddie Brown, Ta-
coma-to-Tokio flyers, were forced
down here Sunday en route to
Whitehorse, Yukon territory, but'
planned to resume their aerial trip
from Ladner Airport today.
The flyers took off at'11:33 a. m.
I (2 p. n., Ann Arbor time) Sunday
from Tacoma Field, but air in the
gas lines of their big Fokker bi-
plane, "Pacific Era," forced them
to land at Vancouver on Lulu is-
land about 2 p. m. Vancouver is ap-
proximately 150 miles from Ta-
coma by air.
Wark said satisfactory repairs
had been made and he and Brown
ated Press)
cause of the longer runway af-
They expected to take off for
Whitehorse, approximately 1,000
miles distant, in time to reach their
destination by late afternoon. He
estimated it would take 10 or 11
hours to make the trip.
Wark's announced itinerary in-
cluded Fairbanks and Nome, Alas-
ka, and Petropavlovsky, Siberia, as
refueling points, en route to Tokio.
The trip outlined from Tacoma to
Tokio is approximately 5,400 miles.
Wark, leader of the expedition,
carried a gold watch as a gift from
Tacoma citizens to the emperor of
Japan. He said he would give the
watch to Lieut. Harold Bromley in