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August 12, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-12

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- r 3 ummter
Published every morning except Monday
during the University, Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The A\ssociated Press is exclusively en-
titlcd to the usedfor republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
put;Aished -herein. t-
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,!
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, :$.-o; by .mail,
. Qifces:, Press Builing, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director...... ...Howard F. Shout
City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr.!
Women's Editor.............Dorothy Magee,
Music. and; Drama Editor.,. William J. Gorman
Books Editor..........Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor ................Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.

ity to be classed on a level. The
fact that they wear similar clothes
or have similar habits makes them
no different than the same condi-
tions in other walks of life. Slav-
ish adherence to fashion, the desire
for uniformity, a tendency to fol-
low the customs of the community
are not confined to universities by
any means.
The idea of a typical student,
then, becomes the image of what
the public like to think is "col-I
legiate". Although other types may
be in the majority on the cam-
puses, the group that has some or
all of the characteristics mention-
ed above has come to be considered
the traditional and accepted repre-
sentative of the whole class.
It is unfortunate that so many of
them find it necessary to satisfy
the demands of the onlookers, and
to adopt ways and mannerisms
which are no part of their natures.
Still, we believe it true that more
genuine individuals,.are developed
in the colleges.and universities than
anywhere else, that the general
level of existence is broken up into
different planes to a greater ex-
tent, that the average American
uniformity, if such a thing exists,
is less evident among graduates of
higher institutions of learning
than among any other class of the
The answer that will probably be
made is that this discussion of the
I subject is typical of student publi-
cations, but the comment will be
typical of the critics of youth and
the modern educational system.
The Navy, we notice, is sponsor-
ing a study of the coming eclipse.
Perhaps the Navy would do well tc
study its own eclipse which is tak-
ing place rapidly.
Personally, we're getting pretty
tired of that: "Detroit and vicinity,
generally fair and warmer.



-ake it Scotland

The excellence of the picture at
the Michigan, The Big House, has
exceeding relevance to the situa-
tion in drama. The Big House is an
excellent melodrama. In addition,
it is almost completely "cinematic".
Its most significant effects are
achieved by means available only
in the cinema. In achieving the
variety and speed of motion neces-
sary to good melodrama, it simul-
taneously attempts to realise the
aesthetic value inherent in photo-
graphic composition (the extraor-
dinary effectiveness of the shots


into the prison
without impeding


it is cap-

C. H. Beukema:
Helen Carrm

Constance A.


Bruce Manley Sher M. Quraishi
Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson
Secretary ......... Ann W. Verner
a1 sistants
Joyce Davidson Lelia M. Kidd Dorothy Dunlap
Night ,editor-Howard F. Shout
Since the day when the flying
contraption of the Wright brothers
was recognized as a possible factor
in military operations, the army
and the navy have been enlarging
their natural antipathy for each
other into open hostility. Each
branch of the service is seeking to
gain the upper hand in the de-
velopment of. aeronautics, and each
branch has wasted huge sums ,of
money in. the attempt to duplicate
and better the efforts of the other.
The whole matter came to an is-
sue with the coast defense question.
Who should guard the sea boun-
daries of the nation from possible
attack;--the army from land avia-

Screen Reflections
At the Michigan theatre: "The Big
House" with Chester Morris, Wal-
lace. Beery, and Robert Montgom-
ery. Closes Wednesday. Also Mack
Sennett comedy, "Campus Crushes"
and Paramount Sound News.

tion bases, o
bor island
bases? A co
ed to-decide
the same nt
sentatives as
decision was
long sessions
glaring eyes
navy contru
army built
groups carri
costly mane
their ability
Now Mr. I
and ordered
tions to stop
lution at on
to cut expens
finally detec
dike of ecor
around the-
. But why .
not combine
forces under
particularly I
two-are on c
efficiency co
ation of the
ions would t
important of
in supplies,
vising and c
work, and it
in the actii
Frank Jamef
been pushin
It is to be h
on it will be
According t
eral public,
and some of
there exists s
ical college
in composite
raccoon coat
mer) a long
a few slang p
and a super.
The prevalen
existence of
makes -neces
sion of the su
day the absu
of its own a
time, a little
direction will
Of course, t
college stude
help to speak
discoursing u
modern yout
lieve that tht
men on the c

r the navy from har-
and airplane-carrier A huge thing, full of movement,
mmission was appoint- often realistic, and characterized by
since it consisted of excellent acting is "The Big House."
umber of navy repre- Its portrayal of prison life, seem-
of army, the desired ingly a fortunate break in Holly-
never reached, and the wood tactics, centers around a riot
of gritting teeth and scene, with a somewhat journalistic
came to naught. The plot probably inspired by actual
cted land bases; the disturbances that occurred recent-
island hangers; both ly. It contains some stirring shots
ed on extensive and and some-thank the powers that
uvers to demonstrate be-rather sordid ones.
in defense operations. Wallace Beery as "Butch," a gun-
Hoover has stepped in man serving a sentence for the
the contending fac- massacre of three gangsters, gives
quarreling, find a so- what we consider the best perform-
ce, and, in any case, ance of his career. He is really
ses. The President has magnificent. No doubt we owe to
ted this leak in the the director, Mr. Hill, the credit for
nomy he had erected the fact that Beery never overplays
war department of- but takes full advantage of voice,'
gesture, and expression to make
not go farther? Why himself a convincing hard boiled
the navy and army guy.
r one direct control, Chester Morris, playing Morgan,
n matters in which the a forger, is also very good. He sur-
ommon ground. More- -prised us by a restrained perform-
mbining and correl- ance, by slightly less prominence
work of the two divi- of the chin and correspondingly
be effected, and, most greater prominence of an acting
all, a greater economy ability that is really considerable.
in salaries for super- Robert Montgomery, cast in the
carrying on the office part of the heroine's weakling'
n decreased personnel brother, does some effective work in'
ve work of the two a role somewhat different from his'
Representative W. usual one.
s, from Michigan has Fletcher Norton, Lewis Stone, Le-
ag this proposal in l a Hyams, Karl Dane, and Tom
for a number of years. Wilson complete a fine cast. The
oped that some action sound effects are strikingly good.
taken soon. The plot frankly is weak. A
youth goes to prison for man-
PICAL STUDENT slaughter and is placed in a cell
to the ideas of the gen- with the two hardened lawbreakers'
the motion pictures, who rule the prisoners. The boy
the tabloid journals, goes yellow and frames Morgan,
uch a thing as a typ- who escapes later and falls in love
student. The picture with the boy's sister, after planning
form- is made up of a to take his revenge upon her. He is,
(or knickers in sum- recaptured;.he foils a prison break'
pipe, a receding chin, led by his old pal, Butch; and when
hrases, a bottle of gin, he is given his liberty, the girl
abundance of energy. meets him with open arms at the3
ce of the belief in the gate.<
this human oddity The Deus ex Machina was work-
sary another discus- ing overtime. Such a chain of cir-'
abject. Perhaps some- cumstance strains one's imagina-
rd notion will die out tion, and the end is an obvious con-
ccord. In the mean- cession- to the box-office. Moreover,
assistance in the same heroism in the forger was a bit out
not be amiss. of proportion. Melodramatic quali-
the idea that a typical ties of the play excuse some of the
nt exists is of great faults, but the inconclusive finale
ers and lecturers when deserves some condemnation.
pon the evil ways of With a story that turns out rath-
h. However, we be- er superficial and pointless, the pic-
e young men and wo- ture misses the highest standard1
campuses of American in spite of the cast's excellent work.1
,re. too individual, too I.We recommend it, however. It is

able of effective delineation of de-
tails: a striking survey of prison
life (exaggerated undoubtedly)be-
ing the result.
The point I am suggesting is that
The Big House proves unhesitat-
ingly that the camera "can do
right" by melodrama: that it can
realize all its well-known demands
more strikingly and with more con-
sistency than the drama ever could.
No stage could realize so strikingly
the very popular pathos of two
hard-boiled buddies crawling op
their hands to mutually slap af-
fectionate shoulders before dying,
having shot each other with pistols
which they drag along smoking
with a large battle audible and
visible at the same time etc. The
cinema can get into one photo-
graph such an infinitude of detail
that prose cannot order it.
The obvious qualities of the Big
House should result in the label-
ling of such tawdry attempts in the
drama as Martin Flavin's Criminal
Code as anachronisms. At the time
of its performance here, The Crim-
inal Code impressed me as a par-
ticularly loose and futile use of the
episodic form and a better scen-
ario than a drama. The attempt
in the disjointed first act to show
pitiful, oppressive prison scenes
was very wearisome. And indeed,
in the light of the speed and power
with which a panoramic camera
achieves the same thing inThe
Big House, that act was an abso-
lute waste of effort.
Drama should not particularly
bemoan the loss of melodrama. It
will realize itself more adequately
in the cinema. It has always been
a burden to the stage anyway,
straining the minds of dramatists,
and producers to futile and ob-
jectionable ingenuity. The drama,
relieved of the annual bow to the
movie element in its audience, can
proceed to more refined and intel-
ligent cultivation of the particular
forms which can never be replaced
by anything on a screen-the dra-
ma of psychology, the comedy of
wit and possibly the poetic drama,
forms requiring the greater im-
mediacy and intensity derived from
the poetic of the carefully articu-
lated word and the poetry of the
human presence for adequate pro-
The cinema can be employed in
connection with this sort of drama
for purposes of perpetuating great
performances-the series of Arliss
pictures being a case in point.
That some such organization of
the respective fields of the cinema
and drama is being achieved or is
necessary (I don't know which) is
shown by the fact, now quite well-
known, that movie interests con-
trol half of the drama on Broad-
way for next season. It is a pre-
carious situation and the sooner a
clear definition of the respective
capabilities of the two mediums is
achieved, the better for both in-
The cinema must to an inevit-
ably major degree cater to the
quality of its audience. The drama
should sieze upon the opportunity
to subtly refine its audience. In
spite of the present situation,
there seems to be no reason why
the few years of antagonism that
are at hand should not result in
some important benefits to the
drama. W. J. G.
Kenneth Osborne, pupil of Pal-
mer Christian, is giving his gradu-
ation recital in Hill auditorium to-

night beginnng promptly at 8:15.
The public is cordially invited to
attend. The program follows:
Choral Prelude on "Eine Feste
Burg" Hanff
Choral Prelude on "Ich Ruf du
zir" Bach
Song of the Basket Weaver
Choral in A Minor Franck
Caprice Heroique Bonnet
Romance Vierne
Traumerei Strauss-Chris-
Prelude and Fugue on B-A-C-H

Goodbye, Ann Arbor, we're go-
ing north.
We have had a fairly amusing
time about the town here these past
six weeks: the swimming has been
fair despite the stagnation; the
drinking water has been drinkable
despite the contamination;nthe
Repertory plays have been enter-
taining despite Play Production;
the lectures have been somewhat
instructive in spite of the lecturers.
But we were getting tired; so
when Cousin Gltzjl wired his love
and a blank check, we decided to
knock off getting our A.B. and M.
A. this summer and forget all about
having to go back to Wolpocket
Junior College to teach the cul-
tural English course for the pre-
engineering "students" in Septem-
ber and have decided to just have
two weeks of good clean exercise
scrapping grease out of frying pans,
carrying wood for a kitchen range,
shoveling out the-well, digging
about, you know, and lots of heal-
thy chores like that.
We're sorry we shall have to miss
the "Three Musketeers" which they
are advertising as the sensation of
the summer over at Lydia Mendel-
ssohn's Theatre-"Beautifully cos-
tumed-Music from the Musical
Comedy-distinguished cast of 20
-50 chorus beauties, 50"--color-
song-dance- women -color-wine
-life-youth-gay old Vienna-ah,
yes, and spring! spring! and the
light caress of violet eyes.
Then, too, we are going to miss
watching the progress of Miss Wy-
skanchett. We probably haven't
mentioned her before, but she's one
of those bewitching maiden ladies
about twenty-two (thirty years
ago) who is just so interested in
the course and takes every oppor-
tunity she can of letting Professor
Pilch, our instructor, know how she
for one, feels upon the subject.
Twice now she has broken in on a
quiet recitation section to tell Pro-
fessor Pilch just how much she's
interested and she wouldn't mind
doing a little more work outside,
for she finds that the assignments
aren't quite long enough and of
course, she wants to get the most
out of the thing that she can and
it is hoped that Professor Pilch
won't misconstrue what she means
and think she's complaining-and
no, the old fossil never fails to see
Miss Wyskanchett's point .. thinks
it's well taken in fact . . . . and piles
on a little extra outside work. Well,
we would rather like to hang
around and see how Miss Wyskan-
chett will take her A which old
Pilch will give her, for he openly
prides himself on being a professor
who isn't easily worked for marks
and can tell a good man when he
sees one. However, we can about
guess what will happen when
marks come out. Wyskanchett
will stop everybody she has ever
seen in the vicinity of Pilch's room,
eagerly ask how they came out in
Pilch's course, and then volunteer
her mark with the sweetest mod-
esty and wonder how she got it,
for she certainly didn't deserve it.
The old introspectionist!
Maybe it's just as well we are
going north. You can do the Wy-
skanchett job for us-if you aren't
too busy with your own Wyskan-
chetts, and don't fool yourself into
believing this campus doesn't reek
with them. If you don't think so,
you're probably one yourself, and
as such deserve an ax or at best
some pulverized glass in the sugar
Meanwhile, we shall devote our-
selves to writing post-cards to the
many acquaintances we have made

on the staff of this paper during
the summer. And right her may we
pay a little tribute to our various
collegues who have helped to make
the Daily the mess it is this sum-
mer. However, since we just can't
tell you all of what we think about
them, we'll pay them a silent tri-
bute--which is rather less expen-
sive than the non-silent kind.
Silent Tribute to Our Colleagues
Of course the natural question
running through your minds now
is, "What will become of the col-
umn?" Never mind, we are leav-
ing it in capable, if inferior, hands,
and you may be sure that it will
always be cleverer than the Books
Column, clearer than the Music
Column, more serious than the Ed-
itorial Column, and superior to
everything in the paper except the
Classified ads, which till remain,
along with the telephone book and
the Montgomery, Ward & Co. Cat-
alogue, our chief source of inspir-

7 Ea
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