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August 07, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-07

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______ - .1 - - -

. 7

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Published every morning except Mondsy
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The .\ssociated Press is exclusively en-
titl~d to the use for republication of all news
dis atcees credited to it or not otherwise
cre .itd i this paper and the local news
g.ul, ished heein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postotlce- as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $x.so; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial' Director.......... Howard V. Shout
City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr.
Women's Editor..........Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor... William J. Gorman
Books Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor................Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.
C. H. Beukema Constance M. Wethy
Helen:, Carrin - Bertha Clayman
Bruce Manley Sher M. Quraishij
Telephone 21914
Assistant Business Managers
William.R Worboys Harry, S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson
Secretary.........Ann W.Verner

permanent corrective plan; it was
intended to be temporary in its re-
lief. A situation which involves the
over-production of a commodity for
which there seems to be no market,
domestic or foreign, of sufficientf
size to accommodate it, offersa
challenge for any group of the best
minds. Such a problem is found
in the surpluses of wheat that are
thrown on the market each year.
That the farm board has proceeded
slowly and cautiously in the mat-
ter is a point in its favor. That
President Hoover has permitted
them to work at their own speed
shows a proper understanding of
the- task with which they are faced.
It is unfortunate that the first
year of real opportunity which has
come to the board should be one of
drought. While the amount of,
grain produced may be lessened to
a certain extent by this factor, and
incidentally the problem of the
disposal of the remainder made
easier, the business of relieving the
farmer of his burdens is increased
in difficulty. Certainly prosperity
cannot be expected if the farmer
has no crops to sell, any more than
it- could when he had crops but no
place to sell them. The vote of con-
fidence which Kansas has given
the administration should be an
encouragement to continue its work
with the same spirit it has shown
during the past two years.
SEditorial Comment I

Screen Reflections,
At the Michigan theatre: "With
Byrd at the South Pole," authentic
motion picture record of the Byrd
Antarctic expedition. Closes Satur-
day. Also "Barbers' College" and
"The Voice of Hollywood."
Somehow our colleague in this
column, Mr. P. M., always arranges1
the schedules so that we get the I
great human records to review, and
he has the inconsequential little'
things. We shall go on a strike
someday ...Now, please!
All of which brings us to the ad-
mission that we don't know quiteI
where to begin or what to say
about "With Byrd at the Southj

V %I

I .



' V a i





Joyce Davidson
Lelia M. Kidd

Dorothy Dunlap1

(Daily Iowan)

Night Editor-Powers Moulton
For the first time in history in-
dustrial leaders have expressed'
themselves as being opposed to1
wage and saary reauctions as. a
remedy for business depression.
The old idea that such cuts in payf
would be a panacea for business
troubles has passed away, and the
new economic understanding is
that these decreases are asdirect
cause for further depression. It
would. seem only natural that the
fallacy would be recognized some-
time. The idea that there could be
any advantage secured by taking
away the purchasing power of the
wage earner s almost ridiculous on
its face. It might concentrate cap-
tal n the hands of the producer for
awhile, but it would result in noth-
ing but merchandise without a
Under direct questioning a few
days ago some of the most promi-
nent business leaders have shown
their new attitude on the matter by
declaring that they would make no
salary cuts in their companies. This
means that the corporations will
bear the expense of the temporary
slowing down of business activity.
It is right that they should. How-
ever, in order to do this they must
set the normal wake at a figure
that will balance their own losses
in times like the present. Wage
earners seem loath to accept or
recognize this necessity; they tend
to feel that they should receive
higher wages in times of great pros-
perity, but not less than normal
wages in less fortunate days. An
average, living wage is all that can
be expected if the producer is to
bear the burden.
During the sessions and report-
ings of the Hoover farm commis-
sion, a hint of doubt as to the
worth of all the study and invest-
igations which they were carrying
on, crept into the public mind. No
direct evidences of a bettering of
conditions were to be found, and
there were even some signs that
the situation was worse. When the
harvest came, and the grain began
pouring into the great terminal
storehouses, more skepticism was
expressed as to the value of their
activities. After all, what better
proof could be asked for failure,
than the depression that had set
But apparently, the group that
was in the best position to know
has recognized the work done as
being of more worth than was
commonly believed. The farmers
themselves have expressed their
approval of the commission and the
results it has accomplished; Kan-
sas, the outstanding agricultural
state of the union has, in its sen-
atorial primary, voted overwhelm-
ingly in favor of administration
The work of the commission is of
that character that is difficult to
evaluate. In addition, it must be
recognized that it has been dealing
with a problem of great complexi-
tv. a problem that seems to defy

Because the British parliament
ratified the naval limitation treaty
without much delay and with little
opposition, Senator Hiram W. John-
son of California concludes that
there is "no truth in the argument
that the British admiralty is as op-
posed to the treaty as the general
board of United States Navy."
"Of course the British approved;
they, with an enthusiasm almost as.
great as ours, indorsed their ownS
handiwork," Senator Johnson de-
I clares.
The California senator intimates
that Great Britain's sea dogs are
secretly pleased with the treaty and
so parliament ratified it with al-
By the same line of reasoning,
it could be said that the United
States navy board was delighted
with the treaty, since congress rat-
ified it (with more alacrity than
I parliament) and did so with little
opposition, numerically. Also, the
British enthusiasm for the naval
limitation treaty was not quite as
great as the American enthusiasm
for it, according to Senator John-
son himself.
Senator Johnson would be the
last to admit that the pact satis-
fied the United States navy board.
What proves something in England,
does not prove the same thing in
the United States, it seems.
(Daily Illini)
Seventeen-year-old Arthur Wil-
liams of Rhode Island has won the
Edison scholarship examination. He
may go to the Massachusetts insti-1
tute of technology with all expenses
paid as a reward. What courses in
high school helped him to be able
to answer these questions? Is the
I average graduate of a high school
prepared to take examinations of
this type? If not, why not?
Mr. Edison was impressed by Ar-
thur's remarkable knowledge of
current events. Arthur has proba-r

Prof. Lawrence Gould
Pole." We might criticize the plot-
it was a very unreasonable one-
but that would leave an opening
for a return crticism. Screen tech-]
nique was lacking among the act-
ors, a fact which made the picture
entertaining but which leaves us
with some space to fill and not
much to say, except that the film
had the very original Little Ameri-
ca cast.
The picture escaped the typical
newsreel faults in most parts. The
members of the expedition staff
were able to appear usually uncon-
scious of the presence of the cam-
eraman. Selections of the film are
so arranged that the picture gives
an impression of continuity.
It should be particularly of inter-
est to local theatregoers because of
the part played by Prof. Lawrence
Gould of the geology department.
"Larrywas shown on his airplane
explorations and on his sledge trip
to establish stations for Command-
er Byrd's pole flight.
We recommend "With Byrd at
the South Pole." Don't expect a
climax. Even Gibbons' announcing
doesn't make the pole flight seem
like a great and courageous victory
over the elements. But the picture
is a diverting relief from the aver-
age screen "drama" and should
rate high B entertainment, even to
the toughest. D. K.

Such an authority on French mu-.
sic as Nadia Boulanger has repeat-
edly insisted that Gabriel Faure is
the greatest figure in the music of
the last thirty-five years. Indeed
it is the judgement of all France.
Yet to America Faure, except for
the occasional appearance of one
of his songs, is merely a name.
The reasons for his failure to
penetrate America musically are
not too difficult to find. He has1
been called "the most suave of rev-
olutionaries." He is an innovator
who happens to be very refined.
For American that is probably a
paradox. America siezed Debussy
because his idiom was explicit, eas-
ily aprehended. It has undoubted-
ly over-estimated Ravel because of
his elan, his vividness, his none too-
subtle sense of humour, and the
survival of Rimsky-Korsakov glit-
ter in most of his orchestration. It
would accept the grotesqueries of
Satie because of their grotesque-
But Faure, by their own admis-
sion, was the master of them all.
He came to the Professorship of
composition at the National Con-
servatoire in the last quarter of the
nineteenth century. From then on,
he and Vincent d'Indy, who was at
the Schola Cantorum, directed the
musical destinines of France: D'In-
dy merely furthering the classical'
and Teutonic strains, but Faure re-
pudiating Teutonism and fertilis-
ing an exclusively national idiom.
Ravel and Florent Schmidt are two
of his greatest pupils.,
In his own composition, Faure
introduced the lines which French
music in this century was to take.
His achievement, stated too broad-
ly, was disciplining the too flag-
rant romanticism of Berlioz to the
service of pure music, paving the
way technically for Debussy's im-
pressionism, which, as far as
France is concerned, was the final
destination of the Romantic move-
Nadia Boulanger's summary of
the qualities of his music is reveal-
ing: "Like Mozart, Faure is essen-
tially a 'musician composer'. His
unique concentration, refinement
and grace are a summation of pre-
vious culture. Like that of Mo-
zart, his simplicity is deceptive; it
is the ease of a great composer.
The syntax of modern harmonies
owes more to his music than is
Faure has repudiated dishonest
eloquence. He is the "musicien
d'intimites"-confining his work
largely to songs and chamber mu-
sic, rather than to the ostentatious I
forms which might gain him more
ready acceptance. In general, he
has not occupied himself with the
contemporary search for new re-
sources of sound but continued to
seek expression in the inflections of
melodic lines.
At his death in 1924, French crit-
ics paid him tribute in a special
edition of the Revue Musicale. All
marvelled that throughout the
eighty years of his life-hectic
years that saw the growth and de-
cline of such reputations as Franck,
Strauss, Stravinsky, Ravel, Debus-
sy-Faure could maintain an art:
La, ou tout n'est qu'ordre
et beaute
Luxe, calme, et volupe.
Debussy, Frenchmen are now
able to correctly call a "glorious
heresy". Ravel has written jests
with great talent. But Foure is the
temperate reflection of the age and

quite the best composer.
Recording of Early Sonata
Victor Records 8086-8088 intro-
duce one of the earliest of Faure's
works: the Sonata in A major, Op.
13, played by Alfred Cortot and
Jacques Thibaud. This Sonata for
Violin and Piano. It is a good in-
troduction to Faure. Its Gallic and
specifically personal characteris-
tics are not immediately apparent.,
The qualities grow with acquain-l
tance. As early as 1876, in the quite
difficult and impersonal form,
Faure was achieving personal ex-
pression. All is delicacy. There is'
no shouting. The allegro is polite-
ly animated. The humour of the
scherzo is anything but coarse, ac-
tually whimsical. The squareness
of the forms is disguised by the
easy continuity of melody. As I
have suggested, Faure disciplines i
a polite, literary sort of romantic-
ism to the ends of pure music. AndI
the achievement is an exquisite'
one. Cortot and Thibaud, needless
to say, give an extremely sympa-
thetic interpretation to give one
of the most attractive and prob-
ably most neglected of contempor-



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At the Majestic theatre: "Strictly
Confidential," with Lewis Stone,
Ernest Torrence, and Catherine
Dale Owen. Closes Friday. Also
Grantland Rice Sportlight; Pathe
Sound Review; "The General," com-
edy; and Stan Laurel and Oliver
Hardy in "Night Owls."
W. Somerset Maugham has the

tf' i.y


bly developed the habit of reading unusual and somewhat doubtful
newspapers and periodicals inde- distinction this week of having,
pendent of the classroom. The boys two of his efforts play at once in
who took the examination exclaim- Ann Arbor. The Repertory Players
ed that the questions concerned produced "The Constant Wife" last
things that they didn't learn in night (push your head through the
school. They had not been ac-ipaper at this point and look up at
customed to think in terms of life I the top of page one), and the Ma-
situations or philosophy. Their jestic is now offering "Strictly Un-
knowledge of Latin conjunctions conventional," an adaptaton of his
and square root did not aid them j play, "The Circle."
as much as teachers of these items The cinema is not without its
might expect. merits. The theme is a discussion
High schools with expensive of the question of whether or not
buildings and new objective meth- it pays to be unfaithful. Mr. Maug-
ods are all too often distressingly ham is somewhat afraid that it
lacking in training students as cit- doesn't but decides that such things
izens. They neglect logical think- will happen occasionally. The treat-
ing ability in emphasizing factual ment of the subject is delicate, and
knowledge. In trying to make chil- a bit unusual.
dren "walk the straight and nar- Catherine Dale Owen, we are glad
row" they forget that there will be to report, in this picture shows
no one to do this later and that faint signs of a future knowledge
the boys and girls will be woefully of the Thespian art. These flashes
unprepared to accept responsibili- are momentary, but are distinctly
ties. Leadership on the part of the a relief from her usual round of
student is sacrificed so that disci- sighs, blinks, and swallows. Ernest
pline may be strictly maintained. Torrence gives the most polished
Teachers are so engrossed in the performance of his career, and
task of rigidly following the pre- Lewis Stone is good in a disappoint-
scribed course of study that they ing role.

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