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August 07, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-07

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VOL. X. NO. 33.

Employs Phonograph Records to
Illustrate Values of
Wind, Water.
Cites Storm Description From
Beethoven Symphony
as Example.
Illustrating with orchestral music
of Beethoven, Wagner, Rossini and
Sass6n from the phonographic rec-
ords, Professor Earl V. Moore show-
ed how wind, water and fire were
used as elements in Music in a lec-
ture at the Natural Science audi-
torium yesterday.
The classic description of a storm
from the Pastoral symphony of
Beethoven who is commonly known
as a composer of strictest and not
of a painter or narrator was given
by Professor Moore. "It is almost a
theatrical and idealistic storm, in
which is pictured the mood of the
group, the description and narra-
Rtion of joyful feelings," Professor
Moore said.
Lauds Tell Overture
"A violent and vigorous storm of
the Swiss mountains is in the Wil-
°liam Tell Overture," which Profes-
sor Moore said, "is good and popu-
lar music, with genius in its every
measure." This was illustrated by
a record and explained during the
"By the time of Rossini technique
of musical expression had so far
developed that the storm as pic-
tured by him is more realistic, more
direct," Professor Moore said, "and
more concentrated and with more
melody and thrill."
Calls Wagner Realistic
"In the second opera of Wagner
the storm becomes almost natural,"
Professor Moore explained, "it is
irregular like a storm and comes
nearest to realism."
"Sasson in his carnival of the an-
imals can be heard picturing the
aquarium, the reflections a n d
changes in the water, the undulat-
ing motion or the placidity of the
confined water, limpid and cooling
in its effects is easily recognized,"
Professor Moore said and then on
the phonographic record played the
composition so that even the curv-
ing and glancing motion of fish
n}oving in the water could be imag-

G.O.P. Enemies Await Michigan Repertory Player Veteran Net Champio
Resignation of Huston t Victorious in Tourney
Offer Excellent. Productzon eo n un
A Review by William J. Gorman .
The Michigan Repertory Players technique which characterises all
return to high comedy this week really great work in acting. This
and because of the excellence of is almost a prediction. "
the production, one can call last Miss Bauersmith was very amus-
week a lapse. Maugham's comedy ing. and very natural as the society
-even the fourth time-provides replica of the poor woman who
scintillating refreshment. The so- leans over her neighbor's fence for r
phistication and striving for epi- a word. Miss Workman did the
gram appears more and more des- idiotic young thing none too subtly
perate, more and more apparent, until her third act, which was
each time. Yet it still remains in- good, but never awkwardly. I
finitely superior to the average Harry Allen had the correct ap-
I American attempt at the comedy of proach to the "lover bought andk
~the drawing-room. paid for" part. He attempted and
The production gains consider- succeeded admirably in playing the
ably by the perfection of the mi- part as - doubtlessly Maugham
nor parts. Miss Powers' work as meant it-something of a carica-
the cynical mother, pushing her part as doubtlessly Maugham meant
thesis of polygamy for men and it -something of a caricature of
chastity for women, was perhaps the very straight English gen- '
the best single performace of the tleman, always reticent tnd unfail-
summer. Miss Powers' comedy ingly tactful, persistent and glam- '
sense, particulary in matters of orous as a lover, but effective ando
timing, and pantomime, is delight- impressive. Mr. Allen's performance
Claudius H. Huston, fully broad without suggesting car- was rich enough to suggest the
National Chairman of the Repub- icature. Miss Powers in both her character in its completeness. Wil- :<.
1 lican Party, who has announced he character parts this summer has iam Powell in the otherwise excel-
will resign his post today. His been singularly patient with detail. lent movie version incorrectly made
d e c l a r a t i o n followed a consul- She crowds every possible bit of him a suave gentleman from the
tation with President Hoover at the humour into her technique. The East, inclined to twist his mous-
4 White House. Members of the G. result was that last night, in spite tache.
O. P. have been attempting for of not moving from a couch, she Mr. Secord, I think, was quite R. Norris Williams,
weeks to oust Huston because of I made a whole act very amusing unfortunately cast as John Middle- doublens star,op shown as gh won the
revelations about his lobbyist ac- and was applauded for it. Miss ton. The whole impression that he da s ago Yetea rhseveral
tivities made by the Congressional Powers seems to have that delight- conveys has at all times too much days ago. Yesterday he was em-
Lobby Committee. ed concern with and absorption in of the adolescent in it for him to nted from the Southhampton
be adequate as the intelligently stu - _rnament- _
L a el pid, self-contained English surgeon, ch-
ARTHUR HOLCOMB COMMUNISTS ML capable of casual lechery and .car-' FRI HWSST
rying himself very well at the dis,
Scovery. Mr. Secords nervous stage
manner, or needless activity ,and
entirely unconvincing voice takes
a good deal of the dignity from the
Declares Kellogg Pact Gravely Eleven Foreigners Known to be part he was playing and leaves the
arh. . surgeon too inadequate an object Holder of Nen-Stop Record Cuts
D v ru nfKl ; re rships for the torturous intellectualising More Than Three Hours
Weace. Sent Up River. (the elaborate economic interpre- From Former Time.
tation of holy wedlock) which his
Of course, to Florence Tennant
"Mere absence of organized use (By Associated Press) goes most of the credit for giving (y Associated Press
of physical force for the promotion SHANGHAI, Aug. 6. - Japanese the play continuity. Miss Tennant LOS ANGELES, July 6. - Frank
of the interests of a state is not I dispatches today reported that is always very intelligent and al-H
International peace," declared communists executed 2,000 Chinese ways realizes and projects a part Hawks who began a transconti-
Prof. Arthur N. Holcombe, visiting after capturing Changsha 1 a s t (in this case an extremely difficult nental flight from Curtis field New
professor of government from the Tuesday. In addition, 4,000 Chinese one with loads of argument and York, at 5 ain. today, landed at
University of Harvard in the first were missing from the wealthy Hu- ethicalizing in it). Though it does the municipal airport here at 4:50
and only meeting of the Interna- nan province capital, many sec- not prevent me from enjoying her 43' p.m.
tional Forum at Lane Hall last tions of which were looted and work, I still entirely disagree with Hawks spent I4 hours, fifty min-
night. "International peace is es- burned, the dispatches said. The her method in high comedy. it is utes, 43 seconds enroute and stop-
sentially a state of mind where na- Chinese were believe either mur- the Ethel Barrymore practice of in- ped five time to refuel his plane.
tions are well disposed towards dered or kidnaped by the invaders. dicating by hook or crook, by a sly There was no trans-continental
each other and feel a sense of se- An official government dispatch hesitancy or a facial lift, the ap- flight exactly comparable to the
curity," he said. from Nanking asserting provincial proach of a witticism. That is, it one made today, but Hawks clipped
In leaving a million dollars in a troops had re-entered Changsha is self-conscious to a considerable three*hours,.52 minutes, 11 seconds
trust fund for the promotion of was received here with great re- degree. The wit in a part is used to off the 18-hour, 42 minute, 54 sec-
world peace, Mr. Ginn, the founder serve. The situation there and at display mannerisms and personali- ond record Roscoe Turner made on
of the famous book-publishing Hankow, threatened by advancing ty. Miss Tennant's method is not so a one-stop west crossing of the
company, stipulated that when Red armies, was considered grave, extreme but lies in this direction. country last May 27.
peace was established the princi- Foreign advices from Changsha I should prefer more coolness, more Hawks stopped at Columbus, O.,
pal of the fund is to be devoted to today said Communists had with- casualness, an intelligent haphaz- St. Louis, Wichita, Albuquerque, and
the building of a model dormitory drawn from that city, allowing the ard of movement. Miss Tennant's Kingman, Ariz. The last 250 miles
for women students of art and mu- return of provincial defense forces, ordering of a part, perhaps from of the flight was made through
sic in the city of Boston. Professor whose shattered members were as- too long an acquaintance with her storm.
Holcombe as one of the trustees Jsembling there. work, is towapparent. This may or The pilot said he was tired and
has the duty of determining when Additional warships were being may not be quibbling. I am not glad to gt here. He arrived several
peace has been established, rushed to the Red zone by foreign sure. hours before the sun set, thus com-
"The establishment of organized governments, whose decisions to. pleting the first flight from the
international' political institutions reinforce the Yangtse.river patrol President Back; Planss Atlantic to the Pacific in full day-I
of legislature, executive, judiciary was hastened by further outrages Secod Vo Slight. He was met at the field by
and a police force under interna- against their nationals. C1__p_ Turner and his parents, Mr. and
tin1dieton t mpeet Mrs. Charles M. Hawks.
tional direction to implement Eleven whites were known to President Alexander G.RuthvenH krs.dChare a i h.r
peace," said Professor Holcombe, have fallen victims of Communists returned to the university late yes- Hawkal rdysdtong the r
has been accepted as the definition since last Wednesday. terday from a uiveeri several days adjusting the motor
of the y-omindayeare."a'five-week trip in of his 300-horsepower engine for*
Declaring the Kellogg Paris Pact D isthesrcdtin totglo Utah where he carried out an ex-the takeoff Sunday on the return
as a gravely defective instrument lout the Yangtse valley. Reports tensive study on snakes. The pres- flight. He hopes to better the 14-~
of peace, Professor Holcombe hailed from widely separated areas in Hu- ident will remain in Ann Arbor un- hur, 45-minute record made by
widey searatd aeasPncHu idnt wllprmaininvnn Abor n- o and Mr. C. A. Lindberg. The
the Locarno Pact as a positive in- nan, Hupeh, Kiangsi and Fukien til after the visit of the British and Lndbergis stopped once enroute to
ternational achievement for, he provinces said numerous Red bands French lawyers delegation which ,,,o..'~v

said, "it more adequately provides numbering from a few hundred to will stop over here onV August. 20 New or1
the implementing organization for 10,000 pillaged towns and spread Dr. Ruthven will later leave for AuS
the keeping of peace." terror, virtually unopposed. a vacation in northern Miehigan. Austraan S0I ier
"The League' of Nations is based L
on the two fundamentals that no OBSERVATORYVIM PLEMENTS VISITED
one nation can successfully wage ERVAT RY(ByIE EAssociatedTVEPress)
war against the rest of the world BROADEN DAILY REPORTER'S VIEWS BATAVIA, Java, Aug. 6.--A. T.
and provides for the combining of Cunningham,,Australian amateur
all nations against one breaking By C. M. our part) not to mention bated irman who left Sydney Aug. 1 on a
the peace," Professor Holcombe After narrowly avoiding one of breath we joined one of the per- solo flight, to-.England in an at-!
said, "but the creating of a govern- life's major tragedies by staying on sonally conducted tours with which tempt tobeat Bert Hinkler's 15-dayi
ment strong enough to establish the sidewalk that skirts the edge the place- was filled. record, has. not been reported since
domestic tranquility has been the of the chasm in Mosher-Jordan's For the next hour wewere sub- he left Wyndham,. north Australia,-
solution of peace among the United front yard, where we feel certain jected to a series of technical and i for..Bima at dawn Tuesday.
States." an elephant is eventually to be bur- pedantic comments emanating(
ied, we arrived footsore and weary, from one of the habitues pf thef



Defeats Bonneau, Hall; Gains
Berth in Quarter-Finals
at Southampton.
Wilbur Coen, Morris Williams
Both Lose in Mixture of
Surprising Upsets.
(By Associated Press)
SOUTHAMPTON, July 6.-- Big
Bill Tilden, making an unexpected
start in the singles play of the
Medal club invitation tournament
less than 24 hours after his return
from Europe, took the spotlight
from the remainder of the field as
he won two matches in the space
of two hours today to earn himself
a quarter-final berth.
Tilden, playing in place of Berk-
ley Bell, collegiate champion who
iad been defaulted by the tourna-
nent committee, drew a bye in the
first round and then defeated Frank
Bonneau, New York southpaw, in
the second round and followed with
a triumph over J. Gilbreth Hall of
South Orange, N. J. Big Bill trim-
ned Bonneau in straight sets 6-4,
6-1, but was forced to three before
he found Hall 6-3, 1-6, 6-4.
Allison Wins Two
The Wimbleton and National
champion was in fine stroke despite
the fact he hadn't touched a racquet
since leaving Paris a week ago.
Wilmer Allison, Tilden's Davis
Cup teammate, also w o n t w o
natches to catch up with the re-
nainder of the field. In the morn-
ing the Texan was badly off his
game, but defeated Valentine Gress
f .New York 7-9, 6-1, 8-6.. In the
afternoon, however, he defeated
jack Mooney of Atlanta, Ga., 6-4,


Members European Bar Groups
Plan Visit to Campus.
More than 200 prominent Euro-
pean lawyers, members of the Irish,
Scotch, British, and French bar as-
sociations will be the guests of the
University and Ann Arbor on Aug.
20 when they spend an afternoon
here while enroute to Chicago to
attend the national convention of
the National Bar association which
will be held in that city on Aug. 21
and 22.
While here, the group will be ad-
dressed by President AlexanderI
Grant Ruthven,rClifton G. Dyer,
president of the Detroit Bar asso-',
clation, and James Duffy of Bay
The visiting lawyers, arriving in
the afternoon, will make a tour of'
the campus and the athletic plant
of the University. They will then
inspect the Lawyers' club on the
Law Quadrangle, later being enter-
tained at dinner the refectory at
which time the speaking program
will be held. Following this meet-
ing, the party will proceed to Chi-
Previous to their arrival here,
members of the delegation will
be guests of the Detroit Bar asso-
ciastion. While in Detroit, they will
visit the Ford industries at River
Rouge and Dearborn before driving,
to Ann Arbor.
This party will be the second ,
large group of distinguished Euro-
pean professional men to be the
guests of the University this. More
than 25 prominent journalists, edi-

Upsets Are Common
Two of- the defeated players, Wil-
bur Coen of Kansas City, ace of the
National honors group, and R. Nor-
I ris Williams, former national title-
holder, of Philadelphia, made a
[.mixture of surprising upsets in the
filling out of the quarter finals
brackets. Coen, playing far below
form, was beaten in straight sets
by Richard Murphy of Utica, N. Y.,
9-7, 8-8, while Williams lost for the
second time this year to Edward
Jacobs of Baltimore 6-2, 1-6, 11-9.
Advancing with Tilden, Allison,
Murphy, and Jacobs into the quar-
ter. finals were Francis Shields of
New York, Frank Hunter, New Ro-
chell, N. Y., Wood of New York, and
George Lott of Chicago.
Falcone Promises Program Every
Wednesday on Library Steps.
Michigan's summer band concert
which it was announced would be
given last night in front of the li-
brary was postponed until tonight
at 7:15 because of the University
School of Music's picnic which was
planned for last night.
Tonight's program will be as fol-
Star Spangled Banner.......Key
Wolverine March.......... Gehring
Overture to Barber of Seville....-
Selections from Maritana..Wallace
Cornet solo: The Charmer......
.. . . . ...... L. F.Boos
William Boos
Adagio from "Farewell Symphony"
................. ......... Hayft
M. Men March....... Falcone

Neapolitan Nights.......Zamecnik
Grand March from Aida.....Verdi
Yellow and the Blue.........Balfe

American League
Detroit 9, Cleveland 1
New York 4, Boston 2
Washington 5, Athletics 1
St. Louis 5-2, Chicago 0-5
National League
Brooklyn 7, Pittsburgh 4
St. Louis 4, Chicago 3
Boston 5. Philadelphia 4

but elated withal, at the front door
of the Observatory. We were there
to observe, just what we knew not.
A. Cererbus (oh, we know we've
misnamed him for he was such a
mildmannered gentleman!) met us
at the door, and the watchword,
"the Daily" whispered in his ear,
opened for us new vistas and what-
not. Oh, of course, we had a letter
Lyantne 7Cn dmici - n nn - an

place to whom each device was, but
another friend. For our edification
and yours he explained the clock
on the pier, which reports mean so-
lar time in no mean fashion; the.
spectroscope, which is as simple as
it sounds; and' the seismograph,
which is just that. Due to. the
questioning of a small child in the.
crowd we are enabled to give you
fil fn~..cnsr. rniha~h~ica a

tOurW ea er Man

Encores to the program will in-
clude "Victors," "Varsity," and oth-
er pieces popular with students.
The summer band from now on
will play every Wednesday night
unless otherwise announced, it is
stated by Nicholas D. Falcone, di-
rector of the band.
Theband, Falcone announced re
I'.sn ,l7 Still nn+ 1% ..rv ...v% .A M l

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