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June 30, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-30

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VCL. X. NO. 2$.




Conservatives, Lead by Richard
B. Bennett, Win Majority
of Seats in Commons.
Present Prime Minister Loses
After Party Leadership
Lasting 12 Years.
(By Associated Press)'
OTTAWA, Ont., July 29.-After 12
years in power, the Liberal govern-
ment of W. L. MacKenzie King has
been overthrown. The Conservative
party, headed by Richard Bedford
Bennett, won a majority of seats in
the house of commons in Monday's
general election.
With three ridings missing, re-
turns today showed the Conserva-
tives had captured 136 of the 245
seats. The remainder of the 242
seats decided were divided as fol-
lows: Liberals, 84; United Farmer,
10; Progressive, 2; Liberal-Progres-
sive, 2; Labor, 3; Independent, 5.
The necessary number for a major-
ity is 124.
Liberals Were Leaders
The standing of the parties in
the last parliament was Liberal,
123; Conservative, 90; Liberal-Prog-
ressive, 9; 'Progressives, 7; Inde-
pendent, 2; United Farmer, 11; La-
bor, 3. The Liberals lacked one of
a majority after electing a speaker,
but had the aid of the Liberal-
When Mackenzie King submits
his resignation to the governor
general, the prime minister will be
Bennett, a lawyer who has prac-
ticed for years in Calgary and was
born and educated in Nova Scotia.
He has been Conservative leader
three years. He is 60 years old and
wealthy. The time of the change
Is not definite as an outgoing min-
istry is given opportunity to adjust
its affairs.
Favor High Tariff
Victory for the Conservatives,
traditional proponents of a high
protective tariff was forecast early
by an almost unprecedented upset
in Quebec, Liberal stronghold.
There they gained 20 seats, increas-
ing the four Quebec seats they held
in the past parliament to 24, and
defeated two Liberal ministers.
Bennett won an easy victory in
his constituency in Calgary, Alta.
Mackenzie King fought an uphill
battle against his Conservative op-
ponent in Prince Albert, Sask., and

! T~in~v~ ! )AT. 7 .. .,.....L _ _ _ _iy- i".. .. _ _'

I Eugene OuNeil's great tragedy,
"Beyond the Horizon," will open at

Ruth Atkins, the wife of Robert.
Robert Kelly was seen as Andy i

RobrtKelyWA s sflln"oas A
8:15 o'clock tonight in the Lydia Mayo, the sea-going brother of An-
Mendelssohn theatre and will con- dy and erstwhile lover of Ruth.
tinue each night through Saturday In the local production, Kenneth
as the fifth public presentation of Boyle, from Carnegie Tech, will ap-
the Michigan Repertory players of pear as Bob Mayo, the part in which
the Play Production department. Bennett achieved notable success.
Prof. Elmer W. Hickman of the Bertha Doe Thompson, well-known
Carnegie Institute of Technology, to theatre-goers on this campus
guest director of Play Production will be seen as Ruth. She will- be
for the summer season, has been in remembered for her performances
charge of the staging of "Beyond, last season in Galsworthy's "Es-
the Horizon." cape" and Flavin's "Children of the
It was first produced in New York Moon."
with Richard Bennett in the lead- Other members of the cast are
ing role as Robert Mayo. He was Charles Moyer as Andy, who ap-
supported by Blanche Yurka as i peared in "Close Harmony" and as
pt. Gleason in "The Criminal


The Child in the Educational
Machine' Is Discussed in
Education Series.
Prof. Francis B. Haas, president
of State Teachers College, Blooms-
bury, Penn., delivered the ninth
lecture on the education school
Afternoon Conference series yes-
terday. His subject was "The Child
in the Educational Machine."
"The school, society's institution
for formal education, tends natur-
ally and necessarily to become com-
plex since the school is an integral
part of the social fabric," Profes-
sor Haas stated.
"One major characteristic of this
civilization," he continued, "appar-
ently is the conquest of nature by
man through the skillful develop-
ment of the machine. Relatively
the product of the machines serves
immediate functions measurable
by machine made instruments of
precision. The product of the
school serves immediate and future
functions in social behaviors and
human values."
"It is difficult," Professor Haas
went on, "in the complex social or-
ganization to segregate the so-
called machinery from the desir-
able outcomes."
Professor Haas went on to dis-
cuss the methods of simplifying the
complexity of the educational ma-
chine, in its relation to child edu-
(By Associated Press)
ERIE, Pa., July 29.-The sand
dredge, George J. Wheelan, and 14
members of its crew lay in Lake
Erie off Dunkirk, N. Y., tonight.
Six survivors and a body of an-
other of the crew were here as Fed-
eral authorities prepared for in-
vestigations of the accident. that
sank the craft in approximately
190 feet of water.
In the early hours this morning,
the steamer Amsa came into port
here with the survivors and the
first definite word of the wreck. In
the black night, the Wheelan
plunged over and floated bottom up
for half an hour, several of the
crew clinging to it.
British House of Lords
Approves Naval Treaty
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, July 29.-The London
naval treaty passed through all its
stages in the House of Lords today
and tonight only needed the royal
assent before becoming effective.
The bill already had passed the
House of Commons. It gives legal
support to the pact entered into at
the recent London naval confer-

Code;" Martin Palmer who was
seen as Fales in "The Criminal
Code;" Ethel McIntosh; George
Masselin; Isobel Yealy, also from
Carnegie Tech, a talented actress
who has been well received in a
number of the productions of rep-
ertory groups; Roberta Byrum;
James McMonagle; and Seward
Narcotic Agents Unearth Five
Gangs Operating in Three
Cities of Country.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 29. - De-
scending on huge narcotic rings in
three widely separated cities, agents
of the newly reorganized narcotic
division of the treasury made 20
arrests over the week-end and cap-
tured persons who were said to be
the leaders of five narcotic gangs.
At the same time, the raiders
seized large quantities of morphine
I and heroin and believed they had
broken up smuggling operations
that brought millions of dollars
worth of narcotics into this coun-
try each year from Turkey. The
leader of one gang, it was announc-1
ed, was arrested in his office in the
Woolworth building in New York as
he was preparing a quantity of
morphine for shipment to San
Announcement of the raid, which'
started Saturday and ended last
night, was made today by Harry J.
Anslinger, acting director of the
narcotic division. He said agents j
had arrested the ring leaders of
five gangs and had captured all
the principals in the narcotic smug-
gling scheme along the Atlantic

Naval Treaty Was Achievement,
Unemployment Worst Failure
of Labour Party.
Hundreds of Thousands Have
Not Worked Since Coming
to Manhood.
"The Englishmen have been able
to keep their heads in spite of their
tremendous imperial problems, un-
employment of 2,000,000, decreasing
export trade and economic depres-
sion," declared Prof. James K. Pol-
lock, Jr., of the Political Science
Department in a lecture yesterday
at the Natural Science auditorium.
"It is a marvelous tribute to the
sturdy character of the English.
people that they have not become
embittered or despondent and are
not dyed red and turned Bolshe-
Inviting a deeper understanding
of the depressed conditions of the
island where hundreds of. thoZ-
sands of boys have grown to man-j
hood without doing an honest day's
work, Professor Pollock sketched
the rise of the Labor party into
power and office in the May elec-
tions of 1929. The Labor party hold-
ing office at the sufferance of the
Liberals, has achieved nothing
striking in its socialist program,
Professor Pollock said.;
Laborites Boast Treaty 1
"Reduction of military and naval
budgets, increase in the income tax,I
higher death duties or inheritance
tax are some of the achievements
of the Labour Government," said1
Professor Pollock, "besides the ne-
gotiation and ratification of the'
London Naval Treaty in which our
government shares the s u c c e s s.
Cordial relationships between the
two Anglo-Saxon nations are as-
sured," he said.I
"In unemployment, the major
political problem of England, how-
ever, the Labour Government has
not been successful," Professor Pol-
lock said, "and although the LiberalI
Party had the most constructive
program for the amelioration of the
unemployment problem the elec-
toral system of Britain did not giveI
as many seats to the Liberal party
as their real strength over the
country would have entitled them."
Free Trade To Be Issue
"Tariff Reform and Free Trade1
will probably be the issue of the
next general election," Professor
Pollock predicted. "England has
been a free-trade country since the
repeal of the Corn Laws and Stan-'
ley Baldwin, the former Conserva-
tive prime minister, who has em-
braced the safeguarding, or protec-
tionist, policy has about faced un-
der the pressure of the press bar-'
ons, Lords Beaverbrook and Roth-'
ermere, upon this issue. Empire
Free Trade," said Professor Pol-
lock, "has little chance of being
realized because of the Australian
Labour Party protectionist policy
and the recent Canadian election
of the Conservatives to power. A
stimulation of prosperity in Britain
may be looked forward to, if this
policy could be materialized," he

ted Press)
mained in the district. The other
two were a British woman, Ger-
trude Rugg of the China inland
mission, and an Italian Catholic
Naval authorities reported they
had rescued about 50 foreigners,
but Lingie, Cameron and the priest
had refused to leave. The priest at
the last moment decided to go and
attempted to reach an American
gunboat, but was captured by the
Communists. The fate of the four
was not determined. All were at
Changshu, a nearby village, and
the woman was ill.
The refugees were reported safe
aboard British and American gun-
boats heading for Tungting lake.
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' Passengers Carry 0 ITS DRGBL
Good Luck Tokens
(By Associated Press)
CARDINGTON, Eng., July 29.- E
S VOA number of good luck tokens
were carried by those on board
the British dirigible R-100 as it
left this morning for Canada.
Sir Denistoun Burney, the de- Giant R-100 Reports Position as
signer, took a small ring which
his wife had owned sinceshe was 200 Miles West of West
a child. Coast of Ireland.
"I gave it to him because it al-
ways brought me luck," Lady PLANS ARRIVAL FRIDAY
Burney explained.
Squadron Leader E. L. John- Passengers, Crew, Settle Down
ston, the navigator, had a photo- to Routine Life on Ship;
graph of his wife which he had Hit Adverse Winds.
carried for 18 years. HtAvreWns
"I have had good fortune ever(-
arked, and my wife,' he re- LONDON, July 29.-Great Brit-
same good fortune will be withus ain's R-100, biggest dirigible, to-
on this little trip." night was well out over the Atlan-
As Sir Denistoun smoked a tic ocean on its way to Montreal,
final cigar before embarking he Canada.
said hebelie ve xpthe R-1W ith her six Rolls-Royce engines
ter years of designingI smoothly turning out a speed of
60 miles an hour, she reported her
position at 7 p. m. (1 p. m. e.s.t.)
as. 200 miles west of the Irish coast.
Since leaving the mooring mast
PRESENat Cardington" at 3:45 a. m. the
PAM T NG .pride of Britain's dirigibles had de-
scribed an ar over northern Ire-
land. Quitting the nglish coast at
Liverpool, she passed over the Isle
Nicholas Falcone, Director of of Man and through the Mull Kin-
Varsity Band, Will Lead tyre, the narrow channel separat-
New Summer Group. ing Ulster and Scotland.
Message Received.
WILL PLAY ON CAMPUS Thence flying over Raghlin, Ire-
land, circled above Malinhead, U-
Presenting an innovation in the ster, and headed southwesterly
musical fare for students in the along the general line of the ship
Summer Session of the University, lanes from Glasgow to Quebec. At
the University School of Music 4:18 p. m. the Valencia wireless
Summer concert band will give a station, Ireland, received a radio
program of more than 10 numbers giving her position as 205 miles
at 7:15 o'clock tonight on the west of Malinhead.
campus in front of the Main Li- On board the big airship, the
brary. message said, passengers and crew
Nicholas Falcone, director of the had settled down to the normal
Varsity band during the regular routine of airship flight, which
session, will direct tonight. This they will pursue, flying accurately
year is the first time such a musi- until they arrive late Thursday or
cal group has been organized dur- early Friday morning at St. Hu-
ing the Summer Session. It is com- berte airport, Montreal.
posed of more than 40 students Nothing of interest to report,
who are taking regular work in the everyone now settled down to nor-
University. mal routine, nebulous clouds, 1,800
Present plans call for the presen- feet and good visibility. Flying at
tation of a concert every week dur- 2,100 feet. Position 200 miles west
ing the remainder of the summer. of the west coast of Ireland.
The director hopes to increase the Carries Wireless Sets.
membership of the band to more
than 60. All students who have Periodic broadcasts from her well
played in other bands and desire equipped wireless sets to the Air
further experience are invited to ministry kept Great Britain in-
join the organization. formed of the first day's progress.
Tonight's program, copies of fShe was constantly in communica-
which will not be distributed at tion with ships and picked up fre-
the concert, is as follows: quent weather reports. As she
The Star Spangled Banner, Key; headed for the open sea, the wind
March, Chicago World's Fair Cen- facing her unexpectedly shifted,
tennial Celebration, 1933, Mader; and from having been favorable
Overture to Martha, Flotow; Cornet when she started, became adverse.
Ovetur toMarhaFloow;CoretThis change produced a deviation
solo: 'Inflamatus' from Stabat Ma-
ter, Rossini, by Lee Freeman; A i her intended course. Instead of
Japanese Sunset, Deppen; Selec- heading north from the Irish sea
tions from Victor Herbert, includ- to the Hebrides, the airship cut
ing 11 members from 'Naughty much closer to the north of Ulster.
Marietta,' 'The Red Mill,' and Meteorlogical data picked up
Mademoiselle Modiste'; Lone Star from passing ships proved to be'of
Overture, Hazel; Coronation March great value in determining her
from 'The Prophet,' Meyerbeer; and course. In general her route re-
Yellow and Blue, Balfe. Encore mained that of the great circle
numbers will be chosen from the across the Atlantic. Squadron
list of the more popular University Leader R. S. Booth, her command-
songs. er probably will keep to his prefer-
ed course, heading to a point south
Four European Nations of Cape Farewell, Greenland, then
FourEurpeanNatonscrossing Labrador and then fol-
Discuss Joint Interests lowinggthe St. Lawrence river to


Excavation Operations to
by September 15.


Six staff members of the Michi-
gan Archaeological Expedition tc
Mesopotamia, sponsored by the
University and the Toledo Museum
of Art, will sail from New York on
August 23 for Syria, according to
an announcement from Prof. Leroy
Waterman of the Semitics depart-
ment. The staff hopes to reach the
site of the excavation work in Iraq
and begin operations again by Sep-
tember 15.
The Michigan men will be pre-
ceded to the location by two other
staff members, one from Syria and
the 'other from Palestine.
The excavating is taking place in
Iraq, at the site of Selucia, on the
Tigris river, 20 miles below Bagdad.
Professor Waterman will direct
operations at the dig until the sec-
ond semester of next year, when he
will return to the University.
Two St. Louis Aviators
Start Ninth Day in Air
(By Associated Press)
ST LOUIS, July 29.-Dale Jack-
son and Forest O'Brine started the
ninth day of their endurance flight
at 7:11 a. m. today, when they had
been up 192 hours.
From now on until they land they
must remain over Lambert-St.
Louis Field always within sight of
an officia1 nhsrver Their haa-

Their arrests were brought about
by the undercover of three agents
who worked their way into the con-
fidence of the narcotic leaders and
were taken as members of the
gangsters. It required two months
for the agents under the direction
of J. A. Manning, narcotic agent in
charge in New York, J. B. Greeson,
narcotic agent in charge at Wash-
ington, and R. A. Sanders, detective
of the metropolitan force of Wash-
ington, to trace the narcotics from


their source in Turkey to the gang
headquarters in this country.
(By Associa
SHANGHAI, July 29.-Changsha,
capital of Hunan province, appar-
ently was doomed todays as Com-
munists burned and looted their
way through the city.
Foreign gunboats were forced to
withdraw from the city due to the
lowerng of the river level. Foreign
property worth millions of dollars
thus was left at the mercy of the
Reds. Burning and looting was go-
ing on unrestrained.
The majority of the foreigners
left in the city, having boardedI
warships in the Siang river.
Late advices said four mission-
aries, including W. H. Lingle of the
American Presbyterian, with head-
quarters in New York, and Allen
ronar,. of, h rclih Mie~.nn ...i

(By Associated Press)
COPENHANGEN, July 29.-Den-
mark, Holland, Sweden and Nor-
way have formed a sort of an unit-
ed states of Europe of their own.
Foreign office delegates of these
countries met in Copenhagen today
to discuss the common interests of
these small'nations, the chief point
being the recent German altera-
tions of customs duties-increases
materially affecting the welfare of
the four.

American League
Cleveland 14, Detroit 7
Chicago 6, St. Louis 2
New York 12, Philadelphia 3
Only games scheduled.
National League
New York 11, Philadelphia 5
Boston 4, Brooklyn 3
Pittsburgh 6, St. Louis 5
Cincinnati 4. Chicago 3

Tests on the water supply made
by the city health department show
no harmful organisms, according to
Dr. John A. Wessinger, city health
officer. Dr. Wessinger ordered the
open reservoir on Sunset r o a d
closed last Saturday following a
discovery that the water in the
reserve tank was contaminated.
The reservoir was drained, clean-
ed with chloride of lime and re-
filled during the week-end. Monday
the daily test was made on the city
water supply, including the reser-
voir, and tests show the water is
pure. Dr. Wessinger expressed him-
self again as being very much op-
posed to keeping a reserve supply
of water in an open basin such as
the one on Sunset road.
Samples from the various sources



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Says he's leaving Ann Arbor for

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