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July 17, 1929 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1929-07-17

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rAUfz *'WU
tIj r umm ~r the giddy round of new enjoyments
which the people were now able to
t1 ai I afford. Old traditions and morali-
ties were forgotten, success and a
gambling instinct seized the coun-
Published every morning except Monday try, and a new spirit of radicalism
during the University Summer Session by adanwsii frdcls
the Board in Control of Student Publications, entered in which gradually destroy-
The Associated Press is exclusively en- ed the last remains of the old or-
titled to theeuse for republication of all news der.
dispatches credited to it or not otherwiseT
credited in this paper and the local news pub. There can be very little doubt
lished herein. _ that we have reached an extreme
Intered at the Ann Arbor Michigan, today, and that the next twenty
postoffce as second class matteryears will witness a gradual re-1
Subscription' by carrier. Sr.so; by maily
$2.00 trogression toward our old conser-1
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, vatism, but in this time we will
Ann Arbor, Michigan.1
have secured a degree of material
EDITORIAL STAFF progress which can never be de-
Telephone 4925 stroyed by the most reactionary
MANAGING EDITOR Doctor Mims has drawn his pic-
LAWRENCE R. KLEIN ture very clearly, but he has fail-~
Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout ed to show that opposite extremes
Women's Editor ...........Margaret Eckels merely serve to balance each oth-
City Editor......... ..... .Charles Askrea1
Music and Drama Editor.. R. Leslie Askren er, and that the result of the cycle
Books Editor..........Lawrence R. Klein will be the same as though a md-1
Sports Editor ...........S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors ; erate course had been pursued atE
Howard F. Shout Walter Wilds all times.
S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren 0
en' Manson Ledru Davis The present cigarette tax law is
Ross Gustin Margaret Harris almost certain to lose its place on
Dorothy Magee Paul Showers William Mahey the statute books by virtue of the<
-_ _decision of Attorney General Wil-A
liam M. Brucker in which he de-I
BUSINESS STAFF iclared the law subject to a refer-
Telephone 21214 endum. According to the attorney
general, the law fails to answer inI
BUSINESS MANAGER the affirmative two constitutional
LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY questions: it was not drafted fort
Assistant Business Manager .......Vernor Davis .
Publications Managera.............Egbert Davis any general appropriation or forx
Circulation Manager..........Jeanette Dale Iany "specific appropriation for
Accounts Manager ..............Noah Bryant state institutions or to meet de-N
- - ficiencies in state funds." Appar-
ently, if it had been drawn up as
Nlight Editor HAROLD WARREN I an appropriation measure, it would
- --- - ---- - have been free from the danger oft
WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1929 a referendum.c
MODERN RADICALISM As things now stand, there can
it would seem a rather common- Ibe very little doubt that it will be
place remark to say that people defeated when the popular vote isr
have changed greatly in the last turned in on the question. The tax-e
ten or twenty years, but when it ing of a luxury in such uniyersalv
is considered that the whole view- use and popularity as are cigar- I
point of a majority of the Amer- ettes will always be opposed by the
ican people on matters ranging majority of citizens. Taxation on
from religion and morals to liter- land or even on incomes can be -
ature and modes of dress have been tolerated much more than tma-
altered radically in this period, the tion on luxuries-witness the his-s
quality of a platitude is lost. torical incident of the Boston Tea
Dr. Edward Mims, of Vanderbilt Party. It is to be wondered that
university, in a recent address, Governor Green, being the astute
pointed out the extremeness of cus- politician that he is, should havej
toms and ideals today as compar- permitted a bill to receive his sig-c
ed with those, of a score of years nature when the certainty of ai
ago. "Many people have passed referendum was so obvious on ac-s
from sentimentalism to sophistica- count of the opposition which thei
tion," he declared, "from rose pink bill aroused. Perhaps so much pub-
literature to dirty drab, from Pol- licty was not anticipated when heI
lyanna optimism to the most de- gave his indorsement.3
pressing pessimism, from uplift to
iconoclasm, from mediocrity to ab- C
normal eccentricity, from service to
rampant individualism and selfish- cnibuors ae assd to h brieft
oniing themselves to lss han 300
ness, from suppressed emotions and words i possible. Anonymous conf
inhibitions to unbridled passion natofcm wic entsillIhoweTer
and undisciplined thinking, from be regarded as confidential, uponre
uat. [Letters publied should nut be
success as an idol to failure as the construed as expresing the editorial
chief glory of man and art." "pin of the Daily.
This condemnation-if condem-
nation it is meant to be - of the To the Editor, Summer Michigant
modern social existence is undoubt- Daily:
edly correct for the most part; the; Last evening at the Union I talk-r
pendulum has swung to the other ed on the subject "Flight routes_
extreme and we are living in an to Europe." I should not like to be
age of radicalism of both thought held responsible for the statements
and action. What this will mean to ascribed to me in the issue of the
America in the future and what Daily this morning.
it means to America today is all In the editorial columns of your
more or less indefinite and proble- paper I have read various articles
matical. Is it any better to be sen- which treated of the Little admin-
timental than to be sophisticated, istration and spoke in very dispar-t
or emotionally suppressed than un- aging terms of the intelligence of

suppressed? The answer is, of the University faculties. In these
course, a matter for every indi- editorials I have fgund very littlec
4idual to decide for himself, but knowledge of the figts as I do in
some consideration of the problem the report upon my adress last
might not be amiss. evening. I appeal for relief poth
The sentimental, Pollyanna phi- from misleading reports it the newsc
Josophy of the past was stifled by columns and from the mischievous1
:a number of occurrences chief sophomoric editorials; such, for ex-
among which were the increasing ample, as that of July 11, printedf
complexity of modern life and the under the caption "Wanted-Vig-
world war. America's commercial or." For some time we have seem-b
prosperity did not take on any large ed less in need of vigor than of
proportions until the latter part of sound sense.-
the nineteenth century, and kt was W. H. Hobbs n
at that time that romanticism,I
coupled with unintelligent medio- -Dear Editor:A
crity was the outstanding charac- This is not exactly a contributiona
teristic of the American people. to the Daily but merely an appeal t
With commercialism gradually en- for your assistance. I
veloping the country, a new spirit We are wondering why we do not B
began to take hold; business be- have any student parties, which S
came the order of the day and ev- would enable one to meet members t
erything that smacked of the spir- of the opposite sex. It is pathetic m
itual, the ideal, or the sentimen- when one observes what a large b
tal was driven out by a hard-boiled number of, students are really lone- t
determination to progress mater- some, "(especially week ends) and 1
ially. Naturally this sounded the hat 3 no opportunity of getting ac- h
knell for everything that was "rose quainted. Yes, there are many lec- t
pink" as Doctor Mims aptly ex- tures, plays and excursions, but g
pressed it. Mediocrity was no Ion- they do not enable us to make in
ger tolerated since only the spec- friends. c
ialized expert could maintain the What we need are a few student p
pace, and pessimism grew up as a parties. There, dear editor, if you a
psychological balance to the un- wish to assure your eternal salva- we
precedented prosperity that spread tion and gain the unfailing devo- th
over the country. tion of lonesome students, lend us a
The other great influence bring- your hand. Present our cause to th
rig about this change was the whomever is at the head of the en- sg
var, but it served only to accentu- tertaining department, and end our m
te the changes that had already adversity. t
ome about. Leisure was abolish- I Yours sincerely, ml




A new code of ethics for teachers
was drafted by the teacher-mem-
bers of the National Education As-
sociation at the conference con-
cluded at Atlanta last week. The
salient tenets of the code are: tha
the schoolroom is not the propel
theater for religious, political, 0]
personal propaganda, that th
teacher should not tutor pupils ir
his class for pay, and that the
teacher should insist upon a salar
scale suitable to his place in so-
Such a code has been the neec
of the teaching profession for some
time, although the members of the
profession have in the past for th
most part instinctively obeyed cer-
tain unwritten laws which amount-
ed in effect to the three points set
out above. However, too much em-
phasis cannot be placed on the
necessity for the observance of
these principles, and the fact that
a national society of teachers has
written out and approved them
makes their recognition a matter
for the decision of everyone in the
There can be no question that
the schoolroom is no place for
propaganda of any sort. President
Hoover showed his wisdom recently
when he tabooed the carrying on
of anything of the sort under gov-
ernment authority. The student
populations of our schools are made
up of an hetereogenous assemblage
of individuals of all races, religious
and classes; to impose upon these
individuals any sort of political or
religious belief which their par-
ents do not indorse or approve
would be to eliminate the possibil-
ities of personal liberty from the
class-room, to permit the mental
dominatign of the individual, and
to insure perfect uniformity in
the prgducts of ur edguceional in=
The ethi 9f ttrin is ade-
quately taken care of h the coe.
Of course, there can e Io.Q9-
jection to the tutoring of student
outside of classes, unless it be that
it takes away from the time which
should be spen in developing abil-
ity in regular teaching work,
Sufficient salary tor teachers is,
unquestionably, a matter that must
yet be decided. It is certain that
school boards have not, for the
most part, arrived at adequate sal-
aries as yet. Teachers are forced
to live a highly respectable exis-
tence on what are scarcely respec-
table wages. Perhaps propaganda
for far er appropriations for pay-
ing thepi i§ al that should be al-
lowed t pener.te the halls of
learning. It pannot e denie that
they, as a class, . eserve much goge
than they regeie in .e servie
which they render scety




Music And Drama

.I./l,//111././././tl./Y././l./.~,/1lJ./ll./l./J././1.I,/././1./.Il/l./;I"./Yl rJ.'/v

0 0

TONIGHT: The Michigan Re-
pertory Players present Mar-
tin Flavin's study of insanity,
"Children of the Moon" in Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theater be-
ginning at 8:15 o'clock.
* * *
"Variety" the "trouper's" Bible, is
the source of a number- of news
items that may be stimulating to a
"no entangling alliances" United
Port Said, July 9.
Port Said, called the wickedest
city of the world it to be tamed by
the little theatre movement, no
Port Said, east of Suez, where
"the best is likethe worst; where
there ain't no Ten Commandments1




Spanish Garden
A Rendevous For Students

Phone Wayne 32

416 W. Michigan Ave.

Blue Bird Hair Shop

and a man can raise a thirst," has
just organized an Amateur Dra-
matic and Musical Society, whose
aims are,
"Combining the best talent with
regard to players and producers." Call 9616 and make an appointment to gave your
"Insuring a season of the best
entertainment for the benefit of hair trimmed to suit your features by Mr. Bartlett,
the community,"
"Giving everyone a fair oppor- formerly with the J, L. Hudson Co.
tunity for progress and self-dis-
Directorate is modelled on the-.. _
identical plan used in Buffalo, N.
Y., or Des Moines, Ia. Affairs are ,
in the hands of a president and a
board of "three gentlemen and two
ladies," besides an honorary sec-
retary and an honorary treasurer.
The by-laws fill four typewritten
pages and are twice as intricate as
a bank charter._ _
St. John Ervine, England's one
time gift to American theatrical
criticism, has authored a play just
produced in London. The opus is
entitled, "The First Mrs. Frazer,"
and is showing at The Haymarket
theatre with Marie Tempest and Every Afternoon and Evening
I Henry Ainley in the leading parts.
Tg judge fron "Variety's" report,
tie play 1 more important as a
velicle "for the much loved Marie
Tempest, and fqr Ainley wh has
I ist recgyered from a two-year's
illness. poti} ear4d "wild"; a-
plase. T play is character zet On the Hrf Rper at tb foot of Cedar St
5as apleasant cqnwldy btt laking
in backbone, which will give it
profitable but not significant run-WPM
as a contribution to the drama d
the world.
Rudy Vallee, dispenser of sweet
music and soul-glances, has added
another job to his list at the Villa
Vallee. may become capable by
'Last Saturday night a pair of taking our thorough
college muggs grew ttoublesome practical training. Be-
during a band number. Rudy come prepared for a
dropped his saxophone in the mid- splendid position 'vi
dle of the second chorus, walking opportunity Tor dy i~e
over to do his persuasion stuff. The ment
I vacationing students wouldn't listen
so fildy collared tlem both at once
apd sent thei to the ozone.
T#} strong arn} ct didn't ruffle SUMMER CQURSJR§
a hair qn his Yhaq." Xrich Will Shorthan d D'cta phonp@ i
protaoly 4aid Rudy's fan mail a. r
tre endo{s waglg. Calculator, Bppkkeepipgi p
"Variety", records another step il
the growth of the American nation- Ener Any Day
TRANSLATING SLANG Write your name and address here for further information.
Fearing that England won't un-
derstand some of America's pet Name .............................. Address
slang, Reginald Denny is making
the dialog version of "No! No!
Napoleon" for Universal in bothi HAM ILTON BUSINESS COLLGE
American and English.
Sequences are shot first in its State and William Streets Ann Arbor
American version and then re-shot
in its English translation. As an
exanple, in the American version =
the sentence "4 nut factory, e4?"
Is translateq for England into-"'
mad hogse, ph?" a d "I e Peen
I framed" } srarslateq ilto "this is =
a p ttip joH" -
And agai acts as the gentle For tht Smart Yongee Girl and
satirist pf the show Piz.Gi ad
One gf.the chorus girls in "ketchf=
Book?? net her girl friend on the Style 750. Price $1.Q$
stoet. The latter was out of work.
i"lydo'iyucfeovr t Marvellously clear to:Itgred, K
"Why don't you come over tot
our shgW,?? aid the first. this stocking is the favorite of
'7 gQft think i dance well the young wonan with her flair
enqugh," rplied the jobless. -= for smartness and economy. Fo
"nh, that's incidental in opera,"- while its gleaning texture a
-encountered the frst, "all yqu have graceful heel make it beautiql
tp be able tp dp is q lie on the enough to accompany any frck h
floor.' at te same time, its stgrdy .?i
wearing qualities make it most

practical for -> -. "W"
"Varity" is also agthority fqr the good hard every
report that Maxwell Andersgn, - day wear.
author of "What Price Glory" and Silk from top to toe, with 4 fine K
author f "Saturday's Children," = fitting Vogt;
has joined the writing staff of Vni- f
veral motion nicture company. He E
will write and supervise dialog, his
first assignment being lErich Maria
Remarque's "All Quiet on the West- Exclusive 3t Not Expensi
ern Front" which Universal has LIBERTY AT MAYNARD
purchased from Remarque on a E


Editorial Comm n
(Daily Kansan)
Divorce, companionate marriage,
the American home, book reviews,
and baptism were discussed recent-
ly in Kansas City pulpits. These
certainly would not have been
church topics 50 or 100 years ago.
Does this indicate progression or
retrogression in our civilization? In
any event it represents a radical
change in our ideas concerning re-
ligion and toe church.
In the days pf 91r niotheF 9nd
fathers, church serns were re
strictly on te4t taken froni tte g-
ble, "Be good gid g t9 heayen, Pe
wicked and suffer eternal tor nent,'I
was one subject upo' Which
ministers preaehed to their 094 Vie-
gations. But today divoce an the
American hone, 4nd even hgOqsI
are the subject which ministers:
talk over with their gcngregations.
Instead of using tuxts from the;
Bible, they use qgttatigprs frgrn j
Shakespeare. This rovolution in
he church, which is considered by
many to be an improvenment, has
een made necessary by the cmndi-
ions of modern life, Peopla no
onger believe in the old-fashioned
leaven and hell, and will not listen
o dull sermons on the subject. They
o to church for practical guidance
n their everyday lives. Divorce and!
ompanionate marriage were not
robler#s a century ago, But they
re vital problems in the complex
vorld of today, and it is a good sign
hat churchmen as well as writers
nd other men who seek to mold
he public mind are striving for a'
lution and a remedy. Whatevera
lay be the objections to these new
opics for church sermons, they
rust be credited with filling our 1

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