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July 17, 1929 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-17

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MiHIGA HAS KNOTTY League Auditoriumn H4EELO ..GOR5' C LAS FE
PROBEM I CHANGNl For Small TetrSideline ChatterTEADRTSN
___.T............TO.,N&................ ..,...,.. ..,. .. _...,...,.....,..,,.._H RAGG EDY ANN BEAUTY

Wayne County Will Probably Get
Extra Congressmen, with Rural
Districts Getting One
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 17- With the
passage -by Congress recently of
the reapportionment bill Michigan
is faced with one of the knottiest
problems ,in its history. The re-
arrangement of Congressional dis-
-tricts necessitated under the law
will not be undertaken for nearly
twlo years but already considera-
ble attention is being given to the
problem such a re-arrangement
must certainly present.
With a national populatipn of
122,000,000 the quota ,for each con-
gressional district will be in the
neighborhood of 280,000 as com-
pared with 211,000 when the last
reapportionment was made in 1911,
The result of this ratio applied to
the congressional map of Michigan
Is bound to result in a number of
changes when the next "gerryman-
der" is undertaken in 1931 to bring
the state's districts up to the stip-
ulated quota prior to the elections
of 1932.
Rural Areas Suffer
Wayne county with its concen--
trated population will be entitled
probably to all of the four addi-
tional congressmen the state ex-
pect to gain by the reapportion-
ment Furthermiore at least one
more seat must be secured from
rural districts for the benefit of the
That the rural areas will suffer
by the re-arrangement of districts
Is believed indicated by these
facts: In the 1920 census report sev-
erall Michigan districts were below
'the 1911 population figure set for
a congressional district; then, too,
the falling off in rural population
which took place between 1910 and
1920 is believed to have continued,.
This, if so, spells the elilxgnation
of at least one of the e~istlng con-
gressional districtas in Michigan
when the next distribution of seats
Is underaken,
Vauses Duplication
in the lIght of the population
ggurea of 192,0 it appears inevita-
ble that any rearrangement which
can be made cannot escape thu, re-
sult of throwing twq present con-
gressmen intoq one district and pos-
~igly eausing this duplication in
other cases. Such a situation was
created rIn the last reapportion-
ment which threw Joseph W. Ford-
ney, of Saginaw into the same dis-
trict as Frank 0. Lindquist, of
Greenville, resulting in the latter
member being crowded out of con-
The problem the Michigan legis-
lature must/ face when it convenes
in 1931 is so imposing that the sug-
gestion has been advanced in some
quarters that no reapportionment
be atten~tted, thus leaving the four
or nmgre additional members the
dtate expects to gain to be elected
at large. in 1932 and 90ssibly in
subsequent years.
Dean Wells Speaks
At School Luncheon1

Dr. Agnes E. Wefls class for ad-
visers of high school women gave
a luncheon in her honor, yester-
~y, at the Haunted Tavern tea
room. As the class regularly meets
from 1 to 3 q'clock, the Tuesday
session waLs held at the Haunted
'vern following the luncheon.
Miss Wells gave a talk on extra-
curricular activities. Members of
the class presented Miss Wells with

~-. .1-... TT.. r, ., SHOP ()14~Ii'Ek{S A

dentse familiar with the League
building in a general way, there
are many points 6f interest which
are overlooked by the average per-
son," stated Mrs. Mary B..Hender-
son, executive secretary of the
Alumnae council. "Among the most
interesting features of the building
are the girls' dressing rooms in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theater, which
are the most complete and mod-
emn in Ann Arbor. There are two
main tiers of dressing rooms, the
one upstairs being divided into four
sections, and the downstairs room
accommodating twelve girls. These
rooms are all equipped with ad-
justable mirrors, hot and cold run-
ning water, excellent ventilation,
and drinking fountains. The gen-
eral dressing room on the first floor
is also very attractive with its green
dressing tables and large mirrors.
The rest room on the third floor
is equipped with cots and reclin-
ing chairs.
The plaster dome in the theater
is another object of interest which
Mrs. Henderson pointed out. It is
one of the four perfect plaster
domes in the country. This was
brought out especially during the
May Festival last spring when the
dome was lighted up. At this time
the architect designing the new
Orchestra hall ats Cleveland came
to Ann Arbor especially to see the
Below the theater, in the base-
ment, is the large machine which
washes and cools all the air which
passes into the theater. In the
winter, this same machine heats
the air. A circulating machine stirs
up the air between the acts of a
play and keeps it in motion.
.The offices throughout the build-
ing are very completely and artis-
tically equipped. Particularly at-
tractive are the offices of thie Mich-
which include a waiting room, a
igan League on the first floor,
Imeeting room, and a general of-
fice. One of the most recently fin-
ished offices is that of Amy Loomis,
director of Play Production, which
is below the first floor at the .north
end of the building.
Ariculture Students
Fight Barberry Bush

Carnton Wells, John Malloy, Dave
Ward All Playing for Fourth
Year from Ann Arbor
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 17-When Mich-
igan's golfers gather at the De-
troit Country Club here July 24 for
the twenty-second annual tourna-
ment of the Michigan State Golf
League, it will be possible for six
men to compile a record of having
qualified in the event for five suc-
cessive years. The six are, in the
order of their total standing of the
four preceding years, Dave Ward, of
the University, Big Rapids; John
Malloy, Ann Arbor; Harry Allen,
Grand Rapids; Carlton Wells, Ann
Arbor; James, G. Standish, Jr., De-
troit, and Francis Ryan, Detroit.
They are the only players who qual-
ified at saginaw, Lochmoor, Wash-
tenaw and Kent in the tourna-
ments from 1925 to 1928.
Ward's 302 strokes for the 72
holes of qualifying play over four
different courses show what a thor-
oughly sound golfer he is in medal
play competition. This total is 8
strokes over the total compiled by
Bobby Jones and Al Espinosa in ty-
ing for the United States open title
recently. The fact that in his first
year in the state tournament at
Saginaw he made a score of 82, the

ball in their most ugentlemanly say for me that I hav nintenn Marcelnat 75c, Finge$r wav at $ 1.
fashion-and this Mr. Ruth is cer- of leaving the St. Louis Cardinals_________________
tainly the ringleader with Lou Geh- and I will be on the job just as long MACK TUTORING AGENCY

rig, his irst lieutenant. Bucky Hiar- as the ciub owners want me."
ris' Tigers played like perfect gen- *
tlemen all of the first nine innings The next major track ev
of the game Monday, only to have in state ciro es will see th]
the first named lackey of Miller Michigan trackmen entered.
Huggins clout the horsehide out of the Cadillac A. C. invitatioi
the ball yard. meet which is being suppori


Open for Summer $chool
310 S. State St. Phone 7927
TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387.
FOR RENT--Large one-room com-
pletely furnished apartment for
two girls or young couple. Also
newly decorated double for girls.

Chuck Klein stepped ahead of
Ott in the National league
home run chase with his ram-
page against the Cubs Monday.
This newcomer to fast company
colected three home runs off
the Chicagoans star pitching
talent in the double bill.-
Billy Southwortii, manager of the
St. Louis Cards, claims he knows
nothing of the report that he will
be forced to resign his position to
Jakie Atz, former Fort Worth pilot.
(By As~sociated Pr ess)
EAST LANSING, July 17--Through
the generosity of a sympathetic
legislature at least eight new build-
ings will be constructed on the
Michigan State College campus
next year at a cost of nearly

by the Detroit recreation and
sanctioned by the Michigan A.
A. U., McClellan, A.M.A. winner,
will compete in the pove vault.
Johnson and Wolff, of this

years fresnman team, will take 422 E±. yvashington. ~iai 8544i or
part-in the high jump and mile 9714.
run rspectvely.FOR RENT-New apartment u-
McClellan is capable of well over per and lower; two blocks from
12 feet and should place well up in campus; modern in every re-
the Detroit competition. Wolff ranks spect. Phone 5929. 16, 17, 18, 19
along with Schwartz, former Kala-
mazoo star, as a favorite to win LOST
honors in the mile. Michigan's best
bet looms in the high jump. Bob LOST-Brown and Blue checked
Johnson should soar well over six coat at Engineering Research
feet if pressed and is a favorite in tower. West of Ann Arbor.
the high jump. Reward. Dial 1261 Ypsilanti 17

In the state A. A. U. meet
held recent .y a mark of 5 feet,
9 inches won the high jump,
but it is expected that the com-
petition will be more consider-
able when the athletes toe the
mark Saturday, July 27.

LOST--Dickinson's Excursions in
Muusical History. Pdwhonse 6654.
LOST-A seven by five black note-
book with some extra sheets in
the pocket. Return to charging
desk at General Library for re-
ward. Lost about June 29.



(By Associated Press)
EAST LANSING, Mich., July 17.
--Thirty-six Michigan State college
students are taking part in- the an-
nual campaign for the eradication
of the barberry bush in Michigan,
host for black stem rust which has
caused an average annual grain
loss for $1,409,000 ini the state over
a 12-year period.
The field force of college students
is directing its major guns on the.
host in Leelanau and Antrim coun-
ties where an intensive lean up is
being carried on. Wood lots, fence
groves and farm premises are being;
Inspected. Some workers will be
sent into the Upper Peninsula to
conduct a survey in that section.
Beginning June 27 the campaign
will continue through October 1st,
with the main field force. Ten men
1will remain until the middle of Nov-
ember, Four men were sent out in
May to remain in the field until
joined by the larger summer crew.
Field workers hope to kill about
20,000 bushes this sdmmer, accord-
g ate ColerPathologist in chage
Iothe campain At least 200 tons
purposes with 20 pounds needed to
Ikill one bush.

highest scored by any of the seven The legislature appropriated $550,- I
men, also shows the golf he has 000 for the two year building pro-
played in the last three years, in gram at Michigan State as in- e
two of which he has been the corporated in the Hartman bill.
medalist. He is the only medalist The major portion of the money 1
among the seven. will be spent the first year. Con-!
It seems almost safe to predict struction, however, will not begin
that the sextette will be cut to five until next spring.
by the failure of Carlton Wells to Heading the list of important
file an entry. Wells who assumed structures to grace the college
the duties of secretary of the sum- campus will be a new $75,000 re-
mer session of the University of search building for animal disease
Michigan at the beginning of the Ilaboratories. Michigan State spe-
past school year, has played little cialists have taken a commanding
golf this summer. The call of cor.. position in the study of poul-
petition may bring him back to the try and cattle diseases but they
links as it did a year ago when he have achieved their rank in the
qualified in the event with little face of difficulties in the form of
preliminary play. The indications, inadequate laboratory space.d
however, are he will be missing. '-A half dozen new barns will be
Age is the factor that may elim- constructed to round out a pro-
mnate others. Allen and Standish Igram began this year in the erec-
are both at the years when they tion of the dairy barn. This build-
should be succumbing to the rush ing is shortly to be completed at a
of the youngsters--and this press- cost of $100,000. The other barns
ing forward of the teen-age long- will be grouped about it. College
drivers will be especially keen at officials expect one day to pave
the country club this year. Stand- Farm Lane which is routed past
ish is playing brilliantly, while Al- the dairy barn.
len's record is that of being one A beef cattle barn will be the
of the two men who have not scor- most pretentious of the list. It
ed in the eighties in the four year will cost $20,000. Other barns will
records. The other is Malloy. be: Experimental beef barn, $8,-
_______________000; sheep barns, $12,000; experi-
pfgg ggge ~ hOOmental sheep barn, $6,000, and
Plan tate choo breeding barns for show and breed-
For Country Police ing horses, $35,000. An apiary
building will cost $5,000 and a grain
(By Associated Press) Iand hay barn in the Upper -Pen-
GRAND RAPIDS, July 17-A plan insula, $5,000. A ne\v $31,000 poul-
by which the small towns of the try building is now under construc-
state may have their police train- tion.
ed in the latest police methods will Michigan State requested $400,-
be outlined by superintendent of 000 over the biennium for a new
polic A. A. Carroll before the agricultural building, but the item
Michigan association of Chiefs of was deferred a year. The legis-
of Police at the annual meeting of lature approved a $200,000 appro-
the organization in Escanaba, Aug. priation for each of the second and
2and 2. jthird years. It will remain for the
Such a plan has been discussed 1next legislature to acquiesce.
by theveorganization befr but As complet ing of thspoosed
any of the meetings. The plan, as ject to the approval of the 1931
it will be outlined by superinten- legislature it is probable that no
dent Carroll will follow that used construction will begin on it dur-
in New York state. ~,ng the next biennium. Should it
Flint, Grand Rapids, and Detroit jbe constructed, Agricultural Hall
already have training schools for will be transformed into a recita-
their policemen and a state train- tion building for all divisions of the
ir.g school will not affect the 'con-- college.
duct of these schools.

A specialty for
twenty yas
prompt service.. Experienced op.-
rators.. Moderate rates.
7 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615


Secure Your Supplies at
-rk PL

WANTED-Fraternity interested in
buying large home ideally lo-
cated southeast of campus. See
owner at 928 Oakland for plans
for enlarging house, terms, etc.

1111 South University Ave.

1, Block from Campus

73 Years Serin J'ashlenam CounIt
Novelty swveaters in silk and jersey as
well as smart knit styles. Round or
pointed necks. Green, navy, light blue,


orchid, black, red, yellow.

Values to

a piece of Highland pottery in ap-
preciation of the help she has giv-
en them.
Last Thursday, Miss Wells enter-
'tained the class with a buffet sup-
per at the home of Mrs. Henry W.
Douglas on Berkshire Road. Dean
Edward H. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus
and Professor Whitney and Mrs.
Whiteney were guests of honor.

Juy ae--ie $3--

John J. Tolan, of Escanaba, is
president of the Michigan Associa-
tion of Chiefs of Police; C. J. Sca-
varda, of Flint, first vice-president,
and Roy Reynolds of Ferndale, sec-
ond vice-president.

/ *A.-








-. .,i~* '4,

500 Titles at 50c each





A Jean Goldkette Ballroom


- m

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