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July 17, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-17

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Cooler with slight showers

01 4







Says That Diaz Regime Infringe-
ments of Indians' Rights Were
Initial Causes of"Outbreaks
speaking yesterday afternoon on
the subject, 'The Influence of the
Mexican Revolution on Private
Property," Dr. Frank Tannenbaum,
of the Brookings institute, Wash-
ington, D.' C., summarized his lec-
ture by stating that, the Mexican
revolution, embodying the agrarian
movement as its basic force, had
formulated ideas about land own-
ership which were different from
any, other known concepts.
"The Mexican revolution had no
definite plan," said Dr. Tannen-
baum, "the revolutionists had
merely a set of grievances." The
objection was raised against the
infringements of the Diaz regime
on the personal rights of the na-
tive Indians, and they resisted. The
primary motives of the revolution
were political, not social. The re-
volution was not fought by large
armies. "In its beginning it was
only a popular uprising of indi-
vidual groups here and there under
local leadership."
The revolution had no organi-
zation; it was not fought with large
armies, nor trained troups. The
natives used clubs and knives for
weapons. During this time, indi-
vidual leaders issued plans for the
government of their own partic-
ular territories. In 1917 these var-
ious revolutionary leaders met at
a convention and drew up a con-
stitution, which was immediately
With but the exgeption of two
articles, this constitution did not
differ in any respect from other
similar documents. However, the
two excepted articles provided for
an entirely new concept of land
ownership. An extremely compli-
cated set of limitations was placed
upon property ownership, result-
ing in conditions peculiar to Mex-'
ico alone.
The reason which Mexicans give
for so conditioning property own.
ership with an elaborate legal sys-
tem is to provide a property con-
cept broad enough to cover the
vastly differing cultural groups
found within the borders of Mexi-

New York Mai

WILL TRAT SUBJECT "Our chief aim in arranging the most fragile and those pieces most
museum in the order we have is liable to damage and too precious
the hope that we can better illus- to be risked elsewhere are still re-
trate the life of a people by the tained in the Angell hall laboratory
correlation of. exhibits with regard which is on the third floor adjoin-
to their relation to the daily life of ing her office. In Newberry the
PROF. MOEHLMAN TODISCUSS the people is the homes," said Dr. plan is to make the front room LECTURE HERE WILL BE ONLY
RELATION TO FIELD OF Om F B tla r t r f thP the A d fi fir T KGIE INUIE

rmLa r. tuber, curator o ne
INSTRUCTION archeological collections, in an in-
terview regarding the new museum
FIVE PAPERS TO BE READ , of classical archaeology which has
been opened in Newberry hall.{

Dresslar Will Describe Most MtIodern
Tendencies in Development j
of Educational Plants

Mrs. Ruth Baker Pratt
Congresswoman, whom the New
York City Republicans have been
considering nominating for mayor
to run against the Democrats' old
standby, Mayor James Walker.
History Professor Will Make First
Public Account of Excavation
in Egypt Sector

The third week end conference
given by the School of Education
for superintendents, principals, and
supervisors will be devoted to the
general subject of the "School
Plant." The series open Friday
morning, July 19 and closes Satur-
day noon July 20.
Five papers will be presented onJ
Friday. Professor Arthur B. Moehl-
man will open the conference with
a discussion of the school plant
problem and its proper relation to
the instructional field. Dr. W. W.f
Theisen, assistant superintendent
of the Milwaukee public schools in
charge of school plant research, will"
follow with a presentation of #he
defferent theories of school plant
spacing. Dr. Theisen has a world1
I of experience in this field and has
been responsible for the develop-C
ment of the Milwaukee building
program. His efforts have been
published by the board of educa-


"Group relation and not just hap-
hazard positions are what count in
producing a more vivid conception
of the habits of an extinct race.
"In designing and planning where
we s#all place our exhibits we try
to follow the ideas of the Metro-
politan Museum in New York and
the British museum in London.
Thgre there is the same coherence
bewteen details that we are tryingI
to reproduce here. Unless the dis-
plays of an::ent cloth, potteries,
ash urns, and the glassware can
be related in some scheme c* life
they lose a lot of their significance.
Of course, here in the University
we do not have all of the necessities
of the ancients but our display is
extremely representative. ih
In showing off the home of the
archeological exhibits Dr. Butler
explained that what was being
shown in Newberry hall was not by
any means all of the relics in the
possession of the University. The

Ln grouna poor an oince in wnicnh TAE
may be preserved copies of the rec- STATES
ords of excavations and the cat-
alogues of the specimens. These TO BE GUEST OF POLLOCK
date back as far as 1893 when thei
first pisce of the collection, a frag- Director of Telegraph Service Has
mEnt of a Roman lamp was donat- Intimate Knowledge of German
ed to Professor Francis W. Kelsey Foreign Miistry
by Pere A. L. Delattre, founder of
the Musee Lavigerie de Saint Louis Speaking in Ann Arbor Friday
de Carthage. in the only public appearance he
The rooms adjoining the front will make during his brief visit to
office are to be used one as a site the United States, Dr. Edgar Stern-
room, the second- a household room, Rubarth, editor-in-chief of the Wolf
the third a room for building ma-
terial and a fourth, across the hall, I Telegraph Agency, of Berlin, will
as a room of a sociological nature. lecture on the subject of "Franco-
The specimens in the University German Relations."
collection are almost as interesting Dr. Stern-Rubarth, preeminent
for their associations as for their in Prussian journalism, is an in-
classical nature. They have been
culled from the Italian collection timate friend of Herr Stresemann,
of Canon de Cricio, of Pusseoli, German Foreign Minister, and the
from Antioch-in-Pisidia, one of the { German foreign staff. The Wolff
ddigs which Professor Kelsey con- Telegraph service, of which he is
Sducted in Asia Minor directly fol-thhedcorsnsinom d-
lowing the war, from Pompei, and the head, corresponds in some de-
from Karanis in the Fayoum in tail to the American Associated
Egypt. Current excavations are Press and is semi-officially regard-
under process there at the present ed as the organ of the German for-
time. -{-eign department.
Th-etuea- ocokonFia


tion in two monographs.
The first public account of the Dean Wilford L. Coffey, of the
activities of the University of Mich- College of the city of Detroit, will
igan Near East Expedition and of ireplace Mr. C. L. Goodrich of the
the workthivsybeingconductedIstate department of public instruc-
tionby site of Karanis onwill thbe given tion. He will discuss the problem
in the lecture "Archaeological Work of educational designing or the de-
of the University of Michigan in velopment of building plans prior
Egypt" to be delivered at 5 o'clock to the introduction of the archi-
Thursday night in Natural Sciencee. Superintendent Fred W.
auditorium by Prof. Arthur E. Boak, Frostic will present the product of
professor of ancient history. a joint problem in building re-
The lecture by Professor Boak search. His paper will treat of
will be illustrated with slides and "Building Types and Efficiency."
will be designed to give a clear A dinner meeting will be held
comprehension of the work that at the Union at 6 o'clock after)
has been done in Egypt in the past which, Prof. Fletcher B. Dresslar,
three years. To the uninitiated, of the George Peabody College for
geographically speaking, the name Teachers, will discuss "Modern
Karanis has little sigiificance ex- Tendencies in School Plant." Pro-
cept to indicate that it is perhaps fessor Dresslar is well known na-{
the name of a Greek town. The tionally for his pioneer work in the
location of the University excava- development of school buildings,
tion camp is in the northeast corner better adjusted to instructional1
of the province of Fayoum, one of needs. He was among the earlier
the largest and most im5ortant of writers upon this subject.
the Egyptian provinces. It is about On Saturday morning Professor
a two hours motor drive over the Dresslar will deliver a second talk
Giza desert from Caire and is lo- upon the "Value of Interior De-
cated just on the very edge of the coration." He will be followed by
desert. prof. H. O. Whittmore, of the de-
Karanis is the ruined and partly partment of landscape art, who will
desert sand covered site of an early discuss landscaping in relation to
city of Greek origin, school design.
____y ________rigin._ Professor Whittemore has not

+t +
i }

C I The lecture at 5 o'clock on Friday
TSTin Natural Science auditorium has
not been previously announced on
regular Summer Session bulletins,
for it was only definitely assured
last night that Dr. Stern-Rubarth
would be able to make an appear-
Outstanding Success of New York Excursionists to Watch ixperts at ance at the University.
and London Season to be Given Work on General Motors It was through the efforts of
by Repertory Players Proving Field Prof. James K. Pollcok, Jr., of the
political science department, that
INVOLVES INSANITY THEME FIRST TRIP OF ITS KIND the prominent journalist was in-
duced to visit the University.
Play Production's Michigan Rep- The excursion to the General Professor Pollock met him while he
ertory players will present their Motors proving ground at Milford was touring Europe prior to the
fourth offering of the summer sea- which will be the sixth on the sum-' opening of the Summer Session,
and tentative ngtain o h
son at 8:15 o'clock tonight and mer series will leave the c it tertatheneIons for the
each night during the rest of the y visit were then made.
week in the Mendelssohn theater. at 1 o'clock. The experimental gar- The- distinguished visitor will
Their vehicle this week is "Children age, proving grounds, and actual arrive in the city Friday and re-
of the Moon," Martin Flavin's road tests being conducted at the main through Saturday as the
drama of moon-madness. grounds should provide abundant guest of Professor Pollock. His stay
For a solid year this play held the nin the United States will be brief.
attention of theatergoers in Nv entertainment for all members ofThe lecture here will be the only
York, meeting with similar success the party. i one he will deliver on his entire
before the critical audiences of The grounds are situated in a visit and the University will be the
London and Chicago. Emotions, beautiful section of lake country in sole institution he will have oppor-
Iamounting at times almost to hys- proximity to the most important tunity to see while in the country.
teria, must be created as the play- automobile centers and only forty It was ascertained at the political
ers live the experiences of the men- science office last week that Dr
tally ill Atherton family. miles from the metropolis Detroit, Stern-Rubarth had sailed, but the
In discussing the show in the where most of the nation's automo- date of his arrival in Ann Arbor
New York Times, Francis Pollison ' biles are manufactured. jwas not made certain until yester-
said: A large staff of experts is main- day, too late for official announce-
"Among plays of native author- ament on regular University lecture
ity, nothing surpasses 'Children of -tamed at the grounds. Among posters.
the Moon' in emotional truth and other things, they are constantly Dr. Stern-Rubarth's 0 f f i c I a 1
intensity. There is no scene as conducting tests to determine the capactenables hm o keein
powerful as that in which the sec- Ioprtv ot fteee-n capacity enables him to keep in
powrfu astha inwhih te sc-comparative worth of the ever-in- close and constant touch with the
ond act of the play centers where creasing number of American and operations and activities of the for-
the emotional strain is so great as foreign make cars. Numbers of the eign service and his talk Friday
to '7old the audience tense." better known of the European cars should consequently betdoubly at-
will be seen at the grounds. tractive and authoritative. The
WYNN-JONES TO LECTURE The trip to the proving grounds talk here will be the only oppor-
has in years past been made only tunity that will be afforded for a
The third of the University Sum- by engineering students. public hearing of his views.

OBSERVATORY OPEN HOUSE PLAN only achieved some very signal suc-
cesses in domestic landscaping but
DRAWS CAPACITY ATTENDANCE has also made a very definite con-
tribution to the landscaping of


The University observatory por-
tals have been thrown open to the
summer students who wish to in-
spect that institution. Due to the
fact that each visitor must have
time to look through the large tel-
escope only a limited number of
persons may be shown through
each evening. Capacity crowds of
over 150 were on hand both Mon-
day and Tuesday. It is expected
that fully .as many students will
be visitors this evening, for it willI
be the last visiting night for this
summer. Tickets have been obtain-
ed at the office of the dean of the
Summer Session.
The first instrument shown to
the visitors is the radian circle,
consisting of a telescope pivoted to
swing in a vertical plane. It is the
same type as that'used in the na-
val observatory, its purpose being
to determine the correct time from
the sun. The University clocks,
however, are-corrected by radio sig-
n0ls sent out every noon, or the
beginning of the astronomical day.
In the seismograph room, one
of those delicate earthquake re-
cording machines has been set up.
It is connected with the clock sys-
tem in such a way that the exact
time of an indicated tremor will


ry has been set aside for photo-
graphs taken through large tele-
scopes. Here may be found pic-
tures of comets, total eclipses, dou-
ble stars, sun spots, sun clusters,
nebula, etc. The Observatory's 37
1-2 inch reflecting telescope has
been used in taking a great many
photographs. Much of the research
work conducted in the Observa-
tory has to do with the velocity of
stars and eclipsing stars. Twen-'
ty-two small planets have been
discovered. There is also a branch
observatory in Africa which has a
very creditable record of research.
Probably the part of the Obser-
vatory most interesting to the visi-
tor is that housing the 12 inch re-
fractor telescope. This telescope,
was built in the Michigan engineer-
ing shops in 1911 at a cost of $24,-
000. Each person is given a chance
to view the moon through it. The
mountains which he sees are al-
most as high as those on the earth.
As there is no air or water on the
moon, its details stand out quite
sharply. After looking at the moon
through the telescope, people often
remark that it looks moth-eaten or
as though it had the measles. Prac-
tically everyone asks about the
driving clock, or mechanism that
keeps the telescope trained upon

scool buildings.
Members Of Facuity

G mer Session special lectures for
Give Fourth Concert this week will be delivered at 5
o'clock this afternoon in Natural
By R. Leslie Askren 'Science auditorium. The address
Last night in Hill Auditorium will be given on the subject, "The I
Mrs. Maud Okkelberg and Mr. Otis Appreciation of Wit," by Professor
Patton presented a program of Llewellyn Wynn-Jones of the Uni-
piano and vocal music that was versity of Leeds, England.
both delightful and interesting.
Technical skill was to be ex- Condemnation Case
pected of members of the School ofC
Music faculty, and an appreciative Affirmed By Sample
audience was not disappointed. On- !
ly in Mr. Patton's consistent ten- .
dency to sing flat is there any fail- Judge George W. Sample in cir-
ure, but here the failure may be cuit court Tuesday confirmed thej
laid to an organic weakness in the jury's decision in the case of the
voice which is not designed to fill University Regents vs. Alvin H.
fe lrge auditorium with dramatic Pommerening and his wife, Helen
The Schumann Sonata, op. 22, o. Pommerening which awarded a
and the only ambitious number on ? tract of land for use as golf courseI
the program, showed Mrs. Okkel- to the state of Michigan for the
berg more preoccupied with self- University Regents. The compen-
expression than with the tendresse sation was set by the jury at $11,-
of Schumann. Her genius express- Ioe
ed itself more adequately in the 1058 for the proposed golf course
Sapellnikoff "Danse des Elfes" and tract.
the "Chanson Tcheque" by Tchere- A bill of objections to the con-
pnine, than in the grotesquerie of firmation enumerating twenty-two
the Tedesco ::Memento Mori," and counts filed by Dwyer and Dwyer,
showed itself principally sentimen- attorneys for Mr. and Mrs. Pom-l

"Employment of the dormitory en are living in small groups in
system for undergraduate women private houses," Miss Woodrow con-
during the Summer Session would tinued. "The comfort that dor-
undoubtedly aid in the effective en- mitories offer is not as'readily ob-
forcement of League rules," Dor- tainbael elsewhere."
othy Woodrow, '30, summer presi- Because nany undergraduate
dent of the League, stated in an in- houses do not serve meals during
terview yesterday. Miss Woodrow the Summer Session, the food
is a supporter of the new dormitory problem is one of great concern.
plan which has been a subject of Miss Woodrow believes that the
vital interest on the campus during dormitory dining room, operating
the past year. during the summer, would insure
The varied attendance of the adequate and welcome accomoda-
Summer Session results in an in- tion for women students.
termingling of graduate and under- "Many of the undergraduate sta-
graduate women in the houses ap- dents are not regular attendants in
proved for their use, which cannot the winter, and, in consequence,
help causing a confusion in the ap- come with no provision for rooms.
pli'eation of League undergraduate The dormitory would insure proper
rules, Miss Woodrow explained. She and immediate accomodation for
bF,;.eves that a separation of the I such students," Miss Woodrow ad-
two groups of women students ded. "No less important is the op-
would lead to an easier and more portunity for the making of many
effective administration of the friendships, which is impossible in
rules which are necessary for the a small group in so short a time as
undergraduate. the Summer Session affords. For
"Dormitories provide uniform ac- these reasons,. I am in favor of the

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