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July 11, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-11

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i riiUB TWU




members of the league can learn
the newest developments in polit-
ical circles gLeneral principles of

I Music And Drama

irhittan 741 a t


-government, and methods of voting0
wisely and intelligently. TONIGHT: The Michigan Re-
P ublishe very morning except Monday The conference being held in Ann ertor
during the University Summer Session by I yPaespsntSl-
the Board in Control of Student Publications. Arbor includes the members of the bury Field's comedy hit, "Wed-
____ ---_ __ leagueinburyeFieldtes comedyihitn"Wed-
The Associated Press is exclusively en- league in seven states, Illinois, In ding Bells," in Mendelssohn
titled to the use for republication of all news diana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Theater, beginning at 8:15 o'-
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise n etVrii n
credited in this paper and the local news pub- Kentucky, and West Virginia, and clock.
ished herein. is known as the Conference for the * * *
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, Fourth Region. The school is hav- ,
postoffice as second class matter. ing an unusual attendance, which LO, THE POOR PROFESSOR f
Subscription by carrier. ;4.to; by malg s t, i Lone Voyagers, by Wanda Fraik-_
$2.oo is a clear indication of the greate
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, interest of tlbe female voters in this en Neff; Houghton Miff m and Co.,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. si$2.50. Publishing date July 26, 1929.
.______ .___ _....... .__.._ .._ isection in exercising their right to
EDITORIAL STAFF cast the ballot wisely and carefully.I Lone voyagers on the high seas
Telephone 4925 The way in whch these league of scholarship, Mrs. Neff pictures
members have attended these meet- the teachers in our Middle Western
MANAGING EDITOR ings has been a revelation to many, Universities. The drama in this in-I
LAWRENCE R. KLEIN and should be an added warning cident crammed novel of faculty
Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout of the great change that will come life is the bitter fruit of that com-
women's Editor ...........Margaret Eckes about in the American political promise between pure scholarship
City Ea rm Fd Edi .tor..............halesAskrea
Music andra Editor.. R eaLes Aske situation in a short time. Already and the demands of bare existence
BooksEditor............Lawrence R. Kleinthe advent of women into politics that stunts the growth of intellect
NtEitht....Cawthas put a new face on public mat- in an America still struggling with
Night Editors ters, and with the thorough and material expansion on the one
. d Swanson arold eWarren comprehensive training which they hand, and with intellectual expan-
Charles Askren are receiving in citizenship schools sion on the other.
Assistants and from other sources, almost She has woven her story around
Rssonti Margaret Haris anything can be expected in com- the incidents of the first two years
Dorothy Magee William Mabey ing campaigns. Certainly the char- of teaching, of the Lambertons,
Paul Showers I acter and qualities of the candi- Keith and Janet. Janet, instructor
dates and the principles and plat- in philosophy, but with too clear
BUSINESS STAFF forms for which they stand will be and direct a mind to shroud meta-
Telephone 21214 more carefully gone into than they physics with the adumbrations of
have in the past. In fact the new I mystery that make it fascinating,
BUSINESS MANAGER interest in the organization of the marries Keith Lamberton, scholar
LAWRENCE E WALKLEY 1 government and in political ques- in 17th and 18th century English
Assosan Pnines Ma nater....Vernor Davis tions may bring about a renascence literature and so enrolls herself
l'ulbhcations 2dlaiagc,..........Egert Davis
Circulation Manager .........Jeanette DaleI of popular sovereignty in the coun- with that tribe of faculty wives
Accounts aniager.............Noah Bryant try featured by increased partici- whose function she soon discovers
pation in public affairs on the part to be the very prosaic one of ma-
-__ _of the average individual. terialistic guide, philosopher and
Night Editor-HOWARD SHOUT In addition, the active interest friend to the preoccupied husband-
- - which the women are showing in ischolar. It is not a lovely life, but
NETHURSDAY, JULY 1,O1929 'pprbbyIoc
THURDAY JULY ___,__92 governmental problems will very Mrs. Neff has chosen her charac-
probably force male voters to spend ter from those ideal personalities
WANTED-VIGOR some time in learning something whose chief end in life is complete
Since the exit of President Little about the machines which they identification with some other,
from the scene of campus activi- have been supporting for so long a stronger, personality, and Janet
ties, Michigan has been slowly set- time. At any rate, the Citizenship finds fulfillment in her husband's
tling down into an apathetic, slug- School being held in Ann Arbor is i achievements in spite of her early I
gish condition from which there certain to have a marked influence dreams of a life of scholarship with
seems very little immediate hope on politics in the sections rep- him.
of recovery. At any rate, if the resented. Mrs. Neff has obviously tried tot
drop continues, there will soon be __do two things with this, her sec-
a need for something akin to a. ond, novel. She has wanted to tell
dose of castor oil. For some time i Campus Opinon the dramatic story of the early
Michigan's prestige and position contributors are asked to he brief. years of Janet and Keith Lamber-
has been maintained at a high lev- confinng themselves to less than 300 ton, and she has tried to convey a
whlwcu- ord itpossible. -Anonymous corn- realistic tUeffautlies
el, and the eyes of the whole coun- municationswill be disregarded. The picture of faculty life as
try have been kept centered on the ameregardacommunidtesntil, upon re a background for the human dra-
institution. Experiments and in- quest. Letters published should-nut be ma. The result is not at all a suc-
novations of greatc import in the onstrued as expressing the editorial cessful analysis of human charac-
educational world have been under ters meeting readlly recognizable
way here, and the University has Tproblems, but does succeed in be-
been true center of learning. h To The Editor: ing an authentic study of the en-
Now, however, the Huron Valley Permit me, my dear sir, to com- vironment of these characters. The
school has fallen back into its old pliment you heartily on the stand book is packed with incidents
conservatism, and is becoming just you have taken against the so- which for their own sake make
one of the hundreds of other mid- , called fair sex in regard to the splendid reading, and the multi-
dle-west colleges. Such a situaon question of automobile driving. tude and variety of them creates a
is deplorable; so maiiy thin s t wePerhaps both indictments are true; picture that has three-dimensional
been done litre ti at we 1--w woman is no more fair and hon- reality-a reality that Mrs. Neff's
achieved a certa i r apunti a ; ;, than she is capable of handling own life stamps as genuine-but
school with ideate'a av i t w ald . car on our present highways. the problem of the reader is to
seem that the ideals are now all to Many .is the time I have had to strip the incident from the emo-
be smotmered under the blanket of sit in the back seat and-but that tional trappings which Mrs. Neff
obscurity. . is too personal. Many women have; has added in her effort to make
At any rate, it is certain that urged that the lack of mechanical the Lambertons real people in the
the pall of inactivity which hasc training in youth has handicapped background, and inevitably the
fallen on the campus is not con- them; boys they say are broughti task becomes tiresome.I
ducive to originality of thought, to up on mechanics and hence ought Mrs. Neff's failing is chiefly in
the independence of spirit and to drive from second nature. May the direction of romanticizing and
freedom of expression which should I ask if boys would take the dolls sentimentalizing her characters.
characterize a great university. An if they were offered them to play She possesses a fluid and flexible
institution of learning should be a with? No one who has at all taken style, and her sense for structure is
thought center for the mental ac- an interest in our glorious Ameri- well balanced, but the emotional
tivities of the nation; it should pro- can youth would even allow that attitude she brings to her narra-
vide the stimulus for progress and question, for the answer is un- tive makes her dialogue frequently
change in the outside world. Mich- equivocally, "No"! In maturer years unreadable and distorts her analy-
igan is in a fair way to fail in the it is equally falacious and danger- sis of character, even in spite of
performance of its function. ous to entrust lives and automotive her keen and accurate understand-
Evidences of this loss of move- property to the doll-trained hands ing of psychology. Given the se- 1
ment and life are everywhere. of women. lective reading suggested above,
As has been pointed out, we And your figures concerning the Janet emerges a fairly real char-
seem to be "marking time" while arrests in Washington; they are acter,and with her, the minor
waiting for the appointment of the at once a compliment to the chival- characters, who have gained a-
new president. The regents have ry of our brave police force who ther than lost by the lack of "lov-
disregarded all this, and, with their recognize the primary principle of I ing care" in treatment; Keith, how-

usual care and thoroughness, are gentility, "Where a woman is con- ever, is a wholly unreamoureo
combing the field for the best pos- cerned, wink the other eye," and a shrouded n a hazy glamour of
sible candidate. However, the re- severe indictment of these harpies Bbrilliant scholarship.
gents have failed to realize that who tempt the universal Adam in "Lone Voyagers" seems to be laid)
while they wait the university is our boys in blue. But there is a''Ln alyaer "eemiliarbwitaid)
rapidly declining. The new presi- !deeper issue than the Adam-and- and all her life familiar with thet
dent might be greeted with a uni- Eve question. It is that of the ! or teacher, and now the wife of
versity in good condition rather I traffic laws. Dr. Emory Neff of Columbia Uni-
than one which seems to be lying As is well known, the logical versity, Mrs. Neff has brought coi-
down like an old, old man while minded race of man pursues his mendable thoroughness to her task
the task-master is away. We sug- ends with merely logical care for oen g theraground or her
gest the instilling of a new spirit safety. Our traffic rules were made story, but the objective point of
into the academic activities, some- for women. It is they, timid crea- vthat cmellethe to o
thing to make them once more as tures, who slow down our traffic, mia uti owe sheha a sound
progressive and constructive as mess up the beautiful simplicities social document, lamentably de-
they were formerly. of left turns on green lights, anda7 I

Went Scotch"
Minneapolis, Minn.
April 30, 1928
Larus & Bro. Co.
Richmond, Va.
'Dear Sirs:
Two years ago last winter I went
into the Red Lake gold fields in
Canada. It was a tough trail from
Hudson, over 140 miles of snow and
ice. There were fourteen of us on the
trail going in, and frequently at night
when seated around a big camp fire,
come one would ask me for a pipeful
of Edgeworth.dThese Canadian boys
sure like our Edgeworth.
In four weeks' time I ran out of
Edgeworth. I was glad to get 'most
any old tobacco.
One day, nowever, I dropped in to
Dad Brown's tent, a 72-year-old pros-
pector, and seeing a can of Edgeworth
on an improvised table, back there 150
miles from the "steel," I perked up at
once, saying, "Dad, I'm plum out of
tobacco-how's chances for a pipe-
ful?" "Help yourself," he said. So
pulling my heavy duty pipe from my
pocket,,I loaded it with Edgeworth,
packing it in so tightly that I couldn't
get the least bit of a draw.
I excused myself for a moment, and
stepped outside to remove about three
pipefuls to put in my pouch. Dad
stepped out, saying, "You're worse
than any Scotchman I ever saw."
Then I confessed. I told him what
happened to my Edgeworth-that I
was just dying for a smoke, and he
understood right away. He said,
"Boy, Edgeworth is mighty scarce in
these parts, but I reckon I can spare
what's left of that can. Help yourself."
You can just bet your last nickel
that I guarded this Edgeworth with
extreme care until I got back to the
Yours very truly,
C. M. Bahr
E dgeworth
Extra High Grade

.;;:::"::.FT 5ffl : ..:'<i: ."


W ENE=-m M - - 'T f-m uI MI

'ROM :iJJf

Hear the thud of fist on
body, the shouts of the
boxing fans, the cries of
the carnival barkers and
the tender love vows of the
sweethearts. A talking
picture that you will talk
about for days. * * *
James Murray
Barbara Kent
in the Movietone

wi \

OrRA c



The eternal fight between
easy money and love,
A seething, t h r i l !ing
drama with a score of
laughs, and a hundred
moments of surprise and

100% Talking
Pathe Audio Review
Talking Topics

Sunday Laura La Plante Talk Scandal"_

III --


Electri*c Cooking
Is astier
F OODS cooked electrically retain their
natural flavor, because the natural
juices are sealed in. Meats and vegetables
are tastier, cakes and biscuits are lighter,
and pies more flaky. Once you have
enjoyed electric cooking you will never
again agree to cook with fuel.
You can enjoy electric cooking in your kitchen now. Con-
venient time payments and a liberal allowance for your
present cooking equipment make it unusually easy for
youto own a modern electric range. Come in
and inspect the many attractive models.

Considerable publicity has beenI
given recently to the conference of,
the League of Women Voters whichj
is being held in Ann Arbor. It seems
to us that all of this is justified by
the aims and purposes of the or-
ganization and by the influences
which it is bringing to bear on the
American political situaton.
The League of Women Voters was
organized to include all women who
were interested in their new voting
independence and who wanted to
exercise their political power in as
intelligent a way as possible. Out
of this desire has arisen the plan
of aischool of Pitizens'hin uwhe~rethe

bring on nervous prostration ---byere e we aeawt h
human drama, with the result that
turning left without a signal to the Sentimentalists will find the book
rear. To take only one example;!packed with human heart throbs
it is recognized that a stop street while thosehflint-hearts who reply
is designed to command caution in to wails of underpaid teachers, "The
entering a through-highway. How poor have we with us always," will
many women, muddle headed with ungrudgingly admit that "Lone
trivialties about the meat burning, Voyagers" is a very interesting stu-
will dash through a stop street at dy by an author of great promise.
high noon, and yet, late at night,; R. L.A.
will stop with too-commendable
caution before that $13.45 warning? fruit of too many women in the
It is the logical mind of man, driver's seat and could not be
balancing his factors of safety, who remedied speedily if the hounded
wll bend even these overcautious male were to assert his privilege,
rules to his needs, and so, tacitly, admitted since Eden was padlocked,
because every man is a potential of driving the family chariot which
Galahad, I suppose the question of he had earned by the sweat of his

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