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July 11, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-11

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Generally Fair with Possible

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'AIN OF 181_STUDENTS.:v :v'?: ::::orf:.v:5:! T7:? i"?::?}?:.i::::i..:i'..:N:.:MENTALITY:}i":i;:<"OFp: iAPES'::. :::.:+



Educators Compose More Than
Percent of Total; Four
Hold Four Degrees


An increase of 181 students for
the Summer Session over 1928 was
indicated by figures released yes-
terday by Dean Edward H. Kraus.
The School of Education with 1426
students enrolled has the largest
group for the summer and also
showed the greatest gain of any
college, having 292 more than last
year. Of the students in the edu-
cation school, 876 are graduate
The Graduate school is a close
second in increase, having a gain
of 206 and a total enrollment of
1405. An increase of 43 was shown
in the Colleges of Engineering and
Architecture, and 13 in the forest-
ry school. The remaining schools
showed a slight decrease in num-
Many States Represented
Including the University, 23 col-
leges and universities in Michigan,
90 in other states, and four in for-
eign countries are represented.
For the nine four-week courses
given as an experiment this year,
44 were enrolled, 18 of these being
graduates. These courses were in-
tended primarily for teachers who
were limited in time. Only three
courses will be offered during the
last four weeks.
Michigan sends 2029 students to
the Summer Session, followed in
order by Ohio with 332; Illinois,
172; New York, 130; Indiana, 125;
and Pennsylvania, 113. Forty-five
states and the District of Columbia
are represented.
Eighteen Foreign Countries
China leads the foreign countries
with 3, an increase of 19 over last
year. Canada is second with 22,
while there are 12 students from
the Philippines.
Other foreign countries from
which students come are Costa
Rica, Egypt, Germany, Haiti, Ha-'
waii, India Japan, Panama, Porto
Rico, France, Persia, Siam, Scot-
land, South America and Syria.
More than one-half of the total
enrollment of the Summer Session
is composed of teachers and school
officials, there being 1920 register-
ed. Of these, 1203 are in the Grad-
uate school, 409 in the education
school, and 219 in the literary col-
More Secondary Teachers
There are 282 enrolled who are
instructors in colleges or univer-
sities, an increase of 77 over last
year. 107 are city superintend-
ents; 105 high school principals;
192 junior high school teachers (an
increase of 45 students); 581 high
school teachers. This group showed
the largest gain, passing last years'
mark by 170 persons. In 1928,
1,460 educators were present, but,
this year there are 1920 an in-
crease of 460.
The number of persons enrolled1
holding degrees is 174 greater than
last year, the total this year beingj
1842. 1,491 hold one degree, 326;
have two degrees, 21 have three,1
and four hold four degrees. More i
than 60 kinds of degrees are held.c
1,405 A. B. degrees are held; 3821
are bachelors of science; 212 pas-j
ter of arts; 90 master of science,
and 28 are bachelors of science in

"Anthropoids Don't Imitate Easily"t
i Lecturer States; Animals Not
Mentally AlikeI
Speaking before an audience
which filled every seat in the Nat-
ural Science Auditorium and
crowded the aisles and doorways,
Prof. Wolfgang Koehler, director of
the psychological institute of the
University of Berlin, stated in his
Ilecture on the mentality of apes
that whereas many of the typical
problems which confront man for
Katsuhiko Hamaguchi, son of the i solution are dealt with in the ab-
new Japanese premier, has remain- stract form of concepts, the most
ed a bank clerk in the Bank of difficult problems which anthro-
Japan in New York despite his fa- poids are capable of solving are al-
ther's sudden rise to fame. ways of a physical nature: the con-
stituent parts of the problem be-
ing represented by objects per-
DAD rii ntn OELV ceivable to the senses.
Professor Koehler told the au-
dience that he had made observa-
tions upon chimpanzees for six
SALYADI NG OFr decetath hdiaelbera
and one-half years and had like-
Swise watched orangutangs for a
Sunken Submarine Remains Tomb cosdrbelnt ftm n
for All But Three of Crew; considerabledt lngth oftim eaand
forAllButThee f Cew, Ithat the distinguishing feature
L-12 Badly Battered which sets anthropoids apart from
the lower vertebrates is to be found
CURRENTS IMPEDE DIVERS in their intelligence. It was in or-
der to define this intelligence and
(By Associated Press) i distinguish its limits that Profes-
PEMBROKE, Wales, July 11.- sor Koehler devised the many ex-
With dirty weather holding back periments with which he tested
all salvage efforts, the sunken sub- r the chimpanzeeghisapfactor whi
marine H-47 remained tonight a other lower animals lies neither in!
silent tomb for all except three of the social traits of their group life, i
its crew. The battered L-12, which to which parallels may be found "in
collided with the death vessel was any hen yard," nor in their vocal
at Milford Haven moored between utterances, which, though they con-
the mother-ship, Alecto, and the tain all the phonetic sounds pres-
L-14. She was deserted by her crew ent in human language, show no
and full of chlorine gas with tugs signs of a form of communication
pumping fresh air into her. On but merely give outlet to emotional
both sides of the L-12, great holes expression much in the same man-
testified to the force of the impact ner as do dogs and other lower
which sent the H-47 to the bottom vertebrates.
with 22 men. There were ugly "Apes do not imitate easily," said
gashes in the steel plates well below Professor Koehler in connection
the water line, other plates were with his discussion of anthropoid
buckled and -the bow was out of intelligence, thereby exploding a
alignment. rather common notion. "Imitation
Navy men said it would be im-! is a difficult aclaievement," he said.
possible for divers to work under The apes do imitate, however, he
the conditions presented by the continued to say and cited several
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Golden Gate Boys To Team Up
Despite Brilliant Playing
by Gorchakoff
(By Associated Press)
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., July 11-
Coming from behind to take ad-
vantage of every error made by
their opponents, Fritz Mercur,
Bethlehem, Pa., and J. McGilbert
Hall, South Orange, N. J., today
defeated Ben Gorchakoff and Ar-
thur Kussman, both of Los Angeles,
for the National Clay Court Dou-
bles Tennis Championship here.
Five sets were necessary before
the eastern duo downed Gorcha-
koff and Kussman, who, two weeks
ago, won the National Intercolle-
giate Doubles title. Scores were
10-12, 3-6, 6-2, 9-7, 6-4. The dou-
bles was the final of the cham-
pionship tournament, which was
interrupted repeatedly by rain.
Emmett Pard, of Chicago, won the
singles championship from Hall
Erratic overhead play by Kuss-
man kept the Golden -Gate boys in
hot water much of the time, even
while they were winning. Mercur
and Hall took every opportunity to'
direct the play at him, for they
found Gorchakoff on top of his
game and making brilliant returns
from placement.
The closeness of the match is in-
dicated by the point total. In the
first set, won by Gorchakoff and
Kussman in taking the second set,

Roger Williams (left), and Cap- bring their plane to earth near the
tain L. A. Yancey, America-to- coast of Spain. The plane was
Rome flyers, who were forced to not wrecked.

Interesting Expedition Is Planned Prof. W. W. Wright Claims Advant-
for Students Who Wish ages for Acceleration of Chil-
To Make Trip dren; Profits School System
An excursion which promises to In addressing one of the regular
eclipse all the others on the sum- 4 o'clock assemblies in the audi-
mer school program will be held torium of the University high school
this week end to Niagara Falls and Tuesday afternoon on "Shall we
vicinity. The trip which will be Accelerate by Grade Skipping?"
conducted by the geology depart- Prof. W. W. Wright, of IndianaI



wind and waves. They believed
strong currents running from the
Pembroke coast undoubtedly would
shift the position of the ill-fated
underseas boat far from that indi-
cated by rising bubbles after the
. This position was marked by a
moored buoy and extensive ar-
rangements for search for the boat
in the locality were made over-
night. Twenty British naval yes-
sels rushed to the scene planning
to conduct their salvage operations.

examples of -simple imitation.
"All apes do not have the same
I. Q's," he went on and related sev-
eral amusing instances of a female
ape who was incapable of learning
the rude dance with which the
more intelligent members of the
ape colony were accustomed to
amuse themselves.
In conclusion motion pictures of.
the apes performing some of the
tests which had been mentioned in
the lecture were hown to th great
delight of the audience.

ment of the University is in charge
of Prof. Jesse P. Rowe, who comes
here from the University of Mon-
tana and was last year a member
of the faculty of the Floating Uni-
versity on their cruise around the
The party will leave the city atl
2 o'clock Friday afternoon for De-
troit where a steamer will. take
them to Buffalo. Here they will
board a street car for Niagara Falls.
An unusually interesting roundl
of entertainment has here been'
provided for the party, according to
Professor Rowe. There will be a
trip around the Gorge, across the
International bridge, and past the
whirlpool rapids that afternoon,)
while the morning will be spent in
inspecting the carborundum plant,l
where whet, stones are manufact-I
ured, and the Shredded Wheat fac-,
tory. The Niagara Falls Power
company also has on display a' re-
markable model of the Falls, with
real water passing over it, which
should prove of interest.
Many interesting side trips may
be enjoyed Sunday morning by
those who care to take them. These
include a trip in the Maid of the
Mist under the Falls or to the Cave
of the Winds, where bathing suits
will be in order, on account of the
spray. In addition a shaft has'
been sunk on the Canadian side
which enables anyone to go di-{
rectly under the Horseshoe Falls.{
The return home will be made by
water, the party leaving Buffalo
Sunday night and arriving in Ann
Arbor about 11 o'clock -,the next
morning. The cost for the whole
trip is not expected to exceed $30.
Reservations should be made im-
mediately in room 2051 Natural Sci-
ence building by anyone who in-
tends to go.
(By Associated Press)
American League
Detroit 10; Boston 6.
Chicago 6; New York 3.
Cleveland 9; Washington 7.
Philadelphia 4-5; St. Louis 1-7.
National League
Cincinnati 10; Boston 2.
Chicago 6; New York 2.
Brooklyn 9; St. Louis 6.
Pittsburgh 15: Philadelnhia .

From a study of 451 pupils in the scored 28 points to 27 for their op-
Bloomington, Indiana, schools, it ponents. Mercur and Hall made 32
was found that accelerated pupils points to 24 for Gorchakoff in the
achieve as well or better than the third set; 52-49 in the fourth and
pupils with whom they are asso- 30-26 in the final set.
ciated after acceleration; that they l Hall's part of the court was the
are not socially maladjusted in the target at which winners repeat-
group in which they are found sub- edly shot the ball. Having more
sequent to acceleration. chances, the singles runner-up
Those pupils who had been skip- made more errors than his team
ped four or more semesters, or two mate, but he made his share of
or more years, have marked symp- placements and excellent returns,
toms of poor health. Whether this Yesterday Emmet Pard, of Chi-
is connected with rapid acceleration cago, also played a brilliant game
by grade skipping is not known. It to win the singles championship
is however, a matter of much con- from Hall, one of those defeated to-
cern. day. Pard had a swift and hard
Acceleration is commonly prac- service that bewildered his oppo-
ticed in the traditional school or- nent, although the latter held up
ganization. In such cases the basis steadily against Pard's attacks.
for acceleration should be average The championship tournament,
or above in intelligence, high which has been under way for sev-
achievement in the school subjects, eral days, has been repeatedly in-
prior to acceleration, health condi- terrupted by rain, and this has kept
tions that are normal or above, and the players' nerves at the tension
ability and interest in more mature point. The games today were in
activities, Professor Wright said. the sunshine for the most part.

university assertedthat suc n ac-
,celeration is not detrimental.


Opportunity will be given stu-
dents today to help support the I
Student Christian association Fresh'
Air camp. Fifteen boys have been1
brought to Ann Arbor to collect'
contributions from all those who
feel they can lend their financial
aid to so worthy a project. Since;
the students and alumni of the
University are the only supporters
of the Fresh Air camp, it is urged
that everyone should do his utmost
for its benefit.1
The Camp has successfully passed
eight seasons. It has given a 10-
day or a 12-day outing to a total1
of 2,783 boys from 16 cities, prin-
cipally from Detroit, or a total
camp experience under University:
of Michigan leadership reduced tol
terms of one boy of 29,999 days. As
the records show that the, average
gain in weight per boy is a bit over
three pounds one can safely sayJ
that four tons of solid Amreican I
boy have been put "on the hoof."
The doctors have reported physical
diefets tn n rsn o ,f hn swith+

clinical work resulting after the
boys return home. Corrective meas-
ures and much use of games have
put the boys in finer physical shape.
Story telling by counselors, talks by
faculty men on trees and stars,
imaginative tales told by some boys
all unite in the program to de-
velop mental alertness. The group
life full of busy activities contribute
social growth all too frequently ab-
sent in the home life of boys from
the industrial centers. Then the
Catholic boys go to church in the
village, while a religious meeting is
held in camp affording some de-
velopment of the religious nature.
All around growth is the aim.
From the beginning students on
campus have gladly supported the
project on two annual "tag days."
Faculty members have shared and
gradually alumni and ftends have
been brought into the supporting
ranks in order through having a
standard size an efficient and eco-
nomical program could be put over
each summer.

A Review by William J. Gorman
An enthusiastic and on the whole
capable cast hustles this highly
facetious and altogether ingenioust
variation of the halt-at-the-altar i
farce to really successful low com-
edy. The play's vivacity is much1
better than any of the sentiment in
it, and the director has acted ac- 't
cordingly, playing it broadly in1
slapdash manner for all its fun.c
With a few exceptions he has suc-
ceeded in making the members of.
the cast forget all ambition to dis- I
play a style and made them con- I
centrate on vivacity.,l
The result is on the whole pleas-I
ing. The audience rather enjoy 1
the cast's energy and delight in1
lines and situations. In this light,1
Alfred Foster approached a real<
achievement; for his part, being so!
long and probably exhausting, re-
quired real artistry to appear so1
natural and inartistic. His methodsj
of enunciation were grandly suit-j
able, the lines being now munched,
now spurted in infinite variety with
an altogether pleasing result. Tis
whole version of the blundering,
irresponsible bridegroom, with the
exception of the lack of restraint
which the general tone of the play
demanded of him, was professionalj
in chnrater-

Some of the minors in the cast
achieved the same engaging natur-
alness, successfully disguising with
their enthusiasm such care as went
into the part-Joe Jennett as the
"marrying" butler with the curious
habit of forgetting to sever pre-
vious ties, at times Doris Kerlin as
the kitten with the sharp claw,
Emile Reid as the petulant mother
of the "ewe-lamb" and of "little
Stephen." Though he gave many
of has lines with startling effect,
Mr. Hinkley's tones were too sten-
torian for the debonair bachelor
butterfly. Miss King's part I would
criticise. She essays character;
that is, she tries to draw attention
to her part, that of the malicious
but charming vamp, by conscious
acting. This is not the tone that
other characters give to their parts
and doesn't fit in with the direc-
tor's conception of the play as a
comedy of ludicrous situations.
o , 0
' The Summer Directory of stu-
dents attending the University I
and the Faculty members will I
I be placed on sale on the campus I
I today and for the rest of the j
1 week. James Cavanaugh.

All students desiring pi
j experience in journalismN
given an opportunity tot
on the Summer Michigan
j if they will call at the of
The Press building, on M
j street, between 3 and 5c
j any afternoon this week.

will be
try out C
a Daily
ffice in
aynard I
o'clock I

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