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Published every morning except Monday,
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.!
Mexico is stealing a march on
the United States in the matter
of revision of it penal code to ac-
cord with modern trends in the
investigation and study of crime
dnritinn and their eauses. Pres-'
, About Books ,
~ 1
COn n s a16 1UULU1U UO. i4
The Associated Pres is exclsively n- dentU1 Emii Ports Gil*as*a*
titled to the use for repubcation of ident Emilio ortes Gil has an- Perelmangitis, a strange new dis-
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise nounced two important changes in
cied in this paper and the local news ub- the draft of the new national pe- ease, has attacked the whole work-
Ai nal code which he is expected to ing force of Horace Liveright, at
pontofre at ta e An Arbo, MChstn, proclaim soon. 61 West 48th Street, in New York,
Subscription by carrier. $z.5o; by mail Capital punishment nas been and threatens to spread alarm-
Olice.: Press Building Maynard Street, eliminated entirely from the code, ingly through the ranks of all read-
Ann Arbor, Michigan. and considering the fact that the
Erevisions are the result of a leng- ers shortly after August 16, when
EDITORIAL STAFF thy investigation of crime mani- S. J. Perelman's Dawn Ginsbergh's
Telephone 4925 festations in the country, the pro- Revenge will be published. The
MANAGING EDITOR nouncement has all the force of victim's symptoms are: An uncon-
LAWRENCER. KLEINscience as well as of modern theor- trollable tendency to emit loud guf-
ies of law behind it. This change
Editorial Director........Howard F. Shout and the others which are expected faws, painful stitches in the side, I
Women's Editor..........Margaret Eckels made will very possibly havend an insane desire to stop to-
City Editor...........................Charles Askren. to be anewldvr osbl ae!
Books Editor..........Lawrence R. Klein ital strangers on streets, trains, and
Sports Editor..........S. Cidwell Swanson considerable effect on the survey
Night Editor's of crime problems which is being other public places to read fav-
Howard ?. Shout Water Wilds carried on at present in the United orite passages to them. Later
S. Cadwell Swanson Harold Warren 1 States by President Hoover's crime stages are marked by a tendency to
Charles AskrenI commission.
Assistants1Thmm essf t quarrel with other readers over
Ben Manson L' Davis Thaereotfo teMxI
Ross Gustin Margaret Harris ican capital states that President the question of which passages are
DorothyMageeWiliamaeyPsidfunniest, in which the victim may
Paul Showers Marguerite Henry F ortes Gil is also consdernlg the,
Deirdre McMullan Rhea Goudy adoption of a committee of alien- work up a high fever unless re-
BUSINESS STAFF ?ists, psychologists, behaviourists, strained. In the mean time, the
Telepne 21214 and doctors, sitting as a sort of instigator of all this, S. J. Perel-
Telephone 21214 "supreme court of medicine," to man, a solemn, modest young man
take the place of the present jury who refuses to take seriously the
BUSINESS MANAGER system. This committee is to ex- efforts of Horace Liveright's pub-
LAWRENCE E. WALKLEY !,amine the accused individuals and licity department to elicit from
Assistant Business Manager..........Vernor Davis fix the proper degree of punish- him anything about himself, has
Publications Manager......................Egbert Davis ment merited, or to arrange for gone to Europe. When prodded for
Circulation Manager..........Jeanette Dale some corrective disciplining and biographical details, he sometimes i
Accounts Manager..................Noah Bryant training. The failure of the jury admits that he was born in Brook-!
system today-whatever its justi- lyn, and sometimes claims it wasf
fication as the so-called last es- in the Gobi Desert. These facts are
FRIDAY,__ AUGU_ T 9,_192 tige of liberty remaining to the cit- indisputable: he attended Brown
Night Editor- Charles A. Askren izenry of the United States -has University, edited The Brown Jug,
certainly made necessary the sub- and since that time has been a
MODIFICATION! stitution of some plan by which steady contributor to Judge. As to
justice and, law can be more prop- the rest of his career, he submits:
According to an article printed erly handed out. Mexico is finding "Onetime dean of the Chiropody
in The Daily yesterday morning, a solution to its own crime prob- School at Harvard, Mr. Perelman
the automobile ban, bone of con- lems in these revisions of the pe- was thrown on his own resources
tenton etwen tudntsandthenal code. Will its larger, and more at the age of 35. He at once lay
tention between students and the progressive neighbor to the North down in a small hut named Raoul
University authorities for severa follow suit, or will it continue with Kornblum and went to sleep. When
years, will be enforced even mo the outworn system and legal ma- he awoke twenty years later his
stringently next year than it has chinery which it now possesses? beard had rusted to pieces and his
been in the past. This decision has fowlingpiece had turned white.
come as more or less of a surprise Worst of all, he had become an
to many on the campus who ex- CArmenian. Nobody in Centreville
pected at least some degree of mod- Editorial Corment could remember the boy who had t
ification by this time. It has al- wandered away into the Kaater-
ways been the policy of The Daily WHERE CULTURE LAGS skills one balmy summer's after-
to support the administration's en- noon to be a civil engineer. With
forcement of the ban and to at-; (From The Detroit Free Press) heavy heart he turned his footsteps
tempt to influence the students to Southerners work too little and toward South America.
respect it. However, it has been I
pointed out at the same time that brag too much. They have become Americans who know London willt
the ostensible purpose of the regu- intoxicated with their new Indus- recognize some familiar figures in
lations would be satisfied if modifi- trial prosperity, which they ad- The Chronicles of a Gigolo, by Jul-
cation was inaugurated to the ex- vane as a defense of their edu- kan Swift, published by Horace Live-
tent of permitting all professional cational deficienies. The best right August 2. In this real story
students and graduate students to ccr
drive cars. It might even be found equipped of their states education- of the adventures of a professional
that the restrictions could be lift- ally would have to double their dancing partner, it is Mrs. Meyrick
ed again on all juniors and sen- present efforts to bring themselves of the Forty-Three in GerrardC
ed Street, so well known to all tour-
lors on the campus after a time.-i up to the average of the United r
However, the unwisdom of mak- uptfh vrgeo h ntdists as well as Londoners, who givesja
Hnganychnge inwadmnistrai- States. The blight of illiteracy is Julian his first start as a gigolo;
Ing any change i administration widespread among them. They and it is Rudolph, the famous pro-
policies at the present time is to have a distaste for sustained edu- fessional "with that funny sort of
be fully recognized. Obviously, un- cational or intellectual effort. They feet, flat and sneaky, which all,
til the wishes of the next president are the victims of ignorance and professionals get" who gives him
in administrative arrangements can provincialism and pride. his first hints about professional
well be made. Our purpose in All this and considerably more tactics. Later on in the story, Nel-
speaking at this time is only to was told to the Southern club at son Keys, the little comedian who
reiterate the plea for modification Columbia university by Dr. Edgar delighted New York in Chariot's',
which we consider the only reason- Wallace Knight, a distinguished Revue some seasons ago, befriends
able and just solution to the prob- southern educator, a native of Julian and gets a job in the chor-
lem of withholding from the stu- North Carolina and for the past us for his friend Babs. Other char-
dents what is, after all, a right decade professor of education in its acters in the story, who for ob-!
to which they are entitled as long, state university. Any doubt that vious reasons are not labelled with
as they exercise it in a proper man- Dr. Knight knows what he is talk- their real names in the chronicle,
ner. It might be the more cor- ing about is removed by the last are nevertheless familiar enough in
rect procedure to penalize only the federal census, which shows that the night club world also to be
reckless among student drivers; 10 percent of the native white pop- recognized by traveled Americans.
this would at least not punish all ulation of Louisiana, 10 years of * * *
for the fool-hardiness of the few. age or over, is illiterate, 8 percent W. G. Rogers, the author of Life
It was stated in yesterday's Daily of that of North Carolina, 7 per- Goes On, a novel of American life
as the belief of Acting Dean of cent of that of Tennessee and Ken- that is written in an entirely new
Students, Walter B. Rea, that "stu- tucky, and 5 percent of that of manner, was born in Chicopee
dent cooperation will be the surest Georgia. The corresponding rate Falls, Mass., has lived most of his
means of hurrying modification by for the nation is 2 percent. Arkan- life in Springfield, Mass., and is
the regents." Some two years of sas, with a native white illiteracy now teaching in a preparatory
active cooperation by the student rate of 4.4 percent, and Texas, with school in Pittsburgh. His story
body would seem enough, all things 3 percent, are among the most lit- might have happened in any of
considered, for the regents to use erate of the southern states; yet these towns, or on your street, in
as a basis for modified ban. proportionately more Negroes in your town. Everybody knows peo-
New York state can read and write ple like the Faulkners, whose story
than white people in Texas and it is. Their whole existence is ep-
THE CONCLUSION Arkansas! The illiteracy rate among itomized in this account of things
Negroes in New York state is 2.9 which happened in a single eve-
State officials and the authorities: percent. ing, told in a narrative which mov-
of the University are to be greatly The present generation of south- es with the speed of motion pic-
complimented on the final assur- erners come honestly by their in- ture film. Mr. Roger's who has
ance of the building of dormitories difference to education. They in- visited his publisher, just before
for Michigan students Viewed from herit it from the day when slavery sailing abroad for the summer, said
almost any angle the enterprise is fixed the social status of whites about his method that he felt that
a worthy one. It will be the means and blacks and relieved the slave it fitted this particular book, but
of providing for the students living holding class of the necessity of he did not expect to use it again
quarters and dining halls of a de- working either with their hands or A second boom, on which he is now
cidedly superior type where they with their brains. The abolition,' at work, will be written in an en -
can find the same degree of comfort of slavery knocked the props from tirely different style.
and convenience that they have in under this system and left hanging * * *
their homes. in the air an attitude of superiority A persistent demand for Djuna
It is unfortunate that any dis- as insubstantial as that enjoyed Barnes' first book, which was pub-
sension or argument should have by the "ornamental classes" that a lished in 1924 under the title, A
been stirred up over this problem, Connecticut Yankee discovered in Book, and which has since gone
and it is to be hoped that all will England in the sixth century. The out of print, has led her publisher,
e forgotten in carrviinethenmroieet descendants of an "aristocrac" Horace Liveright to issue it again
I r i-o I I I
The lengthened skirt, so long a
mere threat, has at last become a
reality to the modishly-minded. In
the realm of evening clothes, es-
pecially, hemlines have dropped, in
some cases as much as a foot.
Both gowns and wraps for eve-
ning wear will be definitely long
this winter, comes the word from
Paris. Uneven hem-lines will still
be fashionable, but will be placed
nearer the ground; and ankle
length all around is quite likely for
formal evening dresses developed
in sheer materials. In order to 1
keep up (or should we say down)
with the new length in dresses,
evening wraps will also have to
lengthen their hems. The advance
fur models are illustrating this
Even the summer evening wraps
are showing much longer lines than ;
iil ill 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIHiII H111111111111111111]111
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715-716 Old Natl. Bank Bldg. Spokane, Wash.
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Every Afternoon and Evening
Saunders' Canoe Livery
On -the Huron River at the foot of Cedar St.
those of last season. Almost all!
of them are longer in back than ink
the front or sides. The result of
the new trend toward length will
probably be that next winter's
wraps will trail the floor all the
way 'round. Circular flounces and
godet fullnesses are being develop-
ed below the hip for these new
As regards cloth-
,es for street weak,
Paris tailleurs rd-j
port that there hag
Seen a very gradu4'i
lengthening. Tins
tendency is still
persisting and k
probably result
slightly lo ng e T
skirts for the fall
clothes. At pres-
ent, authorities say
that tailored dress-
es should touch the
top of the calf of
the leg.
With the ap-
proach of Fall, at-
tention is turning
to coats, and these promise to main-
tam the interesting treatment
which they have enjoyed the past
few seasons. A stunning bottle
green model from Paris has a bor-
der of leaves made of the fabric,
with fine velvet lines making the
leaves' veins. Another black coat
for an older woman is handsome-
ly trimmed with cushion collar and I
deep, pointed cuffs of astrakan.
Persian lamb is generously used on
a second black coat which boasts
a circular flounce, collar, and flar-
ing cuffs of the lamb.
With introduction by F
"1J1/".. /. /./"l./1/l~.I",/1.0l~1.X1.ll~~.I'/./~.. +. .ro,!..i.IJ~J'/,I~u-i'
Autumn Millinery
Autumn Millinery Shows a definite
trend. Hats this Fall are different
. . far
different even than their immediate predecessors.
Their dressiness will at first surprise you, then de-
light you, for we doubt if we have ever had a col-
lection of more becoming hats. Though intricately
worked, with tucking, seamings, soft
they reflect the charm of simplicity.
And the
Spanish theme comes in to add its dash of beauty
and colors.
forward to a satisfactory conclu- founded on the labor of others
sion. The state of Michigan can have had to go to work themselves;
look with pride to its university as but many of them, we have Dr.
one of the most extensive as well Knight's word for it, are not yet
on nwuonaciv Iia4+i+I,*v+., .nf .a +rmr inwamk +h + na linn.
under the new title, A Night Among
the Horses, with new material add-
ed. It will appear August 16. The
three ne wstories now included are
Aller et Retour A Litt1 Girl Te11
I ,J~ULJZ*..1r..1! I Zx Dt.J 11112JJL LL iA.JI.JI