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August 09, 1929 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1929-08-09

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Famous Ar

Year's Musical Program.
ists '

To Appear Here
In Union Series
Martinelli, Muzio, Rethberg, Heifetz, Horowitz,
Detroit Symphony, And Hungarian
Quartet Will Appear

GRAPHING promptly and neatly
done by experienced operators at
"Servant in House" To Be Present- moderate rates. College work a
ed by Wesley Players in specialty since 1908. E. D.
September O. D. MORRILL
17 Nickels Arcade
Monday night, August 12, will Marcel at 75c, Finger wave at $1.00;
mark the closing of the Lydia Men- Permanent wave at $8.50. Dial 7561.
delssohn theater in the League MACK TUTORING AGENCY
building for the rest of the sum- 3 Open for Summer School
mer. The recital to be given that __310_S___StateSt. Phone_7927
night by Professor Earl E. Fleisch- TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
man's advanced class in interpre- rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387.


Giovanni Martinelli, leading ten-
or of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany; Claudia Muzio, prima donna
soprano of the Chicago Civic Opera
Association; Elizabeth Rethberg,
prima donna soprano of the Metro-
politan Opera Company; Ignace Jan
Paderewski, noted Polish pianist;
Vladimir Horowitz, brilliant Rus-
sian pianist; Jascha Heifetz, Rus-
sian violinist; The English Singers
of. London; The Lener Budapest
String Quartet and two concerts
by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra
with Ossip Gabrilowitsch wielding
the baton, will provide ten prog-
rams in the coming season of
Choral Union Concerts.
This array of brilliant singers,
spectacular instrumental soloist*s
and ensemble groups will constitute
a series of headi liners such as has
seldom been heard in a single series
anywhere in the world of music.
Their united artistic assets stand
out as a most worthy assemblage
of musical attractions to inaugurate
the first season of the second half
century of musical endeavors on
the part of the University Musical
Society, under whose auspices the
Choral Union and May Festival
concerts are provided.
In accordance with the policy
inaugurated last year for the semi-
centenary series, ten concerts will
be given. The schedule of prices
for season tickets will remain the
same as last year, that is, $6.00,
$8.00, $10.00 and $12.00. Each sea-
son ticket will contain a coupon
good for $3.00 in exchange later in
the year for a season May Festival
ticket. All mail orders for tickets
will be filed in sequence and filled
in the same order except that, all
orders which accumulate before
September 1st, will be considered
as of that data and will be treated
accordingly. Also, subscribers of
record for patron's tickets for the
last May Festival will have the
privilege of retaining their same
seat location provided that their
orders are received not later than
September 1st, at the office of the
School of Music on special blanks
mailed to each such subscriber of
The schedule of attractions and
dates is as follows:
October 15, Giovanni Martinelli
in recital. He was born at Montag-
nana, Italy, in 1885. Young Gio-
vanni was one of a dozen or more
children. His father was a cabinet
maker and unable to give him a
musical education. As a child he
sang in the village choir, but his
voice at that time attracted no
particular attention. He had learn-
ed o play the clarinet and when
the time came for him to serve in
the Italian Army, he joined a
regimental band. In 1912, he created
a sensation at Convent Garden,
London, Ont. In 1913, he became
a regular member of the Metro-
politan Opera Company and since
that time has risen to the position
of principal tenor. He has created
numerous leading roles and has a
repertoire which includes principal
parts in many operas'.
The full and varied activity of
the Detroit Symphony Orchestra is
a romance of musical achievement.
This is the orchestra's fourteenth
-season-the ninth under the con-
ductorship of Ossip Gabrilowitsch.
In this short time, it has built itself
solidly into its home city and
has won its place among the best
orchestras of the world.
Detroit is singularly fortunate in
having a conductor who, in addi-
tion to international musical re-

nown that speaks for itself, has
sound judgment which has been
applied unceasingly in the building
of the orchestra's constructive poli-,
November 7, Ignace Jan Paderewski,
'The Superb," deluxe private car
of the Pullman Company, has the
distinction of being Paderewski's
home sometimes for six months at
a stretch. Whenever news comes
that the nianist is returning to the

"manicured" and redecorated in- prima donna soprano of the Chi- Rethberg's list of engagements
side and out. cago Civic Opera Association. called for appearances with four
Paderewski travels in a private Claudia Muzio is one of those important opera companies; those
car as a matter of convenience. It rarely versatile singers who can of the Metropolitan Opera House,
saves him the trouble of having to both flame in opera and charm in New York; the State Opera, Dres-
get up at an early hour to catch a concert. Perhaps her renown as den; the Ravinia Park summer
morning train, or wait around for a singing actress is due not entire- season of opera, Chicago, and the
a late one following an evening ly to the fact that she has lived San Francisco Opera of that city
concert. Also, he likes to have his her life mostly on the opera stage, and Los Angeles. The last named
one big meal of the day late at but also to the testimony of her _ --
night after the concert. To get a audience that her fine dramatic
good hot freshly prepared dinner personality inevitably vitalizes con-
at a hotel at midnight is next to cert into opera.
impossible. January 16. Jascha Heifetz, vio-
November 19. The English Sing- linist.
ers, of London in a program of Heifetz was born in Vilna Rus-
madrigals, canzonets, ballets and sia February 2, 1901. He began
other music. This organization is his studies at the age of three, play-
made up of six distinguished Brit- ing a tiny violin, especially made
ish musicians who have worked to- fo
gether continuously for a number r him. His father, who was a
oyer.FoaMnNliCa-Iviolinist in a theater orchestra.,J
of years. Flora Mann, Nellie Car-{spent his days teaching his re-
son, Lillian Berger, Norman Stone, markable son. He would sit beside
Norman Notley and Cuthbert Kelly. young Jascha hour after hour while
In the past five years the English he practised, correcting every mis-
Singers have sung over 400 concerts take. Day after day-usually six,
in the United States and Canada, !hours a day-the little prodigy
forty of which were in New York practised scales. At that time his,
City. Last spring The Sigers ap- fingers were so small that even on a i
peared in Prague, Berlin, Paris and quarter-size violin he could make Ossip Gabrilowitsch
London. In the fall of 1929 they them reach the right string only bigthfaossneupohr
will return to the United States for brings the famous singer up to her

Iby using ite eother nanadLo tug longseries of appearances at the
them into position. Undoubtedly Metropolitan, following which she
this early drilling explains Heifetz's is booked for a brilliant concertI
uncanny accuracy and superlative tour.
mastery of his instrument. A group Imn
of Paris fiddlers were once discuss- !IM ediately on concluding her
ing his amazing technique. One Metropolitan Opera engagements
said: "There is nothing remark- and concert tour last May, Madame
able about it. He never practised Rethberg left for Dresden to begin
abla butitHenevrprightn tse rehearsals for the world premiere,
anything but the right notes." an motiprntefrac,
At five, Heifetz entered the Vilna nd most important performance,
Conservatory. He was gradfatede Egyptian Helen, whose
Conervtory. H e asgraduated composer, Richard Strauss, had
at eight, having learned all that chosen her to create the title part.
the instructors could teach him, In it, superb of voice, regal of form
Then, in order that he might study and beautiful, she fulfilled the ideal
under Professor Leopold Auer inI of that lovely Helen who pro-
Petrograd, his parenik broke up yoked the Troj an War. Rethberg's
their home and sold their furniture. achievements on that notable occa-
Police regulations forbade their hion, pronounced by the New York
residing in Petrograd without some
legitimate reason, so to get around
the law, the father had to become'
a student with his son.t
January 31... Vladimir Horowitz, W!E I


tation will be the last perform- LOST
ance in the theater until September LOST-On Sunday shell rim spec-
20, when it will re-open. tacles in cowhide case bearing
"It has been a great source ofI name Schoenig, N. Y. C. Phone
surprise to me that there have been 3022.
so many demands upon the theater
besides dramatics," said Amy Loo- FOR SALE
mis, director. "The theater has
been used successfully for marion- FOR SALE--Canoe in good'condi-
ettes, lectures, recitals, and relig- tion. Price reasonable. Call 3509
Ifor information.
ious services as well as for plays. r m
Even the moving picture booth has FOR SALE-A 7-passenger '25
been tested this summer." Marmon touring car. Excellent
"The Servant in the House," pre- condition. Very cheap. Mrs.
sented by the Wesley players and Harold Trosper, 924 Baldwin.
directed by Ralph Johnston, will Telephone 9824.
be the first performance of the Fall
season. The costume rooms and FOR RENT
club rooms for rehearsals will be__
available by the latter part of Sep- FOR RENT-A completely furnish-
tember. During the Fall the the- ed apartment also large double
ater will be used for lectures, re- room for graduate students or
j liiou sevice, rcitls ad piv- business girl. Dial 8544 or 9714.
ligious services, recitals and priv- 422 East Washington. 40, 41, 42
ate entertainments, as well as forFd
campus dramatics. FOR RENT-Student wanted to
_ _ _share suite with graduate man.
Inquire 110 N. State.
I SISiFOR RENT-Large furnished front
room. Garage room possible. No
other roomers. Instructor or
graduate preferred. Phone 8579
SPONSOREDBY YVEafter 6 p. m. 37, 38, 39
Wyvern, honor society for junior WANTED
women, is again sponsoring the
"Big Sister" program which it has WANTED-Two men want ride
conducted successfully for several east as far as Boston or New
years. This plan is one whereby York. Will pay expenses. Ca-li
freshmen become acquainted with 7690, O. T. H. Reed, Jr.
what the women of Michigan are WANTED-At once, an agregive
doing even before they reach Ann ! salesman for new business. Ex-
Arbor. - cellent opportunities for a pro-
Each member of Wyvern has or- ducer. For information and in-
ganized a group of 20 women who terview write, Box 209.
will take charge of carrying out
the program. Each of these stu- WANT ADS PA Y!
dents has written two letters, ad-P Y
dressed to "Dear Freshman," and
bearing her own name and address. TYPEWRITING
These have been sent by the of- and
fice of the Advisers of Women to IMEOGRAPHING
women enrolling for the first time A specialty for
this fall, twenty years.
Through the resulting exchange Prompt service.. Experienced op-
of letters, freshmen are made erators.. Moderate rates.
acquainted with the University, and 0. D. MORRILL
feel that they are not wholly un- 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615
are -able to establish friendships
that will be of great value to them -
during the first few weeks of their REFRESHMENTS
residence here.
Ruth Van Tuyl, '31, is in charge for the
of the program. SUMMER DAYS
for the second concert of the sea-
son. This program as well as the Drinks
earlier one will be built by Mr.
Gabrilowitsch from among the
most brilliant and attractive selec- Salads
tions of the immense repertoire of
the orchestra and Choral Union COOL OFF
Concert patrons will have an oppor- at the
tunity of hearing one of the world's
foremost major ensemble organs
izations in a program in which Sw eevn otd
most attractive and outstanding
orchestral compositions will be 212 South Main Street
K161C;y Qua lty S oes

Giovanni Martinelli

a short eastern tour, ending up at
the Pacific Coast in December. In
January they embark for their in-
itial tour of the Far East and will
sing fifty concerts in China, Japan,
British and Dutch East Indies,
Straits Settlements, Ceylon, Burma,
India and Egypt.
December 3... Lener - Budapest
String Quartet. This Quartet, made
up of Jene Lener, Joseph Smi-
lovits, Sandor Roth, and Imre Hart-
man, comes to America for the first
time this fall. It is one of the
famous quartets of today. Each
member is a product of the Buda-
pest Academy renowned for its in-
strumental traditions; each man is
under 35 years of age.
Jeno Lener, the leader, Joseph
Smilovits, second violin, and San-
dor Roth, viola, are all pupils of
the old master Hubay; Imre Hart-
man, 'cellist, of the great Popper.
Lener and Smilovits were born
in 1895; Roth and Hartman in 1896.
Lener was the child prodigy of
Hubay's "master class". At the age
of 11 he was one of the first violin-
ists in the Budapest Grand Opera.
Smilovits won the coveted Remenyi
Prize while a student at the Buda-
pest Academy. Roth, prior to join-
ing the Quartet, was a member of
the faculty of the Academy and
often gave concerts there. Hart-
man won the Popper prize, which
was 200 gold crowns per annum for
five years. All are well known as
sold artists as well as for their en-
semble work.
December 10. Claudia Muzio,
Made on the head. New Fall
Models are here.
227 South State St.

Heralded by European eulogiums
in which he had been hailed as a
superhuman combination of Rub-
instein, Rosenthal, Paderewski,
Busoni, and about every other pic-
turesque and prominent pianistof
today and yesterday, Vladimir
Horowitz came to this country for
his first tour last season under aj
tremendous handicap The young
Russian pianist confessed later
that never in his 24 years had he
been so nervous as the night ofI
January 12, 1928, when he walked I
out on the stage of Carnegie Hall,
past the men of the famous New
York Philharmonic Orchestra,j
bowed to a jammed house filled
with the world's most blase au-
dience, peppered with a celebrated'
group of already irritated and per-
manently "hard boiled" music crit-
ics, and sat down before the piano
to play the Tschaikovsky Concerto
-his debut in America.
February 12, Elisabeth Rethberg,
The record of Madame Elisabeth
Rethberg, celebrated lyric-drama-'
tic soprano, seems to surpass all
precedent, so great is the demand
for her and her supreme art.
Within the space of six months]

Ignace Jan Paderewski

Times as "overwhelming," will
inscribed in musical history.


March 10. Detroit Symphony
Orchestra, Ossip Gabrilowitsch,
On this occasion, Mr. Gabrilo-
witsch and his famous group of
players will appear in Ann Arbor

Come in
See Them

e.. .err..rrrr. rr ,rr..rtr. ,rrr .rrrr, , rerr,. .. ..r~. +, . .,r ,rrre. .ee. .rrr, .r

All Sizes


HOSIERY-In Service or Chiffon V
FULL FASHIONED-$1.29 Per Pair. 2
CHIFFON-$1.59 and $1.95.

(Opposite Law Building)



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