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August 09, 1929 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1929-08-09

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Continued warmer.

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4,73 il




All Upperclasmen Must Consult
Advisor Under New Classifica-
tion Committee Plan
Two important changes made in
the system of course election and
classification for upperclassmen
will go into effect with the regis-
tration in September, according to
an announcement made yesterday
by Prof. D. L. Rich who is in charge
of planning the enrollment system.
Establishment of Upperclass Ad-
visory committees for all Sopho-
mores, Juniors, and Seniors and
the discontinuance of the Classifi-
cation committee are the chief in-
novations in the fall plans.
Specialization Essentia
Every uppeieh1sman must se-
lect an adviser from the depart-
ment in which he is specializing.
There will be more than 30 groups
of advisers, one group for each de-
partment and one composed of
those instructors who will act as
advisers to those students who
specify no particular line of spe-
cialization. Elections by students
must be approved by an adviser
before they may classify.
The list of advisers will be avail-
able about one week before Fresh-
man week.
Students will be permitted to se-
lect their own hours and instruc-
tors provided the sections of their
choice are not already filled. As
time schedules are appearing in the
announcement of the college, there
will be no time schedule published
for next semester.
Classification Folder
All courses will be listed on the
program sheet used for classifica-
tion. Due to the increased num-
ber of classes listed, this sheet will
be printed and issued in folder
Selection of advisers will be made
at the time of registration from
the list provided. Heretofore, no
check has been made on the elec-
tions of Juniors and Seniors, and it
is hoped that through the inaugur-
ation of the Advisory committee a
higher type of election will be
Yahr and Smith of City Control
Miller Special Slated for
World Championship


Will Speak on "Ends and Means in
University Dramatics' nat!
5 O'clock Today
Prof. Chester M. Wallace, of the
Carnegie Institute of Technology
will lecture this afternoon at
5 o'clock in the Natural Science
Auditorium on the subject, "Ends
and Means in University Drama-
Professor Wallace, who has been:
conducting several classes in the
department of speech during thej
Summer Session and has acted as
director of the summer repertory
company in the Lydia Mendelssohnf
theater, has had ten years ex-1
perience on the professional stage
-as an actor in Shakespearean
repertory, as actor and director in
his own company, and as a mem-
ber of the Copley Theater Reper-
tory Company. He has been direc-
tor, professor, and finally head of
the Drama School at the Carnegie
Institute, and' for the past four!
summers has been visiting profes-!
sor of dramatics at the University
of Iowa.


1 " ,
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Emphasis Placed on Coordinating 1N B
of High School, Junior College
and University Work IID TflPCDMA MV



. Round Table discussions were heldIII UlI
in the department of romance
languages on three Wednesday af- DR. HUGO ECKENER BUBBLES
ternoons during the Summer Ses- OVER W I T H JOY AS
sion by faculty and students meet- ZEPPELIN LEAVES
ing informally to discuss various
questions. Comparisons were made AUTHORITIES DETAIN HIM
between different summer schools-
their objectives, their facilities, Has Dubious Distinction of Travel-
their advantages. Text books used ing Farther, Seeing Less Than
in different places and the cause Any Other Adventurer
of their adoptions were discussed.
Some time was given to the study (8y Associated Press)
of elementary work, methods of NEW YORK, August 8.-Albert
teaching, phonetics, and phonetic Buschko, 18-year-old German bak-
symbols and the methods used in Buck,1-er-lIemnbk
connection with the teaching of er's apprentice who stowed away on
these. the Graf Zeppelin at Friedrichs-
A comparison of the time devoted hafen last week, today was sent
in different places to conversation, back to Germany on the liner
pronunciation, grammar, and read- Thuringia.
ing was made. Special emphasis
was placed on the question of co- When he gets back to his home-
ordinating high school work, junior land, Buschko will at least have the
college work, and that in the uni- dubious distinction of having prob-
versity in the study of modern ably traveled farther and seen less
languages. than any other adventurer in his-
It was voted especially by the tory. He will have crossed the At-
students to continue this round lantic twice and once in the air,
table discussion next year as this is at that, without ever having seei
one of the first places in the coun- the ocean.


Gives Undue Advantage to English
Naval Power; Allows Expansion The Univrity of Michigan base-
of Cruisers ball team which won the Confer-
ence championship this Spring is
PARTY IN POWER BLAMED preening itself on the Pacific prior
to sailing for the land of the Chry-
(By Associated Press) santhemum and the Samurai next
WILLIAMSTON, Mass., August 8 Wednesday morning. The Wolver-
-Rear Admiral William L. Rogers, ines are expected to leave from
retired, told an Institute of Politics San Francisco promptly at noon.
"Round Table" group that the For the past week the Michigan
Washington Conference for the stars have been slated to play
limitation of Armaments was a re- games throughout the Coast and
sult of petty propaganda promoted are expected to fill engagements

Friday and Saturday, of the week
beginning July 28. Following this
they entrained for Tacoma where
they enocuntered the Tacoma Tig-
ers, August 5 and played a double-
header at Seattle with the Com-
°mercial Collegians, the champions
of the Pacific Coast.
Pictured above are Louis Kubi-
cek of Chicago, and Ray Nebelung
of Detroit. On the return from
Japan where they have been in-
vited as guests of Meiji University,
Tokio, and where they will play 131
games exclusive of one at the Uni-I
versity of Hawaii on the way back,'
it is planned that the team will
land in San Francisco, October 11.

Two racing cars, one of which
has won four of its five starts this
season and is leading for the world
racing championship, left Ann Ar-
bor today for the east where they
will be entered in races on several
of the leading eastern dirt tracks.
The racers, both Miller Specials,
are owned by the Yahr and Smith
Racing Co. of this city. Floyd A.
Smith will accompany the autos
east and supervise all mechanical
work. The cars will be driven east
mounted on trucks. Wilbur Shaw,
noted speedway driver and racer
who has finished in the money
several times at Indianapolis, will
pilot the car which is now leading
for the American Automobile As-
sociation championship. Paul Bost,
also of Indianapolis, will drive the
other machine.
According to Mr. Miller, Shaw,
driving the Miller Special which
has been built at the Yahr and
Smith plant at 206 West Huron
St., needs only to win another start
to cinch the championship. There
are not enough major races re-
maining in the season to permit
any other car to overhaul Shaw,
Mr. Smith said.
Both cars are long, narrow black

by England's apprehension that the today and tomorrow in Vancouver.
United States' growing naval power On the way to the Pacific Coast
and her desire for treaty terms they stopped off at Aberdeen, S.
cramped the naval future of this Dak., where they met an American
country. Legion team playing Wednesday,
The English were afraid of the
growing naval power of the United SCHORLING BELIEV
States. In the Conference they suc- MOVEMENT UPHEI
ceeded in persuading this govern-
ment to scrap its battleships and It will be remembered that two
tesame ime lev an ayears ago, 29 foreign educators vis-
the cruiser questionted this country to study our
which would allow the British to methods of educational procedure.
expan their navy Last year 35 American men, among
Then the Treaty, poor though it whom was Dr. Raleigh Schorling,
was, was ratified, because the Re- professor of education, and super-
uantecanto exhbit ten inper, visor of directed teaching and in-
watinediomxhibititslfintter-struction in the University High
national diplomacy, as contrasted School, paid a return visit to Bel-
to the Democratic Party with its gium, France, the Netherlands, and
League of Nations. Germany, spending the major part
George Young, Labor Member of of their time in Germany. The
the British parliament, disagreed, significant point is that as guests
and said there had been confu- of the Ministry of Education, they;
sion in the Washington conference were enabled to get a "close-up"
and since the United States was of the democratic tendencies in
running the conference, it was re- German education that is denied to
sponsible for the confusion. If the the casual visitor.
treaty had resulted in inequality Idalism Versus M itarism
for the United States as regards Iacommersisg onita id
cruisers, which he was not entire- In commenting on the rapid
ly willing to grant, he said the Schorling said that one of the first
United States had gained great reactions was a new terminology.
compensation for her sacrifices by Some of the most common phrases
the provision of a system whereby were "more respect for personal-
the United States, England, and ity," "creative impulse," "purpose-
Japan exercised a free power con- ful work," and "individuality of the
trol of the sea. jchild." The curricula and method
have been more adjusted to the
,N Gneeds, capacities, and interests of
the child. "Of course," Dr. Schorl-
ing added, "it is impossible to talk
about the new methods without in-
NW SWIMMINcluding the Youth Movement. It
was a reaction against the formal
curriculum, the restricted family
(By Associated Press) life, the artificial conditions of city
HONOLULU, August 8-A new life, and to some extent, against
world's record in the 100 meter free the standards of adults, (for exam-t
style was held today by Miss Elea- ple, excessive use of alcohol) as
nor Garatti of San Rafael, Calif., well as a protest against rich liv-
who swam the distance in one min- ing. It was a spontaneous upheav-
ute, nine seconds and four-fifths, al responding to the higher ideal-
while defending her national title ism that always opposed domineer-
in the Amateur Athletic Union ing militarism."
Swimming Championship for wo- Believing in the Dewey philos-
men. ophy, that one learns only through'
Miss Garatti twice shattered her living, some of the-German schools
previous world record for the 100 are attempting far reaching or-
meter event. In the first qualify- ganization. Encouraged and financ-
ing trial she set a mark of 1 min- ed by the Socialist-Democratic par-
ute, ten seconds, breaking her prev- ty, which, although not in control,'
ious record by three-fifths of a sec- has a great amount of power, the
ond. children are to be given a natural
In the final heat last night, Miss education though the conditions
Garatti clipped off a fifth of a may be very difficult; it is an earn-!




cursions which resemble our Boyj
Scout and Campfire organizations,
but which perhaps do not have
quite as much adult guidance, sat-
isfy the wanderlust instinct that is
inherent in many a growing boy
and girl. There is an honest effort
to humanize education.
Citizenship Stressed
"Emphasis is laid on citizenship
in this attempt to get out of
materialism into Nature," Dr.
Schorling said, "and there is great
interest in sports. Stress is laid
on physical education and on health
and athletic programs. There are
scores of play fields for tennis and
other games resembling our foot-
ball and volley ball. Some of these
athletic plants were employed by
th military machine preceding and
during the war as training camps.
Today they are vacation schools.
The physical education program is
a varied one. Emphasis is placed
on culture and simplicity. A gen-
uine reaction against militaristic
tendencies exists-one never sees
a soldier now. It would be very
difficult, I think, to put the modern
German youth into a uniform."
In concluding the interview, Dr.
Schorling said, "Even though Dr.j
Woody and I had an unusual op-
portunity to see German schools,
one feels that one cannot get to
the bottom of things in so short a
visit. Hence, I was somewhat
amused upon my return to read an
announcement that I was going to
write a book on German schools.
We will leave that for those who

try to hold such gatherings for
the exchange of ideas. Many of the
students stated that they favored
such discussion groups because in
this way they were able to make
more faculty contacts and felt more
free to discuss problems.
Prof. Henri Chamard of University
of Paris, Authority on Renais-
sance, To Come Here
Eleven new instructors will be
added to the staff of the depart-
ment of romance languages at the
beginning of the fall semester.
Seven members of the faculty, in-
cluding Prof. Arthur G. Canfield,
former head of the French depart-
ment, have left the University.
Prof. Henri Chamard of the Uni-
versity of Paris, will take up a
professorship here the second se-
mester. He is an outstanding au-
thority on Renaissance literature.
Two Assistant Professors

Two of the new men have been
appointed to assistant professor-
ships. One of them is Dr. Charles
Knudson, Ph.D., Harvard, who
IIhas this year been at the Uni-
versity of Buffalo. His special-
ty is the French literature of
the Middle ages. The other assis-
tant professor is Jean Ehrhard,
graduate of the Ecole Normale Su-
perieure with highest honors, his
specialized subject being literature
of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Prof. Harry Wann, head of the
modern language department at
the Terre Haute Normal, will teach
half time while completing his
doctor's work. Among the other
new men are W. H. Bentley, grad-
uate of Yale, instructor in Italian;1
I M. Brien, graduate and instructor
at Princeton, instructor in French;
Jean Cloppet is returning after a!
year's leave of absence; J. Rice,
graduate Ohio State university, in-
structor in French; T. T. Foley,
graduate of Harvard, instructor in
French; R. C. Steward, graduate of
the University of Tennessee,
French; Roy Nygren, University of
Michigan, instructor at Culver Mil-
itary academy, French.
Varied Destinations
In addition to Professor Canfield,
six instructors are leaving the de-
partment. Capt. Robert V. Finney
will go to Purdue; Homer A. Des-
Marais is going into business; Jean!
A. Maigret to the United States
Naval academy; Anton Napoliis
going to the University of Wiscon-
sin as instructor and will also work -
on his Ph.D.; Earl A. Resweber will
go to the City College of Detroit;

Locked In Liner
Aboard the Thuringia today they
locked him up in a detention cell
somewhere down in the hold and
he made the trip over in the Zeppe-
lin shut up in a tiny box-like com-
partment high up in the ship's tail
without any view at all.
Buschko was brought to New
York today from Gloucester, N. J.,,
where he had been held by immi-
gration authorities since Sunday.
Officials of the steamship company
refused to allow him to be inter-
viewed or photographed in a.-
cordance with a plan to discourage
the practice of stowing away on
ocean liners and airships.
He will be taken off at Hamburg
to await the action of German au-
thorities for leaving the country
without a passport.
Second Stowaway
It was a little later than Dr.
Hugo Eckener had planned to get
away, some delay having been caus-
ed bya plumber's apprentice from
Trenton, N. J., who had acquired
big ideas about stowaways.
After the, aspiring stowaway,
Morris Roth, had seen safely de-
posited in the navy brig, and a
thorough search had convinced
officers that another youth seen
lurlang close to an open cargo port
had been frightened away, affairs
moved with complete precision.
Four hundred blue-clad sailors
tugged at ropes dropped from the
enormous frame of the mistress of
the ocean skies. The Zeppelin stir-
red with a sound like a great sigh
and moved slowly stern-first from
the hangar. And then the band
burst into melody:
"It's a long, long trail a-winding
"To the lands of my dreams."
Eckener Boyishly Glad
And the old song in this playing
contained as much truth as poetry.
For this flight around the world
was a dream that had been burn-
ing in the heart of Dr. Eckener,
the ship's commander, for many
years. It was a great day for Dr.
Eckener and before the bustle of
last preparations for the take-off
he was in high spirits, laughing
and joking with reporters, poking
fellow officers in the ribs and act-
ing like a boy for all that he will

be 60 years old next
in all probability he
over Berlin.

Sunday, when
will be flying


have made a careful study of
many interesting changes that
taking place."
(By Associated Press)
American League
Detroit 9, Cleveland 6.
New York 6, Philadelphia 4.
Washington 3, Boston 2.
Chicago 5, 6, St. Louis 4, 2.
First game 11 innings.
National League


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, August 8-- The
commission which will arbitrate the
differences between the United
States and Canada over the sinking
of the rum runner I'm Alone in the
Gulf of Mexico last March has been
designated and is expected soon

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