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July 28, 1929 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1929-07-28

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SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1929

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ .II

wIf $'ituuu r
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.I
The Associated Press is exclusively en-I
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
ltntered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,j
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier. $.5o; by mail
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.........Howard F. Shout
Women's Editor..........Margaret Eckels
City Editor.................Charles Askren
Books Editor............ILawrence R. Klein
Sports Editor...........S. Cadwell Swanson
Night Editors

Little speaks-and that any pro-1
gram designed to make this point
of view more effective has a right
to consideration.
According to a report sent to the
U. S. Department of Commerce, thej
state of Michigan uses half as much
electric power as all of Great Brit-
ain. This figure seems a little
startling at first, but when we fur-
ther consider the statement of Ar-
thur W. Stace, director of the Mich-
igan Public Utilities Information
Bureau to the effect that every
workman in the state has the
equivalent of forty-five men work-
ing for him daily in the form of
electrically operated machines and
devices, the contrast seems very
However, Great Britain with her
enormous numbers of unemployed
might ponder this fact as being a
possible foundation for many of her
commercial ills.
For centuries the English attitude
has been. that the innovation of
every machine meant the loss from
I work of two'men. This attitude has
developed into so strong a reaction-
ary feeling that the industrial pro-
gress of the nation has been held
beck to a large extent.
Now, it seems, the British gov-
ernment is beginning to awaken to
the success of the American plan-
machines, machines, and still more


About Books

STENDAHL, by Paul Hazard; Cow-
ard McCann, Inc., New York, 1929
The picture of Stendahl which
M. Hazard has drawn is decidedly
a one sided portrait ,and yet de-
fensibly so since it is an achieve-
ment of an obviously avowed pur-
pose. There were three paths open
to the biographer; he might set out
to interpret Stendahl's works from
the point of view of his life; he
might create a very vivid figure
whom he accredits with writing the
books Stendhal wrote and who
lived through the incidents that
characterized Stendhal, and whom
he finally calls Stendhal. In this
case thq author enrolls himself
with the widey read Maurois, and
another very vital but more roman-
tic than human figure takes his
place in the gallery of interpreted
M. Hazard has refused to follow
either of these methods of attack.
An authority of wide recognition
on Stendhal and his period, his
choice is significant as an enuncia-
tion of biographical principles in
cases where the Boswellian tech-
nique is impossible, and further, as
it makes clear the fundamentally;
scientific approach toward the
problem of relationships between

Howard . .Shout
S. Cadwell Swanson
Charles Askr
Ben Manson
Dorothy Magee
Paul Showers
Deirdre McMullan

Walter Wilds
Harold Warren
Ldru Davis
Margaret Harris
William Mahey
Marguerite Henry
Rhea Goudy

EThough the season is fast pro-
gressing toward its end, and the
summer wardrobe has long since
been assembled, there always 're-
mains the problem of finding those
odds and ends which, somehow,
seem to be lacking just at the cruc -'
ial moment. No matter how com-
plete is one's wardrobe, a little
more, added here and there, servesI
to' repair the ravages of wear, and
to give just that touich of newness
which makes one confident that
she is still keeping pace with the
fast changing mode.
Recent innovations in woman's
dress are waiting to be utilized by
the' discerning person. Many of
these are being displayed by the
New York shops.
Now, at last, the problem of the
down-in-the-back evening dress
has been solved! Formerly, the wo-
man who was at all sensitive to
contradictions felt that her
straight-lined evening wrap was
out of harmony with the irregular
hem of her gown. Now she may
create a harmonizing effect by the
use of the new uneven line of the
evening cape which is being fea-
tured by Bonwit Teller.
The most informal fishing cos
tume, a direct contrast to the for-
mal gown, has, in no less degree,
received the attention of the de-
signers. Pastel shades have invad-
ed the realm of the somber-hued
costume of former days, and now
the woman of fashion goes forth
to angle confident that she has
sacrificed none of her chic to the
demands of nature.
Fishing must necessarily turn
one's thoughts to the water,' and
the discerning woman is quick to
notice the convenience of the new-
est beach shoe. It is lined with sa-
tin, and has a decided advantage
over the e sandals of old which
would not let the feet slip easily


Who Killed
They all talk in
"The Donovan
Affair," a mystery
drama that will
satisfy even the
most ardent fan
who knows his de-

e, \


Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Manager........Vernor Davis
Publications Manager...........Egbert Davis
Circulation Manager............Jeanette DaleI
Accounts Manager..............Noah Bryant
SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1929 '
Night Editor- Charles A. Askren


I. ..: ..... _ .:.:........::......, . {fr

tive literature
d demands the
rrr rr A Added 1
Kids a
with "Cr
Dorothy Revier All-Talk

nd All-Star
Patie Sound
nd Pets in
nicolor and
azy Nut"
king Comedy


That retiring President Clarence
Cook Little has not ceased to think
reflectively and constructively
about the problems of a modern
university is shown by his article,
"Women and Higher Education," in
the August Scribner's Magazine.
Away from the busy scene of cam-
pus activities and freed from the
restraints put upon his pronounce-
ments of educational policy while I
he was officially connected with the
University, Dr. Little has a rare op-
portunity to speak with detach-
ment and yet with authority based
on experience about the practice of,
university administration and about
the part universities will take in
the future work of the world. f
Dr. Little's proposals are char-
acteristically concrete and original.
First of all, he suggests the elim-
ination from the educational scene,
because they "complicate matters,"
of the "pseudo-male" aggressive
ladies (often holding positions of
importance in the university ad-
ministration or among the alum-
nae) who, "having themselves for-
gotten or never having possessed
a youth, of sufficient normalcy or
attractiveness to have developed
their emotional contacts with the
male sex, consistently think the
worst of and without trial condemn
the younger members of their own
sex." As a possible alternative, he
points to the plan now being car-
ried out here which replaces the
single middle-aged dean of women
by a committee of three young ad-
But this is not the central prob-
lem now requiring solution, accord-
ing to Dr. Little. Much more fun-
damental is the fact that, both
physiologically and psychologically,
"there is an inherent difference or
group of differences between the
normal man and the normal wo-
man," and the consequent necessi-
ty for developing in the university
a curriculum especially designed to
fit women for the part they are
peculiarly qualified to take in the
progress of humanity. Dr. Little
points out that "woman's suprem-
acy in the field of intimate human
relations," her "mothering" in-
stincts, her interest in intangible
values and ideals and in music and
the fine arts, her social skills, have
been neglected in the attempt to
subject her to the same formative
influences as men-who, as Dr. Lit-
tle shows, are far less conscientious
and less truly forward-looking.
Among the lines of study indicated
as necessary to a stimulating and
utilizable equipment for women at
graduation are biology, fine arts,
literature, child care and psychol-
ogy, social service, history, econom-
ics, and international politics.
Whether the proposal thus brief-
ly summarized is practical or not
will of course be a moot question.
But there can be n odenial that
woman has a unique contribution
to make-the "quiet, strong, con-
solidating point of view toward

Several commissions have been the life and the works of the char-j
sent over to study methods in this acter under consideration.
country, and the new Labor gov- In solving the latter problem M.
ernment, in the careful surveying Hazard has chosen to consider the
which it has planned to make, givesH.c
promise of even greater strides in life of Henri Beyle, bourgeois of
proisine.ofeeneatersrs-Grenoble and later known by scores
this line. The idea of mass pro- of pseugonyms of which his favor-
duction is at last finding its wayof ewsBon de o twdhahisa
into the minds of the British pub- thing to itself. Undoubtedly M.
lic and it is they who will make the thazardowsdento othisfrM
. Hazard was driven to this from
final decision and the administra-
tion will put it into the effect. recognition of the widely accepted
Then Aimerputantideaoishthatfofaxiom that Stendahl was a "queer
The American idea is that of genius." In separating his life4
large scale production in which from his literary works he has;
every citizen receives a part in sought to anatomize the contradic-
wages and in the ability to own tory factors in this strange person-
luxuries. There can be no argu- ality, and by examining the one1
ment that the wider use of manu- phase completely throw light on1
factured articles has resulted in the other-but this indirectly andj
an all-round and unprecedented by inference, the burden of, whichj


William Collier, Jr.
And All-Star Talking

Always Cool and Comfortable
Big Double Feature Program

prosperity and unemployment sit-
uation in this session.I


Editorial Comment

(From The Daily Illini)
"Lady Astor, you're a dirty liar."
And the house of commons went
into an uproar.
Jack Jones, labor member of the
house from Silvertown has given
the house more to think about in
the last few days than it has had
for sorme time. The labor repre-
sentative has been irked at the way
Lady Astor has been interrupting
him during his speeches.
Lady Astor said that the gentle-
man in question was drunk. She
didn't say so out loud, but whis-
pered it to some of the nearby
members. Jack raged and said: "I
am not drunk, and when you use
that word I tell you you are a dirty
liar." Lady Astor said that she
didn't make, any remark about the
state of soberness, but he announc-
ed that she had been making dirty
cracks about him for a long time.
Furthermore, he mentions, she had
said things under her breath while
he was talking, and he wanted to
know what they were. Following
this, there was one of those nice
little battles running along in the

lies upon the reader of Stedhal's into them. Altman is the display-
works. er of this welcome article.
The second phase of the problem Vogue is offering a two-piece
M. Hazard has dealt with is in his "gym suit," just the thing for the
approach to the character himself. woman who insists upon her daily
And here the eminent skill of the exercises. It is made of cotton ga-
biographer is brought to bear, for bardine, and has a sleeveless blouse,
M. Hazard is thoroughly familiar tucked in under the trunks. Both
with the period of French history the shoulders and the sides of the
that Stendhal comprised within waist yore are laced, adding a
himself, and his criticala pproach jaunty touch.
Freud in destroying and rebuilding * * *
the conceptions of human nature The brevity of trunks gives way
which hitherto have been charac- to) extreme length and width when
terized by the widely accepted tags one's attention turns to pajamas.
of Love, Honor and what not. Which If possible, these useful garments
is not to say that Hazard embarks have amplified their size even since
on colorful word pictures of the they were last thought of. The
French milieu, or that his inter- newest combination to be effected
pretation of Beyle is purely on the is the pajama ensemble, combin-
sexual basis, but talents along both ing the versatile cape with the
and serve to recreate the back- trousered outfit in a manner quite
ground of Beyle's existence while unusual. And one hears that this
they illuminate the true motives is intended for the informal din-
toward the personality of Beyle is ner!
motivated by the work of Jung and Matching lingerie, which long ago
from which his many contradictory came into its own, has gone even
actions have sprung. And M. Haz- 'a step farther. Now one's under-
ard has added to his treatment the ganments are fashioned of the same
delightful quality of wit which, if gret r ahoe ftesm
helevghtwere inang of itwouhldpattern as the dress itself, whether
he ever were in danger of it, would it be flowered chiffon or silk pique.
save him from humorless preoccu- Altman is now displaying dresses in
pation with one personality, but printed pussywillow, accompanied
which is so surely sympathetic that by lingerie of chiffon, printed in
it never sacrifices the character tobieieoift
the utho's qip.identical design.
the author's quip. Returning to capes, one notices
Perhaps it is this ironic disillu- that miniatures are being worn
sion which is to blame for the only with summer dance dresses of the
fault in the book-a too nicely writ- same material. - While hot weather
ten thinness of material-but for prevails, these small, thin wraps
all that Beyle does emerge, a ro- may easily rival the heavier, more
mantic figure when France was rav- conventional cape.
ing for rationalism and a sensitive, ' Countless other innovations are
nervous introspector when the men constantly invading the field of fa-
about him were swept up in the shion, and the wise woman would
stream of activity that was the ( do well to give them attention, if
Napoleonic Wars. she desires to know just when to
The translation from the French, add to her wardrobe those articles
by Eleanor Hard, is a finely and which should have been, but some-
evenly done piece of work which how were not, included at the
for its excellence becomes rather start.
transmutation than translation. -------
oa- --_-_

Now Playing
Maids - Wifes
Your Day of Glory is Here
Your hour of reckening
has come


All Women
that its a wonderful
Men can-
not deny
that itsea
great idea

f :I




w o


Sharon Lymn
Sall Phipps

Policy Today


Exclusive Ann Arbor Showing
Official Round by Round of International
Boxing Contest


fashion of: You did-I
til both parties were

didn't, un-I




Finally Mr. Jones said: "I am not
going to stand this much longer.
It is' a common thing for her to
talk under her breath about drunk-
enness when I am speaking. I will
tell her to her teeth that I am a
better man drunk than she is so-
It looks as though poor Lady As-
tor lost the argument, and here we
had always respected Lady Astor
tor for being a Lady. Ladies don't
make remarks about the condition
ofi fellow members in that manner.
Especially, they don't indulge in
such petty quarrels on the floor of
the house.
Mr. Jones' statement to the effect
that he was a better man drunk
than she was sober is one of much
truth. Surely Lady Astor could
have no come-back for that no
matter what she might have said.
But it is enlightening to know
that even in parliament it is pos-
sible to find liars, and dirty liars,,
too, Jack Jones did, however, with-
draw the remarks he made about!
Lady Astor, but only because he
wanted to stop the argument. He



Late Author Was Prolific Writer
Joseph Bushnell Ames, popular
author of many adult and chil-
dren's Western stories, who died
last year is to have a posthumous
novel published Dy Century on
August 16. It is called "The Bladed
Barrier," and the scene is laid in
that portion of Mexico known as
Lower California. This is Mr. Ames'
seventeenth book now in print on
the Century list, making him the
most prolific of Century authors in
point of books, published. His
nearest rivals are Harry A. Franck,
the famous vagabond traveler, and
Augusta Huiell Seman, writer of
children's mystery stories, each


- --

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