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July 25, 1929 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1929-07-25

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Unsettled conditions; some-
what warmer.
_______________________ __________________________

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Seventy Percent of Co1ege Failure
Traits Prove To Be Same as
in Secondary Students
Discussing "Student Personnel
Administration," Prof. Luther Pur-
dom, director of personnel at the
University of Missouri, and a visit-
ing member of the summer staff
of the School of Education, pointed
out that figures obtained from an
extensive survey of the Missouri in-
stitution and several military aca-
demies indicated more than 40 per-
cent of freshmen entering schools
are either gone or have an average
below C at the end of the first
"Seventy percent of the traits as-
sociated with failure in college stu-
dents are the same as those found
in unsuccessful high schools and
junior college pupils Approximate-
ly 30 percent of those who -fail are
found to have a greater than aver-
age intelligence and moreover, 30
percent of the successful, who are
those.recording at least a B aver-
age, have an intelligence below the
average," Professor PuFdom pointed
Predictions are made, Profesor
Purdom explained, of the scholastic
grade which will be -attained by
each individual, based upon the
data obtained in questionnaires
covering 18 points which directly
affect the individual In theUni-
versity of Missouri, where after
the prediction is made and the'
condition of the student noted no'
effort is made to correct any of the
weaknesses, forecastings are found
to be exact in more than 85 per-_
cent of the cases, he declared. '
However, in the military acade-
mies, after the survey of the stu-
dents condition has been made and
his delinquencies noted, corrective
measures were applied, and a defi-
nite plan of procedure was out-
lined for each person, rendering,
Profesor Purdom revealed, the pre-_'
' dictions accurate in only 25 per-_
cent of the instancest
Ninetyfour percent of the predic-
tions as to whether the individual1
would be above or below a passing
mark were accurate, proving the'
feasibility of employing the Eigh-
ten Point system of prediction, he1
Seven of the eighteen points con-
sidered in the inquiry as to the
condition of the student are most
likely to indicate failure, he said.
These are, according to Purdom,
lack of initiative, bad personal hab-
its, no definite purpose, undesirable
recreation and amusement, poor1
family life, lack of interest, and
intelligence Purdom listed the re-
maining points which prove in-1
valuable in predicting probable
success or failure as inheritance,
finance, religion, sex, health, morals
(honesty, etc); fear, iealousy, love
and early over-stimulation. 1
In correction of the various
faults, Professor Purdom averred,

_ . r U r- , railrIt. i Tr

r n

l Puppets will again entertain' MAHKEUHl EXAL IU
Summer Session students when the
'1'atterman Marionettes presentIfQ
John uskin's, "King of the Golden MOT BEAV R
River," next Monday afternoon and
night in the Lydia Mendelssohn ROELS SAYS DIARIES GIVE BEST
theater. This type of performance



Tension Between Eastern Powers Ib
Lessening along Border; Rail
Center Quiets Down

!which has gained such favor on
the campus in the past is being
sponsored by the Ann Arbor Alum-
nae association.
The dramatization for this pres-
entation as well as many others
used by the Tatterman group was
written by Miss Catherine Reig-
hard, '15, of New York. After her
graduation from the University, she
studied under Prof. George Baker
at Yale, graduating from his "play
Puppeteering should have an
especial 'appeal for the educatorsI
on the campus due to the recent
tendency to give instruction in
marionette work in secondary
schools. Opportunity will be af-
forded those attending the per-
formances to visit the backstage
after each show at which time
demonstrations will be given in
the manipulation of the wooden

VnwPPn lp Fin d nrE cn i t !t n

Hearth Education Conference
Part of Week End Series Will
Be First of Type Here


Health education will be the
subject for the fifth week-end con-
ference conducted by the School of
Education next Friday and Satur-
day. This will be the first confer-
ence of its type ever attempted in
the University and is designed pri-
marily for principals, superintend-
ents, and class-room teachers. Two
of the principal speakers of the
two-day session will be Daniel J.
Kelly, superintendent of schools,
Binghamton, New York, and Miss
Sally Lucas Jean, formerly direc-
tor of health education, American
Child Hygiene association.
"Experience has shown," said Dr.
John Sundwall, director of the di-
vision of hygiene and public health
of the University, in a recent inter-
view, "that the success of school
health programs depends upon two;
things: first, upon the understand-
ing and interest of the principal
and superintendent, and second,
upon the interest of the class-room
teacher." It was with this fact in
view that the conference was ar-
Daniel J. Kelly, who will speak
tomorrow on "The Role of the
School Superintendent in a Health
Program," and on "The Health
Education Program in Binghamp-
ton" on Saturday, is one of the
country's most prominent figures
in his field. His is nationally known
to be an unusually effective pro-
Miss Sally.Lucas Jean, who will
speak Saturday on "Some Com-
ments on Health Education," has
just returned from the Philippine
Islands where she was summoned'
by ex-governor Stimson to be ofI

Young reope r ing xpression u-
let in Sports, Music, Dancing
and Founding Societies
Prof. R. M. Roels, director of the
j),ychological laboratories of the
University of Utrecht, Holland, ad-
dressed a well filled hall on the
lecture topic of "The Biological Sig-
I nificance of Puberty," at 5 o'clock
yesterday afternoon in Natural
Science Auditorium.
Dividing his lecture into two
parts, Prof. Roels first discussed
the entrance intopuberty in terms
of behaviour. In noting the changes
from late childhood into puberty,
the diary offers the best source of
research he said, at first the diarist
is keenly introspective, writing the
things which he has experienced
during the course of the day. When
the change occurs, "the diarist of
today stands over against the diar-
ist of yesterday, and the entry of
yesterday seems absurd.". Prof.
Roels went on to tell of how the
entrance into puberty changed the
entire point of view and attitude
of the pubescent toward his out-
ward and inward life.
Girl's Diaries Subjective
"The diary is a special form of
behavious during pubescence," said
Prof. Roels. Girls diaries, he ex-
plained, are far more subjective
during the awakening than are
those of the boys. Girls seem to
find their emotions suddenly and
are more keenly aware of the
change. They peer into their own
reactions and record them with
surprise and care. Boys seem more
to find the changes in the world
about them than in themselves.
These young people, Professor
Roels added, find their expression
in such forms of behaviour as
founding societies, writing poetry
and letters, dancing, music and,
sport. In most cases, however, he
said, the most complete satisfaction
comes with writing down one's
"The child unequivocally accepts
his surrounding and the relation
between himself and the surround-
sing," continued Prof. Roels. He
assumes a standpoint of his own
against all those of life but he must
try to come to an understanding
of the openings adolescence and
pubescence disclose to him. I
Puberty Brings Caprice
Pride and caprice are the first
signs of puberty. In girls this
finds expression in the thought
that "I want something and. I
don't know what it is." The young
people are shy, their motives are
not clearly outlilned. Their atti-
tudes toward the outward life and
ideals are shy, which explains the
reaction, he added.
"The individual must begin to
feel the need of a completion of
his ego before he is really in the
state," went on Professor Roels. The
inward and outward conflict of
their natures must be great enough
to stir them out of childhood into
puberty, he said. While in the
rhapsody of this emotion, they
handle feelings of strength and
imagery in a dramatic part of
the self. The child finds his most
serious problems in his attitude to-l
ward life while in this stage," a
stage which we as adults describet
as exalted,' he concluded.<
(By Associated Press)
American League1
New York 7, Detroit 5.

Philadelphia 5, Cleveland 3.
Boston 9, St. Louis 7.
Washington 3, Chicago 2.
National Leaguez
Brooklyn 6, Pittsburgh 4.x
Cincinnati 3, Boston 5.

Courses in athletic coaching,
physical education, and adminis-
tration for the Summer Session
have a total enrollment of 78 stu-
dents, according to the final re-
port released yesterday by Dean
Edward H. Kraus of the Summer
Session. Fifty-one of these are reg-
istered in the School of Education,
eight in the Graduate school, one
in the college of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts, and 18 inclassi-j
Football coaching, with 78 elec-
tions leads in number enrolled,
there being 466 elections over the
whole field. Basketball is second1
with 75 classified, and baseball has
37. The remainder of the registra-I
tions is made of elections in track,1
athletic training, organized play
and recreation, administration, mi-1
nor sports, football rules and of-
ficiating, scouting, first aid, graded,
plays and games, school programs,
physical examinations, and Kinesi-
Many Graduates Enroll
More than 31 states are repre-
sented in the enrollment. Michi-
gan leads with slightly more than
20 percent; Ohio sends 8 persons;
5 come from Indiana; and the re-
mainder are scattered rather equal-
ly over the various states all the
way from Oregon to Maine. Six-
teen students are unclassified.
Of the total of 78 students, 53,
are graduates of normal schools or
colleges. The total number of de-
grees held by the student body is
48, consisting of 28 bachelor of
arts, 16 bachelor of science, two
master of arts, one master of en-
gineering, and one bachelor of phy-
sical education. Five are graduates
of normal schools or teachers col-
leges. Four persons hold more than
one degree.
Many Professional Coaches
Only eight of the students arel
college coaches. Twenty-eight holdI
positions as coaches of some sportf
in high schools, and there is one
coach enrolled who directs grade
school athletics. Two men are
Vniinrr A~~~~~nn' 0,rci o n in i "

offer Complete Sports Curriculum;,
20 Percent Are from Michigan;
Many Hold Degreesj

jJ. V. A. McMurray
American minister to China, has
given up a leave home to be in
touch with the Chinese-Russian
Dartmouth Educator Cites Small
Percentage of Failures as Result
of Careful Selection
Evidence of the success of the
Dartmouth selective process for ad-
mission to college was indicated by
Prof. Arthur. D. Wright of Dart-
mouth college in his address Tues-
day afternoon in the Univeilsity
high school auditorium when he
stated that only slightly more than
one and one-half percent of the
freshmen in the college last year
were separated from college at mid-
year because of scholastic difficul-
The Dartmouth class of 1932 is
comprised of 586 members, rep-
resenting 36 states and more than
300 different preparatory schools.
Of this number only 10 left school
for reasons indicated, Wright said.
Such selected students meet with'
success in their later years, accord-
ing to the speaker who cited the
fact that 504 of the total enroll-
ment were Seniors, 507 Juniors,
and 596 Sophomores.
The outstanding points in the

(By Associated Press)
TOKYO, July 25.-The day of
the Kellogg-Renunciation of War
past ceremonies in Washington,
brought Manchuria new hopes of
peace in a definite effort of Rus-
sians and Chinese alike to dissipate
the war clouds hanging over the
far-east for the past fortnight.
Despite the diplomatic rupture
between Russia and China, Soviet
Consul-General Melnikov of Har-
vin, met Chang Tso Fiang, chief
lieutenant of Governor Chang
I#sueh-liang of Manchuria and
himself head of the Kirin provin-
cial government in a conference at
The conference was regarded as a
significant approach to the right
negotiations between. Russia and
China for a peaceful settlement of
the controversy over the Chinese-
Eastern Railway.
Coniequently Rengo, another
Japanese agency, reported marked
lessening of tension at Harvin and
also at the border. Rengo mes-
sages from Manchuli, western ter-
minus of the Chinese Eastern and
a trouble center on the frontier
said the Russian and Chinese
troops had arranged a kind of
truce by which both sides withdrew
some distance from the actual bor-
der line. Manchuli was gradually
resuming its normal appearance.
Harvin messages reported Rus-
sian and Chinese representatives
were nearing Harvin for the official
conference. Serebriakov, Russian
representative sent from Moscow,
was at Dauria, opposite Manchuli.
Chu Shao-Yang, former Chinese
charge d'affairs at Moscow was ex-
pected shortly at Harvin as the
Chinese representative.
Russian Ambassador Troyanovsky
told reporters it was useless for
any nation to attempt mediation
between Russia and China until
China had restored the status quo.
It was said authoritatively in
Tokyo that no Chinese request for
mediation had, been received.
o- 0

each phases must, be definitely de-
termined, and then must be treated
Ttmorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock
Prof. Earl V. Moore, Musical Direc-
tor of the University School of Mu-
sic and Frofessor of Music in the
University, will deliver a lecture
upon the subject, "Present Tenden-I
cies in Musical Composition" in,
Natural Science Auditorium. The;
lecture will be illustrated with pho-
nograph records.
Mr. Moore is nationally known3
not only through his administra-I
tive activities in the School of Mu-
sic but also for his work in the;
creative field. He is the composer
of several cantatas and other com-
positions. The lecture tomorrow
afternoon will not be presented in
a technical fashion and will be of

assistance in the organization of a1
health program.
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, July 25.-Whirlingl
on in the record breaking endur-I
ance flight Dale "Red" Jackson and
Forest O'Brine piloting the St. Louis
Romin, passed their 274th hour in
the air at 6:17 last night, Detroit
time today, having exceeded the old
record by more than a full day.E
The steady drone of the motor told)
observers at Lambert-St. Louis
Field, that all was well.j
Major William B. Robertson,
Aeroplane company is sponsor.
president of the Curtis-Robertson
sponsored the record endurance
flight of the St. Louis Robin said
that, "It looks like the motor will

Youn uu±± n-s ±vneu ~isia assoiaion, process are emphasis on high schol-' BULLETIN
coaches; nine are without experi- arship in high school, extracurri- -U ETN1
ence, and 30 of ' the students fail- cular activities, and evidence of
ed to list experience, if any. character and personality as re- WASHINGTON, July 25.-By
The Summer Session courses in vealed in statements by the se- its wn terms, the Kellogg-Bri-
athletic coaching have been plan- ondary school principal and as and treaty for renunciation of
ned to satisfy the needs of those brought out by an interview with a tional policy became effecntive
who are already engaged in phys- committee of Dartmouth alumni, at noon today with the deposit
ical education and coaching dur- Professor Wright explained. apn t th te depart
ing the regular school year and In addition, the process includes mentofaits formaltinstrument
for others who may wish to sup- provision for admitting all appli- of adherence.
plement the preparation already cants who stand in the upper quar- o
received in colleges and profession- ter of their secondary school class
al schools. The courses embrace all at gradtation, provided they have STEA MBOA T TRIES
of the more important problems of good character references and have
athletic coaching and are designed taken four years of English and TO BREAK RECORD
for men more competently to sup- two of mathematics, he said. AboutI
ervise athletics and gymnastics in two-fifths of each class are ad- (By Associated Press)
preparatory schools and colleges. mitted on this basis, Wright added. MEMPHIS, Tenn., July 25.--The
I Necessity has developed the select- snag-filled, hazardous channel of
DOUBLES TEAM 4ive process for choosing freshmen the upper Mississippi reaches and
since out of 1800 applicants, only the weariness of long sleepless
WINS 'VICTORY 600 may be accepted, Wright ex- hours conspired today against Dr.
plained. Louis Leroy of Memphis and his
(By Associated Press) Professor Wright indicated that two companions as they drove the
PARIS, July 24-America's col- preference is given to applications speedboat Bogie upstream in a race
lege tennis team of Johnnie Van from properly qualified applicants against the long-standing New Or-
Ryn and Wilmer Allison have sent from New Hampshire, the South, leans to St. Louis record of the
the -French to worrying about the the trans-Mississippi states, and Robert E. Lee.
outcome of the Davis Cup doubles sons of alumni. This group com-i Casting off from the bank op-
to be played Saturday following the prises about one-fourth of each posite Memphis at 22 minutes be-
opening singles battle, of the chal- class, he concluded. fore midnight, the Bogie was 2
lenge round Friday. I'hours and 26 minutes behind the
After watching the two "kids" INITIATION PLANNED i time of the packet which in 1870
lambaste the everlasting daylights Imade the trip in 90 hours and 14
out of Karl Kozeluh, the world's Summer initiation of the Omega minutes-a record Dr. Leroy has
ranking professional and Martin chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, na- tried three times to lower. Drift-
Plaa, French pro, 6-1, 6-2, 6-0, to- cwood and engine trouble have
day, Pierre Gillou, captain of the tional honorary educational society, stopped him before.
French team, ordered out the old will be held at 4:30 this afternoon The fate that met his other at-
guard Henri Cochet, and Jean Bo- on the third floor of the Union. tempts bobbed up again in the
rotra who paired together in dou- It has been announced that Dean shape of a floating log. Seven
bles practice. They offered Jacq-;Gray of the School of Education at hours were lost when the Bogie
ues Burgon and Christian Boussus j Gra TT 1,v f 1 Edcation at tied up below Rosedale, Miss., to

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